A training package Sumaya Janahi 201000451 What is job satisfaction ? • Describing whether an employee is happy and contented and the job fulfill his desire and needs. • The degree of the employee’s positive or negative feeling about their certain job. • How well or how bad a job provides fulfillment of a worker needs and serves their wants. Maslow hierarchy of needs The importance of job satisfaction: • key factor that leads to success in any organizations. • It can influence a corporation at individual or group level. • It has a direct impact on the whole company as well as employees. Factors that effect job satisfaction and influence employees’ performance 1. Financial rewards 2. Working condition 3. Relationship with supervisor 4. Opportunities for advancement Low job satisfaction effects: • Lack of productivity • Employee turnover • High absenteeism rates • Work stress High job satisfaction effects: • Increase productivity • Reduce turnover • Improving attendance Methods that companies can use to measure job satisfaction : • Survey • Interview with employees • Monitoring performance. Also, the company can measure high job satisfaction form different indictors. For example: • Employees’ high performance • Increased production percentage • Low absenteeism rates and turnover. Work attitude: Work attitudes are short term feeling toward something. Basically, and attitude is linked to the work situation, there are 3 primary components of attitude: 1. Cognitive: employee’ beliefs and lifestyle. 2. Affective: employee’ feelings and emotions 3. Behaviors: employee’ actions toward a situation Moods at workplace Mood is an important factor of organizational behavior that impact the performance. Employees with positive mood perform better and most likely to be helpful and support his team. Negative moods lead to rudeness and conflicts in the workplace. Emotions at workplace A short term feeling and if it last for long period it could cause moods. Employees must present themselves in a certain way no matter how they feel. Personality: Personality can be a factor that influences job satisfaction, as it’s a key determinant of satisfied employee. Positive affectively person is more likely to be satisfied with his job than people with negative affectivity, because of their way of thinking and the demeanors in dealing with problems and how to treat other employees. Job characteristic model In 1980, Hackmen and Oldham designed a job characteristic model based on the idea of the importance of a task as a key motivator to the employee. Thanks for attending.