Writing Checklist - Burnet Middle School

Writing Checklist
Writing Checklist
Do not hand in an essay without having checked all of the
things listed below. Attach this checklist to your essay as proof.
If you hand something in and errors that should have been
caught while checking are found, points will be deducted.
Do not hand in an essay without having checked all of the
things listed below. Attach this checklist to your essay as proof.
If you hand something in and errors that should have been
caught while checking are found, points will be deducted.
 Every sentence starts with a capital letter
 Every sentence starts with a capital letter
 Every sentence ends with either a period, question mark,
or exclamation point
 Words are properly spaced, not pushed all together
 Spelling is double checked and possibly misspelled words
are circled
 Every sentence makes sense (**Read it back to yourself
to make sure**)
 Every sentence is a complete thought
 Every paragraph begins on a new line
 Each paragraph is about one topic
 There are transition words at the beginning and end of
body paragraphs
 There is an introduction paragraph
 There is a conclusion paragraph
 Every sentence ends with either a period, question mark,
or exclamation point
 Words are properly spaced, not pushed all together
 Spelling is double checked and possibly misspelled words
are circled
 Every sentence makes sense (**Read it back to yourself
to make sure**)
 Every sentence is a complete thought
 Every paragraph begins on a new line
 Each paragraph is about one topic
 There are transition words at the beginning and end of
body paragraphs
 There is an introduction paragraph
 There is a conclusion paragraph