Title: ¡La Futura Fantastica! By: Derek Minemyer Grade level: Sophomore High School Intermediate Intended Language: Spanish Length: 51 minutes 1. Goal: tense. Students will have a solid, applicable grasp of the concept of the future 2. Objectives: Terminal Objectives: 1. Students will be able to conjugate verbs and use the tense in context while speaking. 2. Students will learn to use the easiest form of the future tense from the “Ir+A” model. (Voy a comprar una cosita = I will buy some little thing.) Enabling Objectives: 1. Students will memorize verb endings through listening to my lecture, taking notes, and doing in-class assignments and activities. (hablar = yohablaré, tu- hablarás, Ud./él/ella- hablará, nos- hablaremos, Uds./ellos/ellashablarán) 2. Students will apply their knowledge of “Ir+A” to in-class collaborative speaking activities. (Ir = yo- voy, tu- vas, Ud./el/ella- va, nos- vamos, Uds/ellos/ellas- van…. Voy a la tienda = I will go to the store.) 3. Students will listen to a Youtube video that will help them grow accustomed to hearing the future tense in fluent context. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FtxMceDILI) They will not be expected to understand what the speakers are saying, only to identify the use of the future tense. 4. Through collaboration, a student and his/her partner will practice speaking by telling each other what they will do for the rest of the day (eg. P1: Carlos ¿Que vas a hacer despues de clase? … P2: Pues, conduciré para ver una pelicula). 5. Using flashcards, students will practice memorizing proper conjugations of verbs in the future tense. This is also a collaborative activity. 3. Materials and Equipment We will need an overhead projector, Powerpoint, Youtube video (Internet), markers, blank note cards, future-tense theme decorations (set up for in the room and stays for the duration of the unit) eg. “¡Bienvenidos a la seccion de la Futura!” Done in laminated letters with a verb-ending tree that shows all of the future tense verb endings. 4. Procedure I will begin class by telling the students the focus of the lecture. I will use the Future tense, and ask the students to record all of the conjugations that I use and recite them back to me once I’m done speaking. - “Hola clase. Hoy, vamos a estudiar el “Future Tense”. Les mostraré como y cuando usarlo. Jugaremos partidos collaborativos. Vamos a crear flashcards. Practicaremos la futura mucho. Vamos a escuchar a un video de Youtube.” b. Set of Activities i. Duration 15 Minutes - I will begin the lesson with a Powerpoint lecture that shows all verb endings with examples of each. It will also explain when to use the future tense. There will be a strict emphasis on the irregular form of the word “ir” (yo- voy, tu- vas, Ud./el/ella- van, nosotros- vamos, Uds./ellos/ellas- van). ii. Duration 5 Minutes - After the lecture, students will split into pairs to practice what they’ve learned. (Hola, me llamo Carlos. Luego, voy a comer almuerzo con mis amigos.) iii. Whole Class Work: - Duration 10 Minutes - Students will return to respective seats. I will play the Youtube video. Students will be asked to write down all verbs that they hear. Each will recite one of the conjugations back to me iv. Small Group and Pair Work: - Duration 15 Minutes - Students will be given flashcard materials. I will ask them to draw an image of a future activity, with the correctly conjugated verb on the other side. They will pair up and practice with 4 different classmates. v. Teacher Talk: - Duration 6 Minutes - This will consist of me handing out timed conjugation sheets (time tables). Students will conjugate as many verbs as they can in 2 minutes. There will be 3 different charts, each with different verbs (-ar verbs: hablar, buscar, encontrar, pescar, practicar, -er verbs: comer, beber, creer, volver, conocer, -ir verbs: vivir, pedir, escribir, vestir, ir) vi. Closure: - I will finish the class with prompting students to practice the future tense at home, but that they had done well and earned a no-homework day. It is hard to assign homework for the Future Tense because it’s a fairly easy concept. It is meant to be practiced in real life situations. 5. Evaluation: This will occur extensively before, during, and after class. In retrospect I will analyze the individual reactions of each student to my methods, and study their engagement in the learning process. This will help me to sculpt my teaching style to the apparent learning preferences of each student. 6. Artistic Modality: I chose the flashcards as the artistic duality for this lesson plan. As simple of a concept as it is, there is no better way to link visual aid to solidified understanding of a lesson. Here, students were able to create flashcards using their imagination. They had the opportunity to draw anything they desired, as long as it was content appropriate and was followed by the correct future tense verb conjugation of the picture shown. This allowed for students to work together to both learn new verbs and gain a further understanding of the lesson.