further info - Faculty of Business and Economics

and Economics
CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C
Australia  Malaysia  South Africa  Italy  India
European Business and Society (BEX5832)
Information Sheet
Program Requirements for all potential participants
Applications close October 5, 2015
Only post-graduate students are eligible to apply
All students require travel insurance for this study trip.
Please read thoroughly the requirements as specified in the International Study Program (ISP) application form and the
Monash Abroad – Pre Departure Advice for International Study Programs (see attached document)
Monash University Students
Students need to check with their unit coordinator and/or seek course advice to ensure that the unit can be counted towards
their degree. This is the student’s responsibility.
Monash Students will be manually enrolled in the unit once the application has been endorsed and confirmed
Monash post-graduate students studying in Australia are eligible for travel insurance under the Monash University Travel
Insurance Policy. This policy coverage is for the duration of the Study Trip plus a few days either side of the specified
dates. Please note: Any extended travel before or after the Study Tour dates will require you to purchase your own travel
insurance coverage.
Please Note: Monash Students from non- Australian campuses are not entitled to Monash Abroad Travel Grants or
Monash Travel Insurance.
Program Information:
 Students are responsible for organising their own return air fares to Europe and for the costs associated with any
transport/transits while in Europe. Students are expected to be in Prato for the program’s commencement on Monday
November 30, 2015
 Those students travelling on EU or Australian passports do not require a visa to enter Italy or Belgium. However, those
students from level 3 or 4 countries will need to organise their own visa to Italy and Belgium. All participants will need to
check on their visa requirements/status (especially international students) to ensure their eligibility to enter Italy and Belgium
and also any requirements in terms of leaving and returning to Australia to continue their studies. Please check your status
with Monash Abroad: www.monash.edu/studyabroad
Costs and Funding Information (All prices in Australian Dollars):
Students enrolling into BEX 5832 will be entitled to apply to a Monash Abroad Travel Grant of approximately $500 subject
to eligibility criteria.
Students are responsible for any personal spending, accommodation, air fares, transport costs and meals. Please note that
air fares (Australia–Italy and Belgium–Australia) range in price but average approximately $2,500. (You are free to choose
whatever option suits you of getting from Italy to Belgium).
Accommodation: Students need to organise their own accommodation. You can check the Monash Prato Website for a
listing of hotels in Prato http://monash.it/facilities/accommodation
Some indicative costs:
Single Room:
approx 50 Euro per night, 6 night = 300 Euros
Brussels approx 60-80 Euro per night, 5 nights = 300-400 Euros
(1 Euro = 1.45 AUD (June 2015)
*Shared rooms will work out cheaper if students are happy to share rooms.
Recommendation: Average spending on meals and incidentals is approx.
$80 per day
Australia  Malaysia  South Africa  Italy  India
CRICOS provider: Monash University 00008C
European Business and Society (BEX5832)
Monash University Fees
 Fees to be paid are the normal fees a student pays according to his or her course enrolment. Please Note: this is a 12 point
unit (double the normal 6 point unit) and so it counts as two units for some courses and therefore incurs double the fee of a
6 point unit. Fees will need to be paid by all participants the program
Please Note:
No online application will be accepted.
Interested applicants are encouraged to apply early as there are limited places available on the study tour. A submitted
application is not confirmation of participation on the study trip. Do not book airline tickets until you have been notified that
your application has been accepted and that the study tour will take place
Failure to reach a minimum number of participants will result in the study tour being cancelled.
Official results for this unit BEX 5832 will be released at the end of the Summer Semester in late February 2016.
Next Steps: Where to from here:
Students after reading this information sheet and the attached ISP form who are interested in applying for the Intensive
European Union Study in Europe need to do the following;
 Complete the Monash Abroad International Study Program application from and submit all the required accompanying
documentation (Monash Students).
 Complete the Enrolment Amendment Form
 Please submit the ISP application form and accompanying documentation to
Tina Conde
Operations Manager - Student Services
Faculty of Business and Economics