BRIMS-Submission Guidelines and Template

Author’s Guide for BRIMS 2015
To submit your document, go to, select “start your submissions process
here”, and follow the online instructions. The required document type for conference submissions is either Microsoft
Word (.doc) or Portable Document Format (.pdf).
Please note that there are separate formatting guidelines below for full papers, poster and exhibit abstracts, symposia,
and panels.
General Guidelines
is a requirement that papers submitted to BRIMS be
original works that have not been published elsewhere.
Nevertheless, it is common for papers to build on
previous work, and we are all standing on the shoulders of
those who have come before us. Be sure that all concepts,
text, figures, and tables obtained from other sources are
properly referenced and acknowledged.
LENGTH: The length of paper submissions intended for
presentation in Traditional Sessions is limited to 5-8
pages for the 17 December deadline. Authors are
encouraged to choose their appropriate length. The length
of poster and demo submissions is limited to 2 pages.
The length of symposium and panel submissions is
limited to 2 pages.
TYPE AND FONT: Set the paper in 10-point type,
using Times New Roman font. The type may be slightly
smaller for mathematical formulas, subscripts, and
VERTICAL SPACING: Use 12-point vertical spacing
(i.e., 6 lines per inch, 2-point leading) if the text contains
no mathematical formulas, or if all formulas are displayed
separately. If one or more lines of text contain formulas
involving subscripts, superscripts, overscores, or
underscores, then use either variable vertical spacing or
18 point vertical spacing throughout the paper, whichever
gives the best appearance.
MARGINS: The body text of the paper should be
divided into two equal columns, each 3.25 inches (8.25
cm) wide, with a separation of 0.2 inch (0.5 cm) between
columns. Text should be fully justified. The vertical
height of each column should be 9 inches (22.9 cm), with
a 1 inch (2.5 cm) top margin. On US Letter paper, the left
and right margins will be 0.9 inches and the bottom
margin will be 1 inch. On ISO A4 paper, the left and
right margins will be 2.0 cm and the bottom margin will
be 4.3 cm.
HEADINGS: Section and subsection headings should be
printed flush left, in boldface text, and numbered as
shown in the sample. Major sections headings should be
Set Like This Phrase, while all others should be
Capitalized Like This Phrase. Insert one blank line
before and after each heading.
PARAGRAPH SPACING: Do not indent paragraphs.
Insert one line space between paragraphs.
headers, or footers.
Do not include page numbers,
sample paper for examples of the format.
The Submission Guideline for BRiMS 2014
Jane A. Doe
Acme Laboratory
1 Acme Dr.
Somewhere, ZZ 00000
Example, Submission, Guidelines
ABSTRACT: This is an example containing instructions for the preparation of papers for the Conference on
Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation. Please follow these guidelines as closely as possible. Your
paper must be submitted electronically to the conference web site. Submissions for traditional session papers should
be between 5-8 pages and authors are encouraged to choose their appropriate length. Use of Times New Roman font
is strongly encouraged throughout the paper. Abstract text should be typed using 10-point italics and fully justified.
Please note the setting of the word “ABSTRACT'' at the beginning of the paragraph (bold, upper case, non-italics).
1. This is a Section Title
Figures, tables, equations, and references should be
cited using decimal notation, such as Figure 1.1.
Section Titles should be set in Times New Roman 12point bold, numbered as shown. Upper case should be
used for the first letter of every major word.
Please do not number your pages.
2. Reminder
Body paragraphs (like this one) should be set in Times
New Roman 10-point, and fully justified. Insert one
blank line between paragraphs. Do not indent.
The electronic version of your paper must be submitted
via the conference web page by the submission
1.1 This is a subsection title
Subsection titles should be set in Times New Roman
10-point bold, numbered using decimal notation as
Equations should be set in Times New Roman 9-point
italic, and horizontally and vertically centered. A
slightly smaller font may be used for equations,
subscripts, and superscripts.
Preferably, figures should be inserted in the text, soon
after they are referenced. They may be sized to fit one
column, or the full page width, as appropriate to their
complexity. The same applies to tables.
BRIMS is now following the American Psychological
Association 5th Edition style for references. Citations
in the body of the text should use parentheses either
like this: Miller (1975), or like this: (Miller, 1975).
The reference list should be in alphabetical order and
use a hanging indent of 5 spaces. For examples, see
Section 3 below. For detailed guidance on format with
multiple authors, use of commas and semicolons, etc.,
see helpful websites such
as this one:
3. References
References should be set using “hanging indents,” as
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2000). This is the
title of the paper. Journal Name, vol# (issue#),
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2001). This is the
book title. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Author(s) lastname(s), initials(s). (2002). This is a
chapter title. In K. Gluck & R Willis (Eds.),
Book title, (pp. 105-110).
London: Peter
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2003). This is the
title of a web site. Retrieved from the web April
1, 2004. http://www/
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2004). This is the
title of a paper published in a conference
In Proceedings of the 13th
Conference on Behavior Representation in
Modeling and Simulation, 49-55.
Author Biographies
This section of the paper should contain a brief oneparagraph biographical sketch of each author. The
section heading is Author Biography, or Author
Biographies, and is not numbered. Start the paragraph
devoted to each author by typing the author’s name,
without indentation, in boldface FULL CAPITALS.
If there are multiple authors, separate each biography
by one blank line. For example:
Jane A. Doe is an Modeling and Simulation Research
Analyst at the Acme Laboratories. Etc. Etc. Etc.
For Poster and Exhibit Extended Abstracts:
The Title Should be Set in 14 pt Times New Roman, Bold, and Centered
Authors’ names should be set in Times New Roman, 10 pt and centered, as in the following example.
Authors’ names should be in italics.
Anthony A. Adams
Barbara B. Brown
Acme Associates, Inc.
111 Ash Avenue
Anchorage, AK 99508
907-555-1234, 907-555-5678,
Col. Charles C. Cromwell
U.S. Development Command
Snowshoe Ridge Outpost
Tuluksak, AK 99551
Times New Roman, 10 pt., and centered
1. This is a Section Title
Section Titles should be set in Times New Roman 12point bold, numbered as shown. Upper case should be
used for the first letter of every major word.
use a hanging indent of 5 spaces. For examples, see
Section 3 below. For detailed guidance on format with
multiple authors, use of commas and semicolons, etc.,
see helpful
such as
this one:
Body paragraphs (like this one) should be set in Times
New Roman 10-point, and fully justified. Insert one
blank line between paragraphs. Do not indent.
Figures, tables, equations, and references should be
cited using decimal notation, such as Figure 1.1.
1.1 This is a subsection title
Please do not number your pages.
Subsection titles should be set in Times New Roman
10-point bold, numbered using decimal notation as
2. Reminder
Equations should be set in Times New Roman 9-point
italic, and horizontally and vertically centered. A
slightly smaller font may be used for equations,
subscripts, and superscripts.
Preferably, figures should be inserted in the text, soon
after they are referred to. They may be sized to fit one
column, or the full page width, as appropriate to their
complexity. The same applies to Tables.
The electronic version of your paper must be submitted
via the conference web page by the submission
Note that there is no separate abstract for poster and
demo submissions.
The entire submission is
considered an extended abstract.
Submissions for posters and demos intended for the
Interactive Session are limited to 2 pages.
3. References
BRIMS is now following the American Psychological
Association 5th Edition style for references. Citations
in the body of the text should use parentheses either
like this: Miller (1975), or like this: (Miller, 1975).
The reference list should be in alphabetical order and
References should be set using “hanging indents,” as
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2000). This is the
title of the paper. Journal Name, vol# (issue#),
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2001). This is the
book title. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2002). This is a
chapter title. In K. Gluck & R Willis (Eds.),
Book title, (pp. 105-110).
London: Peter
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2003). This is the
title of a web site. Retrieved from the web April
1, 2004. http://www/
Author(s) lastname(s), initials(s). (2004). This is the
title of a paper published in a conference proceedings.
In Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Behavior
Representation in Modeling and Simulation, 49-55.
Author Biographies
This section of the paper should contain a brief oneparagraph biographical sketch of each author. The
section heading is Author Biography, or Author
Biographies, and is not numbered. Start the paragraph
devoted to each author by typing the author’s name,
without indentation, in boldface FULL CAPITALS.
If there are multiple authors, separate each biography
by one blank line. For example:
PAMELA BLECHINGER is an Operations Research
Analyst at the TRADOC Analysis Center, Ft.
Leavenworth, KS.
She is the analytical user
representative for ModSAF development activities and
wrote the original Authors’ Guide for the first SISO
Simulation Interoperability Workshop (SIW).
For Symposium Descriptions:
The Title Should be Set in 14 pt Times New Roman, Bold, and Centered
Session Organizer’s name should be set in Times New Roman, 10 pt and centered, as in the following example.
Col. Charles C. Cromwell
U.S. Development Command
Snowshoe Ridge Outpost
Tuluksak, AK 99551
If there is a separate Discussant, list that person’s
name, affiliation, address, phone, and email after the
Organizer, at the top of the first page.
Start your description with whatever background or
overview information you deem appropriate. This can
be as long or short as you would like. At a minimum,
explain why the symposium is timely and should be of
interest to the BRIMS community. Initial symposium
submissions are limited to 2 pages.
Body paragraphs (like this one) should be set in Times
New Roman 10-point, and fully justified. Insert one
blank line between paragraphs. Do not indent.
The assumption in symposia is that each presenter will
give a 10-20 minute slide presentation, with each
presentation touching on some number of common
issues/questions. Ideally, there will be an opportunity
for questions after each presentation, and then
additional questions and discussion at the end.
Title of
Presenter Name
Presentation titles should be set in Times New Roman
12-point bold, and centered. Do not list the presenter’s
entire address.
Include only the organizational
BRIMS is now following the American Psychological
Association 5th Edition style for references. Citations
in the body of the text should use parentheses either
like this: Miller (1975), or like this: (Miller, 1975).
The reference list should be in alphabetical order and
use a hanging indent of 5 spaces. For examples, see
Section 3 below. For detailed guidance on format with
multiple authors, use of commas and semicolons, etc.,
see helpful websites such as this one:
Please do not number your pages.
The electronic version of your description must be
submitted via the conference web page by the
submission deadline.
Title of 2nd Presentation
Presenter Name
Repeat this pattern of relatively brief, abstract-like
descriptions of the main points each presenter will
make until they are all included.
The session organizer is responsible for getting all
presentations submitted via the conference web page
by the submission deadline.
References should be set using “hanging indents,” as
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2000). This is the
title of the paper. Journal Name, vol# (issue#),
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2001). This is the
book title. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Author(s) lastname(s), initials(s). (2002). This is a
chapter title. In K. Gluck & R Willis (Eds.),
Book title, (pp. 105-110).
London: Peter
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2003). This is the
title of a web site. Retrieved from the web April
1, 2004. http://www/
Author(s) lastname(s), initial(s). (2004). This is the
title of a paper published in a conference
In Proceedings of the 13th
Conference on Behavior Representation in
Modeling and Simulation, 49-55.
For Panel Descriptions:
The Title Should be Set in 14 pt Times New Roman, Bold, and Centered
Chair’s name should be set in Times New Roman, 10 pt and centered, as in the following example.
Panel Chair
Col. Charles C. Cromwell
U.S. Development Command
Snowshoe Ridge Outpost
Tuluksak, AK 99551
If there is a separate Discussant or Moderator, list that
person’s name, affiliation, address, phone, and email
after the Chair, at the top of the page.
The content of the panel discussion description is
whatever background or overview information you
deem appropriate, as long as you stay within the 2page limit for the description. At a minimum, explain
why the panel discussion is timely and should be of
interest to the BRIMS community. The paragraphs
(like this one) should be set in Times New Roman 10point, and fully justified across the page. Insert one
blank line between paragraphs. Do not indent.
The assumption in panel discussions is that there are no
formal slide presentations. The chair will give each
participant some time to speak on whatever common
issue/question it is that the panel has been organized
around. Ideally, there will be an opportunity for
questions from the audience after each participant
speaks, and then significant time available for
additional questions and discussion with the audience
at the end.
At the end of the description, list the participants:
Name – affiliation
Name – affiliation
Name – affiliation
Name – affiliation