Abstract Template - Pondicherry University

Template for Abstract of ICMAGMA-2014
Author_11, Author_21*, Author_32, Author_41, Author_52, Author_61
CSIR-Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute, Pilani, India
Department of Physics, Pondicherry University, R. Venkataraman Nagar, Kalapet, Pondicherry-605014, India
Corresponding author’s e-mail:bose@gmail.com, Tel.: +91-9944064547; Fax: +91-413-2655734
This template gives you guidelines for preparing 1 page
abstract for ICMAGMA-2014.
Keywords: List five keywords.
Submit one page abstract” as per guidelines in
MS Word 2007. The abstract should contain an
introduction of the recent interest of the materials/fields,
experimental/ simulation methodologies, results
highlighting the important findings, conclusions,
acknowledgments and references.
Headings should be in 11-point, boldface type
in Times New Roman.
Main text
Type your main text as single-spaced in 10point Time New Roman. All paragraphs should be
indented. Make sure your text is fully justified. Do not
place any additional blank lines between paragraphs.
This template should be used for preparing the
All abstracts received up to due date will be
reviewed. Accepted abstracts will be selected either for
oral or poster presentation. Abstracts will be included in
the conference souvenir.
Formatting your paper
Left margin: 1”, right margin: 0.75”, two
columns, each of width: 3.15”, separation: 0.22”, top and
bottom margins: 1’. Paper size: A4. Text should be fully
Main title
The main title should be centered, and in 20point, boldface type in Times New Roman. Capitalize the
first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and
adverbs; do not capitalize articles, conjunctions, or
prepositions. Leave a blank line after the title.
Fig. 1: Example for a figure
Figures and Tables
Figure and table captions should be 10-point
Times New Roman. Figure captions are to be below the
figures. Table titles are to be centered above the tables.
Image resolution should be 300 DPI.
Author name(s) and affiliation(s)
Authors’ names and affiliations are to be
centered beneath the title and printed in 12-point, nonboldface type. Affiliations should be of Times New
Roman, 10-point, italicized, non-boldface type, centered
below authors’ names. Include e-mail address, contact
number and Fax number of corresponding author only.
Abstract should be of 9- point, Times New Roman, not more
than 50 words.
List and number all bibliographical references
in 10-point font, single-spaced, at the end of your paper.
When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number
in square brackets, for example [1].
[1] A.B. Smith, C.D. Jones, and E.F. Roberts, “Article
Title”, Journal name, volume, issue, (year), pp. 1-10.
[2] Jones, C.D., A.B. Smith, and E.F. Roberts, Book
Title, Publisher, Location, year.