Task 1: Creating a web page with a simple heading

Web page publishing: START
• The tool that we use for web page development is Dreamweaver
2.0 trial version. You could download it from
• To open Dreamweaver’s Document window, click the ‘Start’
button and choose ‘Programs’ and ‘Macromedia Dreamweaver
2.0’ as shown.
Web page publishing: START
• Before doing anything, you
have to tell the computer
where to store your files
and where is your remote
web server.
• To do this, click ‘File’ on
the top menu bar, and
choose ‘New Site’.
• Click the ‘Local Info’ and
name your site as ‘1st
attempt’. Then choose the
local Root Folder as
Web page publishing: START
• Then click “Web Server Info’ to define the location of your web
server. Choose ‘FTP’ as the ‘Server Access’. Then press ‘OK’.
Web page publishing: START
• Information:
– FTP Host:
– Host Directory is: physics/applets/your_own_folder_name
– Login: comp
– Password: comp
• Then press ‘OK’.
The name of your folder in physics/applets:
Task 1: Creating a web page with a simple heading
• In the Document window, type a heading for your page as
you do in a word processor. You could change the font
size, font type, alignment, etc. by clicking ‘Text’ on the top
menu bar of the Document window.
• Then click ‘File’ and choose the ‘Save as’ option.
• Enter the file name as ‘test.html’ and press ‘OK’.
Task 2: Upload your page to the web server
• To transfer file to the server, open the site file window by
clicking ‘Window’ and choosing the ‘Site File’ option.
• Press the ‘Connect’ button. The left pane shows you the file
system on the remote server while the right pane displays
your local site files.
Task 2: Upload your page to the web server
• Highlight the file on the right panel and click the ‘Put’
button on the top tool bar.
• A pop-up window will appear and you just click ‘Yes’.
• You file has already been up-loaded. By typing the correct
you could use IE 4.0 to browse your document.
Task 3:Changing the background colour and inserting images
• To change the background
colour: Move the cursor
onto the the Document
window and right-click the
mouse. Then choose the
‘Page Properties’ option.
• Then choose a
colour for your
Task 3:Changing the background colour and inserting images
• Your page will appear as
the one shown above.
• To insert an image, click
‘Insert’ and choose the
‘Image’ option.
Task 3:Changing the background colour and inserting images
• The images are stored in the ‘A’ Drive (Floppy Disks)
Double-click the ‘A’ Drive icon.
• Then open the ‘images’ folder by double-clicking it.
• Choose the file named: ‘hku-main.jpg’
Task 3:Changing the background colour and inserting images
• A window will pop up to
remind you to save the file.
Click ‘Yes’.
• Then click ‘Save’ to move the
file from ‘A’ drive to your
local site.
• Save your file and transfer it
to the web server.
Task 4: Use a wall paper for your page
• To choose an image as the
wall paper, move the cursor
onto the Document window
and right-click the mouse
and choose the ‘Page
• Click the ‘Browse’ button
to choose the image at
• Then save the file and
upload it to the server.
Task 5: Inserting a table of images as hot buttons
• Click ‘Insert’ and choose
the ‘Table’ option.
• Choose ‘1’ row and ‘3’
column as shown below.
Task 5: Inserting a table of images as hot buttons
• Insert the three images named: ‘campus-map.jpg’,
‘virtual-campus.jpg’, and ‘accommodation.jpg’
respectively at ‘A\images’.
Task 5: Inserting a table of images as hot buttons
• To add a hyperlink to an image, first hightlight the
image and open the Property window of the image.
• A window shows the properties of the image:
Task 5: Inserting a table of images as hot buttons
• In the ‘Link’ box, type in the URL.
• URLs of the respective images are as follow:
– campus-map: http://www.hku.hk/estates/newmap/
– virtual-campus: http://hkugis.hku.hk/campus/
– accommodation: http://www.hku.hk/rblack/
• Then save the file and upload it to the server.
Task 6: Creating a layer containing an image
• A layer is a container
of objects, which can
move around a page. It
can contain text,
images, etc. It looks
like a separate web
page floating on top of
its parent.
• To insert a layer, click
‘Insert’ and choose
Task 6: Creating a layer containing an image
• Hightlight the
layer by click the
square box at the
top-left corner of
the layer border.
• Then insert a
banner named:
at ‘A:\images as
shown on the
Task 7: Creating an animated layer
• First highlight the selected layer by
clicking the square at the top-left corner
of the layer border.
• Since you are going to animate the layer,
you need to modify the property of the
layer. Click ‘Modify’ and choose ‘Add
Object to Timeline’.
Task 7: Creating an animated layer
• To create a timeline for the
layer, click ‘OK’.
• ‘1 - 15’ corresponds to the number of frames required for
the animated. You may increase the number to ‘40’ by
dragging the circle at the end of the line.
Task 7: Creating an animated layer
• If you want the banner to
rise from the bottom of the
page to the top, you only
need to define where are
the initial and final
position of the banner.
• To define the final
position, click the ‘small
circle’ at frame ‘40’ shown
in the Timeline window,
then highlight the layer by
clicking the ‘square’ at the
top-left hand corner.
Task 7: Creating an animated layer
• Similarly, to define the
final position, click the
‘small circle’ at the first
frame shown in the
Timeline window, then
drag the layer down to
where you decide.
• Then save the file and
upload it to the server.
Task 8: Creating Frames
• To split the browser window into two parts, click
‘Modify’ and choose ‘Frameset’ option.
• Then choose the ‘Split Frame Right’ option.
Task 8: Creating Frames
• If we split the window in
this way, we are creating a
total of three HTML files:
– a new blank HTML file on
the left-hand-side,
– the original HTML file:
test.html on the right-handside, and
– a new HTML file called the
FRAMESET (parent frame)
which acts a container,
containing the left and right
Task 8: Creating Frames
• Click ‘File’ and choose the ‘SaveFrameset As’
option. Save the Frameset as index.html
Task 8: Creating Frames
• Click ‘Save All’ to save the new HTML file on
the left as navigate.html
Task 8: Creating Frames
• Besides saving the HTML files,
you need to give a name to each
frame as well
• To open the property windows,
– click ‘Window’ and choose the
‘Frame’ option
– click ‘Window’ and choose the
‘Properties’ option
Task 8: Creating Frames
• To name the left frame, click the left frame box and enter
‘left’ in the field of the ‘Frame Name’ in the property window
• Similarly, you could name the right frame as well.
Task 8: Creating Frames
Create 3 hot buttons in the left frame, so that when you
click the button, the hyper document will appear on the
To achieve this, you have to specify the target frame in
which the hyper document is going to reside.
The hyperlinks are as follows:
Task 9: Creating a form
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3: Changing the properties of the textfield
Step 4: Creating a textarea
Step 5: Creating a radio button
Step 6: defining the properties of the radio button
Step 6: Inserting a submit button
Step 7: handling of the form data