
Objective type. Weight 1 each for a bunch of four
1. Name the class to which oikopleura belongs to
a) Ascidiacea b) Thaliacea c) Larvaceae d) Placodermi
2. Example of cyclostomata
a) Petromyzon b) Ascidia c) Amphioxus d) Narcine
3. Which of the following is a flying fish?
a) Shark b) Exocoetus c) chimera d) Latimeria
4. The animal having wheel organ
a) Amphioxus b) Ascidia c) Wheel animalcule d) Salpa
5. Name an aestivating fish
a) Lepidosiren b) Etroplus c) Sardine d) Mugil
6. Name the order comes under Amphibhia
a) Chiroptera b) Anura c) Chelonia d) Squamata
7. Number of cranial nerves in rabbit
a) 10 pairs b) 12 pairs c) 8 pairs d) 14 pairs
8. The first cervical vertebra in mammals
a) Axis b) Atlas c) Lumbar vertebra d) Urostyle
9. Which of the following have placoid scales?
a) Sardine b) Exocoetus c) Amia d) Shark
10. Example of fish having accessory respiratory organ
a) Mullet b) Etroplus c) Catla d) Anabas
11. Name an example of parapsida
a) Chelone b) Sphenodon c) Ichthyosaurus d) Cynognatha
12. Name a poisonous lizard
a) Jecko b) Dryophis c) Heloderma d) Varanus
13. Zebra belongs to the order
a) Sirenia b) Cetacea c) Carnivora d) Perissodactyla
14. The larva of amblystoma
a) Oikopleura b) Axolotl c) Planula d) Ascidia
15. Example of Ratitae
a) Kiwi b) Pelican c) Pigeon d) Crow
16. Name the sucker fish
a) Ophiocephalus b) Echeneis c) Mackerel d) Channa
Short answer question. Weightage 1 each
17. Write a note on ostracoderm
18. Comment the evolutionary significance of latimeria
19. Mention any two adaptations found in Chameleon
20. Give an account of order Rhyncocephalia
21. Write two general characters of metatheria
22. Mention salient features of order Apoda
23. Write two salient characters of cetacean with an example
24. Mention atrium
Short essay Weightage 2
25. Give an account of lung fishes
26. With the help of a neat labeled diagram explain the structure of brain of rabbit
27. State the affinities of Archaeopteryx
28. Give a detailed account of retrogressive metamorphosis in ascidia
29. Write an essay on identification of poisonous and non poisonous snakes
30. Briefly explain the parental care in fishes
Essay type. Weightage 4 each
31. Explain in detail the dentition in mammals
32. Write a detailed account of flight adaptations in birds
33. Give an account on migration in fishes