UT Standards Academy Lesson Plan Template: Love Your Gut! 7th Grade Love your gut! Grade 7 Integrated Science Topic: Standard 3: Students will understand that the organs in an organism are made of cells that have structures and perform specific life functions: Objective 2: Identify and describe the function and interdependence of various organs and tissues. Indicator c: Relate the structure of an organ to its component parts and the larger system of which it is a part. GENERAL: Summary – 3- 4 sentences Students will engage in two interactive activities that trace movement of food through the human body. They will learn the organs involved in the digestive system and how they function individually as well as interdependently. Students will communicate their understanding and findings through a written document. Science Curriculum Standard Tie – Disciplinary Core Idea (K-12 Framework) LS1.B: Growth and Development of Organisms (NGSS Disciplinary Core Idea in Life Science) ILO – Science and Engineering Practice (K-12 Framework) ILO 4 Communicate Effectively Using Science Language and Reasoning. a. Provide relevant data to support their inferences and conclusions. (NGSS Science and Engineering Practice: Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information) Cross Cutting Concepts (K-12 Framework) Structure and Function: The way in which an object or a living thing is shaped and its substructure determine many of its properties and functions. Math and/or ELA Curriculum Tie ELA Writing Standard 2f: Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented. Time Frame: Number of Class Periods – Number of Minutes Two fourty-five (45) or one ninety (90) minute class period. Group Size Small groups, paired partnerships, or whole class depending on the technology available. Technology Tools Utilized All Systems Go: http://sciencenetlinks.com/interactives/systems.html Bibliography Your Digestive System: http://kidshealth.org/kid/cancer_center/HTBW/digestive_system.html Love your Gut: http://www.loveyourgut.com/games/gut_week_game.php Key Words Component, Function, Interdependence, Structure INSTRUCTIONAL: Materials – Quantity and Vendor if necessary Background for Teachers – Website Links or Specific Content Your Digestive System: http://kidshealth.org/kid/cancer_center/HTBW/digestive_system.html Love your Gut: http://www.loveyourgut.com/games/gut_week_game.php All Systems Go: http://sciencenetlinks.com/interactives/systems.html Student Prior Knowledge Standard 3 Objective 2a: Order the levels of organization from simple to complex (e.g. cell, tissue, organ, system, organism.) Instructional Procedure Teacher Preparation Teachers will need to have access to technology for each of their students to complete this lesson. Pre Assessment: Have students do the, All Systems Go interactive activity. This should take between 5-10 min. http://sciencenetlinks.com/interactives/systems.html Formative Assessment: Have students work through the, Love Your Guts technology interactive. http://www.loveyourgut.com/games/gut_week_game.php This should take about 20-30 minutes. After having completed the Love Your Guts interactive, hand out the Gutsy Guts graphic organizer. Put students into partnerships to discuss and fill out the Gutsy Guts graphic organizer. (****Note: Each student will fill out their own graphic organizer. We just want them to be able to discuss the activity and process it verbally before writing about it). This should take about 20-25 minutes. Performance Task Summative Assessment: Throughout the lesson students have been introduced to the digestive system and how the organs function independently as well as interdependently within the system. Students have verbally discussed with another student what they learned about the digestive system as they filled out a graphic organizer. Having completed the Gutsy Guts graphic organizer will aid them in their summative assessment. For the summative assessment students will now complete a write-up based on what they learned about the digestive system. 1. Describe how the hamburger you ate for lunch travels from the clerk at the fast food restaurant, including how it provides you with energy, until it is flushed down the toilet the next day. Students may use their Gutsy Guts graphic organizer to aid them in their write-up. This should take about 20-25 minutes. (This write-up coordinates with the ILO 4 Communicate Effectively Using Science Language and Reasoning, as well as the NGSS Science and Engineering Practice: Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information). After students have finished with their write-up, show them the following video about digestion from start to finish. It’s AWESOME!!! You’ll be glad you did!!! The Journey of the Digestive System: http://www.neok12.com/video/DigestiveSystem/zX570b7904765654750d557b.htm Strategies for Diverse Learners Use “Your Digestive System” and allow the ELL or Special Education student to use headphones to listen and learn the parts of the digestive system. Extensions Digestive System (Kids Health Videos) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnzwbipJuAA ScienceHero https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/science-heroes-1digestive/id712391869?mt=8 (Learn more about the digestive system – more detail than is needed for 7th grade science core.) The Journey of the Digestive System: http://www.neok12.com/video/DigestiveSystem/zX570b7904765654750d557b.htm ASSESSMENT: Assessment Plan Pre-Assessment: All Systems Go – online interactive. Formative: Gutsy Guts Graphic (see example key as well) Summative: Select one of the following: 2. Describe how the hamburger you ate for lunch travels from the clerk at the fast food restaurant, including how it provides you with energy, until it is flushed down the toilet the next day. 3. Assessment Rubric – Need a rubric of what should be expected in the student’s written story about food movement. Sheila before our March meeting. This will include a student’s written response.