Arts, Media and Entertainment CBEDS TITLE: PRODUCTION AND MANAGERIAL ARTS CBEDS NO: HOURS: Total 180 Classroom: 180 Laboratory/CC: 0 CVE: 0 DATE: February 2008 JOB TITLE: DOT CODES: JOB TITLE: DOT CODES: Producer Stage Manager 27-2012 159.167-018 Directors of the Stage Television Newscast Director 150.067-010 27-2012.02 COURSE DECRIPTION: Whatever the form or medium of creative expression, all careers in the Arts, Media, and Entertainment sector require “publication” or a public presentation in one way or another. Consequently, this course in Production and Managerial Arts focuses on the technical, organizational, and managerial knowledge and skills necessary to bring arts, and entertainment to the public. Representative topics include script analysis, producing, staging, designing, lighting, script writing, rehearsing, as well as marketing and promotion. Students will also learn about the skills and education necessary to prepare for production careers. COMPETENCIES/OUTCOMES: Supervise and coordinate the work of camera, lighting, design, and sound crewmembers. Plan details such as framing, composition, sound, and actor movement for each scene. Direct live broadcasts, films and recordings, or non-broadcast programming for public entertainment or education. Confer with technical directors, managers, crew members, and writers to discuss details of production, such as photography, script, music, sets, and costumes. Identify and approve equipment and elements required for productions, such as scenery, lights, props, costumes, choreography, and music. Consult with writers, producers, or actors about script changes, or "workshop" scripts, through rehearsal with writers and actors to create final drafts. Study and research scripts to determine how they should be directed. PREREQUISITIES: Introduction to Careers in Arts METHOD OF STUDENT EVALUATION: Pre and Post test Student Projects Written Work Observation record of student performance Competition of assignments METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: Lecture Group and individual projects Demonstration Fieldtrips Guest Speakers TEXTS USED: Play Director's Survival Kit: A Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Producing Theater in Any School or Community Setting by James W. Rodgers & Wanda C. Rodgers I. Orientation and Safety CR LAB /CC Students are instructed of the class rules and policies and the safety guidelines of equipment use. All students are required to sign a behavioral contract and meet a score of 100% in the assessment of this unit to continue on with the course. II. Introduction Rules and Safety Class Norms and Procedures Equipment and Check Out Lighting Use and Equipment Foundation Standards: Topic 6.0 Health and Safety Topic 7.0 Responsibility and Flexibility Topic 9.0 Leadership and Teamwork FS.6.3 Know how to take responsibility for a safe and healthy work environment. 2 1 1 1 CR LAB /CC This unit covers the fundamentals of lighting for stage. Students will start with understanding basic lighting principles, set up for most production applications, and then look at more sophisticated ways to use lighting for various types of productions. Students will learn to use various types of light to affect the appearance and mood of scenes for their various productions. III. Lighting Introduction and Overview Types and Uses of Production Lighting Production Lighting Sound Engineering Students will learn the value of sound effects, voice overs, etc. They will learn when to use them and how to use them STANDARDS STANDARDS Foundation Standards: Topic 10.0 Technical Knowledge and Skill 2 2 4 CR LAB /CC STANDARDS Foundational Standards: FS.7.7 Develop a personal commitment to and apply high-quality and where to find the available resources. Introduction Using Sound in Productions Acquiring and Using Sound Resources IV. Set Design and Construction Students will learn to create sets and staging for productions. They will develop skills in designing and constructing sets for use in stage production Stage and Set Design, mise en scene Production Management Talent and Production Directing craftsmanship to a product or presentation and continually refine and perfect it. FS.10.6 Know the appropriate skills and vocabulary of the art form. 1 2 2 CR 10 8 8 LAB /CC CTE Standards Pathway C. Production and Managerial Arts Strand C1.0 Students understand key elements of technical and technologyrelated production management: Standard C1.1 Understand technical support functions in the arts industry. Standard C1.2 Apply knowledge of equipment and skills related to production in a variety of arts, media, and entertainment occupations. Standard C1.3 Apply decision-making and problem-solving techniques to repair and replacement procedures for media and arts equipment and facilities. Standard C1.4 Know the elements involved in creating a media or performing arts production for video or electronic presentation. STANDARDS Foundation Standards: Topic 10.0 Technical FS.7.7 Develop a personal commitment to and apply high-quality craftsmanship to a product or presentation and continually refine and perfect it. FS.10.6 Know the appropriate skills and vocabulary of the art form. CTE Standards Pathway C. Production and Managerial Arts Strand C1.0 Students understand key elements of technical and technologyrelated production management: Standard C1.1 Understand technical support functions in the arts industry. Standard C1.2 Apply knowledge of V. Planning and Pre-production Students will learn commonly used stage, film, video, and broadcast terminology and understand the need for clarity, and conciseness within their writing. They will learn how to write for the stage. Story Development Scriptwriting Production Planning CR LAB /CC equipment and skills related to production in a variety of arts, media, and entertainment occupations. Standard C1.3 Apply decision-making and problem-solving techniques to repair and replacement procedures for media and arts equipment and facilities. Standard C1.4 Know the elements involved in creating a media or performing arts production for video or electronic presentation. STANDARDS Foundation Standards: Topic 9.0 Leadership and Teamwork Topic 3.0 Career Planning and Management 2 6 6 CTE Standards Pathway C. Production and Managerial Arts Strand C2.0 Students demonstrate key skills and an understanding of the complexities of production planning: Standard C2.1 Know the key elements and functional responsibilities involved in the production and presentation of the performing, visual, and media arts. Standard C2.2 Know how artistic processes, organizational structure, and business principles are interrelated in the various arts. Standard C2.3 Identify the activities and linkages from each stage associated with the preproduction, production, and postproduction of a creative project. Standard C2.4 Understand how the various aspects of story development contribute to the success or nonsuccess of an arts, media, and entertainment project or production. Standard C2.5 Apply knowledge of equipment and skills to determine the equipment, crew, technical support, and cast requirements for an arts, media, and entertainment production. VI. Producing and Directing Students will produce and direct a stage production. They will need to select appropriate story materials, prepare a script; organize the elements to be used in the production; select cast and crew; communicate talent and crew responsibilities; rehearse the show; and videotape the production. Planning and Rehearsals Production Post-production CR 10 5 10 LAB /CC Standard C2.6 Apply knowledge of services, equipment capabilities, the workflow process, data acquisition, and technology to a timely completion of projects. Standard C2.7 Understand the audition and review process for artists, actors, musicians, singers, conductors, composers, writers, narrators, and technicians. Standard C2.8 Critique the general coordination of various elements in a project or production. STANDARDS Foundation Standards: FS.5.3 Use critical thinking skills to make informed decisions and solve problems. FS 9.1 Understand the characteristics and benefits of teamwork, leadership, and citizenship in the school, community, and workplace settings. FS 9.2 Understand the ways in which pre-professional associations and competitive career development activities enhance academic skills, promote career choices, and contribute to employability. FS 9.3 Understand how to organize and structure work individually and in teams for effective performance and attainment of goals. FS 9.4 Know multiple approaches to conflict resolution and their appropriateness for a variety of situations in the workplace. FS 9.5 Understand how to interact with others in ways that demonstrate respect for individual and cultural differences and for the attitudes and feelings of others. FS 9.6 Understand the fluid and diverse organizational structures in the field. FS 9.7 Cultivate consensus, continuous improvement, respect for the opinions of others, cooperation, adaptability, and conflict resolution. VI. Stage and Production Management CR Students will explore all facets of stage management and production Hou rs LAB /CC CTE Standards Pathway C. Production and Managerial Arts Strand C2.0 Students demonstrate key skills and an understanding of the complexities of production planning: Standard C2.1 Know the key elements and functional responsibilities involved in the production and presentation of the performing, visual, and media arts. Standard C2.2 Know how artistic processes, organizational structure, and business principles are interrelated in the various arts. Standard C2.3 Identify the activities and linkages from each stage associated with the preproduction, production, and postproduction of a creative project. Standard C2.4 Understand how the various aspects of story development contribute to the success or nonsuccess of an arts, media, and entertainment project or production. Standard C2.5 Apply knowledge of equipment and skills to determine the equipment, crew, technical support, and cast requirements for an arts, media, and entertainment production. Standard C2.6 Apply knowledge of services, equipment capabilities, the workflow process, data acquisition, and technology to a timely completion of projects. Standard C2.7 Understand the audition and review process for artists, actors, musicians, singers, conductors, composers, writers, narrators, and technicians. Standard C2.8 Critique the general coordination of various elements in a project or production. STANDARDS management for the theater or other live event. Students will also learn how to confer with technical directors, managers, crew members, and writers to discuss details of production, such as photography, script, music, sets, and costumes. VIII . Costumes and Makeup Students will explore techniques in makeup and costuming for the theater. IX. House Management Students will explore all aspects of house management. inte grat ed into subj ect/ skill cont ent CR Hou rs inte grat ed into subj ect/ skill cont ent CR Hou rs inte grat ed into subj ect/ skill cont ent LAB /CC STANDARDS Foundation Standards: Topic 10.0 Technical Knowledge and Skills LAB /CC STANDARDS CTE Standards Pathway C. Production and Managerial Arts: Strand C2.0 Students demonstrate key skills and an understanding of the complexities of production planning: Standard C2.1 Know the key elements and functional responsibilities involved in the production and presentation of the performing, visual, and media arts. Standard C2.2 Know how artistic processes, organizational structure, and business principles are interrelated in the various arts. Standard C2.3 Identify the activities and linkages from each stage associated with the preproduction, production, and postproduction of a creative project. Standard C2.4 Understand how the various aspects of story development contribute to the success or nonsuccess of an arts, media, and entertainment project or production. Standard C2.5 Apply knowledge of equipment and skills to determine the equipment, crew, technical support, and cast requirements for an arts, media, and entertainment production. Standard C2.6 Apply knowledge of services, equipment capabilities, the workflow process, data acquisition, and technology to a timely completion of projects. Standard C2.7 Understand the audition and review process for artists, actors, musicians, singers, conductors, composers, writers, narrators, and technicians. Standard C2.8 Critique the general coordination of various elements in a project or production. X. Legal and Ethical Issues CR 6 XI. Students are introduced to the concepts of copyright and freedoms afforded to students under the Constitution of the United States of America. Students learn when/how they can use certain materials, information or work created by other parties or groups. Students will finish the unit with a clear understanding of ethical behavior behind copyrighted materials. Marketing and Promoting Your Work Students learn the key elements of promoting a production, including basic marketing principles and the use of promotional materials as they relate to the business of showcasing, distributing, and audience outreach in the arts, media, and entertainment industry. Press releases and promotion Marketing and Social Media CR LAB /CC STANDARDS Foundation Standards: Topic 7.0 Responsibility and Flexibility LAB /CC STANDARDS Foundation Standards: Topic 3.0 Career Planning and Management 4 4 CTE Standards Pathway C. Production and Managerial Arts Strand C2.0 Students demonstrate key skills and an understanding of the complexities of production planning: Standard C2.1 Know the key elements and functional responsibilities involved in the production and presentation of the performing, visual, and media arts. Standard C2.2 Know how artistic processes, organizational structure, XII. Careers in the Production and Managerial Arts Students will research current relevant careers based on their individual interests. They will describe career opportunities, potential income, job outlook, career pathways and more. Students will also know career etiquette, and about professional and workplace ethics. Students will participate in field trips and be introduced to guest speakers from various local multimedia industries. Career Exploration Student resume Students will create a resume that will assist in obtaining a future job. CR LAB /CC and business principles are interrelated in the various arts. Standard C2.3 Identify the activities and linkages from each stage associated with the preproduction, production, and postproduction of a creative project. Standard C2.4 Understand how the various aspects of story development contribute to the success or nonsuccess of an arts, media, and entertainment project or production. Standard C2.5 Apply knowledge of equipment and skills to determine the equipment, crew, technical support, and cast requirements for an arts, media, and entertainment production. Standard C2.6 Apply knowledge of services, equipment capabilities, the workflow process, data acquisition, and technology to a timely completion of projects. Standard C2.7 Understand the audition and review process for artists, actors, musicians, singers, conductors, composers, writers, narrators, and technicians. Standard C2.8 Critique the general coordination of various elements in a project or production. STANDARDS Foundation Standards: FS.3.2 Understand the scope of career opportunities and know the requirements for education, training, and licensure. 4 3 CTE Standards Pathway C. Production and Managerial Arts Strand C2.0 Students demonstrate key skills and an understanding of the complexities of production planning: Standard C2.1 Know the key elements and functional responsibilities involved in the production and presentation of the performing, visual, and media arts. Standard C2.2 Know how artistic processes, organizational structure, and business principles are interrelated in the various arts. Standard C2.3 Identify the activities and linkages from each stage associated with the preproduction, production, and postproduction of a creative project. Standard C2.4 Understand how the various aspects of story development contribute to the success or nonsuccess of an arts, media, and entertainment project or production. Standard C2.5 Apply knowledge of equipment and skills to determine the equipment, crew, technical support, and cast requirements for an arts, media, and entertainment production. Standard C2.6 Apply knowledge of services, equipment capabilities, the workflow process, data acquisition, and technology to a timely completion of projects. Standard C2.7 Understand the audition and review process for artists, actors, musicians, singers, conductors, composers, writers, narrators, and technicians. Standard C2.8 Critique the general coordination of various elements in a project or production.