Psychopathology: Abnormality • In psychology individual differences involves the study of the ways that individuals differ in terms of their psychological characteristics. • People differ in many ways: in their intelligence, aggressiveness, willingness to conform, masculinity and femininity, etc. • An important individual difference is in the degree to which a person is mentally healthy. • This is Psychopathology and it is this area of individual differences we study in AS Psychology. • In order to protect and/or treat people with an abnormality psychologists need to be able to define them as having abnormal psychopathology. • So how do we define someone as being abnormal? What parameters do we use? • In groups of 2 or 3 use the paper provided to write down a list of things that may make a person appear abnormal. What would you look for as an 1 indication of abnormal behaviour? • You have five minutes …… What makes someone abnormal? Your Ideas…… on board So do these ideas fit into one of the four following categories? Statistically rare, Going against social norms, Mentally ill Or Inability to function safely (danger to self or others) 2 Can you define the following behaviour as abnormal using all four definitions? 3 4 L2 A very unusual behaviour or trait will be more than 2 standard deviations from the mean. i.e. over 130 or under 70 IQ score. This statistically ‘rare’ behaviour or trait is likely to be seen as being abnormal. 5 Statistical Infrequency ~ Is all rare behaviour abnormal and if not how do we decide what is ~ is this? 6 Why is context so important when defining behaviour as abnormal? 7 Statistical Infrequency: Limitations/Criticisms • Mental Health By this definition all rare behaviour would be seen as abnormal however, depression and anxiety are not rare but clinical depression is rare (but is only diagnosed if patient attends the doctors – so how do we know how rare it is?) • Gender Issues (Females are more likely than males to consult a GP). (In our culture females can wear makeup and skirts without seeming abnormal …… males ??? Well David Beckham manages it!) • Cultural Issues (Jewish people mourn by tearing their clothes and wailing in public.) (In India mentally ill people are thought to be cursed) (In china being mentally ill carries such a stigma that it is rarely diagnosed) (Some cultures walk around naked and you are in the minority if you are clothed!) (In the USA 48% of people were treated for psychological disorders at some point – by this definition that would make them normal!) • Age Thumb sucking and bed wetting may be considered statistically normal at 2 years old but not at 20! • Desirability of behaviour Many behaviours are rare but considered highly desirable (High IQ, Great athletic ability). It is difficult to know how far you have to deviate from the 8 average to be considered abnormal? Advantages of this approach • Statistical Infrequency is an obvious and relatively quick and easy way to define abnormality. • It has face validity that odd or rare behaviour is seen as abnormal • Applications of statistical definitions: It is relatively easy to determine abnormality using psychometric tests developed using statistical methods. E.g. there is a test for O.C.D. – Obsessive compulsive disorder. • You can have a go at the test if you like – could you be a potential sufferer? • First watch an O.C.D. sufferer in action! 9 10 L3 • Society sets up rules for behaviour based on a set of moral standards which become social norms (V.I.M.). Any deviation is seen as abnormal (Szasz 1972) • This suggests that madness is a term manufactured in order to label the people in society who do not conform to the rules of society. • These unwritten social rules are culturally relative (i.e. you cannot judge behaviour properly unless it is viewed in the context from which it originates as different cultures have different social norms and behaviour may differ across cultures). A lack of cultural relativism can lead to ethnocentrism, where only the perspective of your own culture is taken. Social norms can also be era-dependent. • For example, homosexuality was once illegal and considered to be a mental disorder because it deviated from the social norm. Now there are campaigns for gay marriages to be recognized and afforded the same benefits as heterosexual marriages • This shows the extent to which this definition of abnormality is subject to change. 11 AO2: Deviation from Social Norms Limitations / Issues Historical Issues: Cultural Issues: / Expected Behaviour: Hello! Context: ! Until early 20th century, unmarried women who became pregnant were interred in mental institutions. Until 1960's in the UK homosexual acts were criminal offences Until 1973 in USA homosexuality was a mental disorder! Russia - a diagnosis of insanity was used to detain political dissidents. Japan - You are deemed insane if you do not want to work! Western Societies - you can plead insanity as a defence Lorena Bobbit cut of her husband's penis - pleaded temporary insanity! African/Indian cultures consider it normal to talk to the dead. Nakedness normal in some cultures. Singing in park understood if you see the film crew! SUMMARY: • Social norms is a subjective measurement of abnormality as norms change over time and differ between cultures. • This approach has been used as a form of social control. • Social norms are necessary and specific to each society to enable members of 12 each society to know the ‘rules’ in order to get along together! • Anti-Social Behaviour can be viewed as abnormal under this definition e.g. 13 Short Answer Exam Questions (SAQs) Deviation from social norms is one definition of abnormality: You may use your handouts to help you with this. (feed back to class later) (a) What is a ‘social norm’? (b) Give one example of how breaking a social norm might lead to the behaviour being defined as abnormal. (c) Outline one other way of defining abnormality 14 L4 Starter • Complete the recap exercise: – Problems with diagnosis: Social norms, social control and personal freedom. 15 Deviation from Ideal Mental Health: Six Categories that Clinicians Typically Relate to Mental Health PRAISE Marie Jahoda (1958) 1. Personal growth (Self Actualisation: should reach your potential) 2. Reality perception (should know what’s real) 3. Autonomy (should be independent) 4. Integration (should ‘fit in’ with society and be able to cope with stressful situations) 5. Self-attitudes (should be positive: high self esteem) 6. Environmental mastery (should cope in your environment, be able to function at work and in relationships, adjust to new situations and solve problems) 16 Deviation from Ideal Mental Health Limitations/Criticisms • • • • • • • Jahoda 1958 said that it was better to focus on positive aspects of mental health rather than the negative – so this is seen as a positive attempt to define abnormality. Positive self attitude (Many people have a negative self image due to such things as – Bullying, Persecution of gender and/or race etc – but are they abnormal?) Growth to one’s potential or ‘self actualisation’ ( Very few people reach their full potential due to such things as – Family commitments, Money, Social / peer pressure, Gender OR Culture: some countries women are not allowed to work! – are they abnormal? CULTURAL RELATIVISIM!) Resistance to stress (Integration) Should ‘fit in’ without suffering stress. Some people thrive on stress, Personality may make you more susceptible, Some people crack under enormous amounts of stress – prisoner of war camps – are they abnormal?) Autonomy (independence)– ability to make our own decisions (Some people cannot – due to disability – illness – age – culture e.g. arranged marriages, collectivist societies ‘WE not ME’ – prisoners – poverty – are they abnormal?) Perception of reality (Other things than mental illness affect our perception of reality e.g. Alcohol, drugs/LSD, illness/diabetes – are they abnormal?) Adapting to the environment (More difficult if you are poor, black, female, disabled etc. but are they abnormal?) SUMMARY Criteria are so demanding that almost everyone is bound to fall into the category 17 of mental ill health! Failure to function adequately • A definition of abnormality based on an inability to cope with day-to-day life caused by psychological distress or discomfort which may lead to harm of self or others. 18 Failure to Function Adequately This is seen as a humane way of addressing psychological problems as it allows the individual to decide if they need or wish to seek help. However it does have some limitations as a method of defining abnormality such as: • • • • • • • • • • Labelling – a label gives a stigma that may stick around long after the problem has gone. Can affect employment prospects and personal relationships. Gender issues – Bennett 1995 found that societies have created masculine stereotypes that alienate men from seeking help for psychological problems. Enforced detaining in mental institutions – If behaviour appears abnormal there is no institutionalisation providing the individual can function adequately and is not harming self or others. Before 1983 people could be detained in mental institutions against their will on the authority of a health professional guardian or husband. (NOTE: Wives could not have husbands detained!) Psychiatric prison is the only place in the UK that people can be detained against their will. Care in the community – means that there are not enough hospital places for those who want residential care. So health professionals leave people alone unless there is severe dysfunction. SUMMARY Leaves power with the individual. Not functioning adequately is not seen as serious in mental disorder terms. Individuals may be aware or unaware of their own dysfunction – so how can psychiatrists be sure of a diagnosis – and how can they know for sure when a 19 patient is ‘cured’? We are now going to watch a video about two people with mental illness. ‘Louisa and Darryl’. As you are watching decide if Louisa and Darryl fit all 4 definitions of Abnormality. Then write down any issues that the program raises regarding difficulties in defining abnormality and any ethical issues you notice, for discussion afterwards. 20 Summary Activity • Use notes and handouts to complete a summary mind map / poster entitled DEFINING ABNORMALITY. Include a concise definition, explanation, and example of each method and then list as many as possible but at least two limitations associated with each method of definition – e.g. – can be era dependent – can be ethnocentric (cultural relativism) – labelling & stereotyping – desirable behaviour…. etc. • Try also to include one Strength • Then: Say how each of these definitions would define Anorexia as being abnormal, and what the problems defining Anorexia using each definition 21 would be. L5 Models of Abnormality • Definitions tell you if a person is abnormal (mentally ill) or not. • A model is a way of describing why they are ill, i.e. what is the cause of their mental illness. • You need to ensure that you can distinguish between models and definitions. • Definitions answer “are they or aren’t they?” questions, Models try to answer the “why are they?” question. 22 Each model is based on a Psychological Approach or Perspective (point of view) • Psychological Perspectives or Approaches refer the different types of psychologists, and how they view things differently from each other • Each approach will give different explanations for the same behaviour. • The four approaches we are going to look at are the Biological, Behavioural, Psychodynamic and Cognitive. Can you remember the differences between these? • For example how would each approach explain violent behaviour differently? 23 A1 Approaches/Perspectives in Psychology Biological Approach Learned from violent parents or peers It is due to your Physiology i.e. your Hormones Genetics Evolution Brain Damage Behavioural Approach Psychodynamic Approach You have distorted thinking or have reasoned that it will get you what you want Cognitive Approach Unconscious need to release aggression 24 KISSING HOW WOULD THE DIFFERENT APPROACHES IN PSYCHOLOGY EXPLAIN IT? Write down a quick note of your ideas For how the Biological, Behavioural, Psychodynamic and Cognitive approaches 25 would explain it! Biological Model of Abnormality KEY FEATURES OF THE BIOLOGICAL APPROACH TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (Abnormality) (TO LEARN) • Assumption 1: The Biological or Medical Model of abnormality assumes that mental abnormality has physiological causes. These abnormalities may be caused by chemical malfunctions in the brain or by genetic disorders. For example, too much dopamine in the brain is linked with the mental illness called schizophrenia. It is also clear that the eating disorder called anorexia nervosa has a genetic component. • Assumption 2: The Medical Model also assumes that mental disorders can be treated in ways similar to physical disorders. In other words, we can cure the patient by using medical treatments. Treatments include 26 medication (drugs), ECT and psychosurgery. BIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Genetic factors • inherited predispositions to certain mental illnesses (Anorexia Nervosa, Tourettes & Down’s Syndrome) – Biochemistry • excessive or low amounts of certain biochemicals in the brain (Dopamine – Schizophrenia, Serotonin - Depression) – Neuroanatomy • brain damage or inherited structural/organisational defects (Autism) – Treatment (acts on physiology) • • • • Drugs (chemotherapy) Genetic counselling / gene therapy possibly to come Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Psychosurgery 27 Best explanations...... • Work in pairs and decide which would be the best biological explanation/s for the following disorders. Justify your thoughts. – – – – – – – Anorexia Tourettes Syndrome Dementia Depression Schizophrenia Phobic Disorders OCD 28 • Strength 1: The main strength of the Medical Model is that it is scientific. The results of treatment can be measured and manipulated until we have a satisfactory outcome. For example, we can vary the dosage of Prozac until the depressed patient is able to function adequately. • Strength 2: A second strength is that the patient is seen as being ‘ill’ and therefore not responsible (to blame) for their behaviour. Although the label of mental illness still carries a stigma in our society. It is reassuring to most people to learn that their behaviour has an organic/medical cause that can be corrected by medical treatment. • Limitation 1: The main limitation of the Medical Model is that it may be useful in dealing with the symptoms of mental illness but it may not be effective in resolving the underlying causes. Mental illness may have multiple causes, including cognitive and behavioural causes. The MM does not take these into consideration. It is always dangerous to reduce a complex phenomenon to a single explanation (reductionism). • Limitation 2: A second limitation is that medical intervention may have undesirable side effects. Very few drugs can be used without negative side effects. For example, prolonged use of Prozac is associated with suicidal thoughts. Drugs may also encourage addiction and dependency similar to nicotine addiction. In addition, techniques such as ECT and psychosurgery are invasive, unpredictable and often irreversible. 29 Defining Abnormality Tourettes Syndrome • • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. L5 When watching the video make notes on the behaviour seen. First write down the four definitions of abnormality and Rosenhan & Seligman’s seven elements of abnormality. Note down when behaviour seen falls into each definition or element i.e. Statistical Infrequency Deviation from Social Norms Deviation from ideal mental health (use handout) Failure to function adequately (Maladaptiveness) The 7 of the elements of abnormality defined by Rosenhan & Seligman – illustrate with examples from the video. Consider the limitations of each definition and explanations. Then consider the evidence that Tourette’s Syndrome is a biological illness? Write down the main pieces of evidence for this. Make sure you make notes for discussion afterwards. 30 L7 The Psychological Models of Abnormality (there are three of these) • Psychodynamic • Behavioural • Cognitive 31 Psychodynamic Approach Main Assumptions: • Assumption 1: The Psychodynamic Model assumes that experiences in our earlier years can affect our emotions, attitudes and behaviour in later years without us being aware that it is happening. Freud suggested that abnormal behaviour is caused by unresolved conflicts in the Unconscious. These conflicts create anxiety, and we use defence mechanisms such as repression and denial to protect our Ego against this anxiety. However, if defence mechanisms are over-used, they can lead to disturbed abnormal behaviour. • Assumption 2: The Psychodynamic Model assumes that if repressed memories can be recovered from the Unconscious through psychotherapy, and if the patient experiences the emotional pain of these repressed memories, the conflicts will be resolved and the patient will be cured (catharsis & closure i.e. lancing the psychological boil) . Modern psychoanalysis suggests patients must also come to understand these memories 32 cognitively. (Inner child ~ I want It & I want it NOW!) (Self ~ Protector Voice of reason) (Inner parent the Conscience) Recap: Freud’s Theory of Personality Complete Activity Sheet : The Psychodynamic Model (Item A) Question (a) & (b) 33 Recap: Psychosexual Stages of Development 34 EVALUATION OF THE PSYCHODYNAMIC APPROACH • Strength 1: One strength of the Psychodynamic Model is that it reminds us that experiences in childhood can affect us throughout our lives. It accepts that everybody can suffer mental conflicts and neuroses through no fault of their own. • Strength 2: The model also suggests there is no need for medical intervention such as drugs, ECT or psychotherapy, and that the patient, with the help of a psychoanalyst, can find a cure through his own resources. (which empowers the individual & discourages helplessness) • Weakness 1: The main limitation of the Psychodynamic Model is that it cannot be scientifically observed or tested. There is no way of demonstrating if the Unconscious actually exists. There is no way of verifying if a repressed memory is a real or false memory unless independent evidence is available. In other words, most of the theory must be taken on faith. • Weakness 2: Any evidence recovered from a patient must be analysed and interpreted by a therapist. This leaves open the possibility of serious misinterpretation or bias because two therapists may interpret the same evidence in entirely different ways. Psychoanalysis is time-consuming and expensive. It may not even work: in a comprehensive view of 7000 35 cases, Eysenck (1952) claimed that psychodynamic therapy does more harm than good. Activity: Fairy Tale Psychoanalysis • How can you explain the behaviour of the Fairy tale characters using the Psychodynamic model. • Match up the correct example with the most likely explanation. • Use the ego defence mechanism sheet to help you with this. • You can cut them out and move them about if it helps! 36 L8 The Behavioural Model 37 KEY FEATURES OF THE BEHAVIOURAL APPROACH TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (Abnormality) • Assumption 1: The Behavioural Model of Abnormality assumes that all behaviour is learned through experience. All behaviour, including abnormal behaviour, is learned through the processes of classical and/or operant conditioning. Classical Conditioning involves learning through association. Operant conditioning involves learning through rewards (positive and negative reinforcement) and punishment. Or through modelling and Social Learning Theory. (as in Bandura’s ‘BoBo’ doll study) Assumption 2: The model assumes that what has been learned/acquired can be unlearned through the processes of conditioning, classical or operant. Undesirable or maladaptive behaviour can be replaced by desirable or adaptive behaviour. For example, we can use behavioural therapies such as 38 Desensitization and token economies. CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Classical Conditioning was one of the first types of learning to be discovered. It was studied by Ivan Pavlov using his dogs. Ivan Pavlov 39 How this can cause a phobia….. • • • • • • • • • Classical Conditioning: We learn to associate one thing with another e.g. Child on mum’s knee Child sees spider (NS) – unafraid – doesn’t know what spider is! Mum sees spider Mum screams and drops baby! Baby associates spider with fear and lump on head (UCS)! Baby sees spider Baby cries! (CR) 40 Operant conditioning • A behaviour that has a positive effect is more likely to be repeated • Positive and negative reinforcement (escape from aversive stimulus) are agreeable • Punishment is disagreeable • Therefore treatment is by positive & negative reinforcement and punishment (used in schools to treat disruptive children – and in treatment of disorders such as anorexia) 41 OPERANT CONDITIONING Reinforcement of Behaviour (by reward) Results in the behaviour being repeated Behaviour can then be SHAPED to give a desired response. B. F. Skinner (1904-1990) Operant Conditioning The PIGEON & The Skinner Box 42 How can this cause abnormal behaviour? • We can learn to associate and action with a reward or sanction e.g. • Boy sees sweets at checkout • Boy wants sweets but mum says No! • Boy screams and shouts and has a tantrum • Mum gives boy sweets reinforcing the bad behaviour • Boy learns that tantrums = getting what he wants! • So next time boy wants sweets….. 43 Social Learning Theory – Imitation of role models & Reinforcement can also lead to abnormal behaviour:• Girl watches mother (role model) who has OCD washing ritualistically every item in house daily. • Girl cleans own things in same way – copying mum! Evidence: Bandura’s BoBo Doll exp. ~> 44 Advantages & Limitations • Advantage 1: Behavioural approaches, especially when combined with cognitive approaches, have proved very effective in treating clients with phobias and other neurotic disorders, such as obsessive-compulsive disorders. They are less successful with more serious disorders such as schizophrenia and psychosis. • Advantage 2: There is also the advantage that therapy can focus directly on the client’s maladaptive behaviour. There is no need to refer to the client’s previous history or to his medical history. Behaviourists believe that changing the behaviour from maladaptive to adaptive is sufficient for a ‘cure’. • Limitation 1: One limitation of the BM is that only behaviour is considered. The thoughts and feelings of cognition are not taken into consideration. However, a human being is much more than a bundle of behaviours, and thinking and feelings need to be considered. Behavioural therapy may change the behaviour without resolving the underlying causes of that behaviour. • Limitation 2: The BM ignores possible medical causes of abnormal behaviour. For example, we know that there is a genetic element in anorexia, that the lack of glucose can deepen depression, and that excessive dopamine is linked with several mental disorders. It is likely that the Behavioural Model takes too narrow a focus of what constitutes human psychology. Humans are more45 than rats in Skinner boxes. Activity: Explaining mental illness using the behavioural model • Anorexia Nervosa is an eating disorder where sufferers gradually starve themselves sometimes with fatal consequences. • Work in Pairs and Use Classical conditioning, Operant conditioning, and Social learning theory (modelling) to explain the development of Anorexia Nervosa. (write down your explanations) • You will have 10 minutes and will then feedback to the class. 46 The Cognitive Model: Main Assumptions Assumption 1: The Cognitive Model of Abnormality assumes that how we think influences how we feel and how we behave. The ways in which we process information (cognition) directly affect the ways we behave. The Cognitive Model suggests that disordered thinking can cause disordered or abnormal behaviour. Disordered thinking includes irrational assumptions and negative views about the self, the world and the future. Assumption 2: The Cognitive Model assumes that cognitive disorders are the result of negative or disorganised thinking and, therefore, they can be made positive or organised. Thoughts can be monitored, evaluated and altered. Individuals can modify their thinking, challenge their irrational cognitions and self-defeating thoughts. So the model assumes cognitive change will lead to behavioural change. 47 Beck’s (1976) cognitive triad • negative (irrational) thoughts that depressed individuals have about... – Themselves: “I am helpless and inadequate” – The world: “The world is full of insuperable obstacles” – The future: “I am worthless, so there’s no chance that the future will be any better than the present” 48 EVALUATION OF THE COGNITIVE APPROACH Strength 1: A major strength of the Cognitive Model is that it concentrates in current thought processes. It does not depend on the past history of the client, for example, recovering repressed memories from the Unconscious. This is an advantage because details about a person’s past are often unclear, irrelevant, misleading and misremembered. Strength 2: A second strength is that Cognitive Therapies, especially when used together with Behavioural Therapy, have a good success rate in helping clients. It is a popular and much-used approach. It also empowers the individual to take responsibility for his own thinking processes by monitoring, evaluating and altering self-defeating thought processes. Weakness 1: Like all other approaches, psychological and medical, the Cognitive Model rarely supplies the complete solution to abnormal behaviour by itself. There may be medical and environmental influences affecting a person’s behaviour. Focussing only on a person’s cognition may be too narrow an approach. Weakness 2: The Cognitive Model sometimes places the blame for any disorder unfairly on the individual – “It’s your disordered thinking, so you are at fault”. For example, a person suffering from depression may be living in awful circumstances where depression is a perfectly valid and rationale response to the situation. It will hardly be surprising if he perceives the world and his future as a negative and grim. 49 L9 TREATMENT METHODS • Behavioural Approach (Aversion Therapy (counter conditioning), Systematic Desensitisation Therapy, Flooding & Token Economy) • Psychodynamic Approach (Psychotherapy which may include: Dream Analysis, Projective Therapy – ink blot/pictures, Hypnosis, Free & Word Association) • Biological Approach (Drug (chemo) Therapy (anti anxiety /anti depressant and sedatives etc.) – ECT, Psychosurgery) • Cognitive Approach (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – (CBT)) 50 Biological Therapies Psychosurgery Antonio Egas Moniz • MOA: Removes brain tissue in an effort to change behaviour. (unsure of how!) • Lobotomy (Moniz - Nobel Prize). – Calmed violent patients, but produced lethargy & could destroy patients personalities (zombies). – Side-effects also included: apathy, diminished intellectual powers, impaired judgements, coma, and even death 51 Psychosurgery Summary • Modern methods – Stereotactic neurosurgery (most common method today) • much more accurate and do less damage • Effectiveness – Effective if performed precisely and on the appropriate patient i.e. severely depressed/suicidal as ‘last resort’ – Research shows: 33% high effectiveness, 33% moderate effect, 33% minimal or no effect • Appropriateness – Only appropriate in severely depressed or compulsive and suicidal patients who have not responded to other therapies. – Only appropriate under BMA rules if have patients fully informed consent. 52 2 Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Video Clip – ECT (Trust me I’m a Dr.) 53 Electroconvulsive Therapy • Appropriate for treating severely (ECT) depressed / suicidal patients. L2 Sometimes given without their consent (if sectioned). • Introduced during the late 1930s (Ugo Cerletti). • Effective in lifting mood. Can stop suicidal thoughts rapidly – therefore can save lives. • MOA: Increases norepinephrine (neurotransmitter that elevates mood) but not sure of MOA • Perform about 20,000 per year in the U.K. • May cause brain damage as….. • Substantial memory loss (especially short term memory). 54 E.C.T. • The guidelines for the administration of ECT. In general are: – Patient is anesthetized. – Given muscle relaxant. – Shocked with about 100 volts for a half to 3-4 seconds. – Patient experiences slight seizures that last from 30 seconds to 1 minute. – 3-6 treatments per week for several weeks (Though this protocol varies). – Entire session (from prep. time to recovery time) takes between 1 to 2 hours. 55 – Effectiveness >70% improve Drug (Chemo) Therapy • Most widely used Biomedical Therapy, as it is cheap, relatively fast acting and ‘easy’ to give. • Appropriateness: treatment when taken responsibly, and with the close supervision of a doctor. Drugs are given appropriate to a ‘specific’ symptom e.g. anti (anxiety, depressive and psychotic drugs). • Effectiveness: they are generally extremely effective at treating symptoms. (but many have side effects such as addiction). Drugs have liberated many people from mental hospitals – deinstitutionalization (a big +). Since the mid 50's, 70% of persons diagnosed with schizophrenia lived in mental hospitals - today, less than 5%. 56 Types of drugs: • Anti Anxiety Drugs: Benzodiazepines (BZs) – Reduce tension and anxiety. (downers) e.g. (Valium) – MOA : Enhance the action of neurotransmitter GABA resulting in reduction in activity of brain – calming effect • • – Common Side Effects : drowsiness, fatigue, weight gain, interactions with other medications. Anti Depressive Drugs: – Opposite of anti-anxiety drugs (uppers). – MOA: Increase of serotonin etc. (arousal-inducing neurotransmitters). SSRI (e.g., Prozac) interferes with reabsorption of serotonin, creating high levels (brain arousal). – Common Side Effects: dizziness, dry mouth, nausea. Anti Psychotic Drugs: Neuroleptics – Major Tranquilizers. – MOA: Decrease production of the neurotransmitter Dopamine. – Relieves hallucinations, hostility. – Requires very close supervision by a physician/psychiatrist. – Most popular: Thorazine. – Common Side Effects: Weight gain, constipation, dizziness, 57 drowsiness, dry mouth, nasal congestion Strengths & Limitations Strengths of drug treatment: • Research (Kahn) showed that compared to a placebo, BZs were more effective at reducing anxiety. • Drugs are generally extremely effective at treating symptoms • Drugs are easy, relatively fast acting and cheap to use. Weaknesses of drug treatment: • Addiction: BZs create a physiological dependence creating marked withdrawal symptoms when stopped. Should be limited to 4 weeks use because of this. • Side Effects: General (see individual drugs) In BZs they can be paradoxical (opposite to that expected) i.e. can cause aggressiveness. Also memory problems – storage difficulty. • Sticking Plaster: Treats the symptoms not the problem so when drugs are stopped the symptoms return. So best paired with psychological therapies that address the problems. • Drugs have liberated many people from mental hospitals – deinstitutionalization (a big +). Since the mid 50's, 70% of persons diagnosed with schizophrenia lived in mental hospitals - today, less than 5%. 58 Psychodynamic Therapies • Psychoanalysis – MOA: treatments concentrate on making the unconscious conscious (gaining INSIGHT – discovering the reasons for their problems). Then the mind can be cleansed of maladaptive thoughts and emotions (lancing the psychological boil – release of negative energy or CATHARSIS) This is accomplished by using interviews to ask about past, early experiences, parents, and siblings, inner fears and innate drives. It may include: Dream analysis – interpretation of symbolism in dreams. Projective tasks and/or Free and word association – saying whatever enters your head! • Catharsis can then lead to healing (CLOSURE)59 Activity: Psychoanalytical Techniques • Now we are going to have a go at two Psychoanalytical treatment techniques: • Word Association & • Projective Task (Ink blots) • Be prepared to criticise this techniques after we have completed them. 60 Freud’s Dream Analysis Latent Content Male genitals, especially penis Manifest Content of Dream Umbrellas, knives, poles, swords, airplanes, guns, serpents, neckties Female genitals, Boxes, caves, pockets, pouches, the mouth, especially vagina jewel cases, ovens, closets Sexual intercourse Climbing, swimming, flying, riding (a horse, an elevator, a roller coaster) Parents Kings, queens, emperors, empresses Siblings Little animals 61 80 70 Percent improved Appropriateness, Effectiveness, Evidence & Strenths & Limitations 60 50 40 30 20 10 • Bergin (1971) : Meta-analysis (Effectiveness) 0 Psychotheapy Placebo No treatment – Psychoanalysis produced an 73% success rate and was better than a placebo or no treatment. • H.J. Eysenck (1952) – Psychoanalysis is bad for you! • Sloane et al. (1975) • – Behaviour therapy and Psychoanalysis both had 80% improvement rate vs 48% control group Luborksy and Spence (1978) (Appropriateness) – Useful in the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, sexual disorders, but not schizophrenia – Useful with patients who are better educated • Strengths & Limitations: – Unscientific, un-falsifiable, unqualified therapists, expensive and time consuming, techniques require subjective interpretation and rely on the memory of the client, making them unreliable. – Good for treating Sexual Problems. – Recognises the importance of early childhood in development of personality 62 and behaviour, so may aid prevention of mental illnesses. 1.Behavioural Therapies Based on Classical Conditioning • MOA; Re-learning adaptive new behaviours to replace the maladaptive behaviour. • Flooding or Implosion Therapy – Exposure to the feared stimulus = 70% effective! • Systematic desensitisation – Wolpe (1958) – Based on counter-conditioning (gradually learning to re-associate the stimulus with a more positive response). • Aversion therapy – Associate unwanted behaviour with a very unpleasant unconditioned stimulus:- 63 Behaviour Therapies • All these Learning techniques are used to alter behaviours; these techniques include using: – Classical conditioning as in •Aversion therapy… e.g. •Systematic desensitization… e.g. Driving 64 phobia?!!!! Systematic Desensitization 65 Appropriateness & Effectiveness • Appropriate ONLY for behaviour that has been learned. • Behaviour therapy is as effective as other forms of therapy (Smith et al., 1980) • It is very effective with: – Anxiety disorders (Ost, 1989) – Obsessive-compulsive disorder (van Oppen et al., 1995) – Specific phobia (Ost, 1989) ( i.e. flooding 70% effective) • Not very effective with disorders with a genetic component, such as schizophrenia 66 Limitations / Criticisms - Simplistic and Deterministic – limits all behaviour to simple cause and effect. - Mechanical in its application – do this and this will happen - There are ethical questions relating to both research and treatment methods. (Little Albert – Treating Gay Men) - Treats only the behaviour not the causes of the behaviour. - Does not consider individual differences (blank slate?) – we may all learn differently. + Scientific approach with good supporting evidence & easy to research. + Therapies are successful for phobias, OCD and anxiety disorders etc ? New learning or re-education is it always possible? ? What is unwanted behaviour? How is it defined and who by? Used for punishment/social control (gay men) 67 COGNITIVE THERAPIES • • • • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Cognitive Restructuring Therapy Rational Emotive Therapy Stress Inoculation & Hardiness Training. 68 Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Appropriateness: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is used to help solve problems in people's lives, such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or drug misuse. CBT was developed from two earlier types of psychotherapy: •Cognitive therapy, designed to change people's thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and expectations. (i.e. Changing negative thoughts to positive) Includes Stress Innoculation and Hardiness training (both cognitive methods) •Behavioural therapy (designed to change how people acted/behaved). American psychotherapist Aaron Beck developed CBT believing that the way we think about a situation affects how we act but also that our actions/behaviours can affect how we think and feel. MOA: It is therefore necessary to change both the act of thinking (cognition) and behaviour at the same time. This is known as cognitive behavioural therapy. CBT says that your problems are often created by you. It is not the situation itself that is making you unhappy, but how you think about it and how you react to it. Video Clip (Trust me I am a Dr.) 69 Effectiveness of CBT • CBT is often favoured over other therapies because it aims to get rid of the problem not just the symptoms. • Evans (1992) CBT is at least as good as drug therapy in preventing a relapse • Keller (2001) combination of CBT and drug therapy more effective than either therapy alone • Butler (2006) effectiveness depends on the disorder. When the problem is severe, a combination of drugs and CBT is best. E.g. Drugs may reduce disturbed thoughts of Schizophrenics allowing CBT to be used 70 effectively. Strengths and Limitations • Treatment very effective, especially when combined with drug therapy. • Patient has a certain amount of control over their treatment and can use the techniques taught to them to deal with future problems and situations. • Assumption is that patient is to ‘blame’ for their problems. This is the only therapy that assumes that the patient is at fault. 71 The Therapy Game • You will be put in groups of either Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists, Behavioural Therapists or Cognitive Therapists • You are now the potential therapists of the following patients. • Can you explain their abnormal behaviour? • Can you suggest an appropriate treatment? • You must stick strictly to the model/approach of your particular group when answering these questions. • The team with the most appropriate explanation and treatment will win the patient. • The team with the most patients wins the game! 72 Patient No. 1 • You have 2 minutes to discuss the case with your fellow therapists and decide: • What is the likely cause of the patients abnormal behaviour? • Which treatment is the most suitable and why? 73 Patient No. 2 • You have 2 minutes to discuss the case with your fellow therapists and decide: • What is the likely cause of the patients abnormal behaviour? • Which treatment is the most suitable and why? 74 Patient No. 3 • You have 2 minutes to discuss the case with your fellow therapists and decide: • What is the likely cause of the patients abnormal behaviour? • Which treatment is the most suitable and why? 75 Patient No. 4 • You have 2 minutes to discuss the case with your fellow therapists and decide: • What is the likely cause of the patients abnormal behaviour? • Which treatment is the most suitable and why? 76 Patient No. 5 • You have 2 minutes to discuss the case with your fellow therapists and decide: • What is the likely cause of the patients abnormal behaviour? • Which treatment is the most suitable and why? 77 The End 78 Key Term: Abnormality • Behaviour that is considered to deviate from the norm (statistical or social), or ideal mental health. It is dysfunctional because it is harmful or causes distress to the individual or others and so is considered to be a failure to function adequately. Abnormality is characterised by the fact that it is an undesirable state that causes severe impairment in the personal and social functioning of the individual, and often causes the person great anguish depending on how much insight they have into their illness 79 Key Term: Anorexia nervosa • An eating disorder characterised by the individual being severely underweight; 85% or less than expected for size and height. There is also anxiety, as the anorexic has an intense fear of becoming fat and a distorted body image. The individual does not have an accurate perception of their body size, seeing themselves as “normal”, when they are in fact significantly underweight, and they may minimise the dangers of being severely underweight 80 Key Term: Bulimia nervosa • An eating disorder in which excessive (binge) eating is followed by compensatory behaviour such as self-induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives. It is often experienced as an unbreakable cycle where the bulimic impulsively overeats and then has to purge to reduce anxiety and feelings of guilt about the amount of food consumed, which can be thousands of calories at a time. This disorder is not associated with excessive weight loss 81 Key Term: Cultural relativism • The view that one cannot judge behaviour properly unless it is viewed in the context from which it originates. This is because different cultures have different constructions of behaviour and so interpretations of behaviour may differ across cultures. A lack of cultural relativism can lead to ethnocentrism, where only the perspective of one’s own culture is taken 82 Key Term: Deviation from ideal mental health • Deviation from optimal psychological wellbeing (a state of contentment that we all strive to achieve). Deviation is characterised by a lack of positive self-attitudes, personal growth, autonomy, accurate view of reality, environmental mastery, and resistance to stress; all of which prevent the individual from accessing their potential, which is known as self-actualisation 83 Key Term: Eating disorder • A dysfunctional relationship with food. The dysfunction may be gross under-eating (anorexia), binge–purging (bulimia), overeating (obesity), or healthy eating (orthorexia). These disorders may be characterised by faulty cognition and emotional responses to food, maladaptive conditioning, dysfunctional family relationships, early childhood conflicts, or a biological and genetic basis, but the nature and expression of eating disorders show great individual variation 84 Key Term: Statistical infrequency/deviation from statistical norms • Behaviours that are statistically rare or deviate from the average/statistical norm as illustrated by the normal distribution curve, are classed as abnormal. Thus, any behaviour that is atypical of the majority would be statistically infrequent, and so abnormal (e.g., schizophrenia is suffered by 1 in 100 people and so is statistically rare) 85 Factors Important to Mental Health The factors that drive or motivate individuals, according to Maslow (1954) 86