The Real Estate Project

AOBT Seniors End-of-Semester Project
Buying a home = great future
investment for financial stability or
even as profitable business,
Complicated and difficult process
Decisions now affect home-buying
Get a head start by simulating the
process of buying in SD
Understand: credit, mortgage
process, equity, property value,
realtor’s role, and more
Dream big!
Prepare now for future home
 Cross-curricular simulation: Bus & Fin.
Mkts, Comm., Econ
 4 Weeks, End of Semester Final
 All major assignments count for 3 classes
 About one of life’s most important
decisions: buying a home!
 hear from experts in the field such as
realtors, loan officers, and real estate
 take a fieldtrip and experience Model
Homes - several homes that are currently
on the market in our local neighborhood.
Students become “real-estate agents”
who are finding single-family
residence for family in San Diego.
Work in pairs
Assigned “homebuyer
clients”(business volunteers)
Mission: find client’s dream home in
San Diego home, following real homebuying process
Meet with and email “clients
periodically to find the best home
possible, research the surrounding
area, and finance the home given the
 Dec.
10 – Jan. 25
 All deadlines “code red” (must
turn in work on due date, no
exceptions, or receive a 0. )
 All major assessments will
count as points for all three
AOBT senior classes
 Attendance for project is
mandatory and worth
participation points
1st Consultation: Client Introductions - Tues. Dec. 11, 12:12 - 1:15 pm
First face-to-face meeting at CHS. Realtors (students) will meet clients
(business volunteers) to obtain: contact info, personal & financial info & home preferences.
2nd Consultation: Loan Pre-Qualification - Mon. Dec. 17
E-mail clients a Pre-Qualification Home Loan Approval Letter, indicating
max price they can spend on home. Clients reply & confirm how much they are willing to spend.
3rd Consultation: 10 Potential Properties - Thur. Dec. 20
E-mail clients spreadsheet analysis of options to consider. Clients will pick top five properties form this list.
4th Consultation: Top 5 Property Choices – Mon. Jan. 7
Check in with clients via e-mail: pinpoint top five property choices from original ten
5th Consultation: Virtual Home Tour - Fri. Jan. 11
Face-to-face meeting at CHS. Student give clients a prepared Virtual Home Tour (online) of top five home
Final Consultation: Making the Offer/ Final Presentations - Thur., Jan. 24, 12:00 - 2:15 pm
Formal presentation in CHS Library. Present to clients (Prezi) about process: home search, loan approval,
budget, and final home selection. Discuss home & surrounding neighborhood; recommend top three
properties. Clients will watch (and assess) and decidewhich they want to "make the offer on."
Dream Home Digital Collage
 Client Consultation Forms
Pre-Qualification Letter & Calculations
Ten Properties Spreadsheet
Digital Home Tour
Various reflections & classwork notes
 Debt/Income Ratio Excel Spreadsheet
 Informational Video Seminar on a topic
relating to the real estate industry
 Final Presentation (Prezi + Movie) to clients
 Final Midterm Test
Students must attend every school day for the duration of the real
estate project.
Partners must work on all assignments together; dividing the
assignments will lessen the learning experience for each participant.
During class project time on the computers or laptops, students must
be working on their project at all times. Looking at other websites
unrelated to the project, surfing the net, and/or playing games on the
Internet will cost you participation points and may cause you to lose
your privilege of using the computer that day.
Both partners must have copies and access to all electronic
assignments, every day. If your partner is absent, you must still be able
to do the work! If you can’t, you will lose points. See below.
All major assignment deadlines are code red, no exceptions.
All students will earn individual daily participation points throughout the
duration of this project. These points will be given out by each teacher, 10 points
per period, per day. BY the end of the project, you should have earned
somewhere around a total of 200 participation points PER CLASS! These add
up! Teachers will automatically take away participation points at their discretion
for any of the following:
Being absent (Even if it’s excused, you will lose points that day! Come to school!)
Using computer for anything other than project-related work (no e-mail, games,
surfing net)
Being too loud or disruptive during project class time
One partner not working while other one is. Be responsible for your partner, you
can lose points if your partner is not on task!
Not being prepared to work because your partner “has your stuff.”
Being out of seat without teacher approval/wandering or disrupting other groups
Mrs. Rush’s
Realtor & Clients talk about the home buying process
Realtor, CoFounder
Finding out
what your
Danica Hartshorn
 Go
to Residential Client Full
 Questions
for Danica:
1.Tell me about kind of home you are looking for. Who’ll
live there?
2.What neighborhoods are your focus? Why?
3. What characteristics are you looking for in a
-personality, vibe
-neighborhood amenities
-commute time
-other characteristics?
Danica Hartshorn
Go to Residential Client Full
Questions for Danica:
4. Inside the home, what features and/or floor
plan elements are important to you?
5. What is your budget for a home? Down payment? How long
to save & prepare to buy first home?
6. What are your expectations of a Realtor?
7. How did you decide whether to make an offer? And how did
you figure out how much to offer?
8. Did you and Fletcher have any significant differences of
opinion on any homes?
9. What advice would you give someone buying a home based
on your experience?
Will Evans &
Cindy Nyguen
Go to Residential Client Full
1. As we've looked, you have moved toward larger homes
What is your preferred home size now . . .
bedroom/bath count? min square footage? yard size?
2. You've also considered several locations that would be
convenient to Cindy's work in La Jolla and Will's work in
Carlsbad. What location is your preference now--do you agree on
that or have individual preferences?
3. Has anything else on your wish list changed? Are there any
criteria that you disagree about or that are more important to one
of you?
4. What is your price range for a home now? Your down payment?
How many years of work did it take you to save up?
5. Since you guys have a nice condo to live in, you have not had to
hurry to buy a home. Now that the market is changing and prices
are gradually rising, does that affect your timeframe for buying a
home? What is your optimal timing for a home purchase now?
Will Evans &
Cindy Nyguen
Go to Residential Client Full
6. What are your expectations of a Realtor?
7. How are you feeling about your experience
so far, the availability of homes, prices,
current market conditions?
8. In your "mind's eye", what does your next home
realistically look like? How would you describe it?
9. What can I do as your Realtor to help you find the right
home? (any suggestions welcome. For example, I will ask
you if you are happy with the pace of showings--i.e. looking
at search alerts & letting me know when you want to see
things or if you prefer I look more aggressively for you)
10. What advice would you give someone buying a home
based on your experience?
What questions do you
have for Gaby and/or
her clients?
Branch Manager at California Coast Credit Union
Client Consultation Form 1 Due: Tuesday, 12/6
» Client Consultation 2: E-mail Loan-Pre-qualification Due: Monday,
» Client Consultation 3: Email Home Options Sheet and conference
» Real Estate Field Homework (over the break) Due: Tues. 1/3
Field HW Assignment as pdf (to view or print hard copy) or Field HW
Assignment as doc (to type in answers in MS Word)
» Final Neighborhood Brochure due: Fri. 1/6 end of Period 5
» Final Spreadsheet Budget due: Fri., 1/6 end of Period 6
» Field trip to visit Open Model Homes in Del Sur: Tues. 1/10
» First Draft MLA Research Paper & Works Cited Page due: Fri 1/13
Period 5
» MovieMaker Video due: Friday 1/13 Period 6
» Final MLA Research Paper & Works Cited Page due: Tues. 1/17
» Presentation Rehearsals in class: Thur. 1/19
» Final Presentations to Panel of Real Estate Industry Volunteers: 1/20
• all students will use 28% of the clients’s income toward their
• all students will get a mortgage at a fixed rate, 30 yr. loan
Students will meet with their “clients” to get the following
information, which was given to them for this simulation:
• annual family income
• down payment
• # of bedrooms and bathrooms your family desires
• Minimum square footage desired
• Credit score (FICO)
• Area of San Diego primary earner of family works in
• Car Loan Credit Card Debt
» Rules for the Real Estate Project
View this online handout to see a list of guidelines regarding how students will be graded on attendance, participation, and
assignments throughout the duration of the project.
» Client Consultation Form 1: Client Info & Home Wish List
Students use this fill-in the blank form to record their given information and create a detailed identity for their fictitous “clients.”
» Credit Score Reference Sheet
When students receive their given information, they must also “roll” for their credit score. This sheet shows how their roll
corresponds to a FICO score and how that score corresponds to a higher or lower potential interest rate on their client’s home
» Real Estate Webpage Search Quiz
Students use this introductorysearch quiz as a guide to becoming familiar with the information about the real estate project given
on this webpage.
» San Diego Home Prices Internet Search Activity
Students use this activity sheet to research home prices in San Diego and other parts of the country in order to compare and
formulate an analysis.
» Webinar: “The Home Buying Process”
This link is to a webinar, or educational video, on YouTube. The seminar is given by Shannon King, a realtor from SchoolHouse
Realty and business partner of the AOBT. Note: Due to district restrictions, students will not be able to view this video while using a
computer on campus. They will be able to view it on any online computer off campus. Staff may login and authenticate to view and
show the video while on the district server.
» “Why Buy a Home” Articles
Students read these articles in order to complete a short essay that responds to the question “Why should one consider buying a
home instead of renting one?”
» Real Estate Project Glossary of Terms
Students may view this handout to get a list of comprehensive terms and definitions that will be used throughout the real estate
Qualifying For the Mortgage:
» Loan Application
» HomeFair Mortgage Affordability Calculator
» Mortgage Affordability Calcualator Guide Sheet
Searching For Homes:
» Search Areas Reference Sheet
Students should reference this sheet when choosing a community for their clients.
For the purpose of the project, San Diego County was divided into five primary areas:
Area 1: North County Coastal; Area 2: North County Inland; Area 3: Central Coastal;
Area 4: Central Inland; Area 5: East County. Click on the link to view a list of
neighborhoods for each area.
» Home Search Options Sheet
Students use this form to list out five possible homes that fit their client’s requests
and budget. Later, stduents will pick off this list to choose the home they feel is the
best fit for their family.
» – San Diego
» Sign-On San Diego – Real Estate
Assignment Description: Students will create a budget for their “clients”
using a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet will calculate
and graphically represent the family’s budget. It will use formulas to
calculate the maximum home loan amount and maximum purchase
price of the home. It will also demonstrate the family’s monthly
expenses pertinent to buying a home including: monthly income,
monthly mortgage payment, monthly liabilities (auto & credit card debt),
real estate taxes, and hazard insurance.
» Spreadsheet Budget Assignment Requirements
View this link to see a detailed page outlining the requirements of the
spreadsheet family budget.
» Spreadsheet Budget Grading Rubric
View this link to see the grading rubric that teachers will use to asses
the final spreadsheet budget.
» Sample Spreadsheet Budget
View this link to see an example of a completed spreadsheet budget.