Unit 11 The Sixties: A Decade of Protest and Changes (2.5 weeks

Unit 11 The Sixties: A Decade of Protest and Changes (2.5 weeks)
Big Picture Questions:
What challenges were faced by Presidents Kennedy and Johnson as they led the nation during the
The Kennedy Presidency 1960-1963
John F. Kennedy
New Frontier
Peace Corps
The Space Race
John Glenn
Neil Armstrong
Buzz Aldrin
Advances in technology due to space program
Fidel Castro
Bay of Pigs invasion
Alliance for Progress
The Berlin Wall
Nikita Krushchev
Cuban Missile Crisis
Kennedy’s assassination
Lyndon B. Johnson
Great Society
Civil Rights
War on Poverty
Economic Opportunity Act
Job Corps
Medicare Act of 1965
McCarran-Walter Act
Immigration Act of 1965
Johnson’s Landslide election
Barry Goldwater
Conscience of a Conservative
In what ways did the Women’s liberation movement of the 1960s help women achieve greater
economic and social success?
Women’s Liberation (Feminist) Movement
Reason’s for the movement’s emergence
Betty Friedan
The Feminine Mystique
National Organization for Women (NOW)
Equal Pay Act
Roe v. Wade
Title IX
How did the Civil Rights movement pave the path for the expansion of rights to other groups?
African-American Militancy
Black Power
Black Muslims
Black Panthers
Malcolm X
Dr. King’s assassination
Race riots
Huey Newton
Bobby Seale
Chicano Movement
Hector Perez Garcia
Cesar Chavez
Dolores Huerta
Diego Rivera
American Indian Movement (AIM)
“Red Power”
Native American
U.S. Court of Appeals
Mendez v. Westminster School District 1947
Delgado v. Bastrop ISD 1948
Hernandez v. Texas 1954
White v. Regester 1973
Edgewood ISD v. Kirby 1984
“Youth Culture” of the 1960s
26th amendment
Were the failures of the Vietnam War due primarily to a misunderstanding of Vietnamese politics
and culture or reluctance to “win at all costs”?
The Vietnam War 1954-1973
President Kennedy
Domino Theory
President Johnson
Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions 1964
Johnson Escalates the War
Agent Orange
Roy Benavidez
Ho Chi Minh
Guerilla warfare
Anti-war movement
Credibility gap
Hawks v. doves
President Nixon
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
Henry Kissinger
Invasion of Cambodia
Diplomatic Overtures
Silent Majority
Pentagon papers
Fall of Saigon
Legacy of the war
War Powers Resolution
To what extent did the Vietnam War influence Literature, art, and music?
Beat Generation
Allen Ginsberg
Jack Kerouac
Joseph Heller’s Catch 22
Kurt Vonnegut Slaughterhouse-five
Phillip Roth
Rock n Roll
Chuck Berry
Little Richard
Elvis Presley
Motown Sound
Abstract expressionism
Pop art
Jackson Pollock
Mark Rothko
Andy Warhol
Jasper Johns
Roy Lichtenstein
Instructional Focus: The 1960s was a decade of protest and change. The unit begins by examining the
presidencies of both John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson. Then the unit moves to the women’s
liberation movement and examining how other rights expanded to other minority groups. Vietnam then
becomes the focus as we look at both events in Vietnam and the reactions at home. These changes all
led to strong reactions in literature, music, and art and provide a great opportunity to examine examples
from this time period more closely.
Suggested Resources:
Video - Dear America, Letters Home from Vietnam
Video - Return with Honor
JFK Speech Rice http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=g25G1M4EXrQ.