Advanced Manufacturing Curriculum

Advanced Manufacturing Sciences Major, B.S.
A cross-disciplinary major created to support an Advanced Manufacturing workforce
initiative for the Aerospace and Aviation Industries
General Studies
ENG 1010-03 Freshman Composition: Composing Arguments (General Studies Written Communication)
o Prerequisite(s): Score of 95 or higher on the Accuplacer sentence skills
exam or a C- or better in ENG 090. Students with an ACT ENG score of
18 or higher or SAT verbal score of 450 or higher are exempt from the
placement exam if scores are not older than five years.
Description: ENG 1010 is a course focusing on the process of writing and
revising college-level texts in three major categories: arguments through
personal reflection, arguments through analysis, and arguments through
interpretation. The course employs lecture, discussion, workshop, and
conference methods. Students learn how to read, summarize, and analyze
texts. Students demonstrate their ability to generate, organize, and produce
writing for appropriate audiences. Coursework does not include research
and documentation of secondary sources.
ENG 1020-03 Freshman Composition: Analysis, Research, and Documentation
(General Studies - Written Communication)
o Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010 or equivalent with a grade of “C-” or better.
Description: This is a course in the process of writing extended essays
supported by research. The course includes an introduction to library use,
research techniques, and the conventions of MLA and APA styles of
documentation, as well as practice in critical reading, thinking, and writing
across the disciplines. Students can expect to do a series of shorter writing
and research assignments leading to the longer, documented paper. ENG
1020 includes hands-on instruction in the use of computers in research and
writing in a computer lab.
Note: Because of continual development in research technology and
techniques, credits ten years or older, from any institution, will not
transfer. ENG 1020 requires a grade of “C-” or better to fulfill the General
Studies requirement.
MTH 1110-04 College Algebra (General Studies - Quantitative Literacy)
o Prerequisite(s): An intermediate algebra course or one and one-half years
of secondary school algebra or equivalent and appropriate score on the
mathematics preassessment placement test.
Description: The topics covered include equations and inequalities,
functions and graphs, exponents and logarithms, conic sections, linear
systems, and the binomial theorem. Basic algebraic skills are essential as a
prerequisite to this course. All sections will integrate the use of a graphing
calculator into the course.
Three credits General Studies – (Oral Communication)
Three credits General Studies – (Historical)
PHY XXXX-04 Physics for Manufacturing with PHY XXXX-02 Lab (New
Courses) – (Natural and Physical Sciences)
o Prerequisites: MTH 1110, or MTH 1310, or equivalent; minimum
performance standard scores on the reading, writing and mathematics preassessment placement tests.
Description: A one-semester course, with laboratory, that introduces the
fundamentals of physics through contemporary technological applications.
Topics include mechanical systems, electronics, optics, condensed matter,
and thermodynamics. (General Studies Natural Sciences)
CET 3120-03 Engineering Economy (Social and Behavioral Sciences I)
o Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing, permission of instructor
Description: This course examines the “time value of money” as a basis
for evaluating economic alternatives required in engineering decisionmaking.
ECO 2020-03 Principles of Microeconomics (Social and Behavioral Sciences II)
o Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010 or ENG 1020; AND any 1000-level MTH
Description: This course offers an introductory analysis of economic
decision making in a market system. The roles, actions, and interactions of
consumers, firms, and the government are explored. Market failure and
government failure are also considered. Microeconomic principles and
analysis are applied to current events and problems and are used to explore
human behavior.
PHI 1030-03- Introduction to Ethics (Arts and Humanities)
o Prerequisite(s): Minimum performance standard scores on the reading
and writing preassessment placement tests
Description: This is a first philosophy course designed to introduce
students to basic philosophical issues, primarily in the areas of moral and
social philosophy. This course covers fundamental questions such as, for
example: “What is the relation, if any, between morality and religion?” or
“How should society be best organized?” Important cultural achievements,
in the form of original and complete works, will be emphasized.
Three credits General Studies – (Arts and Humanities)
Note: select a course with Global Diversity and Multicultural designation from
Historical or unspecified Arts and Humanities categories
GS Subtotal: 34
AM/MS Core Courses
MET 1010-03 Manufacturing Processes
o Description: Basic fundamentals in the operation of machine tools are
studied, including measuring tools, bench work and layout, and tool
grinding. The student performs various machine operations using the
engine lathe, milling machine, vertical drills, and surface grinders.
IND 2830-03 Manufacturing Materials and Processes
o Description: This course provides an overview of a wide range of massproduction manufacturing methods and materials most commonly utilized
by industrial designers. It provides students with knowledge that will
enable them to make appropriate material, manufacturing, and finishing
selections for their own designed products.
AMS Institute 1010-03 Survey of Advanced Manufacturing and Workplace
Preparation (new multidisciplinary team taught course)
o Description: This course is designed to teach the “soft skills” required by
industry such as interactive communication and collaboration/teamwork
skills utilizing team exercise and team activities. The course also provides
an overview of how each of the multidisciplinary programs fit into
Advanced Manufacturing through presentations from appropriate faculty
from the involved departments.
MTH 1120-03 Trigonometry
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1110 or MTH 1112, each with a grade of “C” or
Description: The topics covered include trigonometric functions,
equations and identities, solution of triangles, and complex numbers.
MET 1310-03 Principles of Quality Assurance
o Prerequisite(s): Intermediate algebra or equivalent with a grade of “C” or
Description: The course introduces the scope and function of quality
assurance, including basic definitions, statistics, quality policy and
objectives, manuals and procedures, concept of variation, inspection and
sampling techniques, meteorology process control, methods and the
elements of reliability. Current TQM and ISO 9000 standards are
IND 1450-03 Industrial Drawing and CAD
o Description: An introductory course designed to give students
information about production drawings. The technical drawing process is
presented and applied to a variety of products using both manual drafting
tools and computer software. Additional topics include hand lettering,
orthographic projections, dimensioning, Geometric Dimensioning and
Tolerancing (GD & T), and creating Computer Numerical Controlled
(CNC) data for part production. The design process is taught with the aid
of a short-term design project.
CET 1215-03 Engineering Graphics
o Description: This course uses CAD software to perform geometric
constructions, multi-view projection, section views, dimensioning, and
solid modeling.
COM 2610-03 Technical Writing
o Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010
Description: This course provides students with the skills to analyze and
produce clear and effective technical and scientific documents and
materials. Students determine the style, purpose, content, and format for
numerous industry-specific reports and technical support
documents. Students analyze and produce accessible materials for expert,
technical, lay, and intercultural audiences. Students also develop,
incorporate, and cite visual elements, including images, tables, and the
representation of numeric data, to support the message delivered towards a
specific audience.
MET 3000-04 Manufacturing Analysis
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1010; MET 1310; and MTH 1110 or MTH 1400
with grades of “C” or better
Description: This course introduces the organizational and functional
requirements for effective production. Tolerance charts and work piece
control are used to plan the manufacturing sequence, select the preferred
manufacturing equipment and the operational sequence.
CIS 3320-03 Management Science
o Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010, ENG 1020, and completion of General
Studies requirements in Oral Communication; “C” or better in MTH 1320
or MTH 1410; C or better in CIS 3300; and at least junior standing.
Description: This course is an introduction to business management
science techniques. The course covers the topics of linear programming,
project scheduling, inventory models, decision analysis, queuing theory,
and simulation, in the context of management decision-making skills.
EET XXXX-03 Process Control Systems for non-Engineers (new course)
o Description: This course introduces advanced manufacturing circuit
components utilized in process systems for non-EET majors. It covers
basics of DC and AC circuits, various motors, transformers, operational
amplifiers, industry sensors and PID controllers. Students will analyze the
various elements to design basic control elements.
CS XXXX-03 Computational Thinking (new course)
o Description: Advanced Manufacturing students should have a firm grasp
on the capabilities, power, challenges and limitations of computing. This
course on Computational Thinking will cover the following topics:
Computer Programming (using a language such as Python), Building
Blocks for Computational Problem Solving (Abstraction Control
Structures: ifs, loops, functions, recursion, Data Structures: lists, trees,
graphs), Hardware issues (Networks, the Memory Hierarchy, Graphics
Cards, Bluetooth, Wifi, Sensors, Effectors), Parallel and Multi-Core
Computing, User Interfaces, Efficiency, Algorithm Analysis, and Limits
of Computation, Data Compression, Security
MGT 3000-03 Organizational Management
o Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010, ENG 1020, completion of General Studies
requirements in Oral Communication and Quantitative Literacy, and at
least junior standing, or permission of instructor.
o Description: This course examines, analyzes, and assesses managerial
functions and processes as related to business and other organizations. It is
designed to prepare students to meet the challenges of a highly dynamic
and ever-changing business environment by formulating individual
competencies and skills, translating theory into practice, creating critical
thinkers, and reflecting on the integration of new concepts and
environmental changes into managerial practices.
AM Core Subtotal: 34 (68 total with GS)
AM/MS Elective Courses- select elective credits for all tracks from the following list
of courses:
AES 1050-03 Introduction to Space
o Description: This course introduces students to the challenges of working
in space. Course activities lead to the design and construction of a working
satellite for launch. The course is designed for both engineering and nonengineering students.
CET 4570-03 Engineering Law
o Prerequisite(s): CET 3120 or Permission of instructor
Description: This course provides the student with a basic understanding
of contract laws and regulations, laws that govern the execution of the
work being performed under the contract, laws that relate to the settling of
differences and disputes, and licensing laws.
CIS 2010-03 Foundations of Information Systems
o Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010, ENG 1020, and completion of the General
Studies requirements in Oral Communication and Quantitative Literacy;
and CIS/CSS 1010 with a grade of “C” or better, or appropriate score on
the Computer Information Systems computer literacy screening test.
Description: This course is an introduction to information systems from a
business perspective. It introduces students to computer hardware and
software, use of productivity tools and the Internet to solve business
problems, and an introduction to fundamental and functional business
information systems.
CIS 2110-03 Structured Problem Solving in Information Systems
o Prerequisite(s): CIS 2010
Description: This is a problem-solving course in which the tools of
structured design are used to design computerized solutions to business
problems. Procedural programming languages are used to implement these
designs. Emphasis is placed on the implementation of the three logic
constructs in procedural languages: sequence, selection, and iteration.
Students will be required to develop, test, and debug programs in one or
more procedural languages, using a variety of hardware and operating
system platforms.
CIS 3060-03 Database Management Systems
o Prerequisite(s): CIS 2110
Description: This course provides an introduction to the design,
development, implementation, and manipulation of databases. Students
will implement a database design with Structured Query Language
(SQL). Students will also be introduced to distributed database
management, concurrency control, data warehousing, and data mining.
CS 1050-04 Computer Science 1
o Prerequisite(s): Permission of department
Description: This is the first course in the computer science core
sequence. Students will learn a modern programming language and the
basic skills needed to analyze problems and construct programs for their
solutions. The emphasis of the course is on the techniques of algorithm
development, correctness, and programming style. Students are also
introduced to the fundamentals of software engineering and the softwaredevelopment life cycle.
CS 2050-04 Computer Science 2
o Prerequisite(s): CS 1050 and MTH 1110 (or equivalent) with a grade of
“C” or better, or permission of instructor
Description: This course, a continuation of CS 1050, further emphasizes
the concepts of the software development cycle and introduces the concept
of an abstract data type (ADT). The topics covered include linked-lists,
trees, stacks, queues, classes, recursion, and a variety of data
representation methods. Further topics in software engineering and
programming style as well as algorithms for sorting and searching are
EET 2000-03 Electric Circuits and machines
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1120 or MTH 1400, PHY 2020 or PHY 2331, with
grades of “C” or better
Description: This course introduces electric circuits for non-EET majors.
It covers DC and AC circuits, generators, motors, transformers,
elementary electronic devices, and circuits.
EET 2145-04 Electronics
o Prerequisite(s): Either EET 1150 or EET 2000 and either CHE 1100 or
CHE 1800 with grades of “C” or better
Description: This course is a study of the theory, modeling and
application of semiconductor based electronic circuits. Devices studied
include: diodes, bipolar junction transistors, MOS field effect transistors,
thyristors, and operational amplifiers. Students will learn to integrate
electronic devices in applications such as filtering, amplification, and
IND 3000-03 Design Thinking (new course)
o Description: The design methodology of innovative problem solving will
be taught in this course. Multiple short-term design projects will be
utilized to gain knowledge of design thinking and innovative problem
solving for business and manufacturing applications.
IND 3660-03 Computer Aided Modeling (Solidworks)
o Prerequisite(s): IND 1450
Description: In a computer laboratory environment, students use software
to model/render objects and designs in virtual three-dimensional space.
IND 3900-03 Product Usability and Ergonomics (new course)
o Description: This combination lecture and laboratory course stresses the
importance of user interaction with products as a measure of product
market viability and manufacturability. User interface components,
anthropometrics and psychologically intuitive design solutions for
manufacture are addressed in the course.
MET 1210-03 3D Modeling
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1200 with a grade of “C” or better; or permission of
Description: This course is designed to familiarize students with
functional 3-D modeling using an appropriate software package. The
course covers the basic functions needed to create part models, assemblies,
and drawings. Emphasis is on the design philosophy, used in creating parts
and assemblies.
MET 3100-03 Computer Numerical Control Machining
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1010, MET 1210, and MTH 1120 with grades of
“C” or better
Description: The theory is reviewed to control machines numerically.
Algorithms are developed to program NC machines. N/C language and
programming emphasizes APT, Compact II and suitable post-processors.
The lab work includes operation of machines to demonstrate the
programming skills.
MET 3330-03 Robotics Manufacturing
o Prerequisite(s): MET 3100 and EET 2000 with grades of “C” or better
Description: The course examines robotic components utilized in robots
and automated systems. Manufacturing automation is analyzed as the
robot is integrated with other flexible automation equipment. The focus is
how to apply and design robotic, integrated, manufacturing systems. The
laboratory work supplements the lectures using industrial robots for
different applications.
PHY 2X01-03 Materials, Machines, and Actuators (New class)
o See Physics track for course description.
PHY 2X05-03 Optics (New class)
o See Physics track for course description.
Aerospace Track
The global aerospace industry represents the culmination of development, integration,
and application for high technology related products and services. Advents in commercial
aerospace technologies and manufacturing processes require the highest levels of
reliability and functionality while operating in environmentally harsh and systematically
demanding conditions. The aerospace track introduces the student to the prime operating
settings, systems, and constructs affecting operations conducted in space or that rely on
space-based infrastructure for commercialized applications. Aerospace systems
integration coupled with the application of new technologies to address future
opportunities in space commerce are cornerstones to learning in this program.
AES 1050-03 - Introduction to Space
o Description: This course introduces students to the challenges of working
in space. Course activities lead to the design and construction of a working
satellite for launch. The course is designed for both engineering and nonengineering students.
AES 3530-03 Aerodynamics
o Prerequisite(s): PHY 1250
Description: This course studies the basic principles of aerodynamics,
including airfoil shapes and aerodynamic forces, airplane performance,
stability and control, strength limitations, and the application of these to
specific flight situations. Included in this course are flight performances
with airflow in the sub-, trans-, and supersonic envelopes.
AES 3600-03 Space Flight Operations I
o Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing or Permission of instructor
Description: Students review the history of space exploration and related
issues motivating human inquiry and travel in space. Topics focus on
identifying and understanding elements and systems comprising modern
space vehicles and missions. Students analyze various national policies,
treaties, and international laws affecting space operations. Fundamentals
of interplanetary travel, orbit prediction, and launch and reentry operations
are also investigated.
AES 4601-03 Space Flight Operations II
o Prerequisite(s): AES 3600
Description: Advanced issues related to space operations are investigated
in this course. Topics include payload and spacecraft design,
bioastronautics, spacecraft control systems, and launch vehicles. Emphasis
is placed on current and proposed space transportation systems, space
stations, and planetary exploration. Students practice principles of orbital
mechanics and related calculations applied to operational management of
space vehicles and space stations.
AES 4602-03 Aerospace Commercialized Operations
o Prerequisite(s): AES 4601
Description: This course explores past, current, and proposed business
ventures focused on creating commercial opportunities in space. Students
will consider factors of risk associated with conducting space business.
Case-based analyses and projects designed to understand and
conceptualize potential new commercial space organizations will be
conducted within the class.
AES 4603-03 Aerospace Operations Systems Analysis and Design
o Prerequisite(s): AES 4601
Description: Students are introduced to concepts related to
conceptualizing, designing, and integrating commercial space systems.
Processes and analytical tools related to systems integration, systems
engineering, and operational management are included. Students learn
mathematical techniques for assessing risks, optimization, and design
trade-offs commonly used by commercial operations in the space industry.
AES 4607-03 Orbital Mechanics and Aerospace Systems Simulations
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1110; AST 1040 or PHY 2010; or permission of
Description: Students will be introduced to orbital analysis using
Analytical Graphics Inc (AGI)’s Satellite Tool Kit (STK) software. They
will integrate this analysis with simulations involving ground systems,
ground vehicles, aircraft, and ships. Students will use STK to assess risks,
optimize performance, and develop alternatives. The main purpose of the
course is to introduce STK software, its interface, and capabilities related
to orbital mechanics concepts.
AES 4610-03 Aerodynamic Design (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): AES 3530, or permission of instructor
Description: Students analyze aerodynamics in both the subsonic and
supersonic range. Airfoil theory, the calculations of lift and drag, National
Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) derived airfoils, and their
applications will be studied. A wind tunnel laboratory is utilized to
conduct experimentation with the Bernoulli equation and Reynolds
number and test aerodynamic properties of various structures.
AES Track Subtotal: 24 (92 total with core and GS)
Advisor Approved Electives: 28 for 120 total in the major
Civil Engineering/Construction Track
Construction Engineering (as a focus of Civil Engineering) has an essential connection
with advanced manufacturing in areas such as fabrication and project management.
Construction projects using BIM (Building Information Management) are extremely
common in the construction field with several applications linked to advanced
manufacturing, expanding from 3D required for fabrication to 4D, the 4th dimension
being the time, thus allowing for project management. The Building Structures course,
dealing with the 3D part of the BIM course incorporates these concepts needed for the
fabrication process, while Construction Methods incorporates the 4th dimension of the
BIM. Cost Estimating is essential to fabrication and cost data is incorporated in the
advanced BIM. The Highway Engineering course has components dealing with
application of sustainable materials and the Engineering Law course focuses on the legal
aspects of a successful project.
ARCH 2003-03 Building Structures
o Description: The focus of this course will be on the importance of
collaboration between related fields in the building industry, development
of the architectural and building structural knowledge of students and
encouraging creative design integration through class projects.
CET 3100-03 Construction Methods
o Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing; or permission of instructor
Description: This course provides a basic understanding of the method
used by a general contractor to determine earthwork costs. The student is
introduced to the application of engineering fundamentals for the analysis
of heavy earthmoving equipment as well as to the basic concepts of CPM.
CET 3110-03 Cost Estimating
o Prerequisite(s): CET 3100; or permission of instructor
Description: This course is a continuation of CET 3100, Construction
Methods. It provides a basic understanding of the methods used to prepare
a building and/or bridge construction cost estimate. The students learn to
do quantity takeoff utilizing plans and specifications.
CET 4100-01 Senior Project I
o Prerequisite(s): CET 3120, COM 2610, MTH 2420, and SPE 1010 with
grades of “C” or better; completion of General Studies requirements; and
Senior standing with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0.
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): CET 4120 and CET 4400
Description: This course requires the planning and designing of a team
project in consultation with faculty advisors and industry contacts.
CET 4110-02 Senior Project II
o Prerequisite(s): CET 4100 with a grade of “C” or better
Description: In this course, the students will build, test, and demonstrate
the project they started in CET 4100. Written technical reports and oral
presentations on the project are required. Part of this course involves the
student working with a faculty member who acts as a consultant.
CET 4150-03 Highway Engineering and Surveying
o Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing; or permission of instructor
Description: This course is a specialized course in requirements,
functional characteristics, and system characteristics of highway design,
incorporating surveying essentials for the civil engineering field. The
course develops design methods, procedures, and analysis for pavement
design, roadway alignment, and user information for freeways, city
arterials, and rural roadways.
CET 4570-03 Engineering Law
o Prerequisite(s): CET 3120 or Permission of instructor
Description: This course provides the student with a basic understanding
of contract laws and regulations, laws that govern the execution of the
work being performed under the contract, laws that relate to the settling of
differences and disputes, and licensing laws.
CET Track Subtotal: 18 (89 total with core and GS)
Advisor Approved Electives: 31 for 120 total in the major
Computer Information Systems Track
Computer Information Systems are integral components of an efficient manufacturing
process. The management of a production operation is conducted with the assistance of
computerized information systems as sophisticated as Enterprise Resource Planning
(ERP) systems or as basic as in-house developed systems. Regardless of size and level of
sophistication, the development and/or management of any information system involves
knowledge of database management systems, systems analysis and design, applied
programming, and systems networking, all of which are included on the CIS track.
CIS 2010-03 Foundations of Information Systems
o Prerequisite(s): ENG 1010, ENG 1020, and completion of the General
Studies requirements in Oral Communication and Quantitative Literacy;
and CIS/CSS 1010 with a grade of “C” or better, or appropriate score on
the Computer Information Systems computer literacy screening test.
Description: This course is an introduction to information systems from a
business perspective. It introduces students to computer hardware and
software, use of productivity tools and the Internet to solve business
problems, and an introduction to fundamental and functional business
information systems.
CIS 2110-03 Structured Problem Solving in Information Systems
o Prerequisite(s): CIS 2010
Description: This is a problem-solving course in which the tools of
structured design are used to design computerized solutions to business
problems. Procedural programming languages are used to implement these
designs. Emphasis is placed on the implementation of the three logic
constructs in procedural languages: sequence, selection, and iteration.
Students will be required to develop, test, and debug programs in one or
more procedural languages, using a variety of hardware and operating
system platforms.
CIS 3050-03 Fundamentals of Systems Analysis and Design
o Prerequisite(s): CIS 2110
Description: This course covers the basic concepts of an information
system and systems analysis tools and techniques necessary to develop
requirements for a business information system. Students will concentrate
on systems analysis using current methodologies, technologies, and
available tools of analysis, as well as an examination of the effect on
systems analysis by business drivers such as globalization, security,
privacy, ethics, and collaboration. The course will focus on the analysis
phase including requirements definition, modeling, feasibility, project
planning and management, and documentation.
CIS 3060-03 Database Management Systems
o Prerequisite(s): CIS 2110
Description: This course provides an introduction to the design,
development, implementation, and manipulation of databases. Students
will implement a database design with Structured Query Language
(SQL). Students will also be introduced to distributed database
management, concurrency control, data warehousing, and data mining.
CIS 3490-03 Managing Business Information with Enterprise Systems
o Prerequisite(s): CIS 2010
Description: Students gain an understanding of the theoretical and
practical issues of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems used
within organizations. The course demonstrates how ERP systems
integrate information and organizational processes across functional areas
with a unified database, best practices and shared operating
tools. Students will configure a running ERP system (e.g. SAP), execute
transactions and produce reports for supporting common business
processes and business information management. Students will be able to
evaluate how ERP systems enable firms to operate their business
processes effectively and efficiently. Students also learn to model, assess
and improve processes through practical work and by analyzing case
CIS 4060-03 Advanced Database Systems
o Prerequisite(s): CIS 2110, CIS 3060 and a course from the CIS
Programming Language Group
Description: This course provides an in-depth understanding of database
management systems by extending the database concepts and
programming skills developed in prerequisite courses. The student will be
presented with a variety of realistic business problems and be asked to
produce functional solutions to these problems. The course will use the
Oracle Developer 2000 or similar software to drive the design and
development of business application software.
CIS 4410-03 Management Information Systems
o Prerequisite(s): CIS 2110 and MGT 3000
Description: This course provides an overview of management
information systems, managerial decision making practices and styles, and
requisite information needs. International information concepts, the
influence of national cultures on decision-making, information use, and on
various system design approaches are examined. The course addresses the
practical aspects of the development of management information systems
and decision-support systems.
CIS Track Subtotal: 21 (89 total with core and GS)
Advisor Approved Electives: 31 for 120 total in the major (Elective courses may
not include those with the following prefixes: ACC, CIS, FIN, MKT, MGT)
A SAP Recognition Award Certificate is earned upon completion of CIS2010,
CIS3490 and CIS4410.
Computer Science Track
Advanced manufacturing strongly relies on computer software. In advanced
manufacturing, uses for software tools include: 3D modeling, automated control, sensing,
and inter-machine communication. Industry is dependent on software developers who can
create and modify software tools for current machines and create software for the next
generation of machines. Students in the Advanced Manufacturing Computer Science
track will have a good combination of domain knowledge and software development
skills to address these needs.
CS 1050-04 Computer Science 1
o Prerequisite(s): Permission of department
Description: This is the first course in the computer science core
sequence. Students will learn a modern programming language and the
basic skills needed to analyze problems and construct programs for their
solutions. The emphasis of the course is on the techniques of algorithm
development, correctness, and programming style. Students are also
introduced to the fundamentals of software engineering and the softwaredevelopment life cycle.
CS 1400-04 Computer Organization 1
o Prerequisite(s): An intermediate algebra course or one and one-half years
of secondary school algebra or equivalent and appropriate score on the
mathematics pre-assessment placement test or higher-level math course
with a grade of “C” or better
Description: In this course, students will study the internal organization,
characteristics, performance and interactions of a computer system’s
functional components. Binary codes and binary arithmetic, digital logic,
central processor organization, instruction set architecture, input/output
fundamentals, and memory architecture is covered.
CS 2050-04 Computer Science 2
o Prerequisite(s): CS 1050 and MTH 1110 (or equivalent) with a grade of
“C” or better, or permission of instructor
Description: This course, a continuation of CS 1050, further emphasizes
the concepts of the software development cycle and introduces the concept
of an abstract data type (ADT). The topics covered include linked-lists,
trees, stacks, queues, classes, recursion, and a variety of data
representation methods. Further topics in software engineering and
programming style as well as algorithms for sorting and searching are
CS 2400-04 Computer Organization 2
o Prerequisite(s): CS 1050, CS 1400, and MTH 1110 (or equivalent), each
with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of instructor
Description: The course presents the functional organization of
computers, multicore and multithreaded processors, high-performance
storage, multiprocessor and multicomputer parallel architectures, and error
detecting/correcting codes. Students learn assembly language
programming and create software using a contemporary development
CS XXXX-04 Embedded Systems
o Description: Much of Advanced Manufacturing involves machines
controlled automatically by computers. These are referred to as embedded
systems. This course will provide an overview of embedded systems,
embedded system hardware, activating devices, Interprocess /
intermachine communication, and safety and security issues in relation to
embedded systems. Instruction is provided regarding software Engineering
challenges: separate compilation, debugging, performance analysis and
system requirements for monitoring machines and responding to sensors.
Designing embedded systems in response to Issues in real-time software is
also addressed.
CS 3140-04 Human-Computer Interaction
o Prerequisite(s): CS 2050 with grade of “C” or better, or permission of
Description: This course explores and develops knowledge that enables
computer scientists to improve human-computer interaction through the
exploitation of cognitive science theories about how people interact with
their environments. Topics include: how people interact with each other
and with computers; insights provided by models of cognition, memory,
perception, attention, and thought; defining, specifying and assessing
usability; and the roles of computer interface elements and behaviors.
Students will examine theories and use interactive computer systems as
the vehicles for the study of human-computer interaction and design for
usability. Students will evaluate the effectiveness of existing interfaces
and will experiment with authoring their own.
CS 3210-04 Principles of Programming Languages
o Prerequisite(s): CS 2400, CS 3240 and 4 additional credits of upper
division CS courses, all with a grade of “C” or better, or permission of
Description: This course traces the evolution of programming languages
and identifies and analyzes the contributions made by several significant
languages and their successors. Specific issues of programming language
implementation such as creation of activation records for block structured
languages and static and dynamic scoping as methods for defining
program object visibility are studied in depth. All four of the modern
programming language paradigms (procedural, functional, object-oriented,
and logical) will be studied.
CS 3510-04 Computer Graphics
o Prerequisite(s): CS 2050 with a grade of “C” or better, MTH 1410, and
either MTH 2140 or MTH 3140, or permission of instructor
Description: This course is a survey of graphics hardware and software.
The topics covered include raster scan displays, windowing
transformation, algorithms for vector generators, clipping, area fill, space
transformations in two and three dimensions, perspective viewing
methods, and graphical input. Other topics will be chosen from hidden
surface processing, curve and surface modeling, fractals and animation.
Programming projects will be done using a standard graphics function
library. This is a course in the principles of computer graphics; it is not a
course in using existing commercial software for artistic design or
drafting. Students wanting design or drafting courses should consult
offerings of the Art Department.
CS 3600-04 Operating Systems
o Prerequisite(s): CS 2050, CS 2400, and 4 additional credits of upper
division CS courses, all with grades of “C” or better; or permission of
Description: This course provides an introduction to modern computer
operating systems, their use, design, development, and implementation.
Topics covered include: operating system modes, structuring methods,
process and thread scheduling and dispatch, concurrency, inter-process
communication, memory management, file system organization (in both
stand-alone and networked environments), and system security. This
course will require students to write programs that implement some
operating system functions.
CS 4050-04 Algorithms and Algorithm Analysis
o Prerequisite(s): CS 3240 and 8 additional credits of upper division CS
courses with grades of “C” or better, or permission of instructor. MTH
3210 is recommended.
Description: The emphasis of this course is on the design, analysis, and
evaluation of efficient algorithms for a wide variety of computing
MTH 1410-04 Calculus I
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1110 and MTH 1120 with grades of “C” or better
and appropriate score on the department’s Calculus Readiness Exam, or
MTH 1400 with a grade of “C” or better. All course and test score
prerequisites for 1000 level MTH courses must be five or fewer years old.
Description: This is a first course in calculus for science and engineering.
The topics covered include derivatives of polynomials, trigonometric,
exponential and logarithmic functions, applications of the derivative, the
definite integral, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. All sections of
the course will make integrated use of the software package Mathematica
and/or a graphing calculator.
MTH 2140-02 Computational Matrix Algebra
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1120 or MTH 1400 or equivalent with a grade of
“C” or better
Description: This course is an introduction to computational matrix
algebra. The computations will be done by hand and by using the software
package MATLAB. The course will include the following topics: matrix
operations, determinants, solutions of linear systems of equations, and
eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Only one of the three courses MTH 2140,
MTH 3130, or MTH 3140 can be counted in the mathematics major or
MTH 2410-04 Calculus II
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1410 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission
of instructor
Description: This is a second course in calculus. The topics covered
include techniques of integration, applications of the integral, introductory
differential equations, and infinite series, including Taylor’s series. All
sections of the course will make integrated use of the software package
Mathematica and/or a graphing calculator.
CS Track Subtotal: 50 (118 total with core and GS)
Free Elective: 2 for 120 total in the major
Electrical Engineering Technology Track
Electrical Engineering Technology graduates with the advanced manufacturing
concentration possess the ability to design the controls systems required to control the
robots in the assembly line to properly build the various components. Additionally, these
students will have the software knowledge to program Programmable Logic Controllers,
which control the assembly process and develop networks to control the overall
process. These students will have an electro-mechanical background to determine the
appropriate motor required to operate the robots in the process. As with the MET
students, these students will understand the cost benefit of the process and the need to
maintain data from the process.
EET 2000-03 Electric Circuits and machines
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1120 or MTH 1400, PHY 2020 or PHY 2331, with
grades of “C” or better
Description: This course introduces electric circuits for non-EET majors.
It covers DC and AC circuits, generators, motors, transformers,
elementary electronic devices, and circuits.
EET 2145-04 Electronics
o Prerequisite(s): Either EET 1150 or EET 2000 and either CHE 1100 or
CHE 1800 with grades of “C” or better
Description: This course is a study of the theory, modeling and
application of semiconductor based electronic circuits. Devices studied
include: diodes, bipolar junction transistors, MOS field effect transistors,
thyristors, and operational amplifiers. Students will learn to integrate
electronic devices in applications such as filtering, amplification, and
EET 2310-03 Digital Circuits I
o Prerequisite(s): An intermediate algebra course or one-and-one-half years
of secondary school algebra or equivalent and appropriate score on the
mathematics preassessment placement test or higher level math course,
with a grade of “C” or better
Description: This course covers the analysis and design of logic circuits
using Boolean algebra and Karnaugh maps. Adders, comparators,
decoders, encoders, multiplexers and other logic circuits are also studied.
Flip-flops, memories, analog-to-digital (ADC) and digital-to-analog
converters (DAC) are used to design simple digital circuits. Computer
architecture is introduced.
EET 2350-03 Advanced Technical Programming
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1400 (or MTH 1110 and MTH 1120) (or a higher
level math course) with a grade of “C” or better
Description: This is an advanced-level programming course using the C
language. Methods for solving circuit and electronics problems using the
C programming language are studied.
EET 3690-03am* Fiber Optics (new course)
o Description: Fiber optics is studied, including ray propagation, emitters,
detectors, connectorization and systems, FDDI and SONET. Differs from
existing course eliminating the Calculus II requirement.
EET 3730-02 Process Control Systems
o Prerequisite(s): High school algebra or equivalent and appropriate score
on the mathematics preassessment placement test
Description: This course introduces the applications of PID controllers in
the process control industry. Topics include: structure of feedback,
sensors, controllers, control valves, process dynamics, timing, piping and
instrument drawing.
EET 3740-02 Programmable Logic Controllers
o Prerequisite(s): High school algebra or equivalent
Description: This course covers the application of Programmable Logic
Controllers (PLC) and their programming, using ladder diagrams.
EET 4xxx-03* Communications Networks for Manufacturing (new course)
o Description: This course covers methods of local and distant digital
communications including: systems, standards, and hardware used for
transmitting digital either synchronously or asynchronously.
EET 4100-01 Senior 1
o Prerequisite(s): Grades of C or better in COM 2610, EET 3120, and EET
4370; completion of General Studies requirements with a cumulative GPA
of 2.0; and senior standing.
Description: This course requires the planning and designing of a project
in consultation with faculty advisors and industry contacts.
EET 4110-02 Senior II
o Prerequisite(s): SPE 1010, EET 4100, and EET 4340 with grades of “C”
or better
Description: In this course, the student completes the project he or she
started in EET 4100. The project is built, tested, and demonstrated.
Written technical reports and oral presentations on the project are
required. Part of this course involves the student working with a faculty
member who acts as a consultant.
EET 4730-03am* Robotics (new course)
o Description: This course covers the basics of design, analysis, modeling
and control of robots. The topics covered include: robot kinematics,
inverse kinematics, kinetics, sensors, actuators, and the industrial
applications of robotics. Differs from existing course eliminating the
Calculus II requirement.
EET Track Subtotal: 29 (97 total with core and GS)
Advisor Approved Electives: 23 for 120 total in the major
*Note, EET 3690am, 4xxxx, and 4730am are new courses - non-calculus based.
Industrial Design Track
Advanced Manufacturing (AM) is directly linked to many elements of Industrial Design.
Courses in computer-aided drafting, the use of CNC equipment and specialized materials
such as composites are integral to an advanced manufacturing curriculum. The value of
Design Thinking for business applications is well documented and an appropriate
inclusion in an advanced manufacturing curriculum. The department’s course in Product
Usability and Ergonomics also adds value to the AM curriculum for students from a
corporate culture that values Industrial Design.
IND 1130-03 Plastics: Materials and Fabrication
o Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): IND 1000 and IND 1450 or IND 1470
Description: This course is an introduction to the basic manufacturing
processes and techniques used in the plastics industries. A variety of
forming, casting, and reinforced plastic processes will be examined.
IND 3000-03 Design Thinking (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): None
Description: Design thinking methodology teaches a holistic approach of
innovative way of solving problems. Multiple design projects will be
utilized to help students develop creative thinking skills, gain knowledge
of design thinking, and to practice a wide range of innovative problem
solving methods for business and manufacturing applications.
IND 3100-03 Composites: Materials and Fabrication
o Prerequisite(s): IND 1130
Description: This course is a combination lecture/studio course that
employs hands-on exercises and project fabrication to address various
aspects for designing objects made of advanced composites, assessing the
constraints of composites-related designs, and apply these topics through
construction of a self-directed final project.
IND 3260-03 Direct Digital Manufacturing (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1210 or IND 3660 with grades of “C” or better
Description: This combination lab lecture course explores the latest
applications of digital 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing.
Through this course, students are introduced to current developments and
the critical challenges of digital 3D technologies. Emphasis is placed on
practical experience in utilizing departmental equipment to produce digital
3D files and output them to appropriate direct digital manufacturing
equipment. Students will apply knowledge of 3D scanners for reverse
engineering and direct digital manufacturing purposes.
IND 3400-03 Product Usability and Ergonomics (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): None
Description: This combination lecture and laboratory course stresses the
importance of user interaction with products as a measure of product
market viability and manufacturability. User interface components,
anthropometrics and psychologically intuitive design solutions for
manufacture are addressed in the course.
IND 3660-03 Computer Aided Modeling (Solidworks)
o Prerequisite(s): IND 1450
Description: In a computer laboratory environment, students use software
to model/render objects and designs in virtual three-dimensional space.
IND 3680-03 Computer Modeling for Manufacturing (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): IND 3660
Description: This combination lecture and laboratory course serves as an
advanced computer-aided modeling course in sequence with IND 3660.
The course focuses on the material and assembly testing tools within
appropriate solid modeling software to create products for manufacture
and analyze a product’s readiness for manufacturing. Emphasis is placed
on developing models that facilitate direct digital manufacturing and
advanced manufacturing methods.
IND 4200-03 Utilization of Composites in Manufacturing (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): IND 3100
Description: This combination lecture and laboratory course builds upon
the skills and knowledge acquired in IND 3100- Composites: Materials
and Fabrication utilizing design and fabrication projects to inform
utilization of composite materials for advanced manufacture. The course
will provide instruction in advanced composite fabrication techniques and
relevant equipment for composite-based manufacture.
IND 4960-03 Professional Internship (Senior Experience)
o Prerequisite(s): Completion of General Studies requirements; senior
standing; and IND 4450.
Description: The internship provides an opportunity for senior students to
gain experience under the guidance of an industry professional. Students
must complete a total of 150 hours during the semester in a placement
relevant to the practice of Industrial Design.
IND Track Subtotal: 27 (95 total with core and GS)
Advisor Approved Electives: 25 for 120 total in the major
Mechanical Engineering Technology Track
The proposed MET track is designed to prepare students for modern manufacturing
environment. The track gives students the ability to improve integrated systems, optimize
manufacturing processes, adopt state-of-the-art materials, and produce superior quality
products at minimal cost. This program provides students an opportunity to understand
the operation and function of more complex technologies used in manufacturing (e.g.,
Computer-Aided Manufacturing, Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, robotics and
Flexible Manufactured/Automated systems, Computer Numerical Control, composites
manufacturing, etc.)
MET 1210-03 3D Modeling
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1200 with a grade of “C” or better; or permission of
Description: This course is designed to familiarize students with
functional 3-D modeling using an appropriate software package. The
course covers the basic functions needed to create part models, assemblies,
and drawings. Emphasis is on the design philosophy, used in creating parts
and assemblies.
MET 2200-03 Materials of Engineering
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1110 or MTH 1400 with grades of “C” or better
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): CHE 1100 or CHE 1800 with grade of
“C” or better
Description: This lecture/laboratory course deals with basic properties of
metals and non-metals, including the properties and behavior that govern
their selection and design. Materials covered include ferrous and
nonferrous metals, composites, plastics, ceramics, glass, wood, rubber and
MET 3100-03 Computer Numerical Control Machining
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1010, MET 1210, and MTH 1120 with grades of
“C” or better
Description: The theory is reviewed to control machines numerically.
Algorithms are developed to program NC machines. N/C language and
programming emphasizes APT, Compact II and suitable post-processors.
The lab work includes operation of machines to demonstrate the
programming skills.
MET 3215-03 Composites Manufacturing
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1010 and MET 2200 with grades of “C” or better,
or permission of instructor
Description: This course is designed to provide students with working
knowledge in design, manufacturing and selection of fiber-reinforced
composite materials for engineering applications. The course introduces
the various manufacturing methods utilized in modern industries, such as
aerospace, automotive, and renewable energy. Topics will include
inspection, damage control and repair techniques, as well as material
handling, safety and environmental requirements. The course contains
laboratory modules designed to provide hands-on experience to emphasize
practical aspects of the topics covered.
MET 3260-03 Direct Digital Manufacturing (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1210 or IND 3660 with grades of “C” or better
Description: This combination lab lecture course explores the latest
applications of digital 3D scanning and direct digital manufacturing.
Through this course, students are introduced to current developments and
the critical challenges of digital 3D technologies. Emphasis is placed on
practical experience in utilizing departmental equipment to produce digital
3D files and output them to appropriate direct digital manufacturing
equipment. Students will apply knowledge of 3D scanners for reverse
engineering and direct digital manufacturing purposes.
MET 3250-03 Tool Design and Production Tooling
o Prerequisite(s): MET 2200 and MTH 1120 with grades of “C” or better
Description: The course deals with production tooling requirements and
tooling cost estimates. Design of tooling for turret lathes, automatic screw
machines, multiple spindle lathes, and production milling machines is
MET 3300-03 Statistical Process Control
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1310 and MET 3000 with grades of “C” or better
Description: This course focuses on statistical process control with
emphasis on process capability, troubleshooting, analysis of variance and
hypothesis testing.
MET 3330-03 Robotics and Automation in Manufacturing
o Prerequisite(s): MET 3100 and EET 2000 with grades of “C” or better
Description: The course examines robotic components utilized in robots
and automated systems. Manufacturing automation is analyzed as the
robot is integrated with other flexible automation equipment. The focus is
how to apply and design robotic, integrated, manufacturing systems. The
laboratory work supplements the lectures using industrial robots for
different applications.
MET 3410-03 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
o Prerequisite(s): MET 1210 and MET 1310 with grades of “C” or better
Description: Dimensioning practices as defined by ASME National
Standards (Y14.5M-1994) are studied. Tolerance of form, tolerances of
position, datums, concentricity, symmetry, and functional gaging concepts
are also treated to produce low-cost and high-quality products.
MET 3630-03 Lean Manufacturing (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): MET 3000 with grades of “C” or better
Description: This course introduces the student to production principles,
planning, evaluation, deployment, and integration of lean manufacturing
theory and methods. Course covers the concepts of Lean and Six Sigma
for both manufacturing and service businesses. Students are provided an
overview of Lean, Six Sigma and the Kaizen problem solving
MET 3735-03 Computer Integrated Manufacturing (new course)
o Description: Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM); elements of
hardware and software within the manufacturing automation environment.
Islands of factory automation and their interactions, information flow and
Local Area Networks within the CIM architecture, standardization of
electronic data and interfaces.
MET 4080-03 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing
o Prerequisite(s): MET 3000, MET 3100, and MET 3210 with grades of
“C” or better
Description: This is an advanced computer aided manufacturing
course. Computer applications in configuration control, purchasing,
vendor ratings, production control, inventory control and final product
acceptance documentation are treated. Appropriate computer and
machining software will be used.
MET 4100-01 Senior Project I
Prerequisite(s): CET 3135, COM 2610, and MTH 2420 with grades of “C” or
better; Senior Standing
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): MET 3070 or MET 3000, and EET 2000 with
grades of “C” or better
Description: In this course, students are required to work on the planning and
designing of a team project in consultation with faculty advisors and industry
MET 4110-02 Senior project II
Prerequisite(s): MET 4100 with a grade of “C” or better; Senior Standing
Prerequisite(s) or Corequisite(s): MET 4000
Description: In this course, the students complete the project they started in MET
4100. The project is built, tested, and demonstrated. Written technical reports and
oral presentations on the project are required. Part of this course involves the
student working with a faculty member who acts as a consultant.
MET 4240-03 Cost Estimating for Manufacturing (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): MET 3000, and MET 3210 with grades of “C” or better
Description: This course studies manufacturing cost estimating and types
of estimates. Computer applications for cost estimating, cost controls and
cost estimating procedures will be introduced. The ASME code for
realistic cost estimating is applied in the course.
MET 4370-03 Advanced Composite Structures: Design, Damage Repair and
Testing (new course)
o Prerequisite(s): MET 3215 with grades of “C” or better
Description: This lecture/laboratory course is the introduction of the
student to the characterization methods for the anisotropic properties of
advanced composite materials consisting of high performance fibers
suspended in polymeric matrices. This course includes study and practical
application of damage control, composite repair, processes and tooling.
Includes complex repair and manufacturing techniques. Also overviews
the concepts, principles, and methods employed for nondestructive
evaluation (NDE) of composite structures and materials.
MET Track Subtotal: 45 (113 total with core and GS)
Advisor Approved Electives: 7 for 120 total in the major
Operations Management Track
The Operations Management Track provides students with a holistic perspective on the
managerial and organizational systems that are used to make key decisions related to the
planning for and day-to-day control of manufacturing operations. Students with
managerial aspirations will be particularly well served by a deeper understanding of the
role of manufacturing both within the organization and across the broader supply chain as
well as the planning concepts and techniques underpinning effective manufacturing and
supply chain management. Beyond developing competence in analytical and planning
skills, particular emphasis is given to the philosophy and methods of lean manufacturing,
continuous quality improvement, and effective supply chain management.
MGT 1850-03 Introduction to Business
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1080 or MTH 1110 or MTH 1210 or MTH 1310 or
MTH 1610; and ENG 1010
Description: This course presents an introduction to business concepts
that are further developed in the business core and in other courses
pursued by business and economics majors. Also discussed are
contemporary issues facing business. This course allows business students
to develop a context for their studies and gives non-business students
insights into the world of business.
MGT 3530-03 Human Resource Management
o Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000
Description: This course provides the student with a broad overview of
the contemporary issues, theories, and principles used to effectively
manage human resources in organizations. The psychological, social,
legal, and economic bases underlying the practices of human resource
management are studied. Topics such as recruitment, selection,
performance appraisal, and compensation are analyzed.
MGT 3550-03 Operations Management
o Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000 and CIS 2300 or CIS 3300 or MTH 1210 or
MTH 1610
Description: This course is an introduction to operations management
decision-making and to the tools used to enhance the decision-making
process. Attention is given to the design and operation of the
production/service system and its interrelationship with other systems in
the organization. The course places special emphasis on the use of
quantitative techniques in decision making. Topics include productivity,
strategic positioning and design of operations (e.g., capacity, layout,
location, and work methods), project management, forecasting, quality
control, supply-chain management, and inventory management.
MGT 4050-03 Purchasing & Supply Chain Management
o Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000
Description: This course covers contemporary purchasing and supplychain issues, concepts, and techniques related to the location, analysis, and
monitoring of sources of goods, materials, and services.
MGT 4350-03 Enterprise Planning (new course)
MGT 4550-03 Project Management
o Prerequisite(s): MGT 3000 and CIS 2300 or CIS 3300 or MTH 1210 or
MTH 1610
Description: This course investigates the concepts and applicability of
matrix organizations and project management. The unique nature of the
project-management structure is also examined, including its emphasis on
integrative decision making throughout a product’s life cycle.
MGT Track Subtotal: 24 (92 total with core and GS)
Advisor Approved Electives: 28 for 120 total in the major
Physics Prototyping Track
“Scientific Foundations of Prototyping and Advanced Manufacturing”
Physics, particularly Quantum Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism, forms the basis
for understanding the operation of all modern silicon-based semiconductor devices.
Quantum Mechanics and Electricity and Magnetism are, also, crucial for understanding
the characteristics of novel devices and structures projected to be manufactured from
emerging advanced materials. As structures are scaled to nanometer dimensions the
electrical, mechanical, and thermal properties of these materials can change drastically.
Therefore, the study of Solid State Devices, Condensed Matter Physics, and Materials
Science is essential to understanding the properties of these materials, particularly, at the
nanometer scale and smaller. In order to exploit the new properties of these materials one
must know how these materials are to be used. Many new applications will emerge from
the miniaturization of existing contemporary technologies. Designers as well as endusers must be conversant with current technologies and be able to assimilate and apply
knowledge of mechanics, electronics, optics, and other physics topics to successfully
complete any advanced manufacturing project whether at the macro-, micro-, or nanoscale.
PHY 2X01-03 Materials, Machines, and Actuators (New class)
PHY 2X01 Materials & Machining (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Physical and mechanical properties of metals, polymers,
ceramics & composites are compared in terms of usefulness for product
design. Emphasis is placed on creating a mental “design space” of
achievable values of properties such as stiffness or strength. A hands-on
project uses markup, sawing, drilling & filing of materials from all
categories in order to give a direct sense of the issues involved in
processing the materials for actual product manufacture.
PHY 2X02 Mechanisms & Design (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Standard mechanical components such as shafts, bearings,
gears, pulleys, belts, cams, and linkages are explored in the context of
various design applications, making liberal use of examples from
scientific instrument and consumer product design. A hands-on project
requires creation of a device to manipulate a mirror.
PHY 2X03 Motors & Actuators (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Starting with the idea that actuators are devices that
change the state of a system, attention is focused on various ways to
change position, velocity, volume, and other state variables. Operating
principles are explored for electric motors, pneumatics, hydraulics,
piezoelectric and magnetostrictive devices, etc. A stepper motor system is
built as a hands-on project.
PHY 2X02-03 Circuits, Signals, Sensors (New class)
PHY 2X04 Passive Circuits & Electrical Measurements (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: The types and physical models of passive electronic
components are reviewed along with methods of measuring their
properties and fundamental measurements of current and voltage. The
tolerances of components under varying environmental conditions as well
as limitations of measurement devices are explored. Construction of a
power supply illustrates procedures for assembling and connecting
electronic components.
PHY 2X05 Signals & Signal Conditioning (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Various types of signals are characterized in the time and
frequency domains. Practical signal conditioning circuits are built using
passive components and active devices (principally op amps). A general
framework of processing signals is developed around methods to provide
gain, offset, filtering, and mathematical transform (e.g., differentiation)
using analog techniques. A general-purpose small-signal amplifier is built
and characterized.
PHY 2X06 Sensors & Metrology (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: In contrast with actuators, sensors are presented as devices
to measure the state of system with minimal perturbation. Operating
principles of sensors for temperature, pressure, position, velocity,
acceleration, force and other state variables are developed through the use
of real sensor components. A project to hand-build a sensor, such as a
linear variable differential transform (LVDT) for position sensing,
illustrates design tradeoffs and calibration issues.
PHY 2X03-03 Electronics I (New class)
PHY 2X07 Semiconductor Circuits (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Emphasizes the use of transistors and thyristors for power
PHY 2X08 High Frequency Electronics (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: The focus is on both passive and active components and
circuits for use in the 1 MHz to 100 MHz range, including some antenna
PHY 2X09 Servo Control (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Position control and temperature control are used a case
studies to illustrate general feedback control principles and practical
PHY 2X04-03 Electronics II (New class)
PHY 2X10 Digital Circuits (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Gate logic, flip-plops, and encoding/decoding are
implemented in both discrete components and through field programmable
gate arrays.
PHY 2X11 Computer-aided Experiments (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Computer control of experiments is demonstrated through
two basic approaches: high-level programming languages such as BASIC
and graphical programming such as LabVIEW.
PHY 2X12 Microprocessors & Microcontrollers (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: An introduction to embedded system design is given through
a project to control a multi-actuator system.
PHY 2X05-03 Optics (New class)
PHY 2X13 Optical systems design (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Basic layout of lens and mirror systems is done with
attention to both optical and mechanical elements of the design.
PHY 2X14 Optoelectronics (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: The operating principles of electronic components for
producing, modulating, and sensing light are used as the basis for design
of a measurement device such as an optical vibrometer.
PHY 2X15 Imaging Systems (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: Optical constraints on image quality and various imagerecording methods (film, CCD array, etc.) are related to applications such
as surveillance video and laboratory experiment monitoring.
PHY 2X06-03 Vacuum Systems/Condensed Matter Measurements (New class)
PHY 2X16 Vacuum Systems & Thin Film Techniques (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: TBD (to be developed)
PHY 2X17 Fluid Handling & Low Temperature Techniques (1 cr. – 5 week
o Description: TBD
PHY 2X18 Fluid Dynamics & Acoustics Measurements (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: TBD
PHY 2X07-03 Nonlinear Systems and Measurement Techniques (New class)
PHY 2X19 Chaos Experiment Design (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: TBD
PHY 2X20 Glass Work & Physicochemical Measurements (1 cr. – 5 week
o Description: TBD
PHY 2X21 High Temperature & High Pressure Experiments (1 cr. – 5 week
o Description: TBD
PHY 2X08-03 Electromagnetic Systems (New class)
PHY 2X22 Magnets & Magnetic Fields (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: TBD
PHY 2X23 Charged Particle Optics & Beams (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: TBD
PHY 2X24 High Voltages, Discharges & Plasmas (1 cr. – 5 week module)
o Description: TBD
Physics Prototyping subtotal: Select 15 of 24 credits
Required Ancillary Classes
MTH 1410-04 Calculus I
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1110 and MTH 1120 with grades of “C” or better
and appropriate score on the department’s Calculus Readiness Exam, or
MTH 1400 with a grade of “C” or better. All course and test score
prerequisites for 1000 level MTH courses must be five or fewer years old.
Description: This is a first course in calculus for science and engineering.
The topics covered include derivatives of polynomials, trigonometric,
exponential and logarithmic functions, applications of the derivative, the
definite integral, and the fundamental theorem of calculus. All sections of
the course will make integrated use of the software package Mathematica
and/or a graphing calculator.
MTH 2410-04 Calculus II
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 1410 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission
of instructor
Description: This is a second course in calculus. The topics covered
include techniques of integration, applications of the integral, introductory
differential equations, and infinite series, including Taylor’s series. All
sections of the course will make integrated use of the software package
Mathematica and/or a graphing calculator.
MTH 2420-04 Calculus III
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 2410 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission
of instructor
Description: This course in the calculus of functions of more than one
variable includes the following topics: partial derivatives, definite
integrals over plane and solid regions, vectors and their applications, and
Green’s Theorem and its generalizations. All sections of the course will
make integrated use of the software package Mathematica.
MTH 3420-04 Ordinary Differential Equations
o Prerequisite(s): MTH 2420 with a grade of “C” or better, or Permission
of instructor
Description: This course includes a study of first, second, and higher
order differential equations and systems giving solutions in closed form,
by numerical approximations, and through Laplace Transforms. These
techniques are applied to problems in the physical sciences and
engineering. All sections will integrate the use of the software package
Mathematica into the course.
Ancillary subtotal: 16
Advanced Physics Classes
PHY 3XX-04 Mathematical Methods of Physics
o Description: TBD (probably: calculus, ODE, PDE, linear algebra etc.)
PHY 3XX-04 Applied Quantum Mechanics (New Course)
o Description: TBD
PHY 3XX-04 Applied Electricity and Magnetism (New Course)
o Description: TBD
PHY 4XX-04 Semiconductors and Semiconductor devices (New Course)
o Description: TBD
PHY 4XX-04 Advanced Materials (New Course)
o Description: TBD
PHY 4XX-01 Physics Senior Seminar
Advanced Physics classes subtotal: 21
Physics Total Credits: 120