Discuss the relationship between physical change and development

Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity
during adolescence
Physical changes in adolescence
• Physical maturation and
adult reproductive
functioning are controlled
by the endocrine system
that operates through the
hypothalamus-pituitarygonadal system.
• During the prenatal
period, hormones called
androgens organize the
reproductive system but
these hormones are
suppressed after birth.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Physical changes in adolescence
• They are reactivated in
early childhood (around
the age of eight for girls
and six for boys) and this
starts the puberty process
with gradual maturation
of the body and the
reproductive system.
• All individuals experience
the same bodily changes
during puberty but the
sequence of changes may
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Physical changes in adolescence
• Until puberty, boys and girls
produce roughly the same
amount of “male
hormones” (e.g.
testosterone) and “female
hormones” (e.g. estrogens).
• At the start of puberty, the
pituitary gland causes an
upsurge of sex hormones so
that girls now produce more
estrogen and boys more
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Physical changes in adolescence
• The physical “growth
spurt” is characterized by
an increase in the
distribution of body fat
and muscle tissue.
• The body grows taller and
heavier and gradually
becomes more adult-like.
• The adolescent has to
become familiar with this
new body and integrate a
revised body image.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Physical changes in adolescence
• Girls experience physical
changes two to three years
before boys (between the
ages of 10 and 13).
• The most important
changes are the
development of breasts and
a widening of the hips.
• The gain in body fat and
rapid weight gain may be
seen as a problem for some
girls because it clashes with
the Western ideal of a slim
female figure.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Physical changes in adolescence
• Boys experience the
growth spurt as a
broadening of the
shoulders and an increase
in muscle strength.
• Having a masculine body
is welcomed because it
brings boys closer to their
body ideal.
• Boys whose bodies do not
appear masculine may
experience identity
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Relationship between physical
change and development of
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Sexual identity
• The physical changes of
the adolescent body are
related to changes in
identity including an
emerging sexuality.
• This includes learning to
handle sexual desires and
sexual attitudes and
values, and integrating all
this with feelings and
experiences into a new
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Sexual Identity
• Social and cultural norms
determine the extent to
which adolescents can
explore their sexuality.
• In some cultures,
adolescent sexual activity
is seen as inappropriate
whereas in others it is
seen as normal and
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Sexual Identity
• The entry into sexual
maturity may increase
girls’ concerns about
sexual attractiveness as
well as awareness that
they may become the
targets of sexual
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Body Image and Identity
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
The cultural ideal hypothesis
• by Simmons and Blyth
(1987) suggests that
puberty brings boys
closer to their ideal body
while girls move further
away from theirs.
• A cultural ideal is that a
male body should be big
and strong.
• The ideal female body in
Western culture is a slim
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
The cultural ideal hypothesis
• The cultural ideal
hypothesis predicts that,
since the cultural ideal
for the female body is
being slim, adolescent
girls should be more
likely to express body
dissatisfaction and resort
to dieting than boys.
• This is supported by
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Caufmann and Steinberg (1996)
• found that girls in Western
cultures are more
concerned about their
appearance and express
more worry about how
other people will respond to
them than in other cultures.
• Teenage girls want to be
seen as attractive. If their
body is far from the
dominant cultural ideal of
slimness, they may develop
a negative body image and
low self-esteem.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
The objectification theory
• Fredrickson and Roberts
(1997) holds that Western
girls are socialized to
constantly think of
whether their bodies and
physical appearances are
pleasing to others.
• A chronic state of anxiety
may be generated by
their concerns about
maintaining a satisfactory
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Stice and Withenton (2002)
• found body image
dissatisfaction to be a
strong predictor of
depression, eating
disorders, exercise
dependence, and steroid
use among young people
in the USA.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Ferron (1997)
• To investigate possible
cultural differences in
the way adolescents
relate to bodily changes
in puberty.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Ferron (1997)
• This was a small-scale survey
using semi-structured
interviews to collect data in a
cross-cultural sample
consisting of 60 American and
60 French adolescents.
• Boys and girls were equally
• One of the themes in the
interview was how the bodily
changes during puberty
affected body image and how
they coped with it.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Ferron (1997)
• Seventy-five per cent of the
American adolescents did not
accept any biological
predisposition in terms of
body shape.
• They believed it was possible
to obtain a perfect body if one
tried hard enough and
adhered to specific rules.
• Eighty per cent of the
Americans believed in the
effectiveness of specific diets
or exercise programs.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Ferron (1997)
• The Americans were also
more likely to suffer from
self-blame and guilt and
adopt unhealthy weight
regulating strategies such
as unbalanced diets or
continuous physical
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Ferron (1997)
• Seventy-five per cent of
the American girls
believed that their
personal worth
depended on looks and
would do nearly
anything to get close to
an ideal body image.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Ferron (1997)
• Less than half of the French
adolescents believed they
could obtain a perfect body.
• They had perceptions of ideal
body image but 75% of them
believed that physical
appearance is genetically
determined and could not
possibly be extensively
modified through willpower or
particular behavior.
• The only thing they considered
blameworthy was physical
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during
Ferron (1997)
• The study was conducted
in the West but it shows
interesting differences
between two Western
• The results may not be
generalized to nonWestern countries.
• It was a small-scale
survey using self-reported
data, which can be
somewhat unreliable.
Discuss the relationship between physical
change and development of identity during