Oxidation Numbers/ Organic Chemistry Review

 Today I will be able to:
▪ Determine the oxidation number of an element in a compound
▪ Apply rules to naming organic compounds
Informal assessment – monitoring student
interactions as they complete the practice problems
 Formal assessment – analyzing student responses to
the practice problems and exit ticket
 Common Core Connection
 Build strong content knowledge
 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
 Reason abstractly and quantitatively
Evaluate: Warm Up
Explain: Oxidation Number Notes
Elaborate: Oxidation Number Practice
Elaborate/ Evaluate: Organic Nomenclature
Evaluate: Exit Ticket
Write the formula for the gas laws below
 Boyle’s Law
 Ideal Gas Law
Name the acids listed then identify the acid as a
strong or weak acid
Today I will be able to:
 Determine the oxidation number of an element in
a compound
 Apply rules to naming organic compounds
Signed Syllabus and Safety Contract due
Friday, August 29
Cation/Anion Quiz sometime the week of
September 2-5
Solubility Rule Quiz sometime the week of
September 8-11
Summer Assignment due September 2
Summer Assignment Exam September 2
Warm Up
Oxidation Number Notes
Oxidation Number Practice
Organic Nomenclature Review
Exit Ticket
Are used to keep track of electrons being
gained and lost
Monatomic ions
 oxidation number is the same as its charge
 Examples: What are the oxidation numbers when
the elements below form ions?
Neutral molecules and polyatomic ions
 Each atom is assigned a hypothetical charge
 Charge is assigned by dividing up the electrons
and through a specific set of rules
For an atom in its elemental form, the oxidation number is always zero
For any monatomic ion the oxidation number equals the ionic charge
Nonmetals usually have negative oxidation numbers, although
sometimes they can be positive
The oxidation number of oxygen is usually -2 in both ionic or
molecular compounds. Exception: Peroxides with the O22- ion giving
oxygen an oxidation number of -1.
Oxidation number of hydrogen is usually +1 when bonded to
nonmetals and -1 when bonded to metals (example: NaH)
Oxidation number of fluorine is -1 in all compounds. Other halogens
have an oxidation number of -1 in most binary compounds.
However, when combined with oxygen in oxyanions, they have
positive oxidation states
The sum of the oxidation numbers in all atoms of a neutral compound
is zero. The sum of the oxidation number in a polyatomic ion equals the
charge of the ion
What are the oxidation numbers for sulfur in
the following compounds.
 H2S
 S8
 SCl2
 Na2SO3
 SO42-