Course Outline: Winter 2016 Theology Location: Day(s): Time: course number Instructor(s): Contact info: [full name & title & course co-ordinator if taught by more than 1] Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this course, a student should be able to: Course Description: [List in grey square below: A description of the objectives and content of the course, which shall include a statement of what is expected of the student by way of preparation, tests, exercises, essays, laboratory reports, etc. (hereafter called "assignments"), and any specific requirements for attendance and participation.] Course Materials: [List in square below : A description of the materials that are required (or recommended) for the course, including text books, supplemental information, notes, manuals, laboratory or safety materials, and any specific electronic devices.] Assignments & Method of Evaluation of Assignments: [Course instructors who wish to change the evaluation procedure shown in the course outline must receive prior approval to do so from the Dean of the faculty concerned. A statement of the methods by which student performance will be evaluated and the weight of each, including an exact timetable and schedule of assignments, is required. When exact dates cannot be supplied, a tentative schedule must be issued, with an exact schedule to follow as soon as possible. This regulation does not preclude the administration of surprise assignments and quizzes, as long as the total number, approximate frequency, and value of such assignments are specified in the course outline. Any course-specific conditions that are required to pass the course must be outlined. Conditions might include: (i) minimum attendance at lectures, tutorials or laboratories, (ii) minimum overall grade on laboratory, tutorial or essay components of the methods of evaluation, or (iii) minimum required grades on a final exam, to name a few.] 2 1. Accommodation for absences: If documentation is required for either medical or non-medical academic accommodation, then such documentation must be submitted by the student directly to your Faculty’s Dean’s office (or academic counselor), and not to the instructor. For the Faculty of Theology, all such documentation must be submitted to room A227. It will be the Dean`s office that will determine if accommodation is warranted. a) Non-medical absences: [A clear indication of how non-medical absences from midterms, tutorials, laboratory experiments, or late essays or assignments, will be dealt with must be provided. If your Department has a policy, it should appear here. Normally, marks are deducted on a daily basis for late work, and there is a “drop –dead” date beyond which work will not be accepted. Non-medical absences from labs, tutorials, etc., can be dealt with using similar deductions. Non-medical absences from mid-terms (tests and in course examinations other than in December or April) are more problematic. Since dates are known well in advance, it is reasonable to require that documentation and a request for relief be submitted to the Dean’s Office in order for accommodation for non-medical absences from tests and examinations to be considered.] b) Medical absences: See also the Policy on Accommodation for Medical Illness —Undergraduate Students, at [The following statement must appear on all Huron course outlines: ] For work representing 10% or more of the overall grade for the course, Students seeking academic accommodation on medical grounds for any missed tests, exams, participation components and/or assignments worth 10% or more of their final grade must apply to the Academic Counselling office of their home Faculty and provide document. Academic accommodation cannot be granted by the instructor or department. For the UWO Student Medical Certificate (SMC), see > Medical Documentation, and for Policy on Accommodation for Medical Illness, see: Huron University College Academic Counselling website ( or from the Dean’s Office or Academic Services Centre at Huron. For work representing less than 10% of the overall grade for the course: [Indicate your Department policy (whether or not documentation is required) or, if your Department does not have a policy, then the default policy is that no documentation is required. If it is your preference to require documentation for every medical absence, then make every piece of work worth at least 10%. If documentation is required for either medical or non-medical academic accommodation, then such documentation must be submitted by the student directly to the appropriate Faculty Dean`s office and not to the instructor. It will be the Dean`s office that will determine if accommodation is warranted. Course instructors who wish to change the evaluation procedure shown in the course outline must receive prior approval to do so from the dean of the faculty concerned.] Additional Statements: 2. Statement on Use of Electronic Devices during Tests and Exams 3 [A clear statement of what electronic devices will or will not be allowed during tests and examinations. You could also add the following if you wish--] It is not appropriate to use technology (such as, but not limited, to laptops, PDAs, cell phones) in the classroom for non-classroom activities. Such activity is disruptive and is distracting to other students and to the instructor, and can inhibit learning. Students are expected to respect the classroom environment and to refrain from inappropriate use of technology and other electronic devices in class. 3. Statement on Academic Offences: Scholastic offences are taken seriously and students are directed to read the appropriate policy, specifically, the definition of what constitutes a Scholastic Offence, at the following web site:” 4. Plagiarism-detecting Software/Computer Marking: [indicate if this is required, by leaving the statement below] A) All required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to the commercial plagiarism detection software under license to the University for the detection of plagiarism. All papers submitted for such checking will be included as source documents in the reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of papers subsequently submitted to the system. Use of the service is subject to the licensing agreement, currently between The University of Western Ontario and ( ). 5. Support Services: UWO Registrar’s Office: School of Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies: Huron’s Faculty of Theology, Office of the Dean: Faculty of Theology Grad Assistant:, 519-438-7224, ext. 289 Huron’s Writing Skills Centre: UWO Student Support and Development Services: Mental Health website at Western: As part of a successful graduate student experience at Western, we encourage students to make their health and wellness a priority. Western provides several on campus health-related services to help you achieve optimum health and engage in healthy living while pursuing your graduate degree. For example, to support physical activity, all students, as part of their registration, receive membership in Western’s Campus Recreation Centre. Numerous cultural events are offered throughout the year. for example, please check out the Faculty of Music web page, and our own McIntosh Gallery Information regarding health- and wellness-related services available to students may be found at Students seeking help regarding mental health concerns are advised to speak to someone they feel comfortable confiding in, such as their faculty supervisor, their program director (graduate chair), or other relevant administrators in their unit. Campus mental health resources may be found at 4 Delete all green instructions and save this document using your course name (so you preserve this template for further use). Send a copy of this document to Thanks!