Masters of Human Services ePortfolio Instructions Every Master of Human Services (MHS) student at Concordia University, Nebraska is required to prepare and maintain an online professional portfolio. The portfolio describes relevant public health experiences and achievements during the course of studies leading to the master’s degree. The portfolio documents academic, professional and service accomplishments and may include major course papers, projects, case studies, presentations, applied research project, practicum experience, and other samples of work you completed. The portfolio is intended to be a useful career tool as well as a means for Concordia MHS faculty to assess educational outcomes. Building a portfolio is a process that allows one to collect, select, reflect, build on, and showcase work. Three (3) faculty members of the Concordia University, Nebraska MPH program will rate each student online portfolio and curricular modifications will be made as needed based on the results of the assessment to ensure students are meeting the program outcomes. WHEN IS THE PORTFOLIO DUE? The final online portfolio is submitted when a student has completed all of their course work and prior to graduation. HOW DO I ASSEMBLE THE PORTFOLIO? The portfolio will be assembled online using WordPress. WordPress is a free, open source blogging tool and content management system. Not only will Concordia have access to each student ePortfolio WordPress site for portfolio assessment, but each student will continue to have access to their ePortfolio after graduation that will support future employment opportunities and showcase their skills in public health practice for further academic and professional development. Here is a link to a sample MPH ePortfolio utilizing WordPress: WORDPRESS To create a Word Press page, follow the instructions in the WordPress.pdf file. WHAT COMPONENTS SHOULD MY PORTFOLIO CONTAIN? 1. The Home Page –This page should serve as your title page and contain general information including your full name, program and area of specialization (Community Health or Health Policy and Administration), and email address. This main page should also serve as the table of contents. Well defined links/tabs need to be created for all of the required sections of the portfolio to help the reader easily locate all components. 2. Professional Mission Statement and Goals – State your professional mission and goals. Reflect on your mission and goals as they have changed over time. Be sure to discuss the extent to which you have realized your mission and achieved your goals and suggest future actions you might take in order to reach additional goals. 3. Resume – You need to include a high quality, professional resume that includes at the minimum: your name, contact information, education completed, public health and other relevant work experience, honors and awards, and special skills. Concordia’s Career Services offers counseling and guidance for writing resumes, as well as other services ( if needed. 4. Experience in Human Services – This section provides documentation and evidence of commitment and experience in the field of human services. A chronological list of all the human service experiences you have had including the dates, agency name and address, your supervisor’s name, credentials and title, your title and responsibilities. You must also include a reflection of your practicum (HS 599) experience. Use these section subheadings: Paid professional experience, Volunteer experience, Practicum experience, Other. 5. Human Service Program Learning Outcomes – In this section, you will provide artifacts such as major course papers, projects, case studies, presentations, etc. from your coursework to show that you have acquired the core competencies required of all graduates of the master of public health degree. You will need to provide a different section for each of the 5 learning outcomes. The requirements are listed below. Human Services Artifacts for your E-Portfolio Learning Outcomes (LO): In meeting these standards, after completing the MHS program, students will be able to: 1. Articulate role, scope and delivery options both historically and currently in human services and apply those to a variety of populations. 2. Differentiate between and understand the relationships between the bio-psycho-social (including spiritual) aspects of lifespan development as they impact human services. 3. Comprehend, use and assess policies, procedures and governing systems in the human services. 4. Complete research and application projects critical to participation in the human services industry 5. Identify personal human services leadership abilities and skills and apply those skills in an ethical and culturally sensitive manner. In Word Press create a drop down menu under the heading “Learning Outcomes” next create 5 subtitles for Learning Outcomes 1 thru 5. Courses 1. HS 500 History and Foundations of Human Services Please post all the artifacts listed under Learning Outcome #4 a) Please include in your portfolio the following assignment from week 2. Discussion Question 1: Historical Perspective b) Please include in your portfolio the following assignments from week 8 Discussion Question #1: Assessing and Finding Resources for Human Service Cases c) Discussion Questions #2: Integration of Humans Services, Faith, and Life – “Why Faith Based is Here to Stay” (For some this was discussion question 2 in week 8 for others it is discussion question 2 in week 7.) d) *Please include in your portfolio the research paper from week 8. e) Write a reflection paper (1-2 pages) which clearly describes why the artifacts demonstrate fulfillment and/or achievement of the following learning outcome: Learning Outcome #4. Complete research and application projects critical to participation in the human services industry * = assignments not given to cohort #1 Post this to Learning Outcome #4 2. HS 514 Policy, Programs, and Services a) Learning Outcome #1 - Post Writing assignment in Week 1 b) Learning Outcome #3 – Post week 7 Discussion 2 c) Write a reflection paper (1-2 pages) which clearly describes why the artifacts demonstrate fulfillment and/or achievement of the following learning outcome: Learning Outcome #1 Articulate role, scope and delivery options both historically and currently in human services and apply those to a variety of populations. Learning Outcome #3 Comprehend, use and assess policies, procedures and governing systems in the human services. Posts this work to Learning Outcome #1 and #3 3. HS 550 Issues in Human Service Administration a) Please include your final copy of all the Competency-Building Activities for this course. This document will demonstrate your skills, in designing, building, and managing your own program. b) Please include in your portfolio the following from week 7 Discussion Question 2: The reality of human service programs c) Write a reflection paper (1-2 pages) which clearly describes why the artifacts demonstrate fulfillment and/or achievement of the following learning outcomes: Learning Outcome #1 Articulate role, scope and delivery options both historically and currently in human services and apply those to a variety of populations. Learning Outcome #3 Comprehend, use and assess policies, procedures and governing systems in the human services. Learning Outcome #4 Identify personal human services leadership abilities and skills and apply those skills in an ethical and culturally sensitive manner. Please post all of the above items, a, b, and c as one document to Learning Outcomes #1, #3, and #4 in your portfolio. 4. HS 533 Intercultural Communication for Health and Human Services a) Please include in your portfolio the following assignment from week 4. Community Activity Assignment: b) Please include in your portfolio the following assignment from week 8. Research Project c) Write a reflection paper (1-2 pages) which clearly describes why the artifacts demonstrate fulfillment and/or achievement of the following learning outcome: Learning Outcome #5 Identify human services leadership abilities and skills and apply those skills in an ethical and culturally sensitive manner. Please post all of the above items, a, b, and c as one document to Learning Outcome #5 5. HS 555 Lifespan Development a) Week 5:Moral Development Discussion 2: Research Written Assignment: A Religious Life b) Week 8: Death, Dying, and Grieving Final Project c) Write a reflection paper (1-2 pages) which clearly describes why the artifacts demonstrate fulfillment and/or achievement of the following learning outcome: Learning Outcome #2. Differentiate between and understand the relationships between the bio-psycho-social (including spiritual) aspects of lifespan development as they impact human services. Please post all of the above items, a, b, and c as one document to Learning Outcome #2 6. HS 560 Professional Ethics a) Week 4: The Professional Relationship Discussion Question 1: Alex and Zoe Discussion Questions 2: Taking Care of Animals b) Week 6: A closer Look at your field Written Assignment: Application c) Week 7: A Closer Look at your Field, Part 2. Discussion Question 1: Values d) Write a reflection paper (1-2 pages) which clearly describes why the artifacts demonstrate fulfillment and/or achievement of the following: Learning Outcome #5: Identify human services leadership abilities and skills and apply those skills in an ethical and culturally sensitive manner. Please post all of the above items, a, b, c, and d as one document to Learning Outcome #5 7. HS 570 Managing Volunteers a. The final project for HS 570 should be posted to Learning Outcomes 2, 3, and 4 in your e-portfolio. b. Learning outcomes 2-4: 2. Differentiate between and understand the relationships between the biopsycho-social (including spiritual) aspects of lifespan development as they impact human services. 3. Comprehend, use and assess policies, procedures and governing systems in the human services. 4. Complete research and application projects critical to participation in the human services industry 5. Write a reflection paper (1-2 pages) which clearly describes why the artifacts demonstrate fulfillment and/or achievement of the following learning outcome: Learning Outcome #2. Differentiate between and understand the relationships between the bio-psycho-social (including spiritual) aspects of lifespan development as they impact human services. Learning Outcome #3 Comprehend, use and assess policies, procedures and governing systems in the human services. Learning Outcome #4. Complete research and application projects critical to participation in the human services industry 8. HS 599 Practicum a) Artifacts From week 1 post: Written Assignment: Analysis to Learning Outcome #1. Using the discussion about articulating learning from chapter 5 in the course text, identify the major lessons that you are taking away from your internship. Consult your internship notes that you were asked to begin recording when you were in HS 500. Please write a 3 to 4 page paper using APA style, citations from your course texts are most welcome. From Week 4 post: Discussion Question #1: Public Relations to Learning Outcome #3 Review the website of the agency where you are conducting your internship. Then review written materials that are produced to enhance public relations efforts. What are the strengths of these resources? What are their weaknesses? If your agency does not have such resources, find out what you can about why this is the case. What are your ideas about how the agency might benefit from the creation of such resources? What should people know about your organization? What methods might your organization use to reach populations who may not have access to technology, community newspapers, or other commonly used methods of public relations? From week 8 post: Research Paper to Learning Outcome #4 Create a well written, descriptive, documented (APA style) paper that gives further knowledge and understanding to a topic that you want to know more about. We don’t always know what we wish we knew. It is assumed that at some time in your internship you wished you had known more about something. Perhaps you were perplexed by government paperwork or funding. Maybe, you worked with a person with a certain challenge or disease. Whatever the topic that you wished you had known more about, now is the time to conduct a literature review on that topic and write about it. This paper should consist of the following: 1) 2) 3) 4) At least 8 scholarly citations from 8 different peer reviewed journals. An explanation of why you chose your topic (1 to 2 pages). Sufficient content about the topic that you wanted to learn more about (5 pages). An explanation of what you would have done differently had you known this information when you needed it (1 to 2 pages). Total length of paper 7 to 9 pages not counting title page and reference pages From Week 4 Discussion Question #1: Diverse Groups post to learning outcome #5 During your internship you probably had the opportunity to observe and work with individuals from diverse groups. Using the prompts below as your starting point, describe the populations with which you are working or have worked with during your internship. It is expected that each student will have experienced at least five of the groups listed. You may include groups not listed and those will count as part of your five. If you have not had this experience, please document how you will obtain this experience during the next five weeks. Then once you have gained the experience come back and complete this assignment. Groups to choose from (or you may come up with a group not listed) Age group(s): Ethnic group(s): Gender group(s): Minority group(s): Racial group(s): Region(s) of the country: Religion/spirituality and/or belief systems: Sexual orientation: Socioeconomic group(s): For each of the five groups you select… • Please provide a detailed example of your learning/growing while working with one of these populations. • Review and reflect upon what you have written. How do the people serviced within your agency differ from one another? • How do the people being served in your organization differ from you? Learning Outcome #1 Articulate role, scope and delivery options both historically and currently in human services and apply those to a variety of populations. Learning Outcome # 3 Comprehend, use and assess policies, procedures and governing systems in the human services. Learning Outcome #4. Complete research and application projects critical to participation in the human services industry Learning Outcome #5 Identify human services leadership abilities and skills and apply those skills in an ethical and culturally sensitive manner. Posts this work to Learning Outcome #1, #3, #4, and #5 9. HS 543 Leadership and Organizational Behavior a) One of the major projects of the course is to develop a Leadership Development Plan. Please include this in your portfolio. b) Write a reflection paper (1-2 pages) which clearly describes why the artifacts demonstrate fulfillment and/or achievement of the following learning outcome: Learning Outcome #5 Identify human services leadership abilities and skills and apply those skills in an ethical and culturally sensitive manner. This reflection paper can be attached to the end of your Leadership Development Plan. Posts this work to Learning Outcome #5 Specializations The Community Health specialization includes the following courses: MPH 515 Principles of Health Behavior (3 credit hours) MPH 584 Community Health (3 credit hours) MPH 585 Programming and Evaluation in Public Health (3 credit hours) Students in the Human Services Leadership and Management program will participate in the following courses: MPH 525 Health Policy and Management (3 credit hours) MPH 548 Human Resource Management in Health Care (3 credit hours) MGMT 560 Nonprofit Management (3 credit hours) For each of the specializations courses you take from the above list create a tab in WordPress for that course. Next upload documentation of written work that reflects mastery of each of the six learning outcomes (LO) below. One assignment might reflect more than one learning outcome. Please clearly state which learning outcome can be measured by the work that you upload to your WordPress site. Please follow the steps below. 1. You need to state the LO and include a written reflection/rational for each LO that illustrates how you know the competency has been met and explain what course assignments you have included in that section and why they are a good example for that particular LO. You may choose to include the same assignment for more than one LO if appropriate. LO #1: Articulate strategies in the basic domains of public health to protect and promote the health of individuals, communities and churches. LO #2: Design, implement, and evaluate public health programs and policies to promote health in diverse population groups. – Artifacts should display assignments geared towards different target populations. LO #3: Implement a public health program that reflects communication, leadership and advocacy skills. LO #4: Critically review, analyze and apply medical and public health literature and research findings necessary for participation in the public health field. LO #5: Conduct qualitative and/or quantitative public health research utilizing proper methodologies. . LO #6: Demonstrate principles of ethical reasoning and professional practice implicit in public health decisions to improve the public’s health. – Gerontology GERO 500 Issues in Gerontology & Aging Studies (3 credit hours) GERO 502 Social Gerontology (3 credit hours) GERO 503 Mental Health and Aging (3 credit hours) For each of the specializations courses you take from the above list create a tab in WordPress for that course. Next upload documentation of written work that reflects mastery of each of the six learning outcomes (LO) below. One assignment might reflect more than one learning outcome. Please clearly state which learning outcome can be measured by the work that you upload to your WordPress site. You need to state the LO and include a written reflection/rational for each LO that illustrates how you know the competency has been met and explain what course assignments you have included in that section and why they are a good example for that particular LO. You may choose to include the same assignment for more than one LO if appropriate. The specific goals of the specialization in gerontology are: 1) To inform students about lifespan development and individual aging. Learning Objectives: a) Interpret and apply basic biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual developmental theories related to aging. b) Develop a lifespan developmental perspective of individuals, family, relationships, ministry and service. c) Cultivate an appreciation of aging and later life. d) Interact with diverse populations of mature adults in the church and society. e) Assist students in understanding and planning for later life, end-of-life concerns, death and dying. 2) To prepare for service to and professions working with mature adults. Learning Objectives: a) Supplement major and minor academic fields as well as previous education, employment and life experiences with multi-disciplinary information about lifespan development and issues in an aging society. b) Develop personal interests in ministry, professional and community service to and with mature adults. c) Increase involvement with mature adults and with professionals working with mature adults. d) Apply knowledge learned about the discipline of gerontology and its role in society to ministry, profession and service to church and world. e) Demonstrate competence in interdisciplinary gerontological practice and ministry with and to mature adults. 2) To educate students about an aging society and church as well as the implications that our aging institutions have for ministry, services and policies. Learning Objectives: a) Appreciate how changes in demographics impact various aspects of our society and the church--past, present and future. b) Consider our own role in the aging network. c) Develop an ethical stance toward services and policy (e.g. social support systems or healthcare). d) Be familiar with the major provisions of such aging-related legislation as the SSA and the OOA as well as public, private and religious programs and services addressing the needs of mature adults. e) Assess the societal and church response to aging (i.e. legislation, policies, programs). f) Use knowledge of reciprocal relationships among mature adults, their families, church and society in assessing needs of individuals, churches, programs, services and policies. g) Demonstrate socially, morally and spiritually conscious behavior in response to issues of aging. 3) To encourage and support training, research, programs, services and curricular development in the field of aging. Learning Objectives: a) Understand the strengths and limitations of theories of aging as well as programs and policies related to aging. b) Apply current theory and research in gerontology in discussion and service as well as in social and professional activities. c) Identify the social research methods used by gerontologists. d) Participate in assessment, research and practice with and for mature adults. WHO SHOULD I CONTACT IF I HAVE QUESTIONS? If you have questions regarding the requirements and/or components of the ePortfolio, please contact HOW WILL MY PORTFOLIO BE EVALUATED? Scoring Rubric for MH ePortfolio Masters in Human Services - Concordia University Nebraska Student Name Cohort Date Evaluator: ______________________________ (signature) Section 1: Structure Evaluator, please circle the box that best represents the portfolio. Additional notes can be given below. COMPONENT FULLY MET ADEQUATE NEEDS WORK/ABSENT Selection of Artifacts All artifacts and (3)work samples are clearly directly related to the purpose of the portfolio. Most artifacts/work (2) samples are related to the purpose of the portfolio. (1/Ø) Few artifacts/work samples are related to the purpose of the portfolio. Organization Artifacts are organized into sections with well-defined cues to organization. Artifacts are generally organized Into sections and cues are generally helpful. Artifacts are poorly organized with ineffective or missing cues. Mechanics Text has no errors in grammar, punctuation and spelling. Text has few errors in grammar; punctuation and spelling that require minor editing. Text has many errors in grammar, punctuation and grammar that require major editing and revision. Reflections All reflections clearly describe why artifacts demonstrate fulfillment of requirements and/or achievement of each learning objective. Most reflections describe why artifacts demonstrate fulfillment of requirements and/or achievement of each learning objective. A few reflections describe why artifacts demonstrate fulfillment of requirements and/or achievement of each learning objective. Notes: Section 1: Course Objectives DIRECTIONS: Please check ( ) the level of performance (on a scale of 1-9) which in your judgment best describes the students’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes for the designated learning outcomes based on the case studies, written assignments, application projects, self-assessments and practicum product (e.g. project paper, practicum assessments and agency feedback). Refer to the performance level descriptions (on the following page) suggested as representative evidence for each rating level. REQUIRED ELEMENTS: Program Learning Outcomes Minimal Emerging Proficient Advanced 1. Articulate the role, scope and delivery options in human services for a variety of populations. HS 550, HS 514, HS 599, Gero 520, MPH 585, 2. Differentiate between and understand the relationships between the bio-psycho-social (including spiritual) aspects of lifespan development as they impact human services. HS 555 3. Comprehend, use and assess policies, procedures and governing systems in the human services. HS 550, HS 599, Gero 520, MPH 515, 4. Complete research and application projects critical to participation in the human services industry. HS 500, PSY 560 5. Identify human services leadership abilities and skills and apply those skills in an ethical and culturally sensitive manner. HS 550, HS 533, HS 599, HS/FL 533, MPH 585 Check one: This portfolio meets minimum required standard established by the program This portfolio does not yet meet minimum required standards. Revisions to a course or to courses s should be investigated. Comments: