Rob Kamel 2/1/13 Lesson plan for “Cajun Music: Bonjour Mes Amis” (Second portion of lesson – listening and warm up) Grade 6, period 2 – Mount Nittany Middle School I. Materials -laptop or computer -flash drive containing power point presentation -worksheets -tuner to provide pitches II. Objectives 1) SWBAT articulate the typical instrumentation used in Cajun music and identify the instruments played in the song, Bonjour Mes Amis. 2) SWBAT echo the teacher’s vocal warm up in order to prepare for their singing of the song. III. Assessment 1) Formal – Worksheet with questions about instrumentation and the role that each instrument plays, will ask students the questions from the worksheet to share their responses. 2) Informal – watch and listen to students to make sure they are participating in the warm up and that they are using their voices in a healthy manner. IV. Procedure A. Introduction: Play recording of Bonjour Mes Amis (this will be the lead-in from Jon’s teaching of the lesson) B. Body: 1. Read aloud the questions from the worksheet before playing the song again. i. Play recording ii. Ask each question from worksheet out loud to the class and call on the students who raise their hands: 1. “How many instruments do you hear in this song?” 2. “What are the instruments that you hear?” *play song once more for last three questions 3. “Which instrument is providing the harmonic support?” 4. “Which instrument is playing the melody?” 5. “Listen to the instrument that is providing the harmonic support. How many different chords does this instrument play?” 2. Vocal Warm Up i. Posture 1. Crouching down to reaching up 2. Neck rolls ii. Breathing (for each inhalation and exhalation, take in, and release, as much air as you can) 1. In for 4 out for 4… 6, 8, 2, etc. iii. Speech to Song 1. Class echoes everything teacher says with varying inflection and articulation 2. Chant days of week iv. Song 1. Hum pitch “G” and descend using glissando effect, move down half steps 2. Descending pattern starting on “G” – Sol Mi, Fa Re, Do (See Ah, Eee Ah, Eee) 3. Unison song – “Nine new Neckties and a Night Shirt and a Nose” (Do, Sol, Mi----Fa, Sol, Fa, Mi, Re, Do) – starting in key of C major and ascending step wise) -Next portion taught by Rebekah