Unit 1 Topic 2 Exploring Space

Science B
Unit 1 Topic 2 Exploring Space
About the topic
In this topic learners:
appreciate how the electromagnetic spectrum is used to observe space
explore the evidence for the origin of the Universe
investigate the formation and structure of the Solar Syste, and how planet Earth has
changed since its formation.
Prior learning
Useful general Websites
Cool Cosmos - http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/
International Space Station - http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main/index.html
Hubble Space Telescope - http://www.hubblesite.org/
Nineplanets: http://nineplanets.org/
There are no special requirements for this section of work. However it could be
advantageous for the learners to have followed KS3 programme of study before
commencing this work.
Health and safety
Out-of-school learning
Risk assessments are required for any hazardous activity. In this unit learners:
Model risk assessments used by most employers for normal science activities can be
found in the CLEAPSS Guidance. Teachers need to follow these as indicated in the
guidance notes for the activities, and consider what modifications are needed for
individual classroom situations.
Learners could:
visit local Planetarium http://www.planetarium.org.uk/ / Space Centre
Language for learning
Good learning Practice
Through the activities in this unit learners will be able to use appropriate scientific and
technical language to clearly communicate their understanding of scientific concepts,
conveying their meaning in a coherent and succinct manner.
For example, they will need to understand, use and spell correctly:
. electromagnetic spectrum; gamma rays; x-rays; ultraviolet; visible; infrared;
microwaves; radio; frequency; wavelength; wave speed;
Learners to should be given learning outcomes relating to each activity they undertake.
This will enable them to measure and monitor their own performance.
Controlled Assessment
Resources include:
WJEC Science A Textbook; Pollard, J & Schmit, A; Hodder; London, 2011
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 1
Teachers are advised to build time into their teaching programme to complete controlled
assessment. Controlled assessment activities are changed each year. This will mean that
centres will need to review their scheme of work to ensure that the chosen controlled
assessments are covered at an appropriate time.
2.1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Learning Objectives
Learners should learn
Possible Learning Activities
2.1.1 recall the main parts of the EMS
including gamma rays; X-rays;
ultraviolet; visible light; infra-red;
microwaves and radio waves.
2.1.2 understand the arrangement and scale
of the EMS in terms of frequencies,
wavelengths and energies.
2.1.3 explain how electromagnetic waves are
used to study the Solar System, and
how images of the Solar System are
taken by space-craft and transmitted to
2.1.4 compare the use of Earth-based and
space-based telescope systems to
produce images of objects in space.
2.1.5 analyse astronomical images using
different parts of the spectrum: a) X-ray
images of the Sun and black holes; b)
ultra-violet images of the Sun, galaxies
and the Earth; c) visible light images of
the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the
planets and moons and galaxies; d)
infra-red images of the Sun, the Earth
and the Milky Way; e) microwave
images of the Sun and the Cosmic
Microwave Background Radiation
2.1.6 use the relationship between the speed,
frequency and wavelength of
electromagnetic spectrum waves: wave
speed = frequency x wavelength.
Hook Activities:
2.1.7 describe how and why decisions about
modern space science are made.
Recognise that there are different view
Simple wave equation calculations on whiteboards.
GCSE Science B Sept 2011
Learners produce PowerPoint presentation of astronomical
images and video links.
Learner brief: Collect a range of different stunning astronomical
images from the internet including examples of different
astronomical objects AND telescopes/space probes taken at
different wavelengths.
Video clips of space launch vehicles taking off
Video clips of astronauts in space (esp. multinational collaboration
with the International Space Station)
How long does it take light from the stars to reach the Earth.
A good source of such images is:
There are many others – use key words
‘multiwavelength astronomy’)
Points to note
Learners find images and
transfer to PowerPoint.
Many videos available on ‘You tube’ etc)
Types of light in the Universe.
Collective memory exercises using suitable images e.g. detailed
picture of the Electromagnetic Spectrum; EMS ‘windows in the
atmosphere’ graphs / diagrams.
Card loops on EMS.
There are many different commercially
available resources to support Space and
EMS topics – use as available.
Collective Memory exercises
involve learners working in
teams of 2 or 3 reproducing a
diagram or chart that they take it
in turns to view for 30s then go
back and draw.
How are these two images similar/different?
‘My opinion’ – learners given ‘news articles’ about space and
points on the value of costly space
2.1.8 understand why modern space
science needs a collaborative
approach in terms of sharing cost;
scientific expertise; technology and
equipment; facilities and locations.
asked to pick out key words / summarise / give their opinion.
Matching exercises – pictures of space objects and parts of EMS.
‘Wrong’ answers to past questions (suitable past questions
available on WJEC website – GCSE Science/Additional/Physics)
– is this right? What is wrong?
Use questions from all Awarding
Main Activities:
There are many activities available on-line to support this section.
Check out the link in the next box
Classroom activities:
Demonstration of main parts of electromagnetic spectrum –
commercial radio; microwave oven or microwave kit; radiant (IR
heater) / heat lamp; light spectra from discharge tubes and use of
hand help spectroscopes OR flame tests OR light bulbs / laser
etc; UV lamp and suitable detector (e.g. white cloth washed in
biological detergent OR security marking pen etc; exemplar X-ray
images (ask your dentist!); radioactive gamma source and GM
http://www.s-cool.co.uk/alevel/physics/electromagnetic-waves (for
quantitative properties)
Completion of blank EMS diagram. Indicating order; wavelengths;
frequencies and energies (and relationship to ‘temperature’ of
astronomical objects producing these wavelengths. Some
support will be needed with standard form.
Use of Multiwavelength Astronomy pictures of same object e.g.
the Sun. Relate wavelengths emitted to temperature i.e. higher
temperature, higher energy of EMS.
Many ‘blank’ EMS diagrams are
available on-line or in older
Science Schemes.
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 3
Please refer to CLEAPSS
guidance on using each piece of
equipment. Centres will need to
abide by their own Local Rules
for dealing with Ionising
The key is to link the
temperature of events to the
energy of the electromagnetic
Cosmos has excellent tutorials
on their images
Learners to be given case study of astronomical object e.g. M31
The Andromeda Galaxy, showing M31 at different wavelengths.
The images should have suitable commentaries (at the correct
level) about what they show. Learners produce a ‘Mindmap’
showing how the structure / behaviour of M31 has been
determined by multiwavelength astronomy. It is suggested that
learners are given a blank and have to ‘cut and stick’ and
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Case Study – learners given
‘exploded’ diagrams of HST showing in simple terms how EM
waves are collected, images formed and transmitted to Earth.
Make a paper model of HST
Learners to be given case study of astronomical object e.g. M31
The Andromeda Galaxy, showing M31 at different wavelengths.
The images should have suitable commentaries (at the correct
level) about what they show. Learners produce a ‘Mindmap’
showing how the structure / behaviour of M31 has been
determined by multiwavelength astronomy. It is suggested that
learners are given a blank and have to ‘cut and stick’ and
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Case Study – learners given
‘exploded’ diagrams of HST showing in simple terms how EM
waves are collected, images formed and transmitted to Earth.
Make a paper model of HST
The HST website is brilliant for resources
HST website
Making a paper model:
The HST website is brilliant for resources
HST website
Making a paper model:
The HST website has lots of information
about the HST ground control (including an
excellent diagram):
Learners make poster showing how images are collected and
transmitted to earth.
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 4
The paper model is probably
best left for homework
A good resource for this poster is:
The paper model is probably
best left for homework
It is worth stressing the diagram
showing how the HST
communicates with the Control
Centre at the Goddard Space
Flight Centre.
Learners study graph/diagram showing the transmission of EMS
through the atmosphere, a suitable graphic might be found on
Google Images using the keywords ‘electromagnetic spectrum
transmission by atmosphere’.
An excellent resource for this is:
Compare Space-based telescope systems with Ground-based
telescopes – learners produce table/poster summarising the
advantages/disadvantages of both systems. There are many
websites that have information about this. Search using the
keywords ‘advantages disadvantages space telescopes’
Check out
Multi-wavelength Astronomy: Use Multiwavelength Astronomy
website to show learners astronomical images using different
parts of the spectrum: a) X-ray images of the Sun and black holes;
b) ultra-violet images of the Sun, galaxies and the Earth; c) visible
light images of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the planets and
moons and galaxies; d) infra-red images of the Sun, the Earth and
the Milky Way; e) microwave images of the Sun and the Cosmic
Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR). Use the
Multiwavelength Gallery on the link to show learners pictures of
the same astronomical objects at different wavelengths. Print off
A4 sized coloured pictures of each image. Students work in pairs
to produce A3 poster of the image, using the A4 picture. Each
poster must have: a description of the object; the part of the EM
spectrum being observed; a short description of what the image
Multwavelength Astronomy Gallery:
Introduce learners to the basic wave equation:
Wave speed = frequency x wavelength; v = f
Explain that all electromagnetic spectrum waves travel at the
same speed, c = 300 000 000 m/s (3 x 108 m/s for learners who
are happy with standard form). Construct a table showing
different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum with corresponding
values of wavelength and frequency – but with some values
blanked out. Learners have to fill in the blanks using the wave
equation. This activity will be helped substantially by using
natural display calculators (probably available in your Maths
An interesting interactive investigation on the
basic wave equation can be found at:
The cost of big science projects: Learners are put into teams.
Each team is given a Big Science Project. Examples could
LHC in Cern
ISS in orbit
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 5
Spin a spectrum spinner
Learners should be directed to the main
pages of each project.
LHC: http://www.lhc.ac.uk
The key is to relate the
transmission of the atmosphere
to the use of space-based and
ground based telescopes.
The idea is to relate the image
to what might be happening on
the astronomical object. To
help this the website has a
commentary and learners might
want to make a spectrum
spinner to help them analyse
the images
Learners will be given the
equation on the examination
paper. Higher Tier learners may
be required to rearrange
HST: http://hubblesite.org/
Hubble Space Telescope
Nasa Vision for Space Exploration:
NASA Vision for Space Exploration
ITER Fusion Project
Mars Exploration Rovers
ITER: http://www.iter.org/
European ELT
Mars Rovers:
OWL Telescope
Each team should research: the Main Aims of the project; the
EELT: http://www.eso.org/sci/facilities/eelt/
equipment, facilities and location(s) of the project; the Science
that will be ‘discovered’; the cost of the project; the project timeline OWL:
and the international collaboration of the project.
Teams should be prepared to give a short ‘presentation’ about
their project, in particular they should focus on whether the project
is a good idea and a benefit to mankind.
Collective memory exercises using suitable images e.g. detailed
picture of the Electromagnetic Spectrum; EMS ‘windows in the
atmosphere’ graphs / diagrams.
Card loops on EMS.
How are these two images similar/different?
Simple wave equation calculations on whiteboards.
‘My opinion’ – learners given ‘news articles’ about space and
asked to pick out key words / summarise / give their opinion.
Matching exercises – pictures of space objects and parts of EMS.
‘Wrong’ answers to past questions (suitable past questions
available on WJEC website – GCSE Science/Additional/Physics)
– is this right? What is wrong?
Jigsaws of astronomical images/diagrams (e.g electromagnetic
Tarsia Jigsaw puzzles.
There are many internet based games and activities available via:
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 6
There are many Tarsia creators. Try
Reviewing work
Learning Objectives
Learners should learn
• To review their knowledge and
understanding of the electromagnetic
Possible Learning Activities
 Grade/Level Assessed Tasks
 AfL Exercises
 End of Unit/Topic Tests
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 7
Points to note
Learners produce key points
related to the electromagnetic
2.2 The Big Bang
Learning Objectives
Learners should learn
2.2.1 know that the universe is believed to
have started about 13.5 thousand million
years ago as the result of an explosion
known as the Big Bang.
2.2.2 appreciate that theories of the model of
the universe have changed over time as
more data as become available. For
example the Steady-State theory proposed
by Fred Hoyle in 1948 was widely accepted
before the observable evidence provided by
red shift measurements and the Cosmic
Microwave Background Radiation. This data
was better explained by the Big Bang
2.2.3 recall that the background radiation of
the Universe (CMBR) is the remains of the
energy produced at the time of the Big
Bang, which was originally in the form of
high energy gamma rays that have now
stretched as the result of the expansion
and cooling of the Universe, to become
2.2.4 recall that the universe continues to
expand away from the Big Bang and the
evidence for this is provided by red shift
2.2.5 recall that the speed of expansion of
the Universe is increasing with distance
away from Earth, which could lead to the
ultimate fate of the Universe as infinite,
cold and dark.
2.2.6 describe how the structure and
composition of the Universe has ‘evolved’
over time, including an idea of the scale of
time (a cosmic calendar).
2.2.7 describe the scale of the Universe,
galaxies, solar systems in terms of light
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 8
Possible Learning Activities
Hook Activities:
There are a large number of videos and animations showing ‘The Big
Use youtube or similar to find suitable on:
Red shift
Cosmic calendar (Carl Sagan)
Hubble Law
Scale of the universe
Monty Python’s Galaxy Song
Hubble Ultra Deep Field Photo (or similar)
Collective memory exercises using suitable images e.g.; pictures of
inflation of Universe, Red Shift; Cosmic Calendar
Card loops on Big Bang.
How are these two images similar/different?
‘My opinion’ – learners given ‘news articles’ about Big Bang and asked
to pick out key words / summarise / give their opinion.
‘Wrong’ answers to past questions (suitable past questions available on
WJEC website – GCSE Science/Additional/Physics) – is this right?
What is wrong?
A good general resource for this Section is: WJEC Science A Textbook;
Pollard, J & Schmit, A; Hodder; London, 2011
Cosmic Calendar – Watch ‘Cosmos’ Episode on ‘Cosmic Calendar’.
(Many versions available on Youtube). Learners construct Cosmic
Learners add suitable ‘real’ times to the calendar – one cosmic calendar
‘month’ = 13.5/12 = 1.125 Gyr.
Timeline of Cosmology – learners create timeline of important
cosmological models of the Universe, including ‘
Use youtube or similar to search for
suitable videos
Inflation of Universe picture:
Points to note
Show learners selection of video resources outlining The Big Bang
Theory, a good starting point might be:
Then using similar resource discuss ‘The Steady State Theory’
proposed by Fred Hoyle:
Suitable Cosmic Calendar image available on:
Watch video Stephen Hawking’s Universe Episode 2 ‘The Big Bang’.
Learners summarise both theories in a table – then describe the
problems with the Steady-sate Theory.
Describe the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation. Learners
YouTube Stephen Hawking’s Universe
create graphic describing the discovery of the CMBR; what it is and
Episode 2 ‘The Big Bang’ (x5 x10mins each)
what it shows. As a resource you could produce a colour sheet of
suitable images including:
Classic wmap CMBR map image
Penzias & Wilson with Horn Antenna
CMBR Blackbody spectrum
COBE & WMAP Satellites
WMAP Timeline of the Universe graphic
Cosmological redshift
Learners cut out and stick, and then annotate
Show learners animation of cosmological redshift. Explain how the
wavelength of light emitted by a distant source increases as the source
(star/galaxy) is moving away from Earth as evidenced by absorption
spectra. This increase is greater for more distant galaxies. Compare
absorption spectra for near/distant galaxies.
Learners make model of the expanding Universe cf: WJEC Science A
Textbook; Pollard, J & Schmit, A; Hodder; London, 2011: Chapter
21:Practical: Making and measuring a model of the Universe. Learners
perform Practical and make and record measurements and answer
BBC CMBR Resources
questions. The textbook also has information about how redshift is
measured via spectroscopy and Edwin Hubble’s Measurements – this is ights/cosmic_microwave_background_radiatio
useful background information but is not required for Science B. (I think
comparing absorption spectra should be included)
Hubble’s Law states:
Speed of recession (of galaxies) = H0 (Hubble Constant) x distance
away from Earth (v = H0d)
(Learners are not required to remember Hubble’s Law).
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 9
Cosmological Redshift Animation:
WJEC Science A Textbook; Pollard, J & Schmit, A; Hodder; London,
2011: Chapter 21 Task ‘The Edge of the Universe’ contains an exercise
where Learners study different datasets of Hubble speed of recession
data from different eras. Higher Tier Learners could work through this
task, but teachers may find it easier to prepare a spreadsheet of the
different datasets themselves and then present the graphs of speed of
recession against distance in chronological order, asking the learners to
make conclusions as they see each graph. The final combined dataset
graph should show learners that the Hubble Law is a good description
of how the Universe is behaving as observed over the last 100 years or
so. Show learners a graph illustrating the possible futures of the
Universe. Explain that current observations show that the Open
Universe is the current best model of how the Universe is behaving and
discuss the implications for this in the future (cold, black, infinite)
Collective memory exercises using suitable images e.g.; pictures of
inflation of Universe, Red Shift; Cosmic Calendar
Card loops on Big Bang.
How are these two images similar/different?
‘My opinion’ – learners given ‘news articles’ about Big Bang and asked
to pick out key words / summarise / give their opinion.
‘Wrong’ answers to past questions (suitable past questions available on
WJEC website – GCSE Science/Additional/Physics) – is this right?
What is wrong?
Jigsaws of big bang images from Unit
Tarsia Jigsaw puzzles.
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 10
Suitable Future of the Universe graph
available via:
Reviewing work
Learning Objectives
Learners should learn
• To review their knowledge and
understanding of the electromagnetic
Possible Learning Activities
 Grade/Level Assessed Tasks
 AfL Exercises
 End of Unit/Topic Tests
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 11
Points to note
Learners produce key points
related to The Big Bang
1.2.3 Planetary Science
Learning Objectives
Learners should learn
2.3.1 recall the structure of our Solar
System; including the Sun, planets, main
moons, the Asteroid Belt, comets and the
Oort Cloud.
2.3.2 describe the process of the formation
of our Sun and the Solar System
2.3.3 describe the large scale structure of
the Earth in terms of solid iron core,
molten iron outer core, mantle and crust.
2.3.4 use the accretion theory to describe
the formation of the Earth and the other
2.3.5 be aware that there are conflicting
theories of moon formation. e.g. fission,
capture, co-formation and impact.
2.3.6 describe how the surface of the Earth
is changing as a result of geological
processes associated with plate tectonics.
Recognise that earthquakes and
volcanoes occur most often at plate
boundaries. Explain that earthquakes are
caused by sudden jerking movements of
plates. Know that volcanoes are found
between destructive and constructive
boundaries. Know that fold mountains can
also form at some (destructive and
collision) plate boundaries. Recognise
that the surface of the Earth is also
changing as a result of the movement of
plates, weathering, erosion and meteorite
impact (cratering).
2.3.7 explain how knowledge and
understanding of our changing world’s
surface has led to understanding of the
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 12
Possible Learning Activities
Hook Activities:
There are a large number of videos and animations showing images
of planets
Collective memory exercises using suitable images e.g. planets;
moons etc
There are lots of Solar System diagrams and
colouring activities available via:
Card loops on the Solar System
How are these two images similar/different?
‘My opinion’ – learners given ‘news articles’ about The Solar
System and asked to pick out key words / summarise / give their
‘Wrong’ answers to past questions (suitable past questions
available on WJEC website – GCSE Science/Additional/Physics) –
is this right? What is wrong?
Solar System Tarsia games
You will find the following book a useful resource for this section:
WJEC Science A Textbook; Pollard, J & Schmit, A; Hodder; London,
The Structure of the Solar System: Show learners a suitable video
illustrating the structure of the Solar System – YouTube has many
of these. Learners annotate a pre-prepared blank ‘map’ of the Solar
System – there are many available using an image search with the
terms ‘solar system’. Don’t forget to add main moons (should a list
be provided??) and Asteroid Belt.
Nineplanets is an excellent resource for this
upd8 website resource ‘Pluto no longer a planet’.
Points to note
formation of features of other bodies in
the Solar System, e.g. the Moon and
2.3.8 explain why the atmosphere of the
Earth has changed over time.
2.3.9 interpret data that shows how the
atmosphere of the Earth has changed
over time. Use data to compare the
Earth’s atmosphere to Saturn’s largest
moon, Titan.
2.3.10 use data (e.g. mean surface
temperature, period of rotation, length of
day, distance from Sun) to identify
patterns and compare objects in the Solar
2.3.11 analyse images of objects in the
Solar System (Mercury, Mars, Venus,
moons and asteroids) taken from ground
and orbiting telescopes and from cameras
mounted on space-craft and planetary
landers, and relate these images to the
processes shaping the surface of the
Learners work as a team to create a scale model of the Universe.
The textbook (above) has a suitable Practical ‘ Making a scale
model of the Universe’ in Chapter 20 Space. Alternatively there are
several on-line calculators.
Large Scale structure of the Solar System, including Comets and
Oort Cloud – above textbook, Chapter 20 ‘How big is our Solar
System?’ Learners construct diagram showing structure of Solar
System including Oort Cloud – and state that the Oort Cloud is the
source of most comets.
Patterns in the Solar System: WJEC Science A Textbook; Pollard, J
& Schmit, A; Hodder; London, 2011 Chapter 20: Space, Table 20.2
(or similar) Q1-4. Other patterns to look at include: temperature v
orbital radius; bar charts of day length; density; no. of moons
Formation of the Solar System: Show learners suitable videos
illustrating the formation of the Sun (and then the planets via the
accretion theory). Learners construct timeline of formation of the
Solar System. Google will bring up many resources to help this.
How was the Moon formed? There are several conflicting theories
about the formation of the Moon. Collate a series of short
information sheets about the different theories, and then produce a
series of about 10 questions that learners can answer. Alternatively
give groups of learners individual sheets and get them to produce
questions for their sheet (with answers) and then collate the results.
Structure of the Earth: learners use suitable resources to produce
labelled 2D diagram of the Earth in cross-section. Learners could
extend this using a 3D ‘bauble’ type model.
Plate Tectonics: WJEC Science A Textbook; Pollard, J & Schmit, A;
Hodder; London, 2011 Chapter 13: The ever changing Earth
Has the Earth always looked like it does today?
How do we know that the continents have moved?
Task: Where did the Trilobites go?
How did Wegener’s theory become accepted?
Task: What causes earthquakes and volcanoes
How did volcanoes help life on Earth evolve?
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 13
Alternative diagrams showing the large scale
structure of the Solar System available from:
Scale model of the solar system:
Learners do not need to know
about the structure of comets but
are expected to know how their
orbits differ from those of planets.
Excellent videos showing the formation of the Plot succession of graphs or use
Sun and planets is available via:
ICT (Excel).
Suitable text for dart activity available via:
Suitable 2D unlabelled diagram available via:
Suitable 3D model available via:
Suitable animations available from:
Youtube has many video animations of plate
boundaries. Some suitable images to label
can be found via:
Learners do not need to know the
processes that occur in each
Alternative diagrams:
Learners do tasks and answer questions.
Show learners animations/video of destructive, constructive
boundaries and fold mountain formation. Give learners blank
diagrams to label.
‘Seismology’ resources on SEP website.
Explain to learners the difference between erosion and weathering.
Show images of erosion/weathering/meteorite impact on Earth,
relate to similar images on Moon, Mars, Venus, other moons (e.g.
Saturn’s largest moon, Titan – see below). Learners create image
gallery of Solar System (using Powerpoint and internet search). For
Mercury, Mars, Venus, moons and asteroids find ‘similar’ images of
features on Earth and compare. Learners relate features on images
to processes shaping the surface of the Earth.
This is a good opportunity to get learners to carry out experiments
making craters. A good resource on this is available via:
You can also do lots of experiments/demonstrations on
weathering/erosion – search on Google or use ones from other
Background information on erosion and
weathering via:
Describe atmosphere of Earth: Learners construct composition
charts. Labelled cross-sectional diagram of Earth’s atmosphere.
There are many video/animations on YouTube illustrating the
evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere. Supply learners with articles
from the internet detailing the evolution of the atmosphere, ask
students to study the articles. Learners answer comprehension
questions based on the article(s) supplied then learners construct
simple timeline of the evolution of the atmosphere.
Un-labelled diagram of atmosphere:
Titan: Use resources available on ESA/NASA/JPL CassiniHuygens website to describe Titan:
There is an excellent Virtual Tour of Titan. Learners compare Titan
to an early Earth, in particular, Titan’s atmosphere. Construct barcharts/ piecharts illustrating the two atmospheres. Create questions
for students to answer under examination conditions.
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 14
Google Earth images of meteorite impact
Non-terrestrial impact crater images:
Many articles available via google using
keywords ‘evolution of the atmosphere’
Data on Titan’s atmospheric composition
available via:
Comparison article on Titan/Earth available
Collective memory exercises using suitable images e.g.; solar
system images/graphs/charts etc
Card loops on Planetary Science.
How are these two images similar/different?
‘My opinion’ – learners given ‘news articles’ about Solar System and
asked to pick out key words / summarise / give their opinion.
‘Wrong’ answers to past questions (suitable past questions
available on WJEC website – GCSE Science/Additional/Physics) –
is this right? What is wrong?
Jigsaws of Solar System images from Unit
Tarsia Jigsaw puzzles.
Reviewing work
Learning Objectives
Learners should learn
• To review their knowledge and
understanding of Planetary Science
Possible Learning Activities
 Grade/Level Assessed Tasks
 AfL Exercises
 End of Unit/Topic Tests
GCSE Science B Unit 1, topic 2 Sept 2011 15
Points to note
Learners produce key points
related to Planetary Science