BASIC ROTC COMMON MODULE Course Code and Description Prepared by: ______________ Prerequisite/s: Please include course code and description whenever necessary Professor/s handling this subject: ______________________________________________________________________ If any professor can teach this in your department, please write the name of your department Number of units: 3 Textbook (if any): __________________________________________________ COURSE OUTLINE and REFERENCES: This course, which is specifically designed for students enrolled in the Paralegal Program, focuses on the most important canons of legal ethics practiced in the legal profession. REFERENCE/s TOPIC/ACTIVITY 1. PHYSICAL ORGANIZATION OF THE CADET CORPS and COURSE ORIENTATION If it is from the textbook, just write the page number/s. For books, websites, journals, readings, etc., please write the specific titles, URLs, author and edition No. of hours Course orientation Organization of the Cadet Corps Organizing the Cadets by squad/platoon, company and its equivalent of the Cadets Corps. Course orientation (General Provisions, attendance, Grading System, Merits System, Condition of the Service). 2. NSTP Program (RA 9163) NSTP NSTP Program a. Preamble b. IRR a. Citizenship Training Citizenship Training a. Self-awareness b. Good Citizenship Values Leadership for the Development of the Youth b. Drugs Education a. An introduction to Dangerous Drugs prevention and control b. Drug Trafficking c. Controlled Substances Preamble IRR Self-awareness Good Citizenship Values Leadership Values Drug education Prevention and control Drug trafficking Controlled substances Controlled Substances d. What everybody should know about drug abuse e. Government Counter Action against Drug Abuse c. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management a. Overview of Philippine Disaster Management System (PDMS Disaster) b. Risk Profile of the Philippines (Focus on specific Region/Area where the school is located ) c. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) concepts, principles and trends d. Hazard mapping and contingency planning e. Disaster Response, Rescue and Relief Operation e.1. Basic Disaster Response Training (Survival Training) - first aid/Basic Life Support - Search and Rescue (Water, Earthquake, Landslide, Fire) About drug abuse Actions against drug abuse Disaster risk reduction and management Disaster Risk Reduction Strategies and Risk Management Practices PDMS disaster Philippine disaster management system Risk profile of the Philippines DRRM Mapping and planning Disaster response, rescue and relief operation basic life support Search and rescue (water) Land Earthquakes Fire d. National Security Concerns National security Types of threats, Human and Ecological Security Organization that are inimical to peace and order and development of the country The capabilities and vulnerability e. Environmental Protection a. General Concepts to environmental education b. Brief related Laws and Regulations to ensure environmental protection Environmental security Environmental education Concept of environmental education Related laws and regulations c. Climate change adaptation and challenges d. Strategies for Ecowaste Management Climate change adaptation and challenges Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation on Philippine Coasts Eco-waste management ROTC Fundamental law in ROTC Pertinent republic act in ROTC Military organization Chain of command Military courtesy and discipline Salute Courtesies Insignias in AFP Interior Guard Duty Military Justice Human Rights Human Rights provisions 3. Military Orientation a. ROTC legal basis Specific provisions of the fundamental law and pertinent Republic Act. b. Military Organization Chain of Command (Commanderin-chief, DND, and AFP) Brief history of the AFP, mission, organization and capabilities of the AFP, Major Service RESCOMS and AFPRESCOM c. Military Courtesy and Discipline Definition of terms. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How to salute, Services and last courtesies, Identification of Ranks, Insignias in the AFP d. Interior Guard Duty Brief history of the AFP AFP mission organization and capabilities of the AFP Major Service RESCOMS and AFPRESCOM Definition of terms, sequence of formal/informal guard mounting, 11 General Orders. e. Military Justice Military Justice System, Sources of Military Law, Military Jurisdiction, Selected punitive Articles of War, and relationship between civilmilitary courts. f. Human Rights Provisions of Human Rights Selected punitive Articles of War relationship between civil-military courts g. Threats National Security Threats National Security h. Anti and Counter Terrorism Anti and Counter Terrorism 4. COMBAT TRAINING OF THE INDIVIDUAL SOLDIER (CTIS) CTIS COMBAT TRAINING OF THE INDIVIDUAL SOLDIER a. Basic Signal Communication Introduction to signal communication, five (5) means of communication, familiarization of different radio equipment, its capabilities and limitations. Military pro-words, Morse code, flashing lights, hand and arm signal, semaphore and recognition distress signal. b. Basic Intelligence Definition of terms, principles of intelligence, intelligence axioms, intelligence cycle. c. Basic Survival Familiarization on various field craft, survival of the sea, water and food discipline and other survival technique d. Basic Map Reading Map orientation; types of maps according to scale; azimuths and directions using a compass and a protractor. Measuring distances on maps; locating points on the map and means of locating ones position on the map and on the ground. e. Basic Obstacle Course Familiarization with the different obstacle found in the battlefield. f. Intro to CMO Different pillars of CMO, concept, roles and significance of CMO for the Intro to signal communication Means of communication Basic Intelligence Intelligence Basic Survival 5 Basic Survival Survival (Food) Map Reading Basic Map reading azimuths and directions using a compass and a protractor Using compass Map Scale Types Map Scales Measuring distance on map How to measure distance on a Map Obstacle course Obstacle found in battlefield furtherance of the AFP mission. Movement technique Unit Formations Types of Combat formation Marches and Bivouacs/Land Navigation Definition of Terms; classification of troop movements (Tactical and Admin) Control Measures in the proper conduct of foot and vehicular marches; selection and occupation of bivouac area. Classification of troop movement AGOS/Heliborne Opns AGOS Procedures g. Individual Movement Technique Day and night movement, cover and concealment, camouflaging, organizing the squad/platoon into their individual role as a Rifleman. h. Basic Unit Formations Different types of combat formation (Team, Squad, Platoon, and Company). i. j. Marches and Bivouacs/Land Navigation selection and occupation of bivouac area Bivouac area Selection Bivouac area Procedures on directing, troop and dismount from a helicopter. 5. INDIVIDUAL PROTECTIVE MEASURES a. Personality Hygiene and Sanitation Protective measures Individual protective measures Personality Hygiene and Sanitation Types of wounds and treatment Health maintenance and sanitary practices, types and treatment of communicable disease, measures to protect and improve health responsibility for military sanitation. b. 1st aid/ Basic Life support Types of wounds and treatment, application of tourniquet and casualty. Intro to Basic Life Support, ABC BLS, Respiratory and application of tourniquet and casualty ABC BLS Respiratory and Cardiovascular System Technique of Basic CPR Cardiovascular System, Technique of Basic CPR, Evacuation procedures. c. Basic Self Defense Evacuation procedures Basic Self Defense Methods of arming and disarming to include basic offensive and defensive strikes. 6. BASIC WEAPONS TRAINING Weapons training a. M16 .56mm/M14 7.62mm/Cal 30 M1 Garand Nomenclature, general data, cycle of operation assembly and disassembly, care and maintenance b. Hand Grenade History of Grenade, Parts of Grenade, Capability and Limitation Procedure of throwing hand Grenade. 7. PRE-MARKMANSHIP TRAINING Fundamentals of firing, types of firing positions (Prone Sitting, Kneeling, Standing to prone and Standing to sitting). Correct Sight Picture, Triangulation and coach and pupil techniques. 8. DRILLS AND CEREMONIES a. Dismounted Drill Lecture and conduct dismounted drills, ceremonies, parades, inspection of individual equipment. b. Ceremonies Parade and Review. Conduct of Arrival of Honor, Presentation of Sponsors. Hand Grenades Grenades history History of grenade Parts of grenade Grenade Throwing hand grenade Hand grenade gripping procedure Pre-markmanship training Pre-markmanship Firing fundamentals Firing positions Correct sight picture Drills and ceremonies Dismounted drill