cv - Marton Fodor

I am an experienced hands-on senior developer with over 11
years of Object Oriented system architecture and
programming experience on the web and 5+ years in iOS. My
focus was always on solving the problem ahead and to see the
system as a whole, writing efficient code I can be proud of. The
last couple of years I have improved myself in mobile UX
design, Agile methodologies and exciting mobile technologies
like data streaming, mobile security, audio and 3D
programming. This is the track I seek to continue.
Relevant Skills
Objective-C (6+ years), Swift
PHP (8 years), (X)HTML+CSS+JavaScript (8 years), XML, JSON,
SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, SQLite)
iOS (2.0 – 8.0)
Linux/Unix (Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian, FreeBSD)
Márton P. Fodor
Windows (XP, 7)
Contact information
Mobile: +44 7724 307300
Skype: marton.fodor
OSX (10.4, - 10.10)
Data Streaming, Core Data, CoreAudio, UIKit, AVFoundation,
CoreGraphics, APNS, Passkit, StoreKit, Quartz, CFNetwork,
CoreLocation, CoreMotion, EventKit, MapKit, SpriteKit,
SceneKit, AFNewtorking, NSURLSessionManager,
Lightstreamer, libtidy, libxml2, libsqlite3, libz2
Xcode, Blender, Unity3D, Photoshop
Work Experience
Founder and CEO of Subjective-C Ltd. London — from 8/2011
Long I have pursued my dream of going independent. I have started my own company in August 2011. We have both our
own applications in the AppStore and work as contractors. The latest project of ours is a multiplatform 3D game yet to be
announced, and a personal navigation style app is in the beta testing phase.
As a contractor my clients included:
• Sportlabs Technology Ltd. - LTA Player Planner (
• Grapple Mobile / Monitise Create – Premier Inn Hotels for iPad (
• Dev2Rights Limited – uMotif (
• Monitise – mPOS (Mobile Point-of-Sale), Enterprise Engineering Team (internal R&D)
• Travel Republic – Mobile App Team Lead
• – Senior iOS Developer
Senior iOS Developer, IG Group London — 11/2010-11/2012
I was second in command in a team of 7 developers. My main responsibility is to help and support the other developers
in their journey to a higher level of proficiency in iOS development. I also needed to make sure they understand the
architecture and choose the best pattern to use for the job at hand, but in a very democratic and non-restrictive way. All
this while I need to deliver my own tasks as well.
As senior in the team it was my duty to ensure code quality, conformance to coding conventions and usage of our
patterns and best practices. I constantly trained my teammates, reviewed their code and challenged them to improve the
existing codebase and devise new patterns. We also took ownership of our apps and constantly tried to improve them
not only from a strictly technical perspective but in terms of user experience as well.
As an ally to our team lead I worked with him reviewing the performance of our team members, defining recruitment
criteria, doing the interviews and selecting the best candidates.
Development Lead, Budapest — 03/2010-11/2010
As a lead my responsibility was to make sure my teams of developers do they work professionally, according to
specification and schedule. Besides my mentoring role I took on developing the liligo iPad application myself. Integrating
the existing flow from the web to a native application was a welcome challenge. The application utilizes hybrid
technology one part being native Objective-C code the other DHTML in UIWebViews, interfaced by a JavaScript bridge. It
really pushes the limits of the UIWebView API.
As the evangelist of the Agile methodologies in the company began introduction of Scrum to our workflows.
iPhone programmer, ltd. Budapest — 05/2009-03/2010
As senior Objective-C iPhone developer, developed major parts of a very large project for an external client. I usually
worked alone in planning, designing UI, and producing various Apps for B2B clients around the globe. Most projects
were under Agile.
Some of my more interesting projects were mcmixer and SnapShop. The former allows for multichannel sound track
mixing for which I used the AVFoundation framework. Synchronizing the four tracks realtime can prove tricky when
you have just one hardware decoder present in the device. I have also integrated an in-app purchase music store with
StoreKit for the yet to be released version of the app.
The latter app SnapShop, began as a pilot project, as I had to explore the AR capabilities of the iPhone long before it
became officially available. I created a couple of custom UI controls and ViewControllers. One I am particularly proud
of is the GridViewController which very efficiently uses cached, queued, asynchronous download ASIHTTPRequests for
the images and displays them in a nice grid which updates using a delegate pattern live as the images arrive.
The AR part was also a challenge as I had to overlay an OpenGL view on top of the realtime camera image and feed it
with accurate accelerometer and compass data to animate a direction indicator object in 3D. Nowadays it has evolved
way beyond what we have imagined and became a huge success.
The third app I should mention is the panoramic video player. I have received the video as mpeg encoded footage
and had to create an app that is capable of playing it with high enough FPS to be enjoyable for the user, while I uses
the compass and touch input to pan around the imaginary 360° space, in a way the user wouldn’t notice where the
two ‘ends’ were stitched together.
Project manager, Inda-labs Inc. Budapest — 10/2007-12/2008
Project management of the Indapass SSO system. Fully Object Oriented system architecture in Visual Paradigm (UML),
project planning of contracted external developer teams. Communication with partners, support akin to key account
Developer, Inc. Budapest — 10/2006 – 10/2007
Lead development and maintenance of the Indapass SSO system in PHP5 using advanced Object Oriented design
patterns. Specification and documentation of system modules. Coordination of contracted external developer teams.
Helping them implement and test the Indapass integration into their applications.
PHP Developer, Jasmin media group ltd. budapest — 10/2005 – 10/2006
Designing and developing of the payment processor system for the company's services. It involved using top notch
technologies such as AJAX and COMET implemented in OO JavaScript to produce a fully interactive, real-time
interface for our support team.
PHP Developer, Webconsult ltd. Budapest — 04/2004 – 10/2005
Taking part of the company’s largest projects, continuous development of its primary product, the Calcun CMS.
Finished projects:
• As one of the core programmers of the production team which developed the governmental web-portals following
the KIETB19 standard, provided support for these governmental organizations.
• Have developed several modules and part of the core system for the Szerencsejáték Rt. (Fortune-Games inc.)
intranet portal engine.
PHP Developer, Cyber systems ltd. Budapest — 04/2002 – 09/2003
Tasks: Participation in the firm’s, PHP and MySQL based service system, planning and development.
Finished projects:
• Development of the free e-mail service and porting the system to WML:
• Writing a Java client for the C2 IRC server: (based on a source published under the GNU GPL)
2006 – 2010: Gábor Dénes College, IT Engineer Bsc. course.
2004 – 2005: Eötvös Lóránd University, Programing Mathematician evening course.
2001 – 2003: Computer Programmer, Vocational Training, Csepel
Cisco Networking Academy - CCNA enrolled.
2001 – 2002: Berzsenyi Dániel College, English Teacher course, Csepel
University of Pécs, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Linux Programmer course
2000 – 2001: University of Pécs, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Linux System Administrator course
1997 – 2000: Janus Pannonius University (later University of Pécs), Faculty of Letters, English.
1995 – 1996: Junction City High School, Kansas, U.S.A., senior year, diploma.
1992 – 1995: Experimental High School of SzentlĹ‘rinc.
Said to be well organized, quick and analytical in understanding a problem, friendly with both clients and colleagues
and easy to get along with. I am always ready for brainstorming new ideas.
I practice Yang style thai-chi. I am also hoping to get the Private Pilot’s Licence in the future.
References available upon request