PSYCH 431: Physiological Psychology

Summer 2015
PSYCH 431: Physiological Psychology
Kolb & Whishaw. An
Introduction to Brain and
Behavior 4/e, 2012, Worth
Instructor: Dr. Douglas Wallace
Office: 309 Psychology
Phone: 753-7071
Location: 156 PSYC-Comp Sci
Time: TTh 9:00-11:40
Purpose of Course: This course examines the relationship between the brain and behavior under normal and
pathological conditions. The first portion of the course will discuss historical approaches and current methodologies to
study the brain-behavior relationship. The second portion will focus on neural basis of higher level cognitive
functioning. The final section of the course will present clinical cases and neural pathologies to demonstrate principles
of the brain-behavior relationship.
Class sessions: Class attendance is not required; HOWEVER, you are responsible for all material covered and for any
announcements made during class, regardless of whether or not you attend. Lectures will cover material that is not
covered in the text and will go into greater detail than the text does, so it is in your best interest to attend class regularly.
Lecture assignment: Approximately 20 minutes prior to the end of each class period you will be instructed to form a
group (2 to 3 students) and generate: A) One essay question and grading rubric for the question; B) Two multiple choice
questions; C) Answers for a short answer quiz. The format will be varied across days. At the end of class you will turn in
your group’s questions. Each lecture assignment will be worth 5 points.
Exams: Each exam has a set of essay questions and you select a subset to answer. If you miss an exam and have an
adequate excuse, you may take a make-up. I reserve the right to decide on the adequacy of the excuse. If you miss an
exam and fail to take a make-up, you will receive a zero for that exam. Contact me as soon as possible if you miss an
exam for any reason, by phone or e-mail.
Blackboard Collaborate: All lectures will be captured and hosted on blackboard under tools link. You should be able to
access these lectures via on campus computers and your personal computer. If you have problems, contact ITS (815753-8100;; Walk-in support service: Mon - Fri 7 am - 5 pm , Telephone & Security (TS) 114, South
of the Health Service Center - look for the burgundy awning) and they will help you. On several occasions I will not be
able to lecture in person and will have to use Blackboard Collaborate to host the lecture. In addition, if you have to miss
the class you can assess the lecture via Blackboard Collaborate.
Cheating: Anyone caught cheating will be dealt with in accordance with the Northern Illinois University policy noted in
the calendar.
Grading: Final grades will be based on: Lecture assignment (20%), two exams (20% each) and the lab (40% in total).
The grades are broken down as follows: A[100-90], B[89-80], C[79-70], D[69-60], F[59 and below]
Functional neuroanatomy
Imaging the brain’s activity
Sensory – Motor systems
Memory systems
5 & 14
Spatial orientation
Neuropsychological assessment
TBI/Stroke - Cortical/Subcortical dementias
Exam1: July 9
No class: July 2th
Exam2: August 6
Northern Illinois University is committed to providing an accessible educational environment in collaboration with the
Disability Resource Center (DRC). Any student requiring an academic accommodation due to a disability should let his
or her faculty member know as soon as possible. Students who need academic accommodations based on the impact of a
disability will be encouraged to contact the DRC if they have not done so already. The DRC is located on the 4th floor
of the Health Services Building, and can be reached at 815-753-1303 (V) or