Mark Nguyen 5/6/14 White Period 4 2 S2 “Quote” (page #) First scene is in color, candle is lit, everything is colorful. Color diminishing as the candle burns out. Red at last little bit, smoke comes. Black and white enters. Candle smoke cuts to the train smoke. 3 S3 People typing out lists of Jews as the Jews are immigrated 1939 4 C1 Schindler’s hands moving to helping him get ready. Hands are touching money, alcohol, watches and Nazi symbol. Connosuier swirl of the drink. First look at Schindler’s face. Lighting is directly focused on it. # 1 S1 5 6 C2 7 C3 8 C4 9 C5 10 C6 11 Commentary -Possible symbolism for the death of life? -color -> candle flame -> extinguished red -> smoke. Maybe a symbol of the process of the holocaust. -Could be a symbol. After the flame is gone , all that is left is a smoke plume coming out of a train. -symbol for the jews moving into the industrial work camps. -Film is black and white to show for the darkness, depressiveness of the Holocaust. -Could be symbolism for Schindler’s list? Schindler’s list may have negative connotation. -Or could it be the contrast of Schindler’s list? This list is full of bad and there’s just black and white. -Hands give a good overview of Schindler’s character and motivations in the beginning. Hands also show the actions of Schindler with their movement , and grabbing motion. -Spielbergs technique to introduce the character and have the focus on him. -Also makes Schindler seem like a statue, a man of power and influence in the room. Cut to focused movement on Schindler’s -Revealing of Schindler’s character. eyes observing the Nazi uniforms Schindler is scanning intently for the highest power in the intently. Scanning the entire room. room. Lighting is directly focused on -Calculating, penetrating eyes. Schindler’s eyes. -Shows what Schindler really wants Schindler sends drinks to the table and -Schindler is cunning, and has great social skills that he uses to ends up taking them to his own table. his advantage to manipulate and climb the power ladder. Them = A top SS officer, a girl, and a SS soldier. Oskar Schindler has gained the interest -More showing how Schindler rises fast and strong in the of the entire room. Friends with the top hierarchy. dogs of the SS. People want to be -More of Schindler’s character and how he is a social conman. around him. He is the party. Schindler’s -Maybe Schindler will rise too fast and fall far? eyes still scanning the room intently with light focused on it. Cut to Schindler with pen and lapel and -Schindler doesn’t care/ignorant about the Jews predicament. with a nazi pin walking past thousands All he cares about is his business and becoming successful. in line waiting at the Judenrat -The Jews and their problems are practically invisible to him. “Once the war ends, forget it. Right -Schindler doesn’t know of what the Nazis are going to do to now, it’s great!” – Schindler the Jews. Stern – “I think most people right now -Reveals his character only has eyes on the money, is closehave other minded, and is greedy for cash. priorities” Schindler – “Like what?” Schindler proposes plan to Stern where -Stern just outright shocked at what Schindler is doing. Does C7 12 C8 Jews create a company, run it, and do all the work while Schindler goes to “present” it (going to parties) and making bank. War profiteering. Added 20 sec scene with just silence. Schindler eavesdrop on black-market conversation between the Jews in a church. 13 March 20, 1941 deadline for entering ghetto in Krakow. 14 Cut to scene of a Pole child screaming out at the Jews. Juxtaposition between Schindler lying in the bed of the Jews were just moved into the ghetto. The Jews get it much worse while Schindler’s things just keep getting better. 15 C9 16 Cut to Schindler in the car. Schindler C10 with Jews in the car working out a business deal. 17 Schindler “Poles cost more” C11 “Why should I hire Poles?” Cut to scene of the Jews waiting in line to be selected to go to the camps or to work, alive. Chaos. “Nonessential? Since when have history and literature been nonessential?” 19 Stern working hard to save people from C12 getting on the truck and going to the camps. 18 20 Stern and Schindler talk on hiring which C13 secretary, Schindler hires all the girls 21 Schindler offers cup of alcohol to Stern C14 for the third time. Stern rejects the S4 drink. Mark Nguyen 5/6/14 White Period 4 not like Schindler. A reflection of Schindler’s character and also an introduction to Stern’s character. -Schindler making connections in the black-market in order to get more money. -Schindler is evil, but he is also efficient. Just imagine what he could get done if he put his efforts to a good. -Sort of amazes me how you can see the poor, the rich, and all other Jews with different lives put into one ghetto. Social standards are lost and people are just people. -Shows that people by and large do not like the Jews. They let the holocaust happen, they batted an eye. -Shows the huge disparity between the Jew’s lives and the lives of the Nazi party members. -Also shows how Schindler is taking advantage of the Jew’s condition. -Not a single thought on the Jew’s condition, only thinking of how nice it is. I’m a bit stunned myself by how self-absorbed Schindler is. -Schindler taking advantage of the Jews situation in the ghetto. -Reveals more on Schindler’s character on how he’s all about the cash. Maybe he will change later on? -Ironic how Schindler’s money-grabbing tactics end up helping him save the lives of many. -Spielberg is showing the dishevelment and uprooting that the Nazis have done to the Jews. -This also shows how the Nazis are tearing up and uprooting the culture and education that is essential for a good society. -Stern is a flat character. Mainly good and always trying to save people. He’s intelligent and knows the Nazi intentions. -Great contrast in Schindler and Stern. Stern is taking advantage of Schindler’s money-greed to save Jewish lives. -More on Schindler’s character. Schindler’s a ladies man and can’t stay with one woman. -These are more bad-traits that pile onto Schindler’s character. Seems like Schindler is having a good time and is making a lot of money. I wonder what he will when he’s made enough money. Will he take action in a cause? He seems to be stuck in this greed-cash only view. -Stern refuses. Stern character is flat and is full good. Stern also just blown away by Schindler and his money greed. The look on Stern’s face is full of unpleasantness in Schindler’s presence 23 Schindler’s wife shows up while C15 Schindler is with a mistress “you would like her” “you look wonderful” 24 C16 25 C17 “350 on one floor with one purpose….to make money. For me.” “it’s comforting to see that nothing’s changed” – Schindler’s wife “War.” – Schindler talking 26 C18 about something missing from his success. 27 Schindler’s wife tells Schindler to not C19 bang anyone else but her. Schindler Mark Nguyen 5/6/14 White Period 4 -Could this also symbolize the evil of Schindler? Stern is good and he has rejected Schindler’s drink for the third time. -Schindler self absorbed and trying to use his charm to get him out of the hotpot. His wife has to tell him that he can’t go out having affairs. -Schindler’s promiscuity is a reflection of Schindler’s spending lifestyle in the sudden influx of his money. -Schindler in awe at what he has achieved. Further showing that he is obsessed with money, greed. -Even Schindler’s wife tells of Schindler’s character. Spielberg is showing clearly what Schindler is and how he acts at this current moment. It tells of how Schindler has also been trying to become successful with money. -Maybe this explains why he is spending so much time to bathe in his success (sleeping around, going to parties, money, drink, all that). -Clear Schindler is a war profiteer only on the $$$$. Really drives home that point. - Shows how Schindler is lowly scum, taking advantage of fighting and death. -Schindler is a guy who just can’t get enough of the moment, greed, lust, conniving, these are what make up Schindler. ships her off. It wasn’t on bad terms. 28 Old man goes to thank Schindler “he C20 saved my life” “you are a good man” 29 “don’t ever do that to me again” – C21 Schindler “success, he’s very useful” – Stern Lighting on Schindler’s face. Half on his face, and half dark. Serious face. 31 “one armed machinist, Schindler?” C22 “he’s quite skilled” 32 Juxtaposition of Schindler’s sex scene S6 and stern being loaded on the train. Cuts to a scene of a list. 30 S5 33 Schindler getting Nazi soldier names written down on his book. Tauber and -This will make Schindler feel guilty for what he is doing because Stern saved the old man’s life. The guilt is the start of a change in Schindler’s character. -Maybe he will end up doing something very humane out of his guilt? -Schindler saying to Stern about the one armed Jew. He’s worried about the reputation. Beginning of danger for Schindler. -Also shows more guilt/shame from having the old man thank Schindler when it was really Stern. Has Schindler finally woken up from his singular greed POV? -Stern will save lives until the day he dies. He is like an anchor of good in all of this evil. -Could symbolize the beginning of something new in Schindler. -Spielberg could be using the lighting to symbolize the inner fierceness of Schindler that helped him get to where he is now. -This will be the first of Schindler standing up for a Jew. A small change in Schindler’s character that will build momentum? -More good things are happening to Schindler, who is greedy and corrupt, while bad things are happening to Stern, who is doing good by saving lives. Maybe symbolizing an opposite karma that existed in the Nazi world. -Is this symbolism for Schindler’s list? Mark Nguyen 5/6/14 White Period 4 S7 Kunder. 34 “What if I got here five minutes later, C23 then where would I be?” -Schindler still obsessed over his own success, money, and power. Schindler didn’t wonder about Stern’s wellbeing, he just worried about his own success. The transformation is not here yet. 35 Cuts to scene of pillage and plumage of -Spielberg’s way of showing what the Nazis were doing. the all the Jew’s possessions including -It is very tragic to see the Jew’s possessions being taken away gold teeth. and stacked. Human culture being destroyed and used to create power. For some reason, the impact is not very strong for me. I think it’s because I don’t have a personal experience with the Holocaust or something similar to it. “this is it” “this is the bottom” a Jew in -This is irony. History tells us that it will get much worse for 36 the ghetto many Jews, but many do not know what the Nazis plan to do. -Cold from the start. Literally and figuratively. He doesn’t care 37 Amon Goeth is introduced, introduced into the Jewish ghettos. about Jews. C24 -A forced labor camp. This looks like the setting where 38 Plaszow forced labor camp. Location introduced. Spielberg will show many of the Nazi atrocities. Closeup of Amon Goeth. -His eyes are ice cold. No expression whatsoever. He’s probably 39 a sociopath who has no empathy and can’t understand human C25 emotion that well. -This scene truly perplexes me. I knew from the start when the 40 Amon Goeth shoots the jew engineer C26 who was a graduate of a university who Jewish woman started yelling that the Nazis were going to end was argueing over the foundation. After her because the Nazis viewed themselves as superior, always. he shoots her, they follow her advice. -After they kill her, they still take her advice. They could have used her for more advice on building. This shows Amon Goeth really likes to kill people. 41 Juxtapositions of the scene of Amon and -Could this be symbolism for comparing Amon and Schindler as similar characters? S8 Oskar shaving C27 42 Liquidation of the ghetto scene. 1943 march 13 43 Cut to scene of Schindler overlooking C28 the city on a horse with a look of awe and shock 44 Scene of father Jew is shot, boy runs away, boy is dragged back and shot. General chaos in the streets. 45 Nazis break into a hospital and execute the Jewish patients 46 Nazis shoot a man’s wife in the face 47 S9 Little girl with red dress, the only color in the film in the middle of the chaos of the liquidation of the ghetto. Schindler looks on intently from the -The Jews are hiding diamonds in the bread they are eating. -The beginning of change for Schindler? Let’s see where he draws the line of taking advantage of the Jews. -This scene is very tragic and I am honestly stunned by how cold and inhuman the Nazi SS soldiers are. If the boy didn’t run then they wouldn’t have been shot. Truly shows the inhuman Nazis. -This scene was also very shocking to me. The Nazi SS just walk in and kill the patients as if they were rats. Totally dehumanized Nazi SS. -Here’s another sample of extreme Nazi inhuman cruelty. It’s hard to imagine such people could have existed on Earth. -symbol of the innocence of the Jews. The little girl is red, there’s a children’s song playing. This all points to innocence. Mark Nguyen 5/6/14 White Period 4 cliff. Children’s song is playing in the background. 48 Camera shots at Schindler’s face. C29 Schindler has a look of awe, shock, and disbelief as he watches. He has a hard time pulling away from the scene. 49 SS soldier playing the piano. When the gunfire shots begin. Mozart. 50 Cut to Amon Goeth waking up in his C30 villa, half naked, drinking alchohol. Used 51 S10 52 C31 53 C32 54 C33 S11 55 S12 56 C34 57 S13 C35 a rifle to snipe jews who were not working on his balcony. “The worst is over. We are workers now” – woman in the camp. -The next phase in Schindler’s character, the awakening where he takes a turn. This is the where Schindler changes to help humanity for the Nazi warcrimes. -The Nazis can nonchalantly have a conversation about what kind of piano music the SS officer is playing. It’s almost as if they’re doing a chore and just taking a break. -Amon Goeth loves to kill people. This is his favorite pastime. He kill’s even when they stop to tie their shoe. It’s hard to imagine a world where people allowed a man to do this. -Foreshadowing for the worst. This is the second time someone has said this. -Could symbolize increasing worse and worse conditions for the Jews as the holocaust progresses. Amon Goeth and Schindler have a talk. -More change in Schindler’s character as Schindler saves his Schindler takes the Jews from the camp Jews from the concentration camp and puts them back in his back to his factory for business. factory. This is change for the better in Schindler. Schindler also uses his social skills for good this time by getting down onto Amon’s level. Schindler and stern have talk next to a -Coming together of Stern and Schindler. This is another change car. They talk about business and in Schindler’s character as Stern begins to like him as Schindler Schindler gives Stern some good luck. begins to do things for the good of life. Amon Goeth and Nazis take a man -Goeth likes killing people. He truly enjoys murdering innocent outside and try to shoot him in the head lives. but their guns keep failing the job -I absolutely despise the Nazi attitude in this scene. The Nazis attitude of being the “superior Aryan race” shows up in this scene very clearly. Their outfits, their pose, the way they treat the Jews. Their outfits symbolize the society the Nazis have created, this superior race ideology. Their brainwashed minds must have been stunned when their guns malfunctioned. -Here I have a hard time believing that such an establishment could have existed on Earth. It’s like a nightmare, a totalarian dictatorship nightmare. Stern tries to light the lighter but he fails -lighter malfunction related to the gun malfunction? 3 times. Cuts to a scene of one of the -Symbolism for gun not working =death stopped. Lighter bribe = jews working and the lighter works. saved a life. Schindler saves the rabbi under goeth -Progression of Schindler saving lives using his wealth that he using his lighter as a bribe gained from greed and evil. Kind of ironic, but a potential coming of good story. Schindler saves another life, another -Could relate to the meaning of the title, “Schindler’s list”. clip of the man with the pen writing Instead of a list for the death of the jews, it would a be list for down a name. the lives of the jews. The little boy who told about the -Schindler is getting people out of Amon Goeth’s sight. Mark Nguyen 5/6/14 White Period 4 chicken is now working in Schindler’s factory. Juxtaposition of the scenes of Schindler saving lives and the writing of the names. 58 The lighting on the woman who goes to S14 talk to Schindler about sending her parents into Schindler’s “haven” is full on bright. 59 Schindler goes into cold panic when the C36 woman asks ^ and he goes to talk to Stern “It’s dangerous! Its dangerous to me!” 60 “He’s got the war which brings out the worst in people” – Schindler 61 Juxtaposition of the scene where C37 Schindler gives Stern the watch to bribe 62 S15 and the immigration of the old people from the camps to his factory. Scene of woman sitting on chair talking to Schindler about how Amon Goeth kills extremely cold-blooded. “Do you know who I am? I’m Schindler.” –Schindler talking to the woman. Schindler kisses Helena and she cries. Half of Schindler’s face gets lit up. When Schindler says “Right, the wine” his face darkens again. 65 “I pardon you.” – Amon saying this to a C40 boy who messed with his saddle 63 C38 64 C39 S16 66 Camera focus on Stern after Amon C41 “pardons” a boy for messing with the -Spielberg is placing full focus on this woman. This woman must be important, a stepping stone for Schindler to move on to the next level. -Schindler is coming close to walking on thin ice. People are calling his place a “Haven” for Jews which is sure to grab the attention of the Nazi machine. -Schindler is concerned about danger as I would be too if I were in his position. -Schindler is also still very concerned about himself. -This would be ironic of Schindler since war brought him to go out and be greedy, taking advantage of the Jewish positions to get money. -Change of Schindler’s character here is very clear. With the music playing in the background and Schindler calming down from his danger panic, Schindler is now full on going with saving people. -The scene is similar to an interrogation scene but the woman is confessing Amon Goeth’s crimes. -A lightbulb hanging, Schindler walking in circles, and the camera is focused on the woman. -Here, Schindler is clearly starting to enjoy his new “role” and his playing into it. Fulfilling his reputation that he as formed. -Spielberg using light to symbolize Schindler’s thought of not just fulfilling his role but having real compassion for the Jews in the concentration camp. A stark contrast from the starting Schindler. -Could this be a possible change in Amon’s character? A new Amon with mercy would be a blessing for all the Jews in the concentration camp. -Shows that Amon listened to Schindler’s advice. Maybe a change in Amon’s character? saddle. 67 Amon “pardons” a boy but then he later C42 snipes him in the head when he’s walking away. 68 Scene of Amon talking to Helen in the C43 wine cellar. Helen is frozen like a deer in headlights. 69 Juxtaposition of a scene of stage S17 performer running her hand down -Amon’s lesson in mercy did not last long at all. Could this be farther trouble down the road for Schindler? -Shows that Amon is still scum and will never change. -A stark contrast from when Schindler was talking to Helena where she opened up. -Shows how Schindler and Amon are two very different people. Schindler is no longer greedy and evil. -Strange juxtaposition. Schindler being kissed by an angel? The stage performer is very graceful, like an angel 70 S18 71 Schindler’s face and kissing him and Amon Goeth running his hand down Helen’s face and almost kissing her, but he stops. Juxtaposition of Amon beating Helen horribly, Schindler at the party kissing people, and the mozaltoff jewish wedding. “No, it can’t be true. We are very very important for them” – Old lady jew 72 Schindler kisses a jewish worker very C44 compassionately right in front of all the 73 74 75 SS. Women rubbing blood on their face to look healthy. Scene of naked people running with music playing in the background – the selection. Children on the trucks put on and moved to death right in front of the parents. 76 Schindler getting water and really gets C45 into getting water to the jews in the cart. 77 78 S19 “I should pity them not punish them, they need treatment” – Amon talking about the “jewish virus” his men are infected with when interacting with the Jews. April 1944, Schindler’s hands pick up and touch ashes of the incinerated jews. 79 Return of the girl on red on a cart, killed C46 and burned. The only color. Schindler’s face of despair. 81 Stern takes Schindler’s drink, shedding a C47 tear. Mark Nguyen 5/6/14 White Period 4 -Reminds me of how Schindler still has it good while the Jews (Helena) has it bad. -Maybe symbolism for Schindler, as he becomes more and more compassionate, it leads to more danger for him as he becomes closer with the jews. -Another piece of irony as the Jews have no idea that the Nazis just want to kill all the Jews. They don’t care about the workforce. -Schindler now cares about the Jews and this compassion of his is gonna get him in deep water. He’s kissed a Jewish worker right in front of many high power SS officers. -This struck me as very disturbing. To rub blood on your face to look healthy. There’s a certain irony in that. -Schindler using the music to show how disturbing the scene was. Reminds me of white slavers playing music for captured, chained slaves to dance to on the ship (Roots.). Both Nazis and slavers viewed their captives as subhuman. -Shows the true cruel nature of the Nazis to show the death of the children right in front of their parents. Shows how the Nazis didn’t see them as human. -the innocence of the children is tragic. There’s music playing and they’re all getting on like they’re going on a fieldtrip -Shows how Schindler’s emotions get in control of him causing him to do dangerously compassionate actions, in front of the SS cabinet themselves. -Schindler now is not worried about the danger, he just wants to help people. -This is ironic because Amon doesn’t pity the Jews but he pities his men. Apparently, the Jews are at fault when it comes to the Nazis having sex with the women. -The scene of the Jews being incinerated. Chanting music in the background, giant mounds of bodies being burned, and men screaming. It almost seems like a scene out of the apocalypse or a scene out of Hell. -The second appearance of the girl in red marks the desperation of Schindler. A step up in the transformation of his character. -Reflection of the change in Schindler’s character. Stern and Schindler are now amigos. Schindler is now good, Stern respects him. -Schindler also has a look of desperation as he says “I’m going home” as if he wants to stay and do something more. 82 Schindler asks and bribes Amon Goeth C48 for his Jewish factory workers. 83 “the list is an absolute good” S20 “the list…is life” – Stern 84 Scene of Schindler getting Stern to type C49 out his list. A large light bulb with light in the center of the room. It’s dark with Schindler sitting and Stern holds up the list. 85 86 S21 87 S22 C50 88 C51 89 S23 90 C52 91 C53 “the worst is over” – the woman again when being shipped to Schindler’s place. Schindlerjuden women led into the gas chamber with eerie music playing. The gas chamber darkens and the women scream. The gas chamber ends up being a shower. The women are relieved. Schindler talking to SS officer on getting his Schindler Jews back. Lighting on the SS officer hides the top half of his face with the bottom part, his mouth showing. Schindler saves the little girls and gets the women out of Aushwitz be using charm and wit “their fingers polish the inside of .45 millimeter shells” Nazi officer calling names off of Schindler’s list inside Auschwitz . Schindler returns to his wife and promises to never go out with any other women again. “Stern, if this factory actually produces a shell that can actually be fired, I’ll be very unhappy” – Schindler talking about his factory and the being low on shells . 92 Candle is lit, color of the candle is S24 returned, people singing and they’re around a table. 93 “Why, am I broke?” –Stern comes to C54 talk to Schindler Mark Nguyen 5/6/14 White Period 4 -Danger no longer frightens Schindler. Schindler is all about saving the lives now. -He is doing everything in his power to save these Jewish lives (cunning charm, money, and bribes) -Symbolism of life. Schindler’s list is good and saves the Jews. -The movie goes full circle, candle goes out, black and white enters and the jewish names are put on the list. When we near the end, a good list is made and the candle flame returns. -Reminds me of the founding fathers working out the Declaration of Independence, “a work of good”. Stern holds up the list in the same way the founding fathers must have held up the declaration. - The music, Schindler listing off countless names, and Stern rushing to get these names down. Schindler is desperate to save these lives. -Another time, the Jews optimism is shattered by the Nazis, by the SS. Reminds me of “Night” and how Wiesel showed how Eliezer’s faith was stolen by the SS. -Symbolism for Schindler’s Jews being protected. Instead of a gas chamber, it was a shower. -The lighting in this scene by Spielberg makes it seem like Schindler is talking to the devil himself. - Symbolism for Schindler being an angel with the Nazis representing evil and the devil. -Schindler uses his quick wit and cunning to save lives. This is a contrast from the beginning of the movie when he used it to gain money and power. -A “list of life” being used inside a “factory of death”. Possibly the only sign of life inside the death camp. -Schindler has reached his final form. He has returned to his wife and has made repentance. He is no longer promiscuous money-grabbing scum. -Schindler hates the Nazis so much that he wants to contribute as little as possible to the Nazi war effort. -Crazy change compared to the beginning where he was warprofiteering and a part of the Nazi party. Ironic how his factory produces shells for the war yet he’s making no money. -The movie has come full circle. The candle has returned. The rabbi is singing. -Symbol for Schindler’s actions returning faith in humanity. -Schindler responds calmly. Now, if you looked at Schindler in the beginning you’d probably expect him to go into a cold panic 94 “after six long years of murder” – C55 Schindler gives speech “I’m a profiteer of slave labor” “I’m a criminal” 95 3 minutes of silence with Rabbi C56 speaking. 96 Gold crown melted, made into a ring . S25 97 Worker gives Schindler a list of worker S26 signatures in case Schindler is captured. C57 98 “whoever saves one life saves the world entire” 99 Schindler shakes sterns hand. Stern and C58 Schindler stack hands. 100 “fewer than 4000 jews lift alive in 101 C59 Poland today” “more than 6000 schindler jews desendants alive” “A person. Stern.” “one more person” 102 Bright field, bright skies, Jews walking, S27 and lighting very bright with chorus singing in the background. Mark Nguyen 5/6/14 White Period 4 and anger. Yet he handles it calmly as if money isn’t a big deal anymore. -Schindler admits to his actions of the past. He realizes what he has done. -It’s a huge change of character from the past. In the past he praised war for his success, now he calls it “six long years of murder” and he names himself a profiteer of slave labor. -Schindler observes 3 minutes of silence for those lost. -Schindler’s character has change tremendously and he is now aware of Jewish culture and cares about it which makes the impact at the end of the film so much more meaningful. -Instead of the gold crown being melted for value, it’s made into a ring. Positive instead of negative. Another reoccurrence of a similar thing from the beginning. -Symbolism for humanity instead of greed. -Another reference to Schindler’s list? Workers giving back to Schindler. -also a reflection on Schindler’s character and how it’s changed and what’s done. -This line points out Spielberg’s purpose. One man can make a difference by setting an example of saving humanity. With that example, others will follow. -note on hands. Full circle, full transformation. Schindlers hands grabbing booze, money, power in beginning. Now he grabs sterns hands . -These last lines point out Spielberg’s purpose; how one man can make a difference. Schindler was one man who saved 1100 Jewish souls. It may sound little, but it’s like planting a forest. With time, it will grow and it will be a large impact. -Schindler doesn’t care about money or greed anymore. He realizes now what matters in life. -Schindler has great guilt for what he has done in the past, but the repent and revival was a huge impact. - The lighting, the Jews, and the field reminds me of Heaven. - Spielberg setting a symbol for Heaven?