INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE ERT146 ENGINEERING MECHANICS - STATICS & DYNAMICS NILAI UNIT/NUMBER OF UNIT: 3 JENIS KURSUS/COURSE TYPE: TERAS/CORE Knowledge Sincerity Excellence INSTRUCTOR INTRODUCTION Name: Ibni Hajar bin Haji Rukunudin (Ph. D, P. Eng) Instructor Course Outline Policy Home work Spec BACKGROUND Office: PPK Bioprocess Hours: Tues/Frid 11:00am – 12:00 pm Email: Hp: +60192829878 Academic: ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE B. Eng. (Agricultural) 79 UPM M App Sc (Food Eng) 84 UNSW, Syd, AUS. Ph.D (Ag Engineering) 97 Iowa State U, Ames, Iowa, USA (Research Excellence Award) Prof Membership: Professional Eng (BEM) Corporate Member (IEM) Corporate Member American Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Eng (ASABE) Last Post: Director Mechanization and Automation Research Center MARDI, Serdang, Selangor Knowledge Sincerity Excellence COURSE OUTLINE INTRODUCTION Instructor Course Outline Policy Home work Spec BACKGROUND ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE HASIL PEMBELAJARAN/LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of the course, students are expected to be: i. Ability to apply the basic principles of statics and dynamics on mechanism and bodies ii. Ability to analyse systems/problems related to forces, loads, displacement of bodies at rest. iii. Ability to apply systems/problems related to forces, loads, displacement, velocity and acceleration of bodies in motion SUMBANGAN PENILAIAN/EVALUATION CONTRIBUTION: PEPERIKSAAN/EXAMINATION: 70% MIDTERM EXAMS 1: 10% MIDTERM EXAMS 2: 10% FINAL EXAMS: 60% KERJA KURSUS/COURSE WORK: 20% ASSIGNMENT/QUIZ: 20% TEXT BOOK: R. C. Hibbeler. 2010. Engieering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics, th 12 Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall. Knowledge Sincerity Excellence COURSE POLICY INTRODUCTION Instructor Course Outline Policy Home work Spec BACKGROUND ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE POLICY CONCERNING WOMEWORK All problems sets shall conform to the “Homework Specifications” (as attached); those problems set not conforming to these specifications shall have points deducted by the tutor. Homework is to be turned in at the beginning of the period in which it is due. LATE HOMEWORK IS NOT ACCEPTED UNLESS WITH GOOD REASONS/EXPLAINATIONS. POLICY CONCERNING QUIZES Quizzes are to be administered during the final 15 minutes of a particular lecture. The quizzes are CLOSED BOOK/CLOSED NOTES. The 6 best quiz scores (out of 8) shall be counted towards the final grade. Missed quizzes can not be made up. If a student misses a quiz, a grade of zero will be assigned as the score for that quiz. If however, a quiz is missed for an exceptional (and legitimate) reason, the average score of the remaining quizzes will be substituted for the missing quiz. MARKS MUST BE EARNED NOT GIVEN POLICY CONCERNING EXAMS 2 The 60 minutes exam is CLOSED BOOK/CLOSED NOTES. Missed examinations can not be made up. Knowledge Sincerity Excellence HOMEWORK SPECIFICATIONS INTRODUCTION Instructor Course Outline Policy 1. DIAGRAM AND SKETCHES: a. neatly drawn - due attention to correct proportions and parts. b. large enough to clearly show detail c. complete (ie all necessary quantities shown and properly labeled) Home work Spec BACKGROUND ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE 2. a. b. c. SOLUTIONS Begin each problem on a new page Show all important steps in the solution Symbols must have their meanings clearly defined or shown on a diagram; except the physical constants commonly used. d. Answer must include Units Knowledge Sincerity Excellence HOMEWORK SPECIFICATIONS INTRODUCTION Instructor Course Outline Policy Home work Spec BACKGROUND ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE 3. FORMS a. Preferably use engineering pad for all computation. b. The heading at the top of each sheet must include Name, Matric No, Date, Problem Set Number and Sheet No/Of total no c. Letter or write legibly d. Use only one side of the paper e. Staple sheets together Knowledge Sincerity Excellence Why study Engineering Mechanics INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Why study eng mechanics Relationship in daily life What it is ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE • The basis/backbone of all engineering disciplines and mechanical sciences: – civil and agricultural & biosystems engineering, – materials science and engineering, – mechanical engineering and – aeronautical and aerospace engineering – etc Roots in physics and mathematics Knowledge Sincerity Excellence Engineering Mechanics – its relation to daily life INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Why study eng mechanics Relationship in daily life Kuala Dipang MRR 2 What it is • There is hardly a device used in daily life which does not involve some concept of mechanics ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE Knowledge Sincerity Excellence eg. KUALA DIPANG BRIDGE COLLAPSE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Why study eng mechanics Relationship in daily life Kuala Dipang MRR 2 What it is ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE Knowledge Sincerity Excellence eg. MRR2 HIGHWAY INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Why study eng mechanics Relationship in daily life Kuala Dipang MRR 2 What it is ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE Knowledge Sincerity Excellence What it is INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Why study eng mechanics Relationship in daily life Kuala Dipang MRR 2 What it is ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE • Engineering mechanics is the discipline devoted to the solution of mechanics problems through the integrated application of mathematical, scientific, and engineering principles. • Engineering Mechanics provides the "building blocks" of statics, dynamics, strength of materials, and fluid dynamics • Knowledge Sincerity Excellence What it is INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Why study eng mechanics Relationship in daily life Kuala Dipang MRR 2 What it is ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE • Engineering Mechanic – is a learning about mechanical interaction between bodies • forces that act on bodies and the resultant motion that those bodies experience • and how they then balance to keep each other in equilibrium. That will be done in the first part of the course. So in the first part we will be dealing with STATICS. What it is INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Why study eng mechanics Relationship in daily life Kuala Dipang MRR 2 What it is ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE • In the second part we then go to the motion of particles and see how does the motion of particles get affected when a force is applied on them. We will first deal with single particles and will then move on to describe the motion of rigid bodies – DYNAMICS • Knowledge Sincerity Excellence What it is INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Why study eng mechanics Relationship in daily life Kuala Dipang MRR 2 What it is The basis of all solutions to mechanics problems are the Newton's laws of motion in one form or the other. ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE • Knowledge Sincerity Excellence Structure INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Why study eng mechanic Relationship in daily life Kuala Dipang MRR 2 What it is ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURE Knowledge Sincerity Excellence