March 2015 - Goldens Bridge Fire District

P.O.BOX 409
MINUTES-March 19, 2015
In Attendance: Commissioners Brancati, Beneventano, Melillo, Simoncini and Vasi
Also in Attendance: Treasurer Galluccio, Chiefs Sant, Melillo and McManus, President Melillo, PR
Mangione, and Members of the Fire Department
1. Commissioner Brancati began the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of
silence in memory of Joe Manstrelli at 7:30pm.
2. A motion was made by Commissioner Beneventano and second by Commissioner Simoncini to
accept the Minutes of February 19, 2015 as amended. All were in favor.
3. The Treasurer presented the claims to the Board for review, discussion and signatures.
$ 20,949.94 General
18,222.41 Fire
$ 39,172.35
A motion was made by Commissioner Brancati and second by Commissioner Simoncini to accept
the Treasurer’s report. All were in favor.
4. President Melillo presented the LOSAP point report to the Board and added that the Resolution
passed by the Commissioners giving the firefighters a chance to extend the time for them to add
points to the 2014 year was well received.
5. Chief Sant reported that there were 24 calls including 9 EMS, 4 False Alarms, 2 Hazardous, 4
Mutual Aid, 2 Rescue/P.I.A.A., 1 Structure Fire, 1 Vehicle Fire, and 1 other. The Chief presented
a letter the Department received from the Department of Motor Vehicles regarding the “Plate
Replacement”. Commissioner Simoncini suggested the letter be given to Attorney Roberts for
6. Commissioner Brancati introduced the suggestion from Savin Engineers of possible asbestos still
existing in the Firehouse. After the Board discussed the issue and the proposals from the three
different Companies (J.C. Broderick & Associates, Inc., Adelaide Environmental Health Assoc.,
Inc., and Warren Panzer Environmental Engineering) it was decided to hire Warren Panzer
Environmental Engineering to investigate the possibility of asbestos still existing within the
Firehouse. A motion was made by Commissioner Brancati and second by Commissioner
Simoncini to hire Warren Panzer Environmental Engineering at a cost of $2,140.00 per their
proposal. All were in favor.
7. Commissioner Beneventano requested that there be clarification of the emails sent by the
public adjuster regarding the Insurance Company’s comments.
8. A motion was made by Commissioner Melillo and second by Commissioner Beneventano to
adjourn at 8:35pm. All were in favor.