Topical legal issues research task

Law Reform – Topical Legal Issue
Course document requirements:
 Identification of current political and legal institutions / processes related to the topic
 Identification of differing views on the issues while ensure focus is on legal and political
dimensions (and not the sociological, economic aspects etc of the issue)
 Assessment of issues through relevant aspects of the nature and function of law, and processes of
changing law
End of year exam sample questions
 The composition of the current Senate has made law reform challenging. Evaluate this statement
making reference to Bills which have come before the Senate in 2015.
 Surrogacy laws in Australia have kept pace with social change. Evaluate this claim with regard to
the strengths and limitations of the law reform process.
 The Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendments (Data Retention) Act 2015,
passed by the Federal Parliament, will strengthen national security. Evaluate this claim with
regard to the strengths and limitations of the law reform process.
Criteria 1: Communicate legal and political information
Criteria 3: Describe and assess Australian law making processes
Criteria 6: Undertake research on contemporary legal and political issues
Word limit and referencing
 1000 word essay
 Full in-text referencing and reference page
Due Date
Line 3: Monday 7th September
Line 4: Tuesday 8th September
 Select 1 topic – Surrogacy or digital privacy (will look at Senate in Term 4)
 Write an essay (1000 words) on your issue as per the applicable essay question above
 Consider the course requirements (as per above) when researching your issue
 Majority of the work you research and include in your essay must be from 2015. It is acceptable
to include relevant information that relates to pre 2015 but it should only be a small part of
research included in your essay
Research approach:
Background/facts of the issue
Identify and discuss the issue:
 Explain the issue
 What legislation is involved
 General information about the issue
Reasons for law reform
What are the reasons laws may need to be changed or have been changed? (Page 42 – 50 blue edition)
Apply to case – what are the reasons as to the law reform for your topical legal issue
Informal law reform pressure
Identify and discuss the involvement and views of the informal law reform pressure groups in the issue
What methods are/were used (if applicable) - petitions, demonstrations, media involvement
What are the strengths and limitations of these informal law reform groups?
Formal law reform pressure
Identify and discuss the involvement and views of the formal law reform pressure groups in the issue
What are the strengths and limitations of formal law reform groups?
Role of Parliament
What is the role of parliament in your issue?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of parliament as a law maker?
Role of Courts
What is the role of the courts in your issue (if applicable)?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of courts as a law maker?
Legal and political systems
Apply the theory you have learned about Federalism, Westminster System and Crime in Society (if
applicable) to your issue.