Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Health Education-Industry Partnership Healthcare Core Curriculum ©2004/2010/2014/2015 Instructor Resource Module Title: Hours/Credits: Legal Issues in Healthcare .5 credit/8 hours Module Description: This module focuses on the legal issues related to clients/individuals and healthcare employees. Healthcare laws, client rights and responsibilities, confidentiality, liability, documentation, and regulation are explored. The relationship between ethics and legal issues is discussed as well as the impact laws and regulations have on healthcare systems. Evaluation Method This module will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Exams/assignments must be passed at 75% or greater. Retests on exams are determined by college and program policy. Competencies: 1. Explains the laws related to healthcare and their influence on the delivery system. 2. Describe one’s individual legal/ethical responsibility related to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and the Vulnerable Adults Law. 3. Explain client rights and responsibilities and how healthcare providers can ensure those rights. 4. Describe the components of healthcare employee and healthcare facility liability when delivering client care. 5. Discuss how confidentiality (HIPAA) must be maintained in healthcare facilities with clients/individuals and their medical records. 6. Explore legal issues such as sexual harassment, wrongful discharge, negligence, malpractice and violence in the workplace. 7. Identify the legal issues for accurate documentation, informed consent and advanced directives. 8. Describe the consequences of inappropriate use of health data (including use of social media and email) in terms of disciplinary action. 9. Using a problem solving process applied to healthcare situations; describe how laws influence healthcare facilities and the care of clients/individuals. Module Author: Diane Gold MS, RN Normandale Community College (952) 546-3473 diane.gold@normandale.edu Revised 2010 by Pat Reinhart, RN NAHHA Coordinator, HCCC Instructor, Nursing Faculty Minneapolis Community & Technical College pat.reinhart@minneapolis.edu Dede Carr, BS, LDA Dental Assistant Instructor, HCCC Instructor Minneapolis Community & Technical College dede.carr@minneapolis.edu Revised 2014 by: Pat Reinhart, RN NAHHA Coordinator, HCCC Instructor, Nursing Faculty Minneapolis Community & Technical College pat.reinhart@minneapolis.edu 3/12/2016 Bonnie Wendt, RN BS NAR Coordinator Minnesota Department of Health Bonnie.Wendt@state.mn.us Diane Gold, RN, APRN, MS Consultant Health Force Minnesota Dianegold44@gmail.com Sue Field, RN, DNP, CNE Consultant Health Force Minnesota Sue.field@northlandcollege.edu 1 Table of Contents Instructor Resource ...................................................................................................... 1 Module Competencies and Instructor Notes .............................................................. 3 Instructor Resources .................................................................................................. 19 PowerPoints .............................................................................................................. 19 Learning Activities ..................................................................................................... 20 Assessment Measurements ...................................................................................... 21 Websites .................................................................................................................... 23 Movies and YouTube Videos ..................................................................................... 23 Vocabulary List ........................................................................................................... 24 3/12/2016 2 Module Competencies and Instructor Notes MODULE COMPETENCY 1. Explain the laws related to healthcare and their influence on the delivery system. UNIT COMPETENCY 1A. Discuss common legal terms. 1B. Name the federal laws related to Healthcare. RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT 1A. Healthcare facilities operate under federal, state, and local laws. All healthcare workers must function within these laws. 1B. FEDERAL LAWS: a. Discrimination Acts: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) INSTRUCTOR NOTES Review Vocabulary List for Legal Issues in Healthcare (at end of this section) Search the web for Federal Healthcare Laws Discuss online/in class the laws and their impact on healthcare for workers and recipients of care b. American Disability Act (ADA): prevents employment discrimination against disabled applicants who are qualified to perform the job with reasonable accommodations c. Equal pay Act (1993): prevents wage discrimination d. Patient Self -Determination Act (PSDA) 1991 Requires Federally funded health care facilities to inform clients/residents about their rights to make treatment choices. Receivers of care must be asked if they have a Living Will or a Durable Power of Attorney for HealthCare. e. Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) 1987 Created an enforcement regulation with an emphasis on resident centered outcomes for enhanced quality of life/quality of care of residents in 3/12/2016 Review types of discrimination for employment and the benefits of the Act to healthcare Review the Act and discuss the benefits for healthcare 3 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT INSTRUCTOR NOTES nursing homes. Also regulates the education and registration of nursing assistants. Online/ in class discussion regarding the rights to determine treatment choices. How may the culture of the client impact this? f. Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act” HIPAA(1966) Regulation on client privacy and electronic medical record 1C. Discuss state laws that relate to healthcare. Discuss online/in class the need for regulation of health care occupations. Review the Act on the website provided. Class discussion of the issues associated with maintaining client privacy. 1C. State laws Dept. Health Human Services a. Criminal background checks b. Background studies are required for employees who provide direct contact service to residents/patients in facilities licensed by the state (Example: MN Department of Health) Discuss the reason/purpose for the completion of background studies Good Samaritan Law (Example: MN Good Samaritan Law) a. Law that protects healthcare workers when they help someone in an emergency situation outside of their workplace. Review the statute and discuss the ramifications of the statute for healthcare workers. Discuss how the Good Samaritan Act impacts the healthcare worker. Vulnerable Adult Law (Example: Minnesota Vulnerable Adult Law). a. A law that provides for protection of adults considered vulnerable due to physical, mental or emotional impairment. 3/12/2016 4 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY 1D. Explain why everyone should have an advanced directive whether they are ill or not. RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT INSTRUCTOR NOTES 1D. Advanced Directive a. A document that states what the patient wishes to happen to his body while alive but unable to speak for himself. Living will a. A document that specifies the patient’s wishes when he has a terminal illness Show a copy of a living will. Healthcare Proxy a. A person who has been designated to make medical decisions for the patient when he is unable to speak for himself. Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare a. 1E. Define differences between certification, registration and licensure. A document that designates a person to make medical decisions for the patient. 1E. Certification a. A document that states a person has fulfilled the requirements of and may practice in that field. b. Certification can be for one task, to do a job, or in a field c. Phlebotomist Discuss the differences in a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney Identify health related occupations that are certified, registered or licensed Registration a. 3/12/2016 A written record of an individual practicing within a field. 5 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT b. c. Nursing Assistant--NA The person is placed on an official list INSTRUCTOR NOTES Discuss the various roles and responsibilities of health care workers and their level of ability to provide healthcare Licensure a. Credential issued by governmental agencies, often the state b. Done to protect the public. c. Need to take a test to be licensed. d. Legally permitted to perform certain acts such as those performed by RNs, LPNs 2. Describe one’s legal responsibility related to abuse, neglect, exploitation, and the Vulnerable Adults Law. 2A. Define abuse. 2A. Abuse a. The willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or b. This punishment that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish 2B. Why abuse may occur 2B. Explain why abuse may occur A. B. C. D. E. Stressed Tired Overwhelmed Personal problems Loss of control 2C. Identify types of abuse 2C. Types of abuse: 1. Physical a. Conduct that produces pain or injury and is not accidental. 2. Verbal 3/12/2016 6 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT INSTRUCTOR NOTES a. Repeated conduct that produces mental or emotional stress, Psychological/ Mental a. Conduct that is threatening to harm a person, or threatening to withhold food, fluid, or care as a form of punishment Sexual a. When physical force or verbal threats are used to force a person to perform a sexual act. Any sexual contact between a staff person and a client is sexual abuse. 2D. Define neglect. 2D. Neglect a. Failing to provide care to the patient to prevent physical harm or mental anguish b. 2E. Define exploitation 3/12/2016 Failure to provide food, clothing, shelter, health care or supervision. Can be deliberate or accidental. 2E. Exploitation a. Illegal use of vulnerable adult’s person or property through undue influence, duress, deception or fraud. 7 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT 2F. Identify populations at risk for abuse, neglect or exploitation. 1F. Populations at risk a. The aging population b. Adults with a disability c. Persons who cannot help themselves if they are hurt or misused by others, children and adults. d. Persons 18 years of age or older who: i. live in licensed facilities ii. receive services from licensed agencies iii. are in family settings but cannot report abuse or neglect themselves 2G. Identify Federal and State laws protecting vulnerable persons. 2G. Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act a. Requires the reporting of physical and mental abuse of children b. Protects those who do the reporting. c. Patient confidentiality does not exist in cases of suspected abuse. Vulnerable Adult Law (Example: Minnesota Vulnerable Adult Law). INSTRUCTOR NOTES Refer to CAPT (Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act) website Read the Act Read the Vulnerable Adult Act a. A law that provides for protection of adults considered vulnerable due to physical, mental or emotional impairment. 3/12/2016 8 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT INSTRUCTOR NOTES b. Protects adults who because of disability are considered vulnerable to abuse or neglect. c. Protects person who cannot help themselves if hurt or ,misused by others d. Persons 18 years of age or older who: i. live in licensed facilities ii. receive services from licensed agencies iii. are in family settings but cannot report abuse or neglect themselves 2H. Explain an individual’s legal responsibility if abuse or neglect is suspected. 2H. Legal responsibility The worker is legally responsible for reporting abuse immediately to the supervisor and should follow facility policy for reporting. A. Know the abuse prevention plan for a facility B. Review the written policy C. Keep a record of incidents D. Laws protect workers who do the reporting. 1. Confidentiality of the reporter is protected. 2. The reporter should not fear reprisal or retaliation if done in good faith. 3/12/2016 9 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT 3. 2I. Explain a facilities legal responsibility if abuse or neglect is suspected. INSTRUCTOR NOTES Failure to do so makes the worker equally responsible for the abuse. a. Guilty of a misdemeanor if failure to report b. Liable for damages caused by the failure to report. 2I. Facilities Responsibility A. Develop an abuse protection plan B. Develop an individual abuse prevention plan for clients in the facility. C. Establish a written policy to ensure all cases of abuse or neglect are reported promptly. D. Keep records of incidents to monitor for trends or repeated incidents. 3. Explain client rights and responsibilities and how healthcare providers can ensure those rights. 3/12/2016 3A. Identify the purpose of the Patient’s Bill of Rights. 3A. The Patient’s Bill of Rights is: A list of rights of patients published by the American Hospital Association (1992) & OBRA to guarantee rights of all patients. a. Patients have the right to make decisions about their healthcare. b. Patients have the right to safe, considerate care. Small group discussions online/in class regarding the importance of the Bill of Rights to patient care. How does the ethnicity or culture of the patient affect the meaning of the Bill of Rights? 10 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT c. d. e. f. g. h. INSTRUCTOR NOTES All healthcare providers are obligated to uphold and protect these rights. The dignity, confidentiality and privacy of the patient will be protected. The patient is Involved in decisions about care. The patient will be informed how much care costs. The patient will have privacy protected. The patient may accept or refuse care. Resident’s Bill of Right’s: a. OBRA guarantees the rights of residents in nursing homes. 3B. Identify the purpose of the Resident’s Bill of Rights. 3B. Nursing Home Resident’s Bill of Rights 1. The resident has the right to: (Refer to the Bill for a complete listing) a. be informed b. examine federal or state surveys re: the facility c. be accorded personal dignity in dealings with staff d. Receive quality care regardless of race, color, ethnic origin, age 3/12/2016 Review the Minnesota Resident’s Bill of Rights (or your state’s Resident’s Bill of Rights) from the webpage Small group discussions online/ in class regarding the importance of the Bill of Rights to patient care. How does the ethnicity or culture of the patient affect the meaning of the Bill of Rights 11 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT e. f. g. h. i. j. 3/12/2016 INSTRUCTOR NOTES re; origin, marital status, sexual preferences. or handicap. have continuity of care refuse treatment have privacy be addressed by preferred name have confidentiality maintained be free from restraint 3C. Explain how to help client/individual’s keep their rights. 3C. A copy of the Patient or Resident’s Bill of Rights must be given on admission a. A copy of the Patient or Resident’s Bill of Rights must be posted in an area where it is easily seen b. Give patients/residents/clients as much control over their care as possible c. Explain tasks and what will be done d. Protect the patient/resident’s privacy 3D. Discuss how to report and document a violation of patient rights. 3D. How to report and document a. Report to the supervisor any violation of patient rights. b. Document exactly what you saw. Be specific. Facts only not opinions. c. Follow facility policy for scope of Practice or role of the healthcare worker 12 MODULE COMPETENCY 4. Describe the components of healthcare employee and healthcare facility liability when delivering client care. UNIT COMPETENCY 4A. Define: liability, negligence, malpractice and scope of practice. RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT 4A. Definitions: Liability a. Responsibility according to law. Negligence a. Failing to provide services to a patient in the same manner, as a reasonably prudent person would do. Breaching a standard of care. Malpractice a. Negligence that results in harm to the patient. Role within job description a. Practice within the guidelines of training, profession, and organization job description. b. What one is legally allowed to do. 4B. Discuss what a policy and procedure is. 3/12/2016 INSTRUCTOR NOTES 4B. Policy and Procedure a. Policies & Procedures (P & P’s) guide workers conduct and patient care. b. P & P’s help maintain compliance with the various laws governing the workplace. c. There are facility and job policies and procedures that need to be followed. Review job descriptions for health related occupations. Review sample policies and procedures. 13 MODULE COMPETENCY 5. Discuss how confidentiality (HIPAA) must be maintained in healthcare facilities with clients and their medical records. 3/12/2016 UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT 4C. Describe how policy and procedures protect the worker and client from harm. 4C. How P & P’s protect the client and the employee: a. Only do what you know how to do and what is allowed. b. Perform procedures in the way you were trained and use good judgment. 5A. Define confidentiality. 5A. Confidentiality a. Clients have a legal right to privacy concerning their medical/personal affairs. 5B. Discuss examples of confidential information 5B. Confidential Information a. Patient’s Personal History b. Patient Medical History c. Diagnosis d. Treatment Plan e. Prognosis 5C. Discuss with whom confidential information can be shared 5C. Confidential information a. Do not discuss the patient where someone might overhear you (elevators, hallway, cafeteria or outside the workplace with family and friends) b. Information can only be discussed with those involved in direct patient care or the supervisor. c. Patients must give consent (permission) to transfer INSTRUCTOR NOTES Case scenario: Nurse asks you to lift the patient into bed and you have not been trained to do this. What would you do? Review HIPAA 14 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT INSTRUCTOR NOTES information to other healthcare providers. 5D. Define libel and slander. 5D. Libel a. Making false statements about another person in writing. Slander a. Making false statements about another person verbally. 6. Explore legal issues such as sexual harassment, wrongful discharge, negligence, malpractice and violence in the workplace. 6A. Define terms: Sexual harassment, Wrongful discharge and Malpractice 6A. Sexual harassment a. Unwelcome actions that are sexual in nature The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a government agency that handles sexual harassment complaints that cannot be settled at the workplace a. quid pro quo: job privileges or advancement on granting sexual favors Wrongful discharge a. When someone is fired who shouldn’t be fired. b. Due process of employee rights is defined by the employer & the union if applicable. Malpractice a. Negligence that results in harm to the patient. 3/12/2016 15 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT b. c. 7. Identify the legal issues for accurate documentation, informed consent and advanced directives. 7A. Discuss accurate documentation INSTRUCTOR NOTES To prevent being sued perform procedures in the way you were trained and only do what you can do. Stay within your role as defined by the employer. 7A. Accurate Documentation a. Implications of inaccurate documentation 7B. Define Informed Consent 7C. Discuss Advanced Directives 7B. Define Informed Consent a. When Informed Consent is needed 7C. Discuss Advanced Directives a. Consequences when no Advanced Directives 8. Describe the consequences of inappropriate use of health data (including use of social media and email) in terms of disciplinary action. 8A. Define social media 8B. Discuss inappropriate use of social media 8C. Describe consequences when social media is inappropriately used. 8A. Social Media a. computer b. Cell phones c. iPod d. Twitter e. Facebook, etc. f. Texting g. Cameras 8B. Unacceptable use of social media a. While providing care 3/12/2016 16 MODULE COMPETENCY UNIT COMPETENCY RECOMMENDED MODULE CONTENT b. c. d. e. f. INSTRUCTOR NOTES When talking to a client, patient, resident or customer Private emails when working Taking pictures of individuals being cared for Personal calls when working Sharing individuals personal information 8C. Result of inappropriate use of social media a. Loss of job b. Criminal investigation c. Loss of license, certification d. Removal from state registry 9. Using a problem solving process applied to healthcare situations, describe how laws influence healthcare facilities and the care of clients. 3/12/2016 9A. Discuss the problem solving process as applied to legal issues in health care utilizing a team approach 9A. Utilize a five-step problem solving process: 1. 2. 3. 4. Identify the problem. Gather information Create alternative solutions Select and act/implement solutions 5. Evaluate and revise as needed 17 3/12/2016 18 Instructor Resources INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES – These resources can be found on the following pages and on the HealthForce Minnesota website (password protected) o http://www.healthforceminnesota.org/Resources.html Vocabulary List LIH Competency 1 Patients’ Bill of Rights (PDF) LIH Competency 1 Residents Bill of Rights (PDF) LIH Competency 1 Healthcare Bill of Rights (PDF) LIH Competency 1 Health Care Directive (PDF) LIH Competency 1 MN Health Care Directive Planning Toolkit (PDF) LIH Competency 1 MN Health Care Directive Toolkit (PDF) HOSA Resources - Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) is a National Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) endorsed by the Department of Education and the Health Occupations Education Division of the Association of Career and Technical Education (http://www.hosa.org). The content in this module can be used to support the HOSA competitive events. See the HOSA crosswalk on the HealthForce MN website PowerPoints FOR INSTRUCTORS These PowerPoints are in-depth background material. They can be used as review of Information for the instructor, or as a reading assignment for students. The PowerPoints are saved as PowerPoints and also as a handout outline in Word. The PowerPoints can be found at the HealthForce Minnesota Websidte (password protected) at: http://www.healthforceminnesota.org/Resources.html o LIH Competency 1 Healthcare Laws o LIH Competency 2 Abuse and Neglect in Healthcare o LIH Competency 4 and 5 Legal Issues POWERPOINT FOR CLASSROOM USE LIH Legal Issues in Healthcare for Classroom 3/12/2016 19 Learning Activities These learning activities can be found on the HealthForce Minnesota Website (password protected) at: http://www.healthforceminnesota.org/Resources.html LIH Competency 1: Team Assignment Organizations/Laws This is a team based assignment in which the team researches an organization or law, and presents it to the group. LIH Competency 1: Medical Grid This assignment involves studying advanced directives, then having the student discuss with family members four different case scenarios and deciding upon an advanced directive in these situations for themselves. LIH Competency 1: Scenarios – Living Will This learning activity gives two short scenarios with questions to answer. LIH Competency 2: Scenarios – Abuses in Healthcare This learning activity provides three short scenarios for discussion on the type of abuse portrayed in each scenario. LIH Competency 2: Scenario – Vulnerable Adults This scenario portrays elder abuse and offers questions for thoughtful discussion or assignment. LIH Competency 3: Scenario -Health Care Bill of Rights This learning activity has students looking up the bill of rights and applying what they learn to questions in a scenario. LIH Competency 2 3 4 5 6 9 Scenarios – Abuse, Sexual Harassment, Confidentiality, and Neglect This learning activity has 4 scenarios with questions to answer. LIH Competency 5 9 Scenario HIPAA Discussion This learning activity has a scenario with discussion questions on HIPAA. LIH Competency 8 Consequence of Misusing Social Media This assignment has the students review a social media white paper, watch a You Tube on examples of misuse of social media and then answer questions pertaining to the You Tube video. LIH Competency 9 Health Care in the New Students on a weekly basis, find a healthcare article in the news and write and report on it. 3/12/2016 20 LIH Competency 9 Disease in our World – Public Health Task Force Students research a disease, and develop a public health policy. Assessment Measurements LIH exams Rubrics for grading: Presentations Written Assignments Written Papers Reflective Journaling Online Discussion Online Assignments 3/12/2016 21 Websites Includes multiple patients bills of rights (patient, resident, and home care) http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/consumerinfo/otherlang2.html Minnesota Statute on background studies on licensees https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=144.057 Website: MN Adult Protective Services http://www.dhs.state.mn.us/main/idcplg?IdcService=GET_DYNAMIC_CONVE RSION&RevisionSelectionMethod=LatestReleased&dDocName=id_005710 Minnesota Statutes-Definitions of Abuse-Neglect https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=626.5572 Minnesota Law for Reporting Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=626.557 Visit the Minnesota Health Care Directive Toolkit http://www.cehd.umn.edu/fsos/projects/pdf/mnhcd2010.pdf MDH: Safety without restraints http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/fpc/safety.htm Minnesota’s Good Samaritan Law. www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/604A/01.html Movies and YouTube Videos Philadelphia (A 1993 movie. starring Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington). (125 minutes). Andrew Beckett, a gay lawyer infected with AIDS, is fired from his conservative law firm in fear that they might contract AIDS from him. After Andrew is fired, in a last attempt for peace, he sues his former law firm with the help of a homophobic lawyer, Joe Miller. During the court battle, Miller sees that Beckett is no different than anyone else on the gritty streets of the city of brotherly love, sheds his homophobia and helps Beckett with his case before AIDS overcomes him. 3/12/2016 23 Vocabulary List 1. Abuse: The willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or punishment that results in physical harm, pain, or mental anguish. 2. Advanced Directive: A document that states what the patient wishes to happen to his body while alive and unable to speak for himself. 3. Certification: A document that states a person has fulfilled the requirements of and may practice in that field. 4. Civil Law: Society’s rules and regulations for dealing fairly with litigating parties. 5. Client: Person who purchases health care services; term often used by social workers and home health agencies. 6. Confidentiality: Preserving the legal rights of a patient to privacy concerning their affairs. Holding in trust, keeping private, not sharing spoken and written words about a resident/patient. 7. Consent: To give permission. 8. Criminal Law: Seeks to protect the public from harmful acts by punishing those who break the rules. 9. Discrimination: To make a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other that individual worthiness. 10. Ethics: Standards of behavior and moral judgment to evaluate right and wrong. 11. Etiquette: Acceptable manners or social behavior in public or work places. 12. Fraud: A form of dishonesty that involves cheating or trickery. 13. Hostile Environment: Sexual conduct such as dirty jokes or lewd remark or gestures. 14. Informal consent: To give permission for a procedure after it has been explained along with the possible consequences. 15. Law: Rules and regulations by which society is governed. 16. Legislation: Laws. 17. Liability: Responsibility. 3/12/2016 24 18. Libel: Making false statements about another person in writing. 19. Licensure: A designation that means a person had been granted permission to legally perform certain tasks. 20. Malpractice: Professional negligence that results in harm to the patient. (Civil Law) 21. Neglect: Failing to provide care to the patient to prevent physical harm in mental anguish. 22. Negligence: Failing to provide services to a patient in the same manner, as a reasonably prudent person with a certain training and experience would do. 23. Ombudsman: An advocate or representative who speaks or writes in support of residents for their cause or complaint. 24. Patient: Person having physical or emotional illness who receives care from health workers. 25. Policy: A rule established and followed by an organization. 26. Procedure: Specific steps taken to perform a task. 27. Proxy: A person who has been designated to make medical decisions for the patient when he is unable to speak for himself. 28. Quid pro quo: Job privileges or advancement on granting sexual favors. 29. Registration: A written record of an individual practicing within a field. 30. Rights: Something to which one is justly entitled. 31. Scope of Practice: A description or list of skills that a specific occupational title is legally allowed to perform. 32. Sexual Harassment: Unwelcomed sexual advancements, sexual favors or verbal or physical conduct that unreasonably interferes with job performance. 33. Slander: Verbally making false statements about another person. 34. Standards of Care: Care skill and judgment practiced by a reasonable caregiver. 35. Standards: Something set up for a measure of quality. 36. Sue: To bring legal action against someone. 3/12/2016 25 37. Wrongful Discharge: When someone is fired who shouldn’t be fired 3/12/2016 26