Wayland Baptist University NURS 4332 Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing Summer 2012 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course helps students identify current ethical issues facing nursing today. It also looks at legal issues that have affected nursing in the past and are currently affecting nursing today. Research and writing competency is an expectation in professional nursing, therefore, effective writing and proficiency in research is required in this course. ENGL 1301 and RSWR 3345 are required prior to this course and provide preparation for the writing level required in this course. Consult Purdue’s OWL website or WBU’s Saturday clinic for writing assistance in APA citation. Research and writing competencies are expected, source selection shall be nursing peer reviewed, format, citations, organization, grammar and mechanics can impact your grade on written assignments. CREDIT: 3 Credit Hours (4 class hours/week) PROGRAM LEVEL: III TEXTBOOKS: Aiken, T. (2004). Legal, Ethical, and political issues in nursing (2nd Edition). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. Willman, J. (2011) Annotated Guide-RN to the Texas Nursing Practice Act (10th Edition), Texas Nurses Association (If you are not from Texas you need to purchase the one for your specific state) Houghton, P. & Houghton, T.J. (2009). APA: The easy way. (2nd ed.). Additional Resources: www.findlaw.com; www.lexisone.com; www.nurselaw.com; www.usa.gov; www.uscourts.gov COURSE COORDINATOR: Roxanne Arndt PhD, RN. OFFICE HOURS: ALAMO UNIVERSITY CENTER This is an online environment. You may contact me via email arndtr@wbu.edu TELEPHONE CONTACT: 210-486-5811 (OFFICE). COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course, the student will be able to: 1. Compare the basis of decision-making in law and ethics as they apply to nursing. 2. Relate specific legal and ethical issues to the Texas Nurse Practice Act. 3. Discuss strategies that can be employed to address legal and ethical issues in nursing practice. 4. Comprehend component of the preventive law paradigms for health care that serve to prevent legal problems from occurring, becoming larger or resulting in losses. 5. Identify ethical principles that guide health care decision making. 6. Describe current literature related to legal and ethical nursing practice dilemmas. 7. Discuss the interaction between professional nursing values and personal values. Use critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making models as they relate to ethical issues in nursing practice. EVALUATION AND GRADING: A point system will be used to determine the grade in Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing. All assignments that are turned in must have your name, assignment number on them. No title page required except for the ethical dilemma paper. A = 90-100 B = 80-89 C = 75-80 D = 70-74 (RN to BSN only) F = 74 and below (69 and below RN to BSN only) Rounding of grades Final grade will be rounded to the nearest .10 decimal place. .5 and above rounds to the NEXT whole number. For example: If your grade is 89.49 the grade will be rounded to 89.4 which equals a ‘B’. 89.59 is a grade of 89.5 which rounds to 90 which equals an “A”. Class assignments 30% Exams 40% Exams will be administered on line and will require a proctor if you are NOT an RN already. Exams will be open at midnight and will stay open for 24 hrs. EXAM 1 UNITS 1 AND 2 TBA EXAM 2 UNITS 3 AND 4 (CHAPTERS 6, 7) EXAM 3 UNIT 4 (CHAPTERS 8-11) EXAM 4 UNIT 4 (CHAPTERS 12-16) AND UNIT 5 Professional Paper 20% TBA Discussion Boards 10% Class Attendance This is an online environment Testing Test dates are posted in the syllabus. A test blueprint will be prepared by the faculty and distributed to the student at least one week prior to the exam. The blueprint will be a general guide for the exam and provide the student with the subject content of the exam and number of questions. There is no test review in an online environment Make-up Tests Occasionally a student will miss a test that is scheduled for a class. A student should contact his/her instructor to arrange the make-up test. Tests must be made up within one week of the scheduled exam Course Outline Unit 1: Nursing Practice Unit 2: Nursing and The Law Unit 3: Nursing Ethics Unit 4: Liability in Professional Practice Unit 5: Professional Issues