lisa - fantasypsu

Jedd Sermopolis= Age 15, has a little sister and is called the cool kid in school.
There’s only one problem; the world might be taken over and it may have been
because of him.
Arthur Turbagawitz = Has discovered Braint Sager found his way out of the video
game world. His mission? Find Braint and take him back where he belongs. Then he
can rule the world outside of their video game.
Larry Undersacky= Arthur’s sidekick. He can get very physical if he wants to. And to
take over the world he’ll have to.
Jenny Sermopolis= Jedd’s little sister and sidekick.
Braint Sager= somehow came out of his video game world. Now he’s exploring
everything around him because it’s so different, so not fun. But there are people who
want to stop him. Bad people.
Chapter one
Braint’s Life
“Time for school,” Braint’s mother shouted. Braint got out of bed and then
yawned. It was going to be a long day. First he had to have military classes, then
there would be lunch: candy and more candy. Briant was sick of candy! After that
would be gym class with free swim for 2 hours. There would be water slides and
diving boards. EWW! Briant wanted to learn something for a change. Like math or
reading, but in this world you have nothing but fun. Sometimes he even wanted
homework! But his parents forbade him to do so, which made him feel worse
” I want another life!!” he would shout that everyday and then he’d get the
usual punishment: MORE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Briant needed a change. He needed
something different, much different. That’s why one day he decided he’d go out and
explore. Ever since a year ago, the announcers on TV would say don’t go to Black
Hills. Briant loved exploring and looking for different rocks and bugs and just
watching nature. It kept his mind off his life and how much fun it was. Anyway, in
the Black hills he had heard some people say there was a creature, a huge one. Some
had only seen his shadow and some never came back. Briant didn’t care about all
those rumors; he just wanted to explore. So one day before dinner, Briant packed a
candy cane and a sweater, then went for some real adventure.
Chapter 2
Jedd’s allowance
“Yes,” Jedd said. “Today will be my last allowance before I get the new video
game.” He had been watching a lot of TV lately trying to catch some commercials
about that video game. “Score,” he would say if one were on. Basically, in the video
game, you always have fun. There was candy for breakfast, lunch and dinner; there
was no learning fractions or decimals. It was just fun 24/7. How great would that be
to have a life like that?
On Wednesday, he took his little sister and his friends with him to get the
video game. It was called FUN. “What an awesome name,” Jedd thought as he
walked home. Once inside everyone started talking at once. Jedd had to shush them.
“Okay, listen everyone. There are only 2 controllers so we’ll take turns
playing. There are six of us. We’ll each play for 15 minutes and you guys all have to
leave in an hour. We have plenty of time.”
“Let the game begin,”called everyone. Jedd and his sister were up first to
“Okay I’ll be this person. Wait, what’s his name? Briant?
Chapter 3
Briant went through trees, over vines and under bridges for the next
half hour. He was getting pretty tired but couldn’t sit anywhere; he had about 50
scratches and could already feel the poison ivy he stepped on before oozing in his
skin. He itched his back then kept going.
“How long before I find something interesting?” 15 minutes later he saw
something. Tired Briant made a decision. “I’m going in.” He took a deep breath and
trudged on.
The air inside was very stuffy, like inside a train station but worse.
Briant had never been inside a train station but he heard about it, crowds of people
inside: tall, fat, short, thin. He shuddered at the thought. “Just keep walking, Briant,”
he said to himself. “Keep walking.”
The walls inside were very peculiar. They were vomit brown and had
weird writing on them. Suddenly he saw a shadow, then he felt himself moving.
Nooooooooo. He couldn’t talk; he was too afraid. His heart fell to his stomach.
“What’s happening,” he said to himself? It was like a magnetic force pulling him. It
was taking him somewhere. Where was he going? He prayed more and more. The
news people were right. “I’m sorry. I love you so much mom and dad. Why didn’t I
listen to you for once? I hate myself. Help, someone save me. Save meeeeeeeeee.” It
pulled him away.
Chapter 4
Jedd and his sister were still playing after 15 minutes. His friends left. Their
last remark was, “Man, we’re out of here.” Jedd realized something. This game was
an addiction. Like when you can’t stop smoking, the addiction was nicotine. “What’s
addicting us?” he thought while he was playing. After an hour, Jedd made a decision.
“Jenny, we have to stop playing. This game is addicting.” At this point Jedd
was pulling his character Briant with a shadow. “This game looks too real,” he
thought. It actually looked like Briant was real. Jedd shook his head and kept
playing. “JENNY WE HAVE TO STOP PLAYING.” It was over two hours ago; they
started level one and now they were in the beginning of level two. “Time for
swimming,” he thought and pulled Briant onto a waterslide. Jedd was getting scared.
Where were his thoughts going? “Ahhh I can’t think straight Helppppppppp.” But
Jedd couldn’t stop playing and that was the end of that.
Chapter 5
The shadow somehow took Briant to a never-ending water slide. And I
thought the walls were peculiar,” Briant laughed to himself. The water slide kept
going. It was very dark inside with little holes of light streaming in. All Briant could
depend on was his sense of touch. First the waterslide went straight down, leaving
his stomach woozy and then it started curling up. “It’s like someone’s controlling
me,” Briant thought but then shook the thought away because he knew it was silly.
Then out of nowhere a voice came out.
“Do what I say. Cross your legs and cross your arms on your chest.” Briant
obediently did so. He was speeding up. It started to get lighter but somehow he
knew the water slide wasn’t over yet. Parts of the slide were changing colors. It was
like he was in a painting. “What’s happening, “ he yelled furiously. After a bit the
shadow answered. He simply said,
Then Briant ended up somewhere. He saw 2 people playing a video game.
They didn’t notice him standing there. Briant saw the boy was making something go
on a slide. “But I was just on a slide.” The boy turned his head.
“Hey, how the heck did you get out of the video game?”
“I’m in a video game?” Briant asked.
“What’s your name”?
“I’m Briant, Briant Sager. Who are you”?
“I’m Jedd and that’s my little sister Jenny. Jenny, say hi to Briant”.
“Can’t talk Jedd, must win game.”
“Jedd? Whose character is Jenny playing?
“I think his name is Arthur.”
“Oh my gosh!”
What is it?”
“That’s who it is in the Black Hills. Watch out!” Briant looked at the TV.
Arthur looked like the shadow, and he spoke like it too. AHHHHH
“Briant? WHO IS ARTHUR?”
“H-h-h-he is the evil one and now that you made me come to life Jenny will
make him come to life!”
Jedd laughed.
“You don’t understand, Jedd. He’s going to try to take over the world and kill
us all because he doesn’t think our video game is enough and-“
“Where am I?”
He was here.
Chapter 6
The ruling
“WHERE AM I? Answer me, you fools. I command you to!”
Jenny finally caught back to attention. “You can’t command us!” She laughed.
He thrust his sword at her.
“Ahhhhhhh. Help Jedd, please!”
Jedd got in front of Jenny and said, “You are in the real world, where not
everything is a ball of fun.”
Arthur ran to the door. “I shall take you a place to lock you up. Now, where is
Larry? Larry?”
“Enough!” Briant commanded.
“Briant, is that you? I will lock you up too. Unless you want to join forces with
me and rule the whole world. We will make another have fun world, you and I, and
we’ll make the best town ever. We will vanquish all the mortals including you smart
mouth boy and be the rulers of the land. What do you say?”
“I say Sir Arthur the second, no. I say no because I don’t want t have fun
anymore I’ve been stuck in our town for 16 years and I do not need anymore of this.
I have been searching for the real world for a long time Sir Arthur as you know and I
shall not let this place be fun!”
Jedd snickered. “You guys talk funny.”
“Silence you fool!” Arthur turned his attention back to Briant.
“As you wish, Sir Briant but you- you peasant will wish you never said those
words. You will be locked up and when I find Sir Larry we will take over this world
and everything in it will be fun.” He looked at Briant when he said that. “Now tell me
where to find Sir Larry or I shall not feed you when you get locked up.” There was
silence in the room. “TELL MEEEEEE!”
“Who’s Sir Larry?” Jenny bravely asked.
Sir Arthur chuckled. “Why, he is the foulest person of the land, after me, of
course.” He picked Jenny up and took her.
“Very well then. I will use her as a hostage since no one will tell me any
Jenny looked at Jedd with the most pleading eyes in the world. Jedd stood up.
“I know how to get Larry,” he said.
“Come here, boy,” motioned Arthur with his finger. “Tell me how.”
“Only if you let my sister go.”
“I will not let your sister go until you tell me.”
“Then Sir Arthur, I will not tell you”
“As you wish, Jedd,” Arthur replied and he took her away.
Chapter 7
At Sir Arthur’s
“Hi, little girl how old are you?”
“I will teach you how to rule a world and then you will help me. We will have
fun together.” Sir Arthur grinned.
“I don’t want to have fun with you. I want to have my brother back. I want to
go home without you and play the video game so you will disappear. There, I said it
so can you just take me home and let me play in peace?”
“I can not because you will have to help me rule the world. You will be my
“Now, now, little girl you will do that later. First I have to get someone to
watch you while I get the others away of your house. Then you can go home and
help me get my minion. Mwahahahaha.”
He did get someone to watch Jenny all right. It was an old grandmother who
never let anyone leave her sight . She was very strong so she would pick you up and
kiss you every 5 minutes.
When Sir Arthur finally came back the sky was velvet and the stars twinkled
under the fuzz. It was a beautiful sight to everyone but Jenny.
Chapter 8
Amazing= a maze
“ I wonder where Jenny is,” Jedd said. They were inside a horse’s stable and
Jedd was lying down looking at nothing. What a way to spend a Saturday morning.
Jedd and Briant had been here since last night when Sir Arthur broke in and used his
invisibility power to get them out of the house. He pushed them unexpectedly and
when he did they would jump and he’d push them more. It was a very vicious cycle
that would not end.
“I wonder where Arthur is. He probably already gave Jenny the you- will –be
–my- daughter- and- help- me pep talk. It’ll get her scared and then he’ll take her
back to your house, make her play the video game and use Sir Larry’s character; the
only thing that’s stopping Arthur from ruling the world this minute is not having his
sidekick or minion whatever you want to call it, around.”
“So then what do we do?”
“Somehow we have to get out of these maze of stables- which I don’t think is
possible - and then we have to get back to your house and put the game somewhere
that Arthur can’t find.”
“But how will we get out of this stable? It’s locked.”
“I can manage that part.” Briant used his heat vision and they were out.
“Wow! Okay, now do you have a special power to get out of mazes?”
“Not that I know of,” Briant said.
Jedd sighed. At least they were getting a start.
“Now you see that opening right there?”
“That’s not a real opening; that’s a mirror. Arthur made a maze with
his powers so whenever you see an opening, tell me. All you do is look at the mirror
and go the opposite way but if we miss the real opening then we’re trapped.
“Hey look! I see an opening over there.”
“Ok ,we have to go the opposite way.”
“I like you, Briant , you’re easy to talk to. Want to be friends?”
“I’ve never had a friend before Jedd. Sure I’ll be your friend!”
“Well we’d better get back to work.”
Chapter 9
Getting home… with Sir Arthur
“Now my dear Jenny, in a few days we will get to your house and play the
video game but right now I shall make a plan. What will I do when I’m king? Will you
help me?”
Jenny shook her head.
“Very well then. I shall be king on my own and you will be my maid. Now
maid, go get me some apple juice, papa’s thirsty.”
Jenny ran hurriedly, happy to get away from the evil one.
“Now,” Sir Arthur thought, “once I get sir Larry I will take everyone together,
then I’ll make every mortal disappear. I don’t have as so much time as before so I
shall do it right. I have two choices: take Jenny with me or not. Well, to get Sir Larry
out of the game I shall but when that is over I shall lock her up with her foolish
brother and the anti- fun Briant. This plan will do, it shall do very well. ha ha ha ha.
“I don’t know where you keep it.”
“At the store, where you will by me everything else. Now shoo, Papa has to do
some thinking. I shall win this battle. I have to get this video game soon or somehow
Briant will get it. He is a very clever troublemaker. I SHALL WIN THIS BATTLE WITH
SIR LARRY! And if I dare not? Well, we’ll be seeing some new minions…. And a knife
for Jenny’s throat!”
Chapter 10
A Giant Sir Larry
“Ok Briant ,we’ve been to a hundred openings which are really riddles.
Where is the right one? I’m getting tired.”
“I will help you.”
“Who was that?”
“I am the wall talker. I speak the riddles. If you want to get out ask me. I am
the best riddle maker in Typhoonya.”
“Yeah Jedd?”
“Ummmm what’s Typhoona?”
“I don’t know, Jedd.”
“Typhoonye is the country you are in right now.”
“Um, well how did we get sent here Mr.- NO Sir- WAIT it’s Mr. right?
“I am Son Of Baselly, the ruler of the land and how you got here? By Sir
Arthur. Who are you?”
“I’m Briant and his this is Jedd now can we have the riddlle already?”
“Tic Toc goes the box,
The key will be inside some socks,
You find this box blended in with a mirror
Then take the key and be the hero.”
“But wait a second. How will we find the box if it’s blended in with the
mirror?” Jedd asked.
“Yeah and where is the sock?” Briant asked.
The sock is in the box. That is all I can answer. Now I have got to go take
a rest. This is all up to you. Be the hero or be the slave of Sir Arthur’s new
country. That is all; good-bye and your welcome.
“Ok Briant, so I guess we should go to each mirror and look to see if the box is
there. I guess it’s worth a try.”
Suddenly something came.
“What was that Briant?”
“It’s a…. giant,” Briant said. Suddenly he knew who it was. Then he felt a
“Nooooooooooooooo,” Briant said. Sir Arthur was pushing us. Somehow he
got Jenny to play the game again and that Giant was…..
“Sir Larry?” And suddenly Jedd and Briatn were back in their stables – they
were with someone. Someone who didn’t look 15 like Jedd did or 16 like Briant and
that someone was….. Jenny.
Chapter 11
“They used me. They just used me to play that stupid game that you bought
Jedd. It’s all your fault.” Jenny started punching Jedd. He didn’t care though; he
wanted her to get out all her sadness and how mad she was so they could figure out
how to escape. Jenny was a strong girl and to Jedd, the punches hurt… a lot. It felt
like getting a tooth ripped out at the dentist.
Once all her sobs disappeared he asked Jenny the magic question.
“What were they planning to do Jenny?” Jedd asked.
“Well, if they didn’t win the battle they were going to get more, I think he
called them minions, and then he said he would stick a sword in my throat.”
“They can’t do that,” Jedd protested.
Briant leaned in close to Jedd’s ear and whispered,
“Actually he can because remember, he has invisibility powers. He can just
swoop Jenny away and we’ll never see her again. But besides, even if he does it’s not
like we have anything else to lose. I mean I know you like your sister and all but the
whole world can die because of us.”
“Well, what are we going to do then?”
“Will you guys stop whispering?” Jenny asked.
Jedd looked at Briant and he shrugged.
“Jenny, can you go play with your………. hair,” Jedd asked?
“Ok Jedd, so we know we’re in a different country and once we find a key
somewhere here, something will happen. And in addition to that we also know this
is a matter of life and death.”
Jedd nodded miserably and then looked at Jenny with a sad face.
“We have to win this battle Briant. For Jenny.”
“For Jenny.”
“For me,” Jenny said. Jedd and Briant looked at her with a surprised face. Was
she listening?
Chapter 12
“Ok, sir Larry, all we have to do is seize the girl, then those boys will give
themselves up. We’ll have 2 butlers and a maid. How does that sound Larry? Oh and
how about if they hide the girl we’ll take precious Briant who knows all about
getting out of these places. Yes, why not?” chuckled Arthur.
Chapter 13
The key in the socks in the box
They looked at every mirror. They knew that key was better than the
opening; it just seemed like it. It seemed like it would take them home but if they
went to the opening they’d be lost.
“Guys, I found the key, I actually found it! It’s going to take us to our house
again! We’re going home! Jedd and Briant we’re finally going home!!!! Thank you
wall talking person, thank you!!!!!” Jenny squealed.
The boys and girl huddled around and they were sent back to their house.
They played the video game and sent Sir Arthur and Briant back because even
though he didn’t like his life, he said he’d learn to appreciate it. It was “all’s well that
ends well.” And today was the day their mom and dad were getting back from
vacation. There was only one problem: Jedd, Briant and Jenny didn’t send Sir Larry
back in the game but they undid the batteries and threw it out so Sir Larry wouldn’t
go back in. How would they explain him to their parents?
January 2nd
Dear Briant, Jedd and Jenny
You’re welcome
Yours truly,
Wall- talking person
(A.K.A the son of Baselly)