Monash University Student Experience Network Meeting 3/2011 held on Friday, 9 September 2011 from 10.00am – 12.00pm, in the Council Room, Building 3A, Clayton campus. UNCONFIRMED MINUTES 3/2011 1. Apologies and Attendance 1.1 Apologies were received from: Christina Branton, David Brodrick, Jodie Burgess, Janette Burke, Adrian Devey, Kate Duyvestyn, Helen Fletcher-Kennedy, Kay Gardner, Nicola Giarratana, Sidney Hoffman, Terry Hogan, Julie Marriott, Vicki Nash, Robert Nelson, Kathleen O’Brien, Alison Richardson, Imogen Sturni, Elizabeth Yuriev 1.2 In attendance were: David Copolov (Co-Chair), Gerard Toohey (CoChair), Marion Anderson, Heidi Binghay, David Booth, Max Delany, Therese Dennis, Rod Devenish, Judy Duffy, Helen Dunne, Jill Falkland, Alison Glasgow, Mark Hatwell, Andreia Marques, Thomas Perry, Vladimir Prpich, Kathy Racunica, Alan Scarlett, Matthew Sheldon-Collins, Lisa Smith, Marcus Spencer, Laura Swift, Peter Tregear, Sally Trembath, Yvonne Virsik 2. Confirmation of minutes meeting 1/2011 The Minutes of SEN meeting 2/2011 held on 20 May, 2011 were confirmed. It was noted that the Gippsland Campus Student Experience Network report had been forwarded to the Secretary but were not included in the minutes [copy attached]. 3. Matters Arising There were no matters arising from the Minutes. 4. Chairs’ Report Professor Copolov welcomed attendees and noted that the main focus of the meeting would be on visual and performing arts. Since the last meeting, Open Days have been held across all Australian campuses with approximately 45,000 parents and potential students visiting Monash. Professor Copolov thanked all those involved and reported that the Vice-Chancellor and senior management were pleased with the event overall, and specifically the welcoming attitude displayed by all staff. It was noted there were more fun activities at Clayton campus this year compared to other years, and this should continue in future. It was also suggested that a printed guide of available activities be accessible, however most campuses do have these, and it was recommended that this be consistent across all campuses. Professor Copolov reported on the most recent Student Experience Forum Student Experience Network 03/2011 SEN Gippsland Report 24 May 2011.docx meeting, which is now primarily focussing on Student communication First year transition issues International students Postgraduate students Infrastructure (via the MasterPlan) Mr Gerard Toohey has commissioned a report that will be presented to senior management concerning governance and technical recommendations to enhance student communications at Monash, and which will improve the student experience. Gerard confirmed that a great deal of communication occurs between the university and students however there is no coordinated approach and an understanding is required of how messages and events can be communicated more effectively. 5. The Visual and Performing Arts and the Student Experience 5.1 MUMA: Monash University Museum of Art Professor David Copolov introduced Mr Max Delany – Director, MUMA, to the meeting. Mr Delany has been the Director of MUMA since 2004 and has been directly involved in the recent establishment of MUMA on the Caulfield campus, having relocated from Clayton campus. MUMA supports the development of contemporary Australian artists and has grown from being a departmental gallery within the Faculty of Arts to becoming a noted resource for purpose built exhibitions, collections and public programs. MUMA has an important history of exhibitions, including ecological and environmental topics. A variety of public programs and events provide opportunities for the community to engage with artists and generates creative partnerships with other cultural institutions. Network members and staff are encouraged to subscribe to the MUMA mailing list: 5.2 Academy of Performing Arts Dr Peter Tregear, Executive Director of the Academy of Performing Arts provided an overview of MAPA, and confirmed that over 300,000 members of the public, including schools and current students, visit the major venues (Robert Blackwood Hall, Alexander Theatre and George Jenkins Theatre) over any given year. The MAPA Statement of Purpose states that “Monash University believes that a great University campus is a place where – alongside and as part of world-leading teaching and research – students, staff and the wider community can experience, enjoy, and reflect upon the traditions and practices that create and sustain our cultural life.” Dr Tregear believes that the ability of producing high class student theatre encourages the best and most ambitious students to apply to Monash, as not only is teaching of the highest standard, but also art and cultural activities. There are current issues with central hiring charges being so high, however it is anticipated that this will be addressed at senior management meetings. 5.3 Monash University Student Theatre (M.U.S.T.) Ms Yvonne Virsik, Artistic Director of the Monash University Student Theatre, spoke enthusiastically about the Theatre’s mission, which is to create challenging and entertaining theatre for students, by students and the external public. Ms Virsik stated that Monash was unique in that shows produced are completely instigated and performed by students, primarily in the small venue within the Campus Centre, which seats approximately 60. Students involved also take responsibility for each other and mentor each other, which results in marked increase in confidence. The students are involved in Orientation Week activities, providing relevant University information in a fun and alternative manner. There are current issues with the cost of hiring rehearsal rooms, however it was noted that a new agreement is being considered where Student Experience Network 03/2011 centrally controlled venues being used for university activities will be exempt from charge. There are some complications however and the agreement is not completely finalised at this stage. 6. Library User Survey 2011 Ms Heidi Binghay (Communications Manager) and Ms Lisa Smith (Client Services) from the Library presented statistics relating to the recent library survey undertaken in conjunction with other Australian libraries. The figures presented showed sector-wide performance improvements over the last three years and identified a number of gaps for improvement opportunities, the majority regarding existing facilities and resources in the libraries. The overall action plan for improvement includes: Computer availability Quiet study space Ease of catalogue use Laptop facilities Opening hours Campus Managers raised the possibility of 24 hour library access, particularly with the overwhelmingly positive feedback regarding the new learning spaces which have been established on a number of campuses, however it was noted that this would create issues such as security, safety and general campus life. Appendix 1 It was acknowledged that libraries on all campuses are lacking in space, some seriously, but it was noted that this is being addressed in each campus MasterPlan. 7. Campus Student Experience Network Reports (CSENs) Professor Copolov invited campus reports from Student Association Presidents and Campus Managers: Parkville – Andreia Marques reported that space was a key issue on the campus and that clubs and student associations have been working together and setting up working bees to undertake some physical activities to create some space, including 24 hour study spaces. It was noted that students are also currently focusing on strengthening student ambassador and mentor programs on campus. Caulfield – Helen Dunne reported that Student Rights are targeting a number of units regarding exam cheating. The primary issue of the campus however is also space, and the severe overcrowding in the library. There are current plans to make extra study spaces and more computers available to students as soon as possible. While a temporary space will be set up before Semester 2 exams commence, a large, permanent space will be available in early 2012. Berwick and Peninsula – Kathy Racunica reported that timetabling is a big issue at Berwick at the moment, in light of new units and extra students on campus from 2012. Berwick will use the opportunity of growth to enhance the student experience and retain students on campus. A new, centrally funded super-clinic is opening on campus and there are a number of positive community and school engagement initiatives. Gippsland – Alan Scarlett reported that the key campus issue is surrounding student placement sites, particularly where there is added pressure for students to juggle part-time work and the placements are not easily accessible. This is also related to continuing issues with the lack of public transport. Communication with students is also an issue, with many students emphasising their concern with information overload. First year students particularly are being encouraged to check all emails. A working party has been established to investigate Student Experience Network 03/2011 Appendix 2 increasing student retention. It was noted that security incidents are down markedly. It was also noted that Monash Sport have established a 6 week swimming program, running three times per week and free of charge in conjunction with the local community centre, and this has been very successful. 8. Other Business There is concern with the recent closure of the Co-Op Bookshop, particularly from students who have left books there for sale but which are now unable to be returned in order for them to sell elsewhere before they are out of date. Mr Marcus Spencer will address this issue with Steve Pollard (Director, Finance & Business Services). 9. Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on Friday, 25 November from 10.00am to 12.00pm in the Council Room, 1st Floor, Building 3A, Clayton campus. Student Experience Network 03/2011 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Item 6 – Library User Survey 2011 Library user survey 2011-SEN.pptx Appendix 2 Item 7 – Campus Student Experience Network Reports (CSENs) Berwick CSEN3-11.docx Caulfield CSEN3-11.doc Gippsland CSEN3-11.docx Peninsula CSEN3-11.doc Student Experience Network 03/2011