CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS, RESEARCH FINDINGS AND SUBSTANTIVE THEORY A. Data Analysis From the data obtained, the researcher found a total of 110 points of data are divided into two, namely positive and negative opinion from the teachers and students of SMP 1 Magetan about abolition RSBI at their school. Positive response is used to describe the positive side of what respondents perceived after RSBI disbanded. While negative responses are negative things that respondents perceived after RSBI disbanded. The researcher divided the positive response into two, namely the response based from the teachers and the students opinion. And then, the researcher divided the negative response into two, based on the opinion from the teachers and the students. The positive response based on the opinion from the teacher consist of 18 data items, which are divided into three namely : non bilingual, no school fee, and the last about no discrimination. The first category is “non bilingual learning” consisting of 8 data items that are broken down into two, namely the students feel easy to learn contains 3 of data items and the teacher feel enjoy to teach using Indonesian contains 5 of data items. The second category about“no school fee”contains of 3 data items and the last, for the third category about “no discrimination”contains of 7 data items. Next, all of the positive response based on the students discussed about non bilingual which are divided into two, namely “more effective in writing” and “simple conversation.” In terms of writing case, researcher broken the data into two, namely “easy to make a note” contains 1 data item and “one type to examination” contains 3 data items. The second category of the positive response based from the students are “simple conversation.” There are 14 data items which are divided into two, namely “the students enjoy to have conversation in Indonesian” contains 4 data items and “easy to understanding the subject in Indonesian” contains of 10 data items. The negative response based from the teachers contains of 74 data items which are categorized into three : student input, complicated in curriculum management and less finance. In student input, 18 data items are found trough 2 activities such as degradation of english learning that contains of 6 data items and the lack spirit of learning that contains of 12 data items. In complicated in curriculum management, the researcher finds out 7 data items which are categorized into three : not sure to have good students, the impair of existing system and no result for teacher workshop. In “not sure to have good students” there are 3 data items. In “the impair of existing system” contains of 3 data items and the last “no result for teacher workshop” just have 1 data item. In “less finance” 10 data items are found. The data are divided into three : less income, disturbing the learning process and less competition. In “less income” just have 1 data item. In “disturbing the learning process” contains of 5 data items and “less competition” contains of 3 data items. The negative response based from the students contains of 40 data items which are categorized into three : less financial, less effective in learning and the impact of psychology. In “less financial” there are 18 data items that broken down into two, namely “complicated school program” and “the decreased to facility.” In complicated school program, there are 11 data items that broken down into three categorized : useless of bilingual books, the decreased of student exchange and loss time to join an international event. There are 2 data items in “useless of bilingual books.” In “the decrease of students” contains of 4 data items and the last, “loss time to join an international event” contains of 5 data items. In less effective in learning, the researcher finds out of 16 data items which are categorized into three, namely : no interest to learn english, disturbing the learning process and no modern. In “no interest to learn English” there are 8 data items. In “disturbing the learning process” there are 5 data items, and the last, in “no modern” thre are 3 data items. In the impact of psychology, there are 6 data items which are categorized into two, namely : ridicules and dissapointment. In “ridicules” there are 3 data items and in “dissapointment” there are 3 data items. To get a complete picture of the research and the result of the final analysis, the researcher displays them in the following chart. TEACHERS AND STUDENTS RESPONSE TOWARD THE DISSOLUTION OF INTERNATIONAL STANDARD SCHOOLS PILOT PROJECT (RSBI) AT SMPN 1 MAGETAN POSITIF TEACHER BASE (18) NEGATIF No Bilingual Problem from Students Side (18) TEACHER BASE (34) student input (18) Non Bilingual (8) no school fee (3) crimination 3 4 STUDENT BASE (40) Complicated in Curriculum Management (7) No dis- less finance Less less The impact Of Financial effective in Psychology (18) learning (6) (10) (16) (7) degradation The lack spirit of english of learning learning (6) (12) 9 10 easy to learn (3) enjoy to teach more Simple less income (1) in Indonesian effective in Conversation 14 (5) writing (4) (14) 1 2 enjoy to have conversation in Indonesian (4) 7 easy to disturbing the learning process (5) less of competition 15 16 the impair of no result for the complicated existing teacher of school (10) not sure to have good system (3) workshop (1) program (11) 8 students 12 13 understand (3) 5 one type to examination (3) 6 process (5) 21 22 the decreased of facility (7) (3) 20 11 easy to make a note (1) no interest to learn english (8) useless of the decrease bilingual of student books (2) exchange (4) 18 17 loss time to join an international event (5) 19 disturbing no the modern (3) Learning 23 ridicules dissapointment (3) (3) 24 25 The Name And The Meaning Of Category Positif Response Negative Response 1 2 3 4 5 6 without bilingual so student easy to learn the lesson focus gives the material by using Indonesian education cost are cheaper There is no gap between the rich and poor pupils writing using Indonesian more faster than using English no direction examination 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 easy to learn enjoy to teach in Indonesia no school fee no discrimination easy to make a note one type of examination enjoy to have conversation in Indonesian easy to understand degradation of english learning the lack spirit of learning not sure to have good students the impair of existing system no result for teacher workshop less income disturbing the learning process less of competition useless of bilingual books the decrease of student exchange 19 loss time to join an international event 20 21 22 23 24 25 the decreased of facility no interest to learn english disturbing the learning process no modern ridicules dissapointed because the bilingual teaching of Mathematics and Science are not permitted, students will have difficulty in following the international Olympiad Laboratory practical work reduced because of limited funds Not to feel again learn to use English feel disappointed because the decision suddenly Lack of creativity Weakening of public expectation, because RSBI felt superior to other school For students who are smart and want to advance his ideals disturbed teachers teach in Indonesian, more easily to understood student easy to understanding the lesson in Indonesian The ability to communicate actively in English can be lost Teachers who have learned to speak English is not very useful for teaching teachers afraid not able to control he quality of students because no admission test Undermine ongoing learning system The teachers who have obtained through RSBI bilingual workshops be useless Teaching and learning activities so backward as no funds Discouraging in learning a language that is not fixed Competition (Olympics, etc) are getting reduced due to limited funding RSBI special bilingual books are not used The exchange students are supposed to broaden students excluded B. DESCRIPTION Based on the chart above, the researcher displays the data of Teachers And Students Response Toward The Dissolution Of International Standard Schools Pilot Project (RSBI) at SMPN 1 Magetan caused by four major catagories which can be explained as follows. 1. The positif response of the teachers a. Teachers opinion about Bilingual Bilingual education is the practice of teaching the core subjects in at least two different languages as the media of instruction (Subadi, 2009). In bilingual education where English is used as a second or foreign language, the students are taught math and sciences in the foreign language and social studies in their native language (Williams, 2009). The purpose of this program is to improve the quality of the human resources to compete in the global era. The teachers and the students opinion were shown as follows. 1) Bilingual for the students The following categories related to the phrase “easy” which means the teachers feel enjoy to teach wih Indonesian language and the students feel easy to learn the lessons. This category contains three items. The item data shown in the table 1 as follows. Table 1 Teachers opinion about the students bilingual NO 1 2 3 SOURCE siswa lebih paham pada waktu menerima pelajaran (easy to understanding about the lesson ) siswa tidak diwajibkan untuk belajar dengan bilingual (students are not required to learn with bilingual) Tidak membebani murid dengan materi-materi yang harus dihafal dengan 2 bahasa yang belum pasti kelanjutannya. (dont make the student going mad with all of the material to be memorized with two language that uncertain language goes) From the three points above, we can see that majority of students feel happy when english language as medium in the class complitely removed and Indonesian language commonly using again. The students feel easy to understanding the lesson and enjoy with the recitation. The word "bilingual" means that english have a big portion in the lesson. If the students have less vocabulary in english so the students would not understanding the lesson. In addition, the students feel burdened because they have to memorize the subject matter with the English language. English seems more important than the mastery of the subject matter itself. Many students are complaining, learn Mathematics and Science in Indonesian is difficult, especially combined with English. So the burden of learning increases.The obstacle of the students is they always using Indonesian when they have learning process from kindergarten until elementary high school. So they feel shocked when they must study using english in SMPN 1 Magetan. The students skills are passive in English, so they making it less able to follow the active learning. The definition of bilingual or bilingual education has been described by experts. According to Wei (2000: 6), "The word 'bilingual' primaliry describes someone with the possession of two language." While Cohen argues that "Bilingual education is the use of two languages as media of instruction for a chid or group of children in part or all of the school curriculum. " Based on the opinion from Wei and Cohen, it can be concluded that bilingual education is the use of two languages as media in the learning process. Bilingual learning goal is to provide knowledge to the students so that they have the ability to understand English language terms related to the content being taught, able to understand written and verbal explanation of the subjects presented in English and capable of expressing ideas, provide answers, discuss in writing or orally using English. 2) Bilingual for the teachers A bilingual classroom teacher should be a person who are bilingual and fluent in both languages. The problem is whether or not for the subject teachers are able to ready for a bilingual teaching in two languages? How long does it take by a teacher in order to be ready to teach. In addition, bilingual skill level as what is needed or should be achieved by a teacher to be able to teach bilingual classes. The researcher has got five kinds of the data items. The items of data were shown as follows. Table 2 Teachers opinion about themselves in bilingual teaching NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. SOURCE Memudahkan guru karena tidak perlu lagi menggunakan bahasa inggris (teachers do not need to use English again) fokus memberi materi dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (focus gives the material by using Indonesian ) guru fokus untuk mengajar karena tidak belajar dua bahasa (teachers to focus on teaching because they do not learn two languages) Penguasaan bahasa inggris tidak sedalam yang dijalankan (teachers who have to use a lighter bilingual) Persiapan perangkat lebih sederhana karena tidak perlu menggunakan bahasa inggris (easy to preparation the learning administration in Indonesian) From five points above, we can see that all the teachers feel enjoy to teach with Indonesian language than using english. The teachers and the students have less in english so they feel confused to have comunicate with each others. After RSBI disbanded, the teachers can focus to give the lesson and they more enjoy to have catechizing with students in the classroom. RSBI/SBI schools should be supported by the components of international standard. One component is the language that used in teaching-learning process. RSBI/SBI schools should use English as an international language in any school activity. But in fact, in the process of learning, they still use Indonesian. Although the language is only used as opening and closing of the lesson, but it is already changing the essence of the international class itself. Bagaimana dengan guru yang sudah senior, yang mengalami kesulitan untuk belajar bahasa Inggris dari awal. Tidak mengherankan apabila banyak guru RSBI yang hanya menggunakan bahasa Inggris pada saat membuka dan menutup pelajaran saja. Atau hanya menerapkan penggunaan bahasa Inggris di dalam beberapa soal UTS atau Ujian Semester. Sedangkan, pada saat penyampaian pelajaran, guru menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantar. Padahal sesungguhnya di Indonesia, salah satu indikator guru yang mengajar di RSBI haruslah menguasai bahasa Inggris. Jika begitu, tidak ada bedanya RSBI dengan sekolah biasa. Hakikatnya apabila sekolah benar-benar merupakan RSBI dan menerapkan aturan yang sudah ditetapkan pemerintah, seharusnya guru-guru tersebut menggunakan dwi bahasa atau bilingual pada saat mengajar. Namun, akibat RSBI yang dipaksakan jadilah kenyataannya seperti itu. Guru tidak menerapkan pembelajaran bilingual di kelas, murid pun belajar sekenanya saja. Tak heran ketika RSBI dihapuskan, semua orang bersorak sorai gembira, tidak terkecuali dengan guru. Pembelajaran dikelas kembali ke bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantarnya, guru tidak perlu bekerja dua kali untuk membuat perangkat mengajar dalam dua bahasa. Pembelajaran dikelas juga lebih efektif karena guru lebih menekankan ke pemahaman materi, tidak lagi sibuk menghafalkan bahasa Inggris untuk bahan ajar. From five points above, we can see that all the teachers feel to teach enjoy with Indonesian language than using english. The teachers and the students have less in english so they feel confused to have comunicate with each others. After RSBI disbanded, the teachers can focus to give the lesson and they enjoy to have more catechizing with students in the classroom. RSBI core formation is the growing awareness of the need to continue learning and reflection as well as the development of knowledge and awareness of democratic and multicultural education. Teachers in RSBI designed as a figure who really understand the meaning of the concept of deep learning-learning, higher order thinking skills, and contextual learning for students, and increasingly aware of the limitations and benefits of learning rote learning that has been commonly used in public schools. Meanwhile, progress on student attitudes shown by the seemingly self-reliance, responsibility, ability to work together, honesty, tolerance, and courage to face risk. What about using a bilingual teaching demands? A bilingual classroom teacher should be a person who are bilingual and fluent in both languages. The problem is Whether or not for the subject teachers are Able to ready for a bilingual teaching in two languages? How long does it take by a teacher in order to be ready to teach. In addition, bilingual skill level as what is needed or should be Achieved by a teacher to be Able to teach bilingual classes. Many of the results Showed that the overall mastery of a foreign language would be better if started from childhood, especially in the control of speech. Adults, Including teachers in RSBI who learn English again through courses or training, will be greatly affected by the attitudes, motivation, talent, age, etc.., And these factors may Affect learning outcomes. What about the older teachers, who find it difficult to learn English from scratch. No wonder that many teachers RSBI that only use English when opening and closing the lesson only. Or just apply the use of English in the UTS or a matter of Semester Exam. Whereas, at the time of delivery of lessons, teachers use Indonesian as a language of instruction. When in fact in Indonesia, one of the indicators of teachers who teach in RSBI must master the English language. If so, it makes no difference RSBI with regular schools. Essentially if the school is truly a RSBI and apply the rules that are set by the government, the teachers should use the dual language or bilingual teaching at the time. However, due to the fact RSBI be enforced as such. Teachers do not implement bilingual teaching in the classroom, students have learned blindly. No wonder when RSBI abolished, everyone cheered happily, is no exception with the teacher. Classroom learning back into Indonesian as a language of instruction, the teacher does not have to work two times to make the teaching in two languages. Classroom learning is also more effective because teachers put more emphasis to understanding the material, no longer busy memorizing English for teaching materials. b. No School Fee NO 1. 2. 3. DATA Biaya pendidikan lebih murah (Education costs are cheaper) Beban biaya yang ditanggung wali murid berkurang (the decreased costs borne of parents) Penghapusan iuran SPP (no school fee) RSBI school was given the freedom to withdraw a due. The freedom to draw contributions from the student parents are sometimes less precise in withdraw and potentially corruptive appears very possible 'illegal fees' with regard to the cost of education. As international schools certainly have a lot of activities and need a lot of money. If the funds are not sufficient to cover all activities in international schools, then parents should covered the fees. The more activity, the greater the chance seeded withholding. This is where the difference or gap between the operational cost international schools with national standard schools. Many activities that lead to the charge clearly can not be met by students who have a weak economy. So, like it or not parents who are financially a mediocre or even less would think a thousand times to enroll their children to international schools, despite the fact that the cognition and intelligence of the child is eligible for admission to the school. Thus, the implementation of international schools is impressed only for the rich only. c. No Discrimination NO 1. 2. DATA Tidak ada kesenjangan antara murid yang kaya dan miskin (There is no gap between the rich and poor pupils) Tidak ada diskriminasi diantara guru yang mempunyai mata pelajaran penting atau tidak (There is no 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. discrimination between teachers who have important subjects or not) Tidak menimbulkan kecemburuan sesama pelajar (no jealousy between students) Mengurangi kecemburuan antar sekolah (to reduce jealousy among school) Hilangnya diskriminasi antara mapel MIPA dengan yang lainnya dimana pada era RSBI pemerintah terkesan peduli dengan 4 mapel (no discrimination between Mathematics subjects with others, where in RSBI era the government seemed to care MIPA lesson) hilangnya kecemburuan antara mapel standart internasional dengan mapel lain (loss of jealousy between international standart subjects and the other subjects ) kesenjangan antara sekolah RSBI dan non RSBI sudah tidak ada (the gap between RSBI school and non RSBI was gone) Organization of international schools labeled with SBI or RSBI actually lead to discrimination and caste of society in education between the rich and the poor. Schools labeled with SBI or RSBI tend to have a high-cost, so that only the upper middle class are able or capable of studying in this school. Indeed, students who go to this kind of school is very tight selective students because the tests are not easy. Beside they are clever and smart, the students which go to international schools also must have a background in adequate finance. So, what about the students who are smart and intelligent but doesn’t have a good financial resources for their back up or we can say it in rough word, “poor”? Can they study in schools labeled RSBI or SBI? Indeed, none of the government regulations that prohibit poor students studying in international schools. However, it is precisely the absence of standard rules governing about the contributions and expenses of study in this school already become a red light for them. 2. The positif response of the students a. Students Opinion about bilingual 1) More effective in writing a. Easy to make a note All of the students have the same difficulties, that is “writing a note in English.” They take a time because they have less in English. This category just have one item. There is the data as follow. Table 2.1.a) Students feel easy to make a note NO 1 DATA Nyatetnya tidak pakai bahasa inggris (useless english to make a note) Writing according Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary is the activity of creating pieces of written work, such as stories, poems or articles. Henry Guntur Tarigan says that writing is ideas for activities or ideas using written language as a medium conveys. According to Gebhardt and Dawn Rodrigues says writing is one of the most important things you do in college. Good writing skills using to writing a report, proposal or assignment in the school. In the other hand, Eric Gould, Robert DiYanni, and William Smith says writing is a creative act, the act of writing is creative because its requires to interpret or make sense of something: a experience, a text, an event. Barli Bram says write means to try to produce or reproduce writen message. From the opinion above, the researcher can make a conclution that writing have a goal to invite, to inform, to persuade the others, or to urge the reader. b. One type to examination When RSBI going on, the students followed two kinds of examination. The first examinations from directorate and the second from local school programs like Midsemester test and Semester test. The following table is the students opinion related with “Bilingual Test.” The data are as follows. Table 2.1b) one type of examination NO 1 2 3 DATA tidak belajar untuk ulangan dari direktorat lagi (relax, no study for directorate examination again) Ulangan mid semester yang semula 2 menjadi 1 (only one midsemester test) Tidak adanya ulangan dari direktorat (no directorate examination) Ujian akhir RSBI merupakan upaya pengendalian mutu pendidikan di lingkungan sekolah RSBI sebagai bentuk akuntabilitas penyelenggaraan pendidikan di tingkat satuan pendidikan. Ada tiga mata pelajaran yang diujikan, yakni Matematika, Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (IPA), dan Bahasa Inggris Ujian akhir itu dilaksanakan untuk mengukur ketercapaian kompetensi standar isi SNP ditambah KD dan indikator, yang merupakan pendalaman dan pengembangan SNP. Mata pelajaran yang diujikan meliputi Matematika 50 soal, IPA 50 soal, dan Bahasa Inggris 50 soal. Semuanya dalam bentuk multiple choice (pilihan ganda). “Penjagaan sistem setengah silang dan khusus mata pelajaran Matematika dan IPA 100 persen soal berbahasa Inggris,” Soal yang dikemas dalam bahasa Inggris semata untuk menyiapkan siswa agar mampu berkompetisi secara global. RSBI final exam is the effort to control the quality of education in the school environment RSBI as a form of accountability of education at the unit level of education. There are three subjects tested, namely Mathematics, Natural Sciences (IPA), and English The final exam was conducted to measure the achievement of the content standards of competence and SNP plus KD indicators, which is the deepening and development of SNP. Subjects tested include Mathematics 50 questions, 50 questions science, and English 50 questions. Everything is in the form of multiple choice (multiple choice). "Babysitting systems and special cross half the subjects of Mathematics and Science 100 percent about the English language," The issue is packed in English exclusively to preparing students to be able to compete globally. 2) Simply Conversation a. Enjoy to have a conversation in Indonesian The following data related to the category titled “Simply Conversation” which can mean the students and teachers can comunicated with simple conversation in Indonesian language. The data are as follows. NO 1. 2. 3. 4. DATA Pelajaran lebih fokus ke 1 bahasa yaitu bahasa Indonesia (focus to the Indonesian language) guru mengajar dengan bahasa Indonesia (teachers teach with Indonesian) tidak kesulitan untuk menghafal (not difficult to memorize) Tidak perlu bicara bahasa inggris pada saat mapel IPA, MAT (No necessary to speak English when MIPA subjects) Conversation adalah face to face talks, discussion or negotiation. From four points above, we can see that conversation have big portion when learning process in the classroom going on. The teachers teach with Indonesian language, the colloquial in our country. The students feel enjoy with catechizing process in the classroom. b. Easy to understand The following categories describe what the result for the students in the learning process after RSBI disbanded. The data are as follows. NO 1. 2. DATA Pelajaran lebih santai (Lesson more relaxed) Semua pelajaran menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (All lessons using Indonesian) 3. pembelajaran dengan bahasa inggris menyulitkan para murid (learning English make difficulties for students) Pembelajaran matematika dan IPA saya lebih mengerti (Better understand to learning math and science) Lebih mudah menerima pelajaran dengan berbahasa Indonesia 5. (Easy to learning Indonesian language) Gampang memahami pelajaran karena memakai bahasa 6. Indonesia (easy to understand the lesson because using Indonesian) Pembelajaran lebih mudah dipelajari dan dipahami 7. (easier to learn and understanding the lesson) saya merasa lebih ringan karena pembelajarannya seperti SMP 8. lain (enjoy to study because the lesson like the other school) Dapat menerima pelajaran MIPA dengan baik 9. (easy to learn MIPA lesson) Pembelajaran cepat karena pakai bahasa Indonesia 10. (Faster in learning because using Indonesian language) 4. The definition of easy according to is something that can be done with ease, is not hurried, is not difficult, is free from anxiety or is comfortable. In the other hand, Merriam Webster Dictionary says that understand is have the power of comprehension, to achieve a grasp of the nature, significance, or explanation of something, to believe or infer something to be the case. The researcher make a conclution that easy to understand means that we can enjoy to comunicate with the others. 3. THE NEGATIVE RESPONSE OF THE TEACHERS a. Student Input 1) Degradation of english learning NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 DATA Kemampuan berkomunikasi aktif dalam bahasa inggris bisa hilang (The ability to communicate actively in English can be lost) Buku-buku ilmu pengetahuan mayoritas berbahasa inggris (the science books majority in English language) Karena pengajaran MIPA tidak diijinkan bilingual, siswa akan mengalami kesulitan dalam mengikuti olimpiade tingkat Internasional (because the bilingual teaching of Mathematics and Science are not permitted, students will have difficulty to following the international Olympiad ) Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris di mapel IPA dan Matematika akan hilang (English proficiency in mathematics and science will be lost) Anak-anak didik tidak dituntut untuk berbahasa inggris di kelas (Proteges are not required to speak English in class) Siswa yang sudah biasa menggunakan bahasa inggris dalam mata pelajaran tertentu, sayang kalau diberhentikan penggunaan bahasa inggrisnya (students who are accustomed to using English language in a particular subject, unfortunately if stopped the use of the English language) Degradation is worsening condition. definited that degradation has two senses. First, changing to a lower state (a less respected state). second, a low or downcast state. Longman dictionary definite that degradation is [uncountable and countable] an experience or situation that makes you feel ashamed and angry, a life of poverty and degradation. Second, [uncountable] the process by which something changes to a worse condition. From the opinions, we can make a conclution that You use word “degradation” to refer to a situation, condition, or experience which you consider shameful and disgusting, especially one which involves poverty or immorality. 2) The lack spirit of learning NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 DATA Semangat belajar anak-anak semakin berkurang karena merasa dimudahkan (the lack spirit of learning because of more children feel easier to learn) Melemahnya harapan masyarakat, karena RSBI dirasakan lebih unggul dari sekolah yang lain (Weakening of public expectation, because RSBI felt superior to another school) Pesimis dalam menghadapi era global dan pasar bebas (Pessimistic in the global era and the free market) Banyak orang tua yang merasa kecewa karena mengambil keputusan yang secara mendadak dan menyeluruh (Many parents feel disappointed because the decision suddenly and thoroughly) Hilang, lunturnya semangat dan motivasi peserta didik untuk belajar disekolah karena orientasi keluar negeri telah sirna (lost, the erotion of morale and motivation of the students to learn in school because of the orientation to join student exchange have gone out) Mematahkan semangat anak-anak dan pendidik yang selama ini sudah berusaha belajar dan mulai bisa mengerti segala sesuatu yang baik (Discouraging children and educators who have been trying to learn and begin to understand everything that was good) Semangat anak untuk berbahasa inggris menjadi menurun (the lack spirit of English learning) Anak kehilangan gairah dalam pembelajaran karena tidak ada tantangan (less interest in learning because there is no challenge) Semangat untuk berpacu dalam kwalitas pendidikan menyusut (The passion for racing in the quality of 10 11 12 education are shrink) Berpengaruh terhadap mental dalam pembelajaran karena mereka masuk ke RSBI dengan sejuta harapan, akhirnya kandas/pupus ditengah jalan (make some mental effect on learning as they enter RSBI with a million hopes, eventually foundered / dashed middle of the road) Bagi siswa yang cerdas dan ingin maju merasa terganggu cita-citanya (Disturbing the smart students who want to advance his future) Menurunnya motivasi untuk maju, baik bagi siswa maupun guru (Decrease in motivation to move forward, both for students and teachers) Anak-anak yang duduk di bangku SMP atau SMA pada umumnya menghabiskan waktu sekitar tujuh jam dalam sehari di sekolahnya. Ini berarti hampir sepertiga dari waktunya setiap hari dilewatkan di sekolah. Sehingga pengaruh sekolah terhadap perkembangan jiwa anak cukup besar. Hal ini terjadi disebabkan tidak menariknya materi pelajaran yang disampaikan oleh guru tersebut dan terlalu serius. Ditambah lagi dengan mata pelajarannya yang sulit. Kenyataan seperti ini rasanya sudah umum terjadi di seluruh negeri ini. Mengenai materi pelajaran sering dikeluhkan oleh para siswa sebagai hal yang membosankan, terlalu sulit, terlalu banyak bahannya untuk waktu yang terbatas, dan sebagainya. Akan tetapi lebih utama dari faktor materi pelajaran, sebenarnya adalah faktor guru. Berkurangnya bersemangat belajar para siswa, pada akhirnya akan menyebabkan kurang betahnya siswa untuk mengikuti proses belajar di sekolah. Guru dituntut pandai mengembangkan materi dan membuat kelas terasa hidup sehingga siswa enjoy untuk mengikuti pelajaran. Children who are in junior high or high school generally spend about seven hours a day in school. This means that nearly one-third of his time each day spent in school. So that the influence of the mental development of school children large enough. This happens due to not pull the subject matter presented by the teacher and too serious. Coupled with a difficult subject area. The reality as it is common throughout the country. Regarding the subject matter is often complained of by the students as being boring, too hard, too much material for a limited time, and so on. But more important than the subject matter factor, teacher factor actually is. Reduced students eager to learn, would ultimately lead to less betahnya students to follow the learning process in schools. Teachers are required to develop intelligent materials and make the class seem to live so that students enjoy the course. b. Complicated in Curiculum Management According to B. Alberty says that curriculum is all of the activities that are provided for the students by the school. In the other hand, Franklin Bobbit says... that series of things which children and youth must do and experience by way of developing abilities to do the things well that make up affairs of adult life and to be all respect what adult should be. So, the researcher make conclution that curriculum as the masterplan for the teachers to develop the student abilities. Manajemen Kurikulum merupakan upaya untuk mengelola agar kurikulum di sekolah berjalan baik, dalam hubungan ini pengelolaannya harus diarahkan agar proses pernbelajaran dapat berjalan dengan baik, tolok ukurnya adalah bagaimana pencapaian tujuan oleh siswa sebagai akibat proses pembelajaran, menurut Djam’an Satori (2000) tugas-tugas yang tercakup dalam bidang kurikulum adalah menyelenggarakan perumusan tentang tujuan-tujuan kurikulum, menyelenggarakan isi (content), susunan (scope) dan organisasi kurikulum, menghubungkan kurikulum dengan waktu, fasilitas-fasilitas fisik dan personil yang tersedia, menyelenggarakan bahan-bahan, sumber-sumber dan perlengkapan buat program pengajaran, dan menyelenggarakan supervisi pengajaran. Dari pendapat di atas nampak bahwa manajemen kurikulum menitik beratkan pada upaya untuk mengelola proses pembelajaran siswa agar dapat mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan, lebih jauh Depdiknas (2000 : 67-70) secara lebih rinci dalam buku Panduan Manajemen Sekolah disebutkan kegiatan kegiatan yang harus dilakukan dalam manajemen kurikulum yaitu : menjabarkan GBPP menjadi Analisis Mata Pelajaran, menyusun Program Tahunan, menyusun Program Catur Wulan, menyusun program satuan pelajaran, membuat rencana pengajaran, melakukan pembagian tugas mengajar, menyusun jadwal pelajaran, menyusun jadwal kegiatan pengayaan, menyusun jadwal ekstrakurikuler, dan menyusun jadwal penyegaran guru. Berdasarkan pendapat diatas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan manajemen kurikulum sangat penting dilakukan demi keberhasilan proses belajar mengajar yang bisa mengakomodir kebutuhan guru dan siswa. Salah satu kegiatan tahunan sekolah adalah penerimaan siswa baru. Salah satu akibat dihapuskannya RSBI/SBI membuat program seleksi penerimaan siswa baru dihapuskan dan menerima berdasarkan danem. Sekolah-sekolah unggulan takut tidak bisa mendapatkan siswa unggulan juga. 1) Not sure to have good students NO 1 2 3 DATA Dengan tidak adanya tes masuk, sehingga untuk sekolah-sekolah unggulan tidak bisa mengontrol mutu anak didik yang masuk (with no selection test, so the schools can not control the quality of the new students) Dengan tidak adanya test masuk sekolah, tidak mampu mengontrol mutu anak didik (no test for new student, school can not control the quality of the students) tidak ada test masuk sekolah sehingga mutu penerimaan siswa tidak bisa menyeleksi (there is no test in school so that quality can not selected) 2) The impair of existing learning NO 1 2 3 DATA Merusak system pembelajaran yang sedang berjalan (Undermine ongoing learning system) Program-program pemerintah yang diharapkan dapat memajukan dan meningkatkan mutu pendidikan harus pupus ditengah jalan (the government programs that are expected to promote and improve the quality of education had dissapeard) Upaya meningkatkan layanan pendidikan kepada peserta didik menurun (the decreased to improve educational services for students) 3) No result for teacher workshop NO 1 DATA Ilmu yang sudah didapatkan guru melalui workshop RSBI menjadi percuma (the useless workshop through the teachers) ................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. Perlu diperhatikan adanya usaha meningkatkan kemampuan guru sebagai berikut: guru mengerti secara mendalam tentang fungsi atau kegunaan media pendidikan, guru mengerti pengunaan media pendidikan secara tepat dalam interaksi belajar mengajar, pembuatan media harus sederhana dan mudah, dan memilih media yang tepat sesuai dengan tujuan dan isi materi yang akan diajarkan. Walaupun fasilitas ditambah tetapi akan sia-sia jika guru tidak bisa memanfaatkan fasilitas tersebut. c. Finance 1) Less income NO 1 DATA Segala pembiayaan berkurang, aktifitas yang menuju ke kemajuan juga terhambat (All funding is reduced, leading to progress activity is also inhibite) Wakil Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Fasli Jalal, mengakui dana untuk RSBI tidak seluruhnya digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar-mengajar dan kualitas guru, melainkan untuk pembangunan fisik seperti perbaikan ruangan kelas, pembangunan laboratorium, pemasangan mesin pendingin ruangan, dan pagar atau gerbang sekolah. Vice Minister of National Education Fasli Jalal, acknowledge funding for RSBI not entirely used to improve the quality of teaching-learning process and the quality of teachers, but rather to the physical construction of such improvements classroom, laboratory construction, installation of air conditioner, and fence or gate school. 2) Disturbing the learning prosess NO 1 2 DATA Banyak kegiatan disekolah yang batal dilaksanakan karena tidak ada dana (no development fund, so many school programs canceled) Beberapa fasilitas disekolah menjadi tidak berfungsi terkait pembiayaan yang besar (Some school facilities are not functioning related to big cost) 3 4 5 Pembelajaran dilab berkurang karena keterbatasan dana (Laboratory learning reduced because of limited funds) sekolah tidak mampu mendanai pembelajaran seperti RSBI (schools are not able to supply fund as RSBI learning) Kegiatan belajar mengajar jadi mundur karena tidak ada dana (Teaching and learning activities going backward because there is no fund) 3) Less of the competition NO 1 2 3 DATA Ajang kompetisi (olimpiade, dll) semakin berkurang karena terbatasnya dana (Olympics, etc are getting reduced due to limited funding) Kompetisi dibatasi (Competition is restricted) Tidak bisa mengikuti olimpiade diluar negeri (Could not follow The Overseas olympics) 4. The negative response of the students a. Less financial Biaya merupakan hal mendasar dan penting yang menjadi salah satu faktor dihapuskannya status RSBI diseluruh Indonesia. Pemerintah sudah mengucurkan biaya pendidikan cukup banyak dibandingkan dengan sekolah yang non-RSBI tetapi sekolah RSBI masih memungut biaya lebih dari setiap siswa. Setelah RSBI dihapuskan, SMPN 1 Magetan menghentikan iuran SPP dan hanya mengandalkan BOS saja. Jika kita berbicara tentang biaya pendidikan, kita tidak hanya berbicara tentang biaya sekolah, namun kita juga berbicara tentang pendukung lainnya seperti buku dan biaya transportasi yang ditempuh untuk dapat sampai ke sekolah. Di sekolah negeri, memang benar tidak ada iuran SPP, namun ada kebutuhan lainnya yang memerlukan biaya tidak sedikit seperti buku teks pengajaran, alat tulis, seragam dan lain-lain. Dampak penghapusan RSBI lainnya adalah beban anggaran guna membayar honor para guru tidak tetap (GTT) dan pegawai tidak tetap (PTT). Selama ini, untuk membayar mereka diambil dari sumbangan orang tua dan biaya operasional sekolah (BOS). Setelah RSBI dihapus, maka hanya mengandalkan BOS saja. Cost is fundamental and important to be one factor abolition RSBI status throughout Indonesia. The government has disbursed education costs quite a lot compared to the non-RSBI schools but RSBI school still allowed to charge more than any student. After RSBI abolished, SMPN1 Magetan stop and just rely on tuition fees alone BOS. If we talk about the cost of education, we are not just talking about the cost of school, but we also talked about other support such as books and transportation costs are taken to be able to get to school. In public schools, it is true there are no tuition fees, but there are other needs that need not cost a bit like teaching textbooks, stationery, uniforms and others. Another is the impact of the removal RSBI financial burden to pay the teachers' salaries are not fixed (GTT) and temporary employees (PTT). During this time, to pay their contributions taken from parents and school operating costs (BOS). After RSBI removed, then just rely BOS alone. 1) Complicated school program 1.1 Useless of bilingual books NO 1 2 DATA Buku-buku berbahasa asing yang telah dibeli tidak dipergunakan lagi (Foreign language books that have been purchased are not used anymore) Buku bilingual khusus RSBI jarang digunakan (RSBI special bilingual books are rarely used) 1.2 The decrease of student exchange NO 1 2 3 4 5 DATA Tingkatan lomba juga menurun (Competition levels also decreased) prestasi atau lomba-lomba hanya sampai kabupaten (accomplishments or competitions just to district level) acara yang diselenggarakan sekolah tidak semeriah dulu (event organized schools are not as vibrant as before) Perlombaan keluar daerah dibatasi (Race out the restricted area) Bakat siswa tidak berkembang karena tidak ada dana untuk memajukan bakat siswa (students are not developing talent because there are no funds to advance student talent) 1.3 Loss time to join an international event NO 1 2 3 4 DATA Tidak jadi ke Singapura padahal sudah mengikuti tes (study abroad has canceled although the students was take the test) tidak bisa melakukan pertukaran pelajar ke luar negeri (can not do an exchange student) tidak ada studi banding keluar negeri (there are no comparative studies abroad) Ditiadakannya sister school (dissolution of sister school) 2) The decrease of facility NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DATA Tidak nyaman dalam PBM karena fasilitasnya berkurang (Uncomfortable in PBM because less of facility) Sarana prasarana terkendala pendanaan (less infrastructure) Pembelajaran jarang menggunakan LCD (Learning rarely use the LCD) Meja dan kursi menjadi jelek (Tables and chairs not good anymore) Listriknya sering mati (Electricity often die) Wifi-nya sulit digunakan (sometimes wifi difficult to use) disuruh hemat listrik kalau disekolah, biasanya pas RSBI nggak gitu-gitu juga (the teachers asked to save the electricity. Not the same when RSBI era, we can free to use the electricity) Learning is a complex activity that supremely tests students motivation and physical condition. Teaching resources, teachers' skill, and curriculum -- these all play a vital role in a child's education. But what about the physical condition and design of the actual school facility itself? How do they shape a child's learning experience? Recent research continues to point to a small but steadily positive relationship between the quality of a public school facility and a range of academic and community outcomes. This study reviews the literature on: Facilities & academic outcomes, School building systems, and School facility condition and community factors b. Less affective in learning 1) No interest to learn english NO DATA 1 PBM terganggu (Disturbing the learning process) Materi diulang karena materi RSBI lebih dulu dari yang reguler 2 (material in RSBI must repeated, because the material ahead of the regular) setelah RSBI dibubarkan materinya menjadi sama seperti SMP lain 3 (afterRSBI disbanded, the material is the same with the other) Pengetahuan tentang dunia internasional berkurang 4 (less in International knowledge) 5 Berwawasan sempit (petty minded) 2) Disturbing the learning process NO 1 DATA Guru-guru semula mengajar menggunakan bahasa inggris menjadi bahasa Indonesia (in the past, teachers teach using English, but now using Indonesian) 2 Guru-guru yang telah belajar bahasa inggris tidak terlalu bermanfaat untuk mengajar (English is not useful for teacher in learning because they dont teach in Bilingual class again) 3 Penurunan kecakapan berbahasa inggris (Decline in English proficiency) 4 Pembelajaran bahasa inggris untuk pelajaran MIPA sekarang tidak diperdalam lagi (English bilingual for Mathematics and Science lessons will not learn again ) 5 Berkurangnya pengetahuan saya dalam bahasa inggris (less knowledge in english) 6 Terbiasa menggunakan bahasa inggris, bingung menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (always using English, confused to use Indonesian) 7 tidak dapat bersaing secara internasional (can not compete internationally) 8 Berkurangnya penggunaan bahasa inggris, bahasa yang ingin saya kuasai. (less in English Language, the language that i want to learn it) 3) No modern NO 1. 2 3 DATA computer mundur Pengetahuan (less in computer knowledge) Pelajaran tikom jadi mengulang, menyamakan SMP reguler lain (ICT lessons redoing again, the same with another junior high school) Berkurangnya materi pelajaran yang modern, maju dan canggih (less in modern, advanced and sophisticated lesson) Di era serba komputerisasi, ketakutan orangtua adalah jika anaknya gaptek. Gagap teknologi adalah ketidak mampuan seseorang dalam menggunakan perangkat teknologi modern, biasanya komputer. Kemajuan TIK sebenarnya membuat siswa malas membaca dan malas berpikir. Jika ada tugas, mereka dengan mudah mendapatkan jawabannya melalui internet. Padahal jawaban yang ada di internet informasi hanya sepotong-sepotong, berbeda dengan buku yang menyajikan materi dari awal sampai akhir. Langkah-langkah yang perlu ditempuh oleh guru dengan tidak hanya menggunakan fasilitas internet saja dalam pembelajaran. Tetapi juga ditambah dengan materi dari buku-buku. Misalnya, dengan mengajarkan mereka membuat blog dan mengarahkan menulis apa saja yang mereka suka. Sehingga siswa mampu menciptakan informasi melalui media internet, tidak hanya menggunakan internet sebagai media memperoleh informasi. Jika ada siswa yang berbakat dalam menulis, media internet ini bisa meningkatkan mereka berprestasi untuk menulis. In the era of computerization, the fear is if his parents are clueless. Stuttering technology is the inability to use one's in a modern technological devices, typically computers. ICT progress is actually made students lazy to read and lazy thinking. If there is a task, they can easily get the answer over the internet. Though the answer is on the internet just bits and pieces of information, which is different from the book presents the material from start to finish. The steps to be taken by the teacher to not only use the internet facility in the course of learning. But also coupled with the material from the books. For example, by teaching them to make a blog and direct write whatever they like. So that students are able to create information through internet, not only using the internet as a medium of information. If there are students who are talented in writing, this internet media can improve their achievement to write. c. Psychology RSBI or SBI seems to have a magnet to many parents who want to register their children to these schools. They feel understanding that these schools are more qualified than the regular. But after the dissolution of RSBI, many parents feel dissapointed. Parents feel to have more prestige when their children can go to RSBI/SBI, sometimes not considering the cost that they must have to pay. There are student opinion about dissapointed. 1) Dissapointment NO 1 2 3 DATA Pengubahan yang ada sangat membuat bingung siswa Conversion of existing very confuse students Pendidikannya tidak seperti yang diinginkan Education is not as desired Pengubahan cara pembelajaran sering membuat bingung Changing the way of learning often confuse 2) Ridicules NO 1 2 3 DATA Saya diejek sama teman saya, g tau lagi bu.. pasrah.. (I mocked at my friend, i don kow anymore .. resigned..) Diejek sekolah lain (Another school teased ) banyak teman yang mengejek (many friends who mocked) Dengan dihapuskannya RSBI, tidak ada lagi sekolah-sekolah reguler yang menyatakan protes karena merasa dibedakan atau dinomer dua kan dengan sekolah RSBI. Bahkan beberapa sekolah non RSBI ada yang menghina atau merendahkan sekolah-sekolah ex-RSBI. Mereka menganggap bahwa sekarang strata mereka sama dalam bidang pendidikan. Jadi tidak ada lagi keeksklusifan atau keistimewaan diantara mereka dalam hal perlakuan dan sejenisnya. RSBI, Dengan dibubarkannya masyarakat berharap bahwa pendidikan berkualitas tidak lagi menjadi milik orang-orang kaya. Orang biasa, orang miskin atau golongan ekomoni lemah kini memiliki peluang yang sama untuk menikmatinya tanpa diskriminasi. According to says that Synonyms of ridicule is mock, taunt, twit, or deride. These verbs refer to making another the butt of amusement or mirth. Dorothy Parker says ridicule is words or actions intended to evoke contemptuous laughter at or feelings toward a person or thing: "I know that ridicule may be a shield, but it is not a weapon." But Benjamin Franklin says ridicule implies purposeful disparagement. "My father discouraged me by ridiculing my performances" Shakespeare says, ridicule is to mock is to poke fun at someone, often by mimicking and caricaturing speech or actions: "Seldom he smiles, and smiles in such a sort. As if he mock'd himself, and scorn'd his spirit." In the other hand, Daniel Defoe definite taunt suggests mocking, insulting, or scornful reproach: "taunting him with want of courage to leap into the great pit." J.M Barrie says to twit is to taunt by calling attention to something embarrassing: "The schoolmaster was twitted about the lady who threw him over" and the last Edith Wharton says Deride implies scorn and contempt: "Was all the world in a conspiracy to deride his failure?" So, the researcher make a conclution that ridicule is to laugh at someone in an unkind way. KESIMPULAN After i do my reseach, now I understand why RSBI /SBI was disbanded. According to the data above, to become RSBI/SBI schools must fulfilled certain indicators. But, in the reality, there are some indicators that are not fulfilled by the schools that have been bearing the title of RSBI/SBI. The first is the School of RSBI/SBI should be supported by the components of international standard. One component is the language that used in teaching-learning process. RSBI/SBI schools should use English as an international language in any school activity. But in fact, in the process of learning, they still use Indonesian. Although the language is only used as opening and closing of the lesson, but it is already changing the essence of the international class itself. The second is to become RSBI/SBI will require international learning methods. Tendency of international standard method is oriented to student learning with a constructivist approach. But in fact, SBI school students still passive in accepting the lessons/the materials. They seemed to be a real listener for those teachers who give the material to the class. Rarely (or even to say almost none) there are teachers that provide the opportunity for students to actively construct knowledge by discussing, presenting and draw conclusions independently. Many teachers are asking students to discuss and then present the results in front of the class. There are many other indicators that still not fulfilled by SBI schools, such as facility development issues, English language skills both students and teachers, etc.