PhD Ulla Härkönen Lecturer in Early Childhood Education University of Joensuu Savonlinna Department of Teacher Education 2003 Still open pedagogical issues in early childhood education and preschool: * lack of care * applicability of teaching to preschool * relations between education, teaching and care * goals, contents and methods of the pedagogical process * versatile methods * versatile system Didactics means theoretizing of teaching, but how is the process of care, education and teaching understood? Constructivism is a theory of learning, but how are care, education and teaching verified? Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is a developmental theory, but what is the process that the person and the environment must initiate? Where are care, education and teaching? Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory is a developmental theory, but how are the future-changing goals? Where are care, education and teaching? Theories of development, learning and teaching as construction blocks for the lacking educational theory. In Finland: * school begins at the age of seven * early childhood education means all education under 7 * preschool means education of six-year-olds * sustainable education means education for sustainable development (Åhlberg 2003) * sustainable education is a part of ECE and preschool * care, education and teaching Still open pedagogical issues in early childhood education and preschool: * lack of care * applicability of teaching to preschool * relations between education, teaching and care * goals, contents and methods of the pedagogical process * versatile methods * versatile system Didactics means theoretizing of teaching, but how is the process of care, education and teaching understood? Constructivism is a theory of learning, but how are care, education and teaching verified? Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is a developmental theory, but what is the process that the person and the environment must initiate? Where are care, education and teaching? Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory is a developmental theory, but how are the future-changing goals? Where are care, education and teaching? Theories of development, learning and teaching as construction blocks for the lacking educational theory. U. Bronfenbrenner’s paradigm • Lewin: B= (PE) (Behaviour is a joint function of person and environment) • Bronfenbrenner: D=f (PE) (Development is a joint function of person and environment) • D t = f (t-p) (PE) (t-p) ’t’ is a certain time; ’t-p’ is a time period Bronfenbrenner asks: The answer that is the most difficult to reach is concealed in the letter ’f’. He asks: What is the process that is to be created by the person and the context? Still open pedagogical issues in early childhood education and preschool: * lack of care * applicability of teaching to preschool * relations between education, teaching and care * goals, contents and methods of the pedagogical process * versatile methods * versatile system Didactics means theoretizing of teaching, but how is the process of care, education and teaching understood? Constructivism is a theory of learning, but how are care, education and teaching verified? Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is a developmental theory, but what is the process that the person and the environment must initiate? Where are care, education and teaching? Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory is a developmental theory, but how are the future-changing goals? Where are care, education and teaching? Theories of development, learning and teaching as construction blocks for the lacking educational theory. L. Vygotsky´s Theory ”The central issue in Vygotsky’s theoretical thinking is in the Development of qualitatively novel (’higher’) psychological functions in the history of cultures and ontogeny of children in the process of organisms’(i.e. culture, or child) goaldirected acting upon their environments” (Valsiner, 1987: 64). Vygotsky underlines • the social roots of development: 1) cultural-historical factors 2) interaction of individuals • social situations of development • environment´s qualitative changes lead to psychic changes (Vygotsky, 1978: 52-57) Vygotsky´s Socio-Cultural Theory * language has a most significant meaning for the development of mental activities * learning influences in development * the zone of proximal development (ZPD) * interaction, internalisation, genetic law of cultural development: two plans (social and psychological) Still open pedagogical issues in early childhood education and preschool: * lack of care * applicability of teaching to preschool * relations between education, teaching and care * goals, contents and methods of the pedagogical process * versatile methods * versatile system Didactics means theoretizing of teaching, but how is the process of care, education and teaching understood? Constructivism is a theory of learning, but how are care, education and teaching verified? Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is a developmental theory, but what is the process that the person and the environment must initiate? Where are care, education and teaching? Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory is a developmental theory, but how are the future-changing goals? Where are care, education and teaching? Theories of development, learning and teaching as construction blocks for the lacking educational theory. Didactics • is a discipline, the study of teaching • school pedagogy: between school and society • teaching is a process of planning, action and evaluation; values, goals, contents and methods • Kansanen (1991): ”pedagogical thinking is a basic skill behind a teaching of teachers” Theories of Learning • constructivist theory; knowledge is seen neither absolute nor objective • changing nature of knowledge • children learn in activity, in relation to other persons and environment Still open pedagogical issues in early childhood education and preschool: * lack of care * applicability of teaching to preschool * relations between education, teaching and care * goals, contents and methods of the pedagogical process * versatile methods * versatile system Didactics means theoretizing of teaching, but how is the process of care, education and teaching understood? Constructivism is a theory of learning, but how are care, education and teaching verified? Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory is a developmental theory, but what is the process that the person and the environment must initiate? Where are care, education and teaching? Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory is a developmental theory, but how are the future-changing goals? Where are care, education and teaching? Theories of development, learning and teaching as construction blocks for the lacking educational theory. Philosopher-pedagogues • • • • • • Friedrich Fröbel A.S. Neill Johann Pestalozzi John Dewey Rudolf Steiner Maria Montessori • Helen Parkhurst • Célestin Freinet • Vasili Suhomlinski • Loris Malaguzzi • period:1746-1994 Categories of history’s philosopher-pedagogues’texts • world outlook • concept of man • concept of society • concept of knowledge generation • concept of education • main method of education • practical pedagogical process Sub-categories of philosopherpedagogues’ thinking Friedrich Fröbel and A.S. Neill: • principles of work education (WE) • goals of WE • work education forms of activity • work education realisation principles • other categories Philosopherpedagogues’conceptions: •assesments, scientific information, commonplace wisdom, beliefs, other factors •subjective, but they take shape in a sociocultural context •concepts relate to both philosophical principles and elements of educational practice The systems character in educational thinking 1) educational philosophy forms internally a logical entity 2) educational philosophy’s (wider) component influences the (wider) component of educational practice 3) each component of philosophy influences others 4) each component of educational practice influences others 5) all components of the entity influence all others ...The systems character in educational thinking 6) component-influence has a certain direction 7) the direction of influence reveals a certain hierarchy of the components 8) as a rule, a more general category influences a more particular one, a wider one -a more concrete one, etc. ...The systems character in educational thinking 9) the system entity holds inside it one philosophy and a number of different ”theories” of educational practice 10) by the means of philosophy and ”theories” it is possible to conduct an analysis of Fröbel´s and Neill´s entire educational thinking and discover again through its contents its systems character and possible internal contradictions in their thinking w o rld o u tlo o k s views on humans views on children social view s v ie w s o n k n o w le d g e v ie w s o n e d u c a tio n v iew s o n g o als views on basic activities nursing hygiene medicine nutrition domestic science views on substance content v iew s o n m eth o d s v iew s o n p lay views on work view s on teaching view s on celebrations view s on outings p la y p e d a g o g y w o rk p ed ag o g y d id a c tic s en tertain m en t arts e d u c a tio n a l sc ie n c e a n d d e v e lo p m e n ta l p sy c h o lo g y, p sy c h o lo g y, p h ilo so p h y views on plans of activities, education and teaching v ie w s o n th e p e d a g o g ic a l p r o c e s s General systems model of educational thinking tourism social sciences natural sciences internationalism The text analysis has been made from Finnish textbooks of early childhood education and preschool published during 30 last years. Study of the books •the definitions of ’Early childhood education’ and ’Preschool’ have focused •the concepts ’Early childhood education’ and ’Preschool’ have been analyzed •the concepts ’Early childhood education’ and ’Preschool’ have been modelled Notice: The numbers of next figures follow the numbers of the same figures in the study thesis in question. All the figures of the study are not here in this presentation. On the contrary figures from 25-29 are the new applications published here for the first time. ECE as practice * care * education * teaching * they are entagled together * interaction Figure 1t. The one dimension practice model of the concept of early childhood education. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Preschool as a part of ECE practice * care * education * teaching * they are entagled together * interaction Figure 2t. The one dimension practice model of the concept of preschool. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education ECE as a science theory research ECE as practice care education teaching Figure 3t. The two dimension science model of the concept of early childhood education. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Preschool as a part of the ECE science •theory •research Preschool as a part of ECE practice •care •education •teaching Figure 4t. The two dimension science model of the concept of preschool. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education ECE as a research area ECE as a subject ECE as practice care education teaching Figure 11t. The traditional three dimension model of the concept of early childhood education. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Preschool as a part of ECE research area Preschool as a part of ECE subject Preschool as a part of ECE practice •care education •education •teaching Figure 12t. The traditional three dimension model of the concept of preschool. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Science-based ECE research ECE as a subject and as an area of teaching ECE as practice care education learning Figure 13t. The modern three dimension model of the concept of early childhood education. Explanation: ECE = early childhood education Science-based preschool as a part of a science-based ECE •research Preschool as a subject and as an area of teaching, as a part of an ECE subject and a teaching area Preschool as a part of ECE practice •care •education •learning Figure 14t. The modern three dimension model of the concept of preschool. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Academic ECE field of science field of research ECE as a subject ECE as practice care development, growing learning teaching education Figure 15t. The academic three dimension model of the concept of early childhood education. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Academic preschool as a part of academic ECE •as a part of a field of an academic ECE science •as a part of a field of an academic ECE research Preschool as a part of an ECE subject Preschool as a part of ECE practice •care •development, growing education •learning teaching Figure 16t. The newest three dimension model of the concept of preschool. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Preschool- and elementary teaching as part of educational science * preschool- and elementary didactics as a part of general didactics * as a part of educational science * applying * teaching is an object of research Preschool and elementary teaching in teacher education general didactics subject didactics age didactics developmental psychological content Preschool as didactic practice * care * education * teaching, studying learning Figure 17t. The three dimension didactic model of the concept of preschool. Explanation: ECE = early childhood education ECE science or scientific ECE •** pedagogical research and theory creation for the early * ECE science is a special field of its own among the educational sciences * research * theory * the object of research is being ECE * education * educational practice Figure 18t. The two dimension renewable model of the concept of early childhood education. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Preschool is based on ECE *scientific knowledge * there is theoretical base Preschool is everything of ECE * preschool is built inside ECE * preschool is ECE pedagogy * preschool * teaching * supporting * guidance * caring * daily activities * finding * growing up * learning * collaborative working processes Figure 19t. The two dimension renewable model of the concepr of preschool. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Science-based Preschool * developmental psychology * psychology * didactics ”developing didactics” * “developing pedagogics” Teacher students study preschool in teacher education * “more scientific” view of development * “practical theories” about development Preschool teaching *Hakkarainen: ”developing didactics” : narrative logics in action: stories, picture and motor expression, projects, play is very important *the role of teacher is to be a builder of play landscapes, guidance *the fifth dimension operating environment *Pramling: ”in developing pedagogics” the adult follow child’s thinking and that what is happening, no exact methods, only didaktic principles Figure 20t. The three dimension developing model of the concept of preschool. Three dimensions in the definitions • the definitions of ECE and preschool have meant 1) practice 2) science 3) subject (sometimes administration) • preschool has always been a part of ECE SCIENCE - scientific approach - multi-disciplinary basis - pedagogy, developmental psychology, special pedagogy - research - application of research results PRACTICE - preschool arrangement - pedagogical practice of preschool Preschool in the frame of reference of early childhood education SUBJECT - preschool subjects (fields of knowledge, content areas) mathematics reading writing - teaching methods - curricula EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION AND PRESCHOOL THINKING - interpretations and meanings - conceptions - beliefs, opinions - educational thinking PRINCIPLES OF FINNISH PRESCHOOL - comprehensiveness - versatility - entity - continuity - flexibility - lifelong learning - MANYSIDEDNESS BASIS child, children family, home society culture Figure 21. Preschool in the framework of early childhood education. ECE as a science 1 3 2 ECE as practice: care, education and teaching 2 4 1 3 3 2 3 1 ECE as a subject 2 1 ECE thinking Scientific research Life Figure 22. Systems theory four dimension model of the concept of early childhood education. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Preschool as a part of ECE field of science 1 2 Preschool as practice: care, education 1 and teaching 3 2 4 3 3 2 3 1 Preschool as a subject 2 1 Preschool thinking S cien tific research Life Figure 23. Systems theory four dimension model of the concept of preschool. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Preschool as a part of ECE field of science 1 2 Preschool as practice: care, education 1 and teaching 3 2 4 Preschool curriculum 3 2 3 3 1 Preschool as a subject 2 1 Preschool thinking S cien tific research Life Figure 24. The preschool curriculum in relation to the systems theory four dimension model of the concept of preschool. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education ECE as a science 1 3 2 ECE as practice: care, education and teaching 2 4 1 3 3 ECE curriculum 2 3 1 ECE as a subject 2 1 ECE thinking Scientific research Life Figure 25. The ECE curriculum in relation to the systems theory four dimension model of the concept of early childhood education. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education ECE as a science 1 3 2 ECE as practice: care, education and teaching 1 2 4 ECE administration 3 2 3 3 1 ECE as a subject 2 1 ECE thinking Scientific research Life Figure 26. ECE administration in relation to the systems theory four dimension model of the concept of early childhood education. Explanation: ECE= early childhood education Preschool as a part of ECE science 1 3 2 Preschool as practice: 1 care, education and teaching 2 4 Preschool administration 3 2 3 3 1 Preschool as a subject 2 1 Preschool thinking S cientific research Life Figure 27. Preschool administration in relation to the systems theory four dimension model of the concept of preschool. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education ECE curriculum 1 3 2 ECE as practice: care, education and teaching 1 2 4 3 ECE as a field 3 of science 2 3 1 ECE as a subject 2 1 ECE thinking Scientific research Life Figure 28. The concept of early childhood education in relation to the early childhood education as a field of science. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education ECE as a field of science 1 3 2 ECE curriculum 1 2 ECE as4practice: 3 3 care, education and teaching 2 3 1 ECE as a subject 2 1 ECE thinking Scientific research Life Figure 29. The concept of ECE in relation to ECE practice. Explanation: ECE=early childhood education Usefulness of the Systems Definition for ECE and SE • this kind of theory is an educational theory for educational phenomenon • it is a systems theory for systems phenomenon • it gives many components of whole concepts • it gives also the sub-components, such as practice: care, education, teaching The Usefulness of the Systems Definition of ECE for SE • SE can be placed in the centre of the systems model and it must be discussed: • what is the function of SE in ECE and preschool paractice? • what is SE as science, related to ECE science? • what is SE in ECE and preschool subject in teacher education? •what does SE mean as the contents of thinking in the sphere each separate dimension? •it is possible to plan how scientific reasearch can be focused on any of specific model-based combinations according to the needs emerging from the issues of SE •life context: historical, social, community and personal dimensions •goals have to be created for SE, we ought to know what is worth of aspire for The result which has been created and which has to be further developed: