Politics in a Gilded Age

Norton Lecture Slides
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner
Judge magazine cartoon condemning William Jennings
Bryan and his “cross of gold” speech for defiling the
symbols of Christianity.
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
Lecture Preview
The Second Industrial Revolution
The Transformation of the West
Politics in a Gilded Age
Freedom in the Gilded Age
Labor and the Republic
Forging the Shaft
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Second Industrial
 Focus Question:
What factors combined to make the
United States a mature industrial society
after the Civil War?
The Second Industrial
Revolution: Economy
The Industrial Economy
The Second Industrial
Revolution: Railroads
Railroads and the National Market
Table 16.1 Indicators of Economic Change, 1870–1920
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The dedication of the Statue of Liberty
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The Strike, an 1886 painting by the
German-born artist Robert Koehler
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Building railroads in the West required
remarkable feats of engineering.
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The Second Industrial
Revolution: Innovation
The Spirit of Innovation
Competition and Consolidation
Map 16.1 The Rail Road Network, 1880
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Figure 16.1 Railroad Mileage, 1830–1975
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Travel became globalized in the
second half of the nineteenth century.
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The cover of the 1897 Sears, Roebuck & Co. catalog.
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Thomas Edison’s laboratory at Menlo Park, New Jersey
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The Progress of the Century
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The Second Industrial
Revolution: Carnegie and
The Rise of Andrew Carnegie
The Triumph of John D. Rockefeller
Map 16.2 U.S. Steel: A Vertically Integrated Corporation
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The Electricity Building at the Chicago World’s
Fair of 1893
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Next!, a cartoon from the magazine Puck
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The Second Industrial
Revolution: Workers
Workers’ Freedom in an Industrial Age
Sunshine and Shadow: Increasing Wealth
and Poverty
A turn-of-the-century photograph of the Casino Grounds,
Newport, Rhode Island
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The opening image in Matthew Smith’s book Sunshine
and Shadow in New York
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Baxter Street Court
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The Transformation
of the West
 Focus Question:
How was the West transformed
economically and socially in this period?
The Transformation
of the West: Diversity
A Diverse Region
Across the Continent
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The family of David Hilton on their Nebraska
homestead in 1887
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The Transformation
of the West: Farming
Farming on the Middle Border
Bonanza Farms
Large-Scale Agriculture in California
An engraving from the early 1880s
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California Harvest Scene–Dr. Glenn’s Farm in Colusa County
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In the late 1800s, California tried to attract immigrants
by advertising its pleasant climate and the availability of land
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The Transformation
of the West: Corporate
The Cowboy and the Corporate West
The Transformation
of the West: Conflict
Conflict on the Mormon Frontier
The Transformation
of the West: Indians
The Subjugation of the Plains Indians
“Let Me Be a Free Man”
Map 16.3 Indian Reservations, ca. 1890
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Albert Bierstadt’s 1863 painting The Rocky Mountains,
Lander’s Peak
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Hunters shooting buffalo as the Kansas-Pacific Railroad
cuts across the West, 1870s
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Sitting Bull
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The Battle of the Little Bighorn
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The Transformation
of the West: Indian Life
Remaking Indian Life
The Dawes Act
Indian Citizenship
A quilt created by a Sioux woman who lived on a
reservation in South Dakota around 1900
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Boys from the Lakota tribe on their arrival (left)
and during their stay (right) at Carlisle
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Remaking Indian Life
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The Transformation
of the West: Societies
The Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee
Settler Societies and Global Wests
A 1911 poster advertising the federal government’s
sale of land formerly possessed by Indians
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The Ghost Dance, performed by Sioux Indians
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Politics in a Gilded Age
 Focus Question:
Was the Gilded Age political system
effective in meeting goals?
Politics in a Gilded
Age: Corruption
The Corruption of Politics
The Bosses of the Senate
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Politics in a Gilded
Age: Dead Center
The Politics of Dead Center
Map 16.4 Political Stalemate, 1876–1892
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Politics in a Gilded
Age: Economy
Government and the Economy
Reform Legislation
James G. Blaine Cartoon
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Politics in a Gilded
Age: Conflict
Political Conflict in the States
Laying Tracks at Union Square for a Railroad
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Freedom in the
Gilded Age
 Focus Question:
How did the economic development of
the Gilded Age affect American
Freedom in the Gilded
Age: Social Problem
The Social Problem
Freedom, Inequality, and Democracy
Freedom in the Gilded
Age: Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism in America
Freedom in the Gilded
Age: Courts
Liberty of Contract
The Courts and Freedom
Detail from Capital and Labor
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Labor and the
 Focus Question:
How did reformers of the period
approach the problems of an industrial
Labor and the Republic:
Labor question
“The Overwhelming Labor Question”
The Knights of Labor and the
“Conditions Essential to Liberty”
Ruins of the Pittsburgh Round House
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The Ironworkers’ Noontime
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An engraving from Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper
shows black delegate Frank J. Farrell introducing
Terence V. Powderly, leader of the Knights of Labor.
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Labor and the
Republic: reformers
Middle-Class Reformers
Progress and Poverty
The Great Labor Parade of September 1
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Labor and the
Republic: reform
The Cooperative Commonwealth
Bellamy’s Utopia
Protestants and Moral Reform
A Social Gospel
Edward Bellamy, author of the utopian novel
Looking Backward
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Labor and the
Republic: politics
The Haymarket Affair
Labor and Politics
A cartoon from the 1880s depicts radicals as foreigners
attempting to destroy the foundations of American society.
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Pro-labor cartoon from 1888
Give Me Liberty!: An American History, 4th Edition
Copyright © 2013 W.W. Norton & Company
The Second Industrial Revolution
Focus Question: What factors combined to make the United States a
mature industrial society after the Civil War?
The Transformation of the West
Focus Question: How was the West transformed economically and
socially in this period?
Politics in a Gilded Age
Focus Question: Was the Gilded Age political system effective in
meeting goals?
Review continued
Freedom in the Gilded Age
Focus Question: How did the economic development of the Gilded Age
affect American freedom?
Labor and the Republic
Focus Question: How did reformers of the period approach the
problems of an industrial society?
Chapter 16
Media link
Eric Foner on the treatment of native
peoples in the 19th century
Eric Foner on ideas of industrial
expansion in the late 19th century
Eric Foner on ideas of freedom following
the Civil War
Eric Foner on the late-19th-century
industrial economy in the West
Eric Foner on court decisions in the
Gilded Age
Next Lecture PREVIEW:
—— Chapter 17 ——
Freedom’s Boundaries, at
Home and Abroad, 1890-1900
The Populist Challenge
The Segregated South
Redrawing the Boundaries
Becoming a World Power
Norton Lecture Slides
Independent and Employee-Owned
This concludes the Norton Lecture Slides
Slide Set for Chapter 16
Give Me Liberty!
Eric Foner