V-03-appendix-Utah VHF Amateur Radio Radio

Russell Rulon Bateman History
Appendix 3 Utah VHF Amateur Radio Society Repeater
Utah Power and light donation of a UHF radio for a control Unit.
When the FRC surpluses repeater didn’t work out, we look for
another way to obtain the FM radios equipment. We obtained
the main FM two-meter repeater from Mt. Fuel Supply but I
don’t have any written records. FCC required uhf control of the
two-meter repeater. This is the tracking of several units from
18 October 1967
Mr. Robert P Brickey, W7QAG- president, Utah really club
Dear Bob,
I appreciate receiving your letter of October 10, 1967. In following through with the plans that we had probably passed on to
you, we see no problem with the frequency list in except for the 146.340 input frequencies. The Ogden group has purchase
crystals on 146.40 and they have been installed in the repeater and tests have been made. They are presently building some
cavities to correct some of the interference problems. The Ogden group also purchase crystals and three mobile units have been
modified to two channel operations and the 146-340 crystals installed.
FM and AM repeater channels will take place during the CX - 67 exercise which starts on the 23rd of this month. The National
Guard and the just completed our traitor yesterday and our installation of the repeater equipment will start tomorrow. I control
equipment is complete, but not tested yet.
The location of the repeater will be chosen after we have conducted tests, and modification of our
state RACES plan to cover the repeater and will be filed at that time.
In talking with Clint Barrack-FCC, we discussed the desirability of utilizing 146.340 MHz as an
input frequency due the fact that is a standard and this would permit control usage enabling the
participants of mobile units during a natural disaster where limited use of communications would
not be required under the racist program. Also we would have facilities for mobiles visiting the
I question your desire to utilize a standard frequency when the usage is unprotected or otherwise
limited to those who pass through the state could not have access. It is sincerely desired that you
will reconsider the use of the 146.340 as an input frequency to your repeater which is only
available to members. With personal investments the Ogden group is gone to for committed to change their frequencies.
Russ Bateman W7NFT
Letter retyped in that the
original was difficult to read.
October 5, 1969
The Hon. Calvin L Rampton, governor state of Utah
Gov. of Utah. Salt Lake City Utah
in order not to take any more of your busy time than necessary, I shall try to be brief and to the point as possible, even though it
is difficult to explain to you in less than a volume letter, a problem I believe is worthy of your consideration.
For almost 5 years, our group known as the Utah relay club, has operated an amateur radio repeater located on Lake Mountain.
Weston forum Utah, for the purpose of radio communications. This station covers approximately 90% of all the population of the
state of Utah. As with all amateur radio people, the facilities are also used in the public interest to help in any way that
communications can be of service, on a personal basis or in time of public emergency.
These facilities have been built and maintained by personal efforts and financing. We believe that it is one of the best and most
dependable installations in the country. It is operated on a control bases, but is available to any amateur when it is on.
Furthermore, FCC regulations or appeared to religiously.
Recently a similar repeater has come into being, operated by a newly organized group in the
Salt Lake City area, with the facilities installed on engine peak, directly north of the state
Capitol building. This repeater does not have the coverage of ours does, but it is capable of
good coverage in the Salt Lake Valley. Also, this repeater, is for most part, been backed by the
Utah state civil defense, using civil defense equipment and state electric power. It has been
under the guise, that it is for civil defense use and I’m I told it is being subsidized by cash from
the civil defense budget. However, there is no indication that any civil defense use is being
made of it. It is used solely for the personal use of the amateur radio operators in the Salt Lake
City area.
Their reason for me to believe that perhaps some FCC regulations are being bent in respect to the operation of the repeater and
also frequencies being used, if it is to be a civil defense installation. Incidentally this new installation has been placed directly on
the frequency that we have been using for almost 2 years and were told plainly to move off.
Please don’t misunderstand my feelings about civil defense. If this is used for that purpose I am, and our group, is very much
favorable of it. As a matter of fact the Utah County civil defense is a long time dues paying members of the Utah relay club with
many station set up for use of the facilities in case of emergency.
Over a year and a half ago, I personally was present at a meeting which is also attended by Mr. Russell Bateman, Utah state civil
defense communication officer. At that time the Utah relay club offered to supply a separate radio channel with remote control
features at the headquarters, to the Utah states civil defense with the cost of $10 for membership and dues at the rate of one
dollar per month. Mr. Bateman firmly declined the offer on the basis that it would be out of the question to spend this much
money even though I now understand he has seen fit to subsidize the new facility from the states funds and equipment. Also this
repeater has much less coverage than the one we offered him.
I would greatly appreciate if an inquiry into some of these matters. If there repeaters to be a civil defense sponsored, then it
should not be used for general amateur (Hamming) use. If it is not civil defense sanction, the taxpayers of the state should not be
supporting the power bill and furnishings state owned equipment.
It is our feeling, that if they’re allowed to use the state power, then our group should be given the same opportunity because of
our civil defense affiliation and the fact that there is now state power in the building are repeater is housed in.
I’m sure some of the above cannot be fully understood by someone unfamiliar on the subject matter, I would be most happy to go
into any phase of detail if it is desired.
Respectfully, Keith R Anderson, secretary-treasurer
Did this Letter get me in trouble? Very much so. The Governor’s office requested a full
investigation to be done by the University of Utah. That was where I met Dail Ogden whom I
would work with on a number of Projects including the 1970 Utah State communications study.
The study look at all phases of the information in Mr Andersons Letter. Funding and any money
spend was researched very carefully. It was found that there was $35.00 that I spent for some
item that could have been involved with the Utah VHF Society Repeater. I was the Trustee of
the repeater license, but there was no state of Utah equipment. Yes, we were using power from
the State of Utah. The VHF
Society did move the repeater
building/trailer to Dinkyville
that was located south West of
Salt Lake in the Kennecott
Mine area.
The governor’s Office ruled
that there were not conflict of
interest on my part and that
there was no bases for the
Anderson letter.
The governor’s Office ruled that there were not conflict of interest on my part and that
there was no bases for the Anderson letter.
The only point of the matter is that the Utah Relay Club as ask to use on of the two repeaters
pair of frequencies and Salt Lake use the other one. But they wanted the control of amateur
repeater activities.
Next, was another letter to my director by Senator Dean. Again hard to read so was OCR.
December 16, 1969
Utah civil defense counsel, 1543 Sunnyside Ave., Salt Lake City, UT.
the matter has been brought to my attention which deserves your investigation. May our
request, if you are not already acted upon this matter, that you do so at your earliest
The matter relates to involvement of civil defense personnel in the Robert Brickey incident,
which should been widely publicized as being damaging to civil defense. Mr. Brickey is a
resident of my senatorial district, and I know him personally, and both in a technology and a
character standpoint Mr. Brickey is perhaps unparalleled in his ability as electronic technician.
He has spent most of his life manipulating gadgetry electronic devices. Time after time in his
life, he has out distance those around him in his knowledge of electronics, which brings me to
the purpose of the letter. The incident involving Mr. Brickey in my opinion is a re-fault of some your
civil defense personnel, who were also Salt Lake City members of the ham club,, as is Mr. Brickey’s.
If he is found guilty of interfering with civil defense mechanic is him, then your person or equally
guilty. The incident, as I have been told, was begun by your civil defense personnel, in their ham club,
interfering purposely with electronic devices owned by Mr. Brickey, and as result, he use his greater
electronic intellect to retaliate and get back, if not at civil defense as such, but the civil defense
personnel who harassed a mate previously through their ham club activities.
Although I have an obligation to my senatorial consistently, including Mr. Brickey, I have even greater interest in civil defense,
and want the records in your behalf to be correct.
Now, all I’m asking is that you, as a board, investigate the matter upon which I brought to your attention, I would appreciate a
report as to your findings.
Sincerely Ernest H Dean Utah State Sen.
Regular meeting of the counsel defense was held January 7, 1970, in the House chamber room, state Capitol, Salt Lake City,
Members present
Beth Brown
Others present
Queen McKay, governors administrative assistant, representative Gov. Calvin Rapson.
Bruce Bybee, representing Atty. Gen. Vernon L Romney
Capt. Frank Grant, Utah Highway Patrol, Representative Commissioner Raymond L Jackson.
Dail Ogden University of Utah
Eugene Merrill manager state telecommunications
General C C Thorson Director State Civil Defense, representative Maj. Gen. Maxwell the rich.
Russell R Bateman, Communication Officer, state civil defense
Dana F Peck, education officer, states civil defense.
Donald R Spradling, Deputy Director, state civil defense.
Gov. Calvin L Rampton
Major General Maxwell in the rich chairman counsel defense.
Vernon L Romney, Atty. Gen.
LaurenPace, speak of the Utah House representative.
General forces and called the meeting to order at 2:05 PM Margie Lomax acted as secretary.. The main reason for the meeting
has been called, explains the general Thorson, was the response to a letter general rich received from Sen. Ernest Harding
regarding the sabotage of the civil defense radio repeater on engine peak and the involvement of one of his consistent with civil
defense personnel. Gen. Thorstensen is stated that prior to receiving Sen. Dean’s letter the probable radio club involved wrote a
letter dealing with the allegedly illegal use of the repeater to Gov. Hampton.
This letter was turned over to Mr. Dail Ogden for report which was submitted to the Gov.’s office, Gen. Thorstensen then called
on Mr. Russell Bateman for the report concerning the incident
Mr. Bateman stated that the federal office of civil defense requires states to provide a program for
amateur radio service, civil air patrol, military affiliate radio service, etc in the Utah has communicators
in each of these areas. He gave some reasons why civil defense has been designated to set up a program
for amateur radio which are, capabilities equipment cost brackets 500,000 in nontaxable funding
brackets, technically qualified personnel, low cost to taxpayers for the maintenance of the program and
part of the amateur radio has played in the past in emergencies
Mr. Bateman discussed the background of the repeater, when the donation of the equipment was installed
by Weber radio at the meager cost of less than $50 to the state. The repeater is not unique in the fact that
there are 80 units of this type in various states of the United States. These units are used on a day-to-day
basis for the support activities as well as amateur use. He pointed out that if the state was to buy this
equipment it would cost a great deal of money..
On November 13, 1969, the jamming device was found in the Salt Lake City Police Department was
immediately notified. The device has been in their custody every sense. It is currently being investigated by
the Salt Lake Police Department and the Federal Communications Commission. The Defense intelligence
agency has also investigated.
Gen. forces and then pointed out that under the races program in case of emergency or in an attack the
amateurs holding races licenses are the only ones that can remain on the air. The radio club and Provo could
not operate in an emergency, because they have to be licensed through the civil defense agency and there must
not be any operating charges to the radio amateurs involved’
Mr. Bateman stated that the Provo-radio club is a close repeater situation. Membership is $50 and $10
monthly dues must be paid before the facility can be utilized by the membership.. The Utah VHF Society Salt
Lake City club is an open repeater where any licensed amateur he residing in or traveling through Utah can utilize this facility
Mr. Dail Ogden stated that in his opinion the incident occurred because of personal battle between amateurs to see who could
outdo each other. He stated the penalty for mischievous interference in the operation of the FCC licensed radio station is 10
years in jail and/or a fine of $10,000 maximum penalty. He then explained about the letter dealing with the engine peak repeater
from Mr. Kenneth Anderson to the governor Rapson was preceded the jamming device incident. He said that in his investigation
he found nothing to be illegal in the operation of the Ensign Peak repeater. The only thing that might be questioned, he said was
the cost of the power that is being furnished by the state for the repeater. It was his conviction that no violation has occurred.
A discussion then followed over the letter from Sen. Dean which pointed out that Mr. Brickey had been formally charged with
mischievous interference with the trial date set for March, that the police identified him without reference to Mr. Bateman or his
civil defense Association, that the place and the FCC hearing investigating the matter .
For prior to Sen. Dean’s letter, it was decided that the Atty. Gen.’s office would draft a letter over general rich’s signature to be
approved by the council members by mail prior to sending it to Sen. Dean indicating that Mr. Brickey has been charged and that
the matter is being investigated by the police and the Federal Communications Commission and should answer all questions as
to personal involvement.
Time assert over to Mr. Bateman for review in the states telecommunication study. Funds for the study came from the federal
government, the Gov.’s office and the Department of higher education. The study was made for the possibilities of coordinating
communications throughout the state. Agencies in the state have been contacted for input into the study. Copies of the report will
be available within two or three weeks before he goes to press for review by appropriate officials. Slides were shown dealing
with how the plan was developed and what areas had to be covered to come up with the detail information for the study.
In Mr. Kellogg added this plan leaves room for expansions so that with correct planning it can be billed as the need arises.
General Thorson announced that the printing of the 11 County community shares plan is hope to be accomplished within the next
three or four months so that every house hold would receive a plan. The present time work is underway in for additional
With there being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:15 PM.
Robert M Booth, Junior, Washington DC
Dear Bob:
Here is a copy of a memorandum we have prepared concerning the Salt Lake City, Tow-meter
band situation.
A copy of this has been sent to warn George, engineer in charge of
Denver district and a copy also has been directed to the amateur
radio division, safety and special radio services Bureau, Federal
Communications Commission, Washington DC.
Additionally, I have had a copy to United States Sen. Frank Demos so
that he will be equated with the problem should be necessary to
enlist his assistance. Sen. Moss has made no plans to take any action
or approaching the parties at this time and will not be doing so unless
you tell us that you think it is necessary in order to get some thing moving.
We really do think this is a matter of sufficient importance that immediately action be taken.
We do not anticipate further simulated emergency test in the next few weeks. We would like to
conduct these without this type of interference. We can perhaps make some plan to handle
such interference if it occurs, that this would be a temporary measure. It would be far more
satisfactory if FCC would step in and make the solutions permit
the technical phase of this investigation efforts is being directed by Mr Patrick Bowler W7RQT
Thanks for your interest and I will be giving you called when I definitely know my plans for
visiting Washington DC.
Yours very truly, Robert R Finch, WA7KGG.
1970-01-28 memorandum
Concerning interference on two-meter (14 634.34 – 146.94)
communication channels in Salt Lake City Utah.
A persistent and apparently deliberate interference with amateur radio communication exists in the Salt Lake City area. Because
of the nature of this problem its allegation can be accomplished only by special or affirmative action by the federal authorities.
The purpose of this memorandum is to demonstrate the need for and to make requests for such attention.
Working with the Utah state civil defense authorities, licensed amateur radio operators in the Salt Lake City Valley area built in
our maintaining and operating a 2 m repeater facility. The repeater was constructed from a donated materials and volunteer
labor. The title to the repeater is in the state. It is operated under the station license WA7AKI.
All interest licensed hams are radios in the area or invited and encouraged to use the repeater and participate in the civil defense
nets. A very active civil defense net exist. Regular drills conducted and, in general, the group devotes considerable volunteer
effort to maintain and improve the facility as well as to sharpen their communication skills for use in emergencies.
During the first few months of operations, some particular difficulties were experienced with the repeater. These difficulties
persisted despite determined effort by the local amateurs to correct them.
On November 13, 1969, a jamming device was discovered buried in the vicinity of the repeater installation. The device was so
connected to the repeater that it caused intermittent and random interference with the repeater operation. Removal of the device
eliminated all of then existent problems
Subsequently, about November 21, one Robert P Brickey was arrested and charged with malicious mischief in connection with
the planning of the jamming device. Unconfirmed reports were that Mr. Brinkley admitted planning the device. However, he
entered a plea of not guilty to the charge of malicious mischief. It is possible that this plea was entered in behalf of that the
charge of malicious mischief does not apply in the case where the repeater facilities was not physically damage, but only as
operation impaired. The trial is set for March 13.
We advise that the FCC is making its own investigation of this matter.
For a short period after Mr. Brickey’s arrest there were no further incidents of interference and everything went smoothly.
However, starting in early December, interference on the band resumed. There is no question but this interference is also
deliberate. It is accomplished by a continuous often on keen of the repeater transmitter with a 146.34 MHz signal. The interfering
signal are usually heard twice a day – morning and evening. Normally the duration of the interference on each occasion is from
15 to 30 minutes.
Although the king may be accomplished by an automatic device, we believe it is actually done by manual coming up a
microphone button. So far we have established that the signal originates from two separate transmitters.
For the first few weeks, the interfering signal would stop whenever requested made for Clear Channel or whatever other parties
carried on a conversation. The interference would resume between transmissions of other parties. However, reluctantly the
pattern has changed and there has been increased number of cases in which the interference continues right over the break their
No time has interference signal ever broadcast station identification.
Techniques have been used to track and identify the interfering signal
By radio compass we have determined that the offending transmitters are mobile. In the morning they move into Salt Lake from
the south and in the evening moved southward from the city
By use of recording device brush recorder mark to model RD 2521 we have fingerprinted defending device by recording certain
constants characteristics exhibit a is the photo print of representative constant characteristics. Exhibit a is a photo print of
representative graphs on which ink traces of the transmitter characteristics have been recorded. The recording was made by a
linear tape speed of 125 MM/SEC.
Exhibit B is a single block diagram of the system embodying the recorder.
The recording of the offending transmitters have been made on many occasions. The characteristics remain constant. Recording
of the recording of many identified transmitters have also been made and we have confirm that each transmitter shows its own
particular characteristics.
We have on file, graphs from the recorder showing the unidentified interference signal being transmitted simultaneously with
legitimate medications of other stations.
As a part of the civil defense repeater installation, an audiotape recording unit has been installed to record transmissions
through the repeater. Local parties is to give the time of day at the end of this transmission. Thus, we are able to bracket when
certain transmissions occur and also have an audio recording of the interfering signal.
On Saturday, January 24, 1970, a national simulated emergency test SET was conducted. Various agencies of the state of Utah
participated. A letter dated January 26, 1970 the state Utah counsel defense is attached with exhibit C. This letter is a summary
report of the SCT. Pick your attention is directed to the last two cents of the second paragraph of page one with the interfering
transmissions are commented on and is reported that the HF operation was shut down prematurely due to the jamming.
Much advance publicity was given to the SET over the air. Many requests were made before and during the test that the repeater
frequency be kept clear while the test was underway.
Nevertheless, interference was experienced for almost the entire period of the test. Under these conditions, low powered units,
operating either simplex or through the repeater, were simply unusable due to the overriding interfering signal. This rendered
most portable units ineffective as emergency stations. Thus, most portable units assigned to hospitals or other strategic locations
went and able to communicate.
As reported in the Counsel Defense letter, (Exhibit C) the two-meter activity was terminated early. Ink Inc. recordings of the
interfering signal were not made during the test because of the interference was completely unexpected hints the brush recorder
device was not in service. However the interference continued after the termination of the test and some ink tracings were made
with the brush recording. The characteristics of these transmitters are now the same as those represented in exhibit A.
The technique used in making these ink recordings is believed sound and established a reproducible fingerprint of the offending
transmitter. This is fine so far as it goes. However, we recognize that all we have really established is the fact of interference. The
special times during which it occurs and that it emulates from the same mobile transmitters. There is absolutely no limit between
the offending transmitters and any particular individuals. Thus, we had a standstill. What is needed now is for someone with a
proper authority to repeat and confirm our tests to exist and the interference then localizes in the test of the offending equipment.
The difficulty is that under present circumstances it appears that only the FCC personnel have the authority to do this. Moreover
in checking with the FCC disregard to Denver, where it buys by the engineer in charge that FCC personnel from that to visit Salt
Lake City only on a regular quarterly schedule. For the purpose of obtaining morning full evidence under the current
circumstance schedule visits are of no value as the interfering activity will be all and probably stopped doing regular scheduled
Moreover, and it is very important, if investigation by the FCC is delayed, it is almost certain that the offenders will change in
either their routine or the equipment to such an extent that whatever value evident so far accumulated may have will be
We are advised that due to budget limitations, it is not possible to dispatch investigating personnel from the Denver district office
without special authority from Washington.
It is the firm conviction of all those
connected with the amateur radio and civil
defense activity in this area, that this is a
serious matter and that positive steps
should be taken to immediately do whatever
is necessary to collect the evidence and
apprehend the offenders. Anything less
would be an injustice to amateur radio in
general, and to the FCC.
Patrick Bowler Robert R Finch
28 01-28
public safety and amateur radio division safety and public services radio Bureau Federal Communications Commission
Washington DC
here’s a copy of a memorandum relating to the difficulties we are experiencing in the Salt Lake City area in some of our amateur
radio communications.
This is for to you because we believe it to be of particular interest to you division. As you will note, we are requesting special
assistants anything you can do to aid us in affirming the action to put an end to this problem will be appreciated.
Yours truly Robert Finch:
Statement by Michael G. Mladejovsky WA7ARK 1068 Barbara Place, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102
The following statement concerned the nature of the interference experienced by the state of Utah defense repeater station
WA7AKI. A history of this interference in periods is as follows:
the equipment from which the repeater is constructed was obtained by the state of Utah in January 1969. By the end of January
or early February the repeater was in operation at the location or at the residence of Patrick Buller. The equipment was set up as
repeater and worked successfully for a period of 10 days. After 7 February 1969 the following problem was experienced.
Whenever the transmitter on 146.94 MHz was keyed, a week and modulated signal would appear at the input of the receiver on
146.340 MHz. The signal was of sufficient strength to activate the carrier operated relay on the receiver and to keep the
transmitter keyed. Because the signal coming back was a result of a mixed process that took place externally it was an audio path
from the receiver to the transmitter and to the external mixing device, this would cause the audio feedback which resulted in a
loud call or squeal. At the time this first happened, the people involved in the construction of the repeater rationalized that the
problem as an existing because of some inner mod or mixing that was occurring because of some nonlinear device or ailment in
the immediate vicinity of the repeater. Several attempts were made to locate the source of this week signal and to identify the
other possibility comports which were causing it. We felt, if this mixing process where occurring, then one of the other
commercial transmitters in the vicinity was contributing to the problem. We spent continual time and effort in making the search
but were flustered. After a period of approximately 4 to 5 weeks, we decided that the problem was particular to the location, and
we moved the repeater to the home of Michael Mladejovsky.
The repeater was fully operational without any trace of the feedback that was noted that Mr. Bowlers location. The repeater
remained at the home of Michael Mladejovsky for approximately 4 weeks and then move to the engine peak location on 13 April
1969. When the repeater was activated for the first time on engine peak, the feedback again occurred. The problem was identical
in nature to what had been experienced that Mr. Bowlers location. Considerable more time and effort were expanded in trying to
pinpoint the source of the signal they would cause the repeater to lock up.
We may test to determine that the feedback signal was the results of the first order mixing with the 146.94 transmitted signal that
is to say when the 146.94 transmitter was offset one Casey high, the signal of the receiver saw there was also move up one Casey.
The strength of the signal on the 146.34 MHz was in the order of 4 to 5 uV. Up to this time the problem was present on a 24-hour
a day basis that is to say whenever the 9/but it was keyed the system would lock up.
On 2 May 1969 six weeks after repeater was moved to engine peak, there was an incident of overt physical sabotage where entry
was gained to the building in which the repeater was housed and physically demonstrate damage to the equipment.
(Transformers in the repeater were shorted our causing damage to many components.) After the physical damage had been
restored or repaired, the feedback problem of disappeared.
14 May 1969 the feedback problem came back with a new twist. After this time, the interference or feedback was, or appeared to
be, a random type duty cycle. The feedback would last for as little as five minutes at a time or up to three or four hours of time.
This made it very difficult to attempt to locate the source. There was no observation pattern to the occurrence of the pop. At this
point we begin to rationalize that the problem was being result of the fact that there were many high-powered transmitters on
engine peak, we attempted to correlate the occurrence of the feedback to the other transmitters on the hill. No such correlation
was possible, and we then use directional antennas and portable receiving equipment to attempt to locate the direction from
which the feedback signal was a emanating. Results obtained were not conclusive, although the signal seem to be coming from
the steel tower on which the antennas were mounted.
We later received intelligence to the effect that there was indeed a jamming device planted on engine peak. As results of this
knowledge, Mr. Pat Bowler and Mr. Craig Jensen molecule supply went looking for the device very carefully. They examine the
site and discover to find copper wire attached to one of the guy wires on the tower. The wire led them to a buried canister at
which point they called for appropriate authorities. The device was removed by the Salt Lake City Police Department and is in
their evidence room.
The schematic diagrams of the device was subsequently drawn out by Mr. Bowler, and the device consists of basically four
different components. The first of these was a battery pack in which had sufficient capacity to keep the unit operating for months.
The second of the components was a 600 kHz crystal oscillator. The output of the oscillator was coupled to a diode which
provided a nonlinear device in which the mixing took place. Since the spacing between the input and output frequency of the
repeater is exactly 600 Casey’s, one of the transmitter keyed, the output would mix with the 600 Casey’s signal in the diode and
produces spurious signal on 146.34. There were also spares signal 6C above the 146.94. The fourth component of the device
included three free running multivibrators whose period was several hours. The output of the multiply printer combined in an
circuit which turned the 600 KHz oscillator on and off. This gave the pseudo-random nature t the interference. us later on and
off. This gave the pseudorandom nature to the interference.
The effect fullness of the jamming device can be described as being very effective. Because the signal coming in on 140 634 was
around 4 to 5 micro votes in signal strength, and a stronger signal could override the interfering signal. This meant that the
system was not totally unusable but since the audio feed back problem was present wherever there was no incoming signal, it
made the system unusable from the standpoint that it could not be left on around the clock basis. We were not able to use the
system at all on a day-to-day basis and tell about four November when we relocated the receiving antenna to the point of parsley
300 foot further up the hill. At that location the interference signal was still detectable, but it now has or effective strength of one
or two uV. This meant that we could close the squelch on the receiver to appoint where there is signal would no longer activate
the carrier-operator really.
The jamming device would take any strong signal and rereading spurious signal 600 Casey’s above and below the incoming
signal. Since there were other high-powered transmitters belonging to the Utah State Highway Patrol and the state highway
department located at the same site, there were spurious signals radiated as results of these transmitters.
The problem becomes very complex when there is more than one transmitter operating at a time, because the diodes in the
jamming device also cause these transmitters to mix together and produce still other spurious signals. It has not been proven can
conclusively that this actual cause interference to the operating of the Highway Patrol and state highway department.
There were is no question that the device was intended solely for the purpose of disrupting the civil defense repeater. If the device
was intended for some of the repeater, the oscillator frequency what I have been the repeater spacing. It took the individuals who
are technically competent to design and construct such a device.
Michael G. Mladejovsky WA7ARK, at this time was doing his graduate work at the University of
Utah. His doctorate thesis was developing a devise using a camera and circuity connected to a
blind person’s brain so that could see. It you enter his name in your search engine, you will see
pages of patents and other projects including his work for Ratheon. He now lives in Arizona.
Pat Buller W7RQT, graduated professional Engineer who later headed up the Washington State
Telecommunication System,
Craig Jensen W7AWY Engineer for Mountain Fuel Supply.
I can’t remember Bob Petersen or who he was or call sign.
G. D. Carlyle Thompson, M. D., H. P. H.
Director of Health
E. Arnold Issacson, M. D., H.P.H.
George H. Incichen
Coordinator, Disaster Health Services
Comments on Utah’s participation in the 24th annual national simulated Emergency Test (SET) conducted to
24 January 1970.
The communication exercise carried out by the American Radio Relay league in cooperation with the state medical society, the
Utah state division of health, and the Utah office of civil defense, in my opinion quite successful.
Under emergency conditions these amateur operators would have been of great value in helping to the local medical resources
throughout the state of Utah. It is my belief that their organization should be included in the overall state plan for disaster
The exercise pointed up a number of weaknesses in communication system, and I’m sure that much improvement in
communication methodology will be in the subsequent show exercises.
The only incident morning the otherwise excellent exercise was the interference with transmissions and receipt of messages
which, I was told, was caused by a person or persons early trying to jam the transmissions. If this is the case, such person should
be, in my opinion, be prosecuted for their activities.
George H Incichen
Coordinator, Disaster Health Services
CC: Landon G Beals, M. D.
Mr. Russell Bateman
1970-03-03 Ogden standard examiner
Illegal radio operation brings felony charge defense test jammed
Salt Lake City Utah UPI- a 32-year-old oral Utah man was arraigned here Monday on charges of transmitting
on an illegal radio frequency for the purpose of jamming Utah civil defense radio network. Robert Paul Brickey,
described by the police as an extreme intelligent and talented electronics engineer, was also legally responsible
for designing and planning at $200 jamming device beneath a civil defense microwave tower in November of last
A member of Salt Lake’s police intelligence division said Brickey was out of jail on his own recognition think
when he was captured Saturday afternoon while jamming the network.
A felony
the latest fez took place during the national civil defense test it is considered a felony. The spokesman said Sgt. Harvey Patrick,
chief intelligence, relied largely on local ham operators to construct a strength meter which could track the source of the most
recent interference.
Using the device Patrick work with for a number of weeks before discovering that the interference was coming from a vehicle
which traveled into Salt Lake city every day from point of the mountain to about 20 miles south of Salt Lake.
When the car was singled out, Patrick was able to trace it to Brickey.
On Saturday, the day of the national test the suspect came around point of the mountain just like clockwork, the police
spokesman said.
Patrick monitored the car all day, and made some good recordings and later that night made an arrest as Becky was leaving
town. On his official report Patrick listed the motive for the jamming as sabotage.
Battery pack
the police spokesman said Brickey’s actions were probably prompted by a professional rivalry between a radio club and Provo
Utah which Brickey was a member at a local Salt Lake City club which is closely affiliated with civil defense workers. Clifford
package discovered last year buried beneath the mic with tower near the state capital was part by large battery pack and housed
in a waterproof container.
The device which is one state engineer called an accomplishment of knowledgeable engineering, had been disrupting civil
defense and state Highway patrol communications for nine months.
October 16, 1970
Mr. Russell Bateman
State Communications Officer State of Utah, Council of Defense Office of
Defense and Emergency 1543 Sunnyside Avenue
P. 0. Box 8100
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Mr. Bateman:
We have received your letter dated October 7, 1970. The information supplied therein concerning Robert Brickey is useful. However, the following
additional information is sought:
1. What are your qualifications in radio and electronics? In particular, what training and experience in radio and electronics do
you possess and what radio licenses issued by the Commission do you hold (how long have you held them?)?
2. How do you know the interference you observed was not caused by factors other than Brickey's device such as the other
transmitters located on Ensign Peak? Can you testify as an expert witness that the interference you observed could not
have been caused by other factors than Brickey's device?
3. Have you examined the device that Brickey planted or schematics of it? If so, can you testify as an expert that it is
capable of and would, in fact, create the type of interference observed, if in proper operating condition?
Was Brickey's device found to be in proper operating condition (do you know this from your personal knowledge?)?
If there were other factors which may have caused the interference, what were they?If there were other factors which
may have caused the interference, what are they?
If there were other factors which may have caused the interference, what are they?
Thank you for your interest in this matter. Please use the enclosed addressed envelope for your reply.
Sincerely yours,
Thomas D. Fitz-Gibbon Attorney
1970-10-07 FCC Russ
Official State of Utah Letterhead.
Sec. Federal Communications Commission Washington DC
Attn: Thomas D Fitts – Gibbons attorney
legal advisory and enforcement division room 408
Dear Mr. Fitz-Gibbon
the following is information furnished in reply to your letter of 2 October 1970 received by this office on
October 6, 1970. Although my records are not as complete as those of the Utah VHF society and the Salt Lake City
pleas, I will try and answer those questions that I have information in my files.
Due to the previous problems, at which time the repeater was seriously damaged, I asked the VHF society to handle
everything through the Salt Lake City police and to maintain a good record system. The previous problem included
the damage of transmitter and other components by unknown persons(review to Jim Downey, Salt Lake office of the
At the time were chastised by the Salt Lake City pleas for destroying evidence to masking repairs prior to the police
investigation. The jamming device on the hill was found as a recent trip by Michael L Prestridge that there was such a
device while conversing with Phil Bullock. All actions in this case has been closely supervised by the Salt Lake City police. In
answer to Pacific questions, the following is furnished:
I did not personally observe the interference on the dates of seven February through nine March – was only told about
I did observe the interference during the period of two may through 13 to November 1969.
I did observe the interference during the dates of October in addition to many other dates not listed.
I can testify to the interference on 8 October 1969 and 27 October the notes in my log and also in the logging tapes. I
can also testify for 24 January 1970. The jamming on eight and 27 October was an interfering signal with feedback
which would lock up the repeater. The interference on 24 January 1970 was a pulsing signal.
I have no factual information from my own experiences that the above signal was caused by Mr. Brickey. However,
having been in communication with Sgt. Patrick on the police frequencies at the time he pulled Mr. Brickey over, I
noted that the interference stopped. I also noted that the test made by Mr. Tom you learned K7GQE, now with a
Highway Patrol, who was accompanying Sgt. Patrick, appeared to be the same. At that time I also observed the charts
been made by Mr. buller.
Names and addresses of personnel observing the interference. A list of 20 or 40 participants could be made, but the
following list of names with the main persons.
Sgt. Patrick Salt Lake City Police Department
Lieut. W. L. Robinson SLPD
Sgt.Batey Salt Lake City PD
Tom Uland K7GQE Utah Highway Patrol
Patrick E. Buller W7RQT Utah Power & Light
Phil Bullock W7VEO
Landon G Beales MD K7OIO
Greg Jensen K7AWY
Carol F Soper K7SOT
Mike Mladejovsky W7ARK
Robert R. Finch WA7KGG
2. I am enclosing a copy of a letter written by the Utah relay club that was mentioned to Mr. Smith. However it was signed by Mr.
3. I have not seen the Salt Lake City police report and, therefore cannot comment. Mr. Buller and Mr. Finch have worked closely
together with Salt Lake City PD and should be contacted for this information
4. I am the trustee of the repeater WA seven a.k.a. I and try to keep a close watch over the operation. The management and work
on the repeater is handled by the Utah VHF society. I am also involved in many other activities such as deputy Wing Commander
for the Utah wing, civil air patrol, co-author the Utah state telecommunications study, cochairman of Utah telecommunications
emergency resources management committee, a member of the state industrial advisory committee, member of the Salt Lake
County Jeep patrol, state search and rescue coordinator and communication officers for the state office of civil defense and
emergency preparedness, a member of the associated public safety communication officers, and inactive church worker.
Therefore my involvement in amateur radio program is only one of my many responsibilities.
I feel that if Michael Prestridge’s and-year-old, he would provide considerable amount of information. He is dominated by bricky
but I think he would be honest in testifying. It is my opinion that he has been with Brickey in most of the activity.
5. I am certainly willing to testify in the hearing. However I do not have the funds to make the trip to Washington, DC. It is my
recommendation that this hearing be moved Salt Lake City for ease of access to many witnesses and evidence which are here.
If I can be of further assistance please contact me.
Yours truly Russell R Bateman communications officer