Glad Tidings Church - #1 March-April 2015 Small Group Discussion Guide GROWTH TRACK “Jesus Talks with a Samaritan Woman” As the discussion leader, there are a few things to keep in mind for your small group: Pray for your group discussion time! Familiarize yourself with the discussion questions prior to your group meeting. Choose a few questions from the guide which you feel will generate the most discussion. Let the group share 80% of the time, the leader 20% of the time. Encourage everyone share. Text: John 4:7-30 “Jesus Talks with a Samaritan Woman” To start the meeting: When you were growing up, who were the people you were told to avoid? What part of the city or country would you be warned about? What would have happened if you had gone there? When you’re really thirsty, what quenches your thirst the best? Where was your favorite “watering hole” to hang out as a teenager? Share the scriptures: 1. Why were the disciples surprised to find Jesus with this woman? 2. How would you describe this woman’s response for most of her conversation with Jesus? 3. What most influenced the woman to consider that the man she was talking to was the messiah? 4. Jesus offered this woman “living water” for what she was thirsting for in her life. What do you think she really wanted? 5. What does “leaving her water jar” reveal about Jesus’ impact on the woman? How did she affect others? 6. Jesus overcame social and cultural differences to reach this woman. How can you overcome those same barriers? 7. How would you like this group to pray for you? Closing Questions: 1. What are you thirsting for most in life right now? What do you need to do to relieve your spiritual thirst? 2. Considering your interest in “spiritual things”, are you more like the disciples or the woman? Why? 3. Is doing God’s will as essential to you as eating food? Prayer: 1. Ask if there are any needs that haven’t been mentioned. 2. Ask certain members of the group to pray specifically for the needs that are mentioned. Glad Tidings Church - #2 March-April 2015 Small Group Discussion Guide GROWTH TRACK “Calling of the First Disciples” As the discussion leader, there are a few things to keep in mind for your small group: Pray for your group discussion time! Familiarize yourself with the discussion questions prior to your group meeting. Choose a few questions from the guide which you feel will generate the most discussion. Let the group to share 80% of the time, the leader 20% of the time. Encourage everyone share Text: Luke 5:1-11 “Calling of the First Disciples” To start the meeting: What was your first paying job you had? What’s the biggest fish you’ve ever caught? What is the best thing that happened to you this past week? Share the scriptures: 1. If you had been Simon Peter when Jesus said, “Put out into the deep water, and let down the nets for a catch”, what would you have done? 2. Why did Peter say, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”? 3. What do you think Peter was thinking and feeling in verse 5? Verse 7? Verse 8? 4. How did this miracle affect Peter? Why did this have a more profound effect on him than the healing of his mother-in-law? 5. How do these fishermen’s decisions to leave everything strike you? 6. Of the decisions Peter and his friends made, which do you have the hardest time making? 7. How would you like this group to pray for you? Closing Questions: 1. When was the first time you felt the tug of Jesus on your heart? 2. How does the call to leave your nets behind and follow Jesus (to “catch men”) sound to you? 3. How would you characterize your willingness to be a disciple? Prayer: 1. Ask if there are any needs that haven’t been mentioned. 2. Ask certain members of the group to pray specifically for the needs that are mentioned. Glad Tidings Church - #3 March-April 2015 Small Group Discussion Guide GROWTH TRACK “The Calling of Levi” As the discussion leader, there are a few things to keep in mind for your small group: Pray for your group discussion time! Familiarize yourself with the discussion questions prior to your group meeting. Choose a few questions from the guide which you feel will generate the most discussion. Let the group to share 80% of the time, the leader 20% of the time. Encourage everyone share Text: Luke 5:27–39 “The Calling of Levi” To start the meeting: A famous person you admire is coming to dine with you tomorrow. What would you do to get ready? What’s the best party you’ve been to lately: wedding reception? Super Bowl? Birthday? Other? What made it good? When have you gone to a party or event where you didn’t “fit in”? Share the scriptures: 1. Why do you suppose Jesus called a despised tax collector like Levi to follow him? 2. Tax collectors lined their pockets with money they collected. How might the disciples feel about Jesus’ choice? 3. Why choose Levi? What is the irony here (vv. 31-32)? 4. What is Jesus implying by the parable in verses 34–35? In verses 36–39? 5. Why do you think Jesus attended a dinner party with a bunch of tax collectors and “sinners”? 6. When Jesus said, “I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance,” what did he mean? 7. How would you like this group to pray for you? Closing Questions: 1. How do you usually relate to people others tend to look down on? 2. Generally, how receptive are you to “new wine”? 3. What is something you and your group can do to reach out to “sinners” and other persons considered unacceptable? Prayer: 1. Ask if there are any needs that haven’t been mentioned. 2. Ask certain members of the group to pray specifically for the needs that are mentioned. Glad Tidings Church - #4 March-April 2015 Small Group Discussion Guide GROWTH TRACK “Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman” As the discussion leader, there are a few things to keep in mind for your small group: Pray for your group discussion time! Familiarize yourself with the discussion questions prior to your group meeting. Choose a few questions from the guide which you feel will generate the most discussion. Let the group to share 80% of the time, the leader 20% of the time. Encourage everyone share Text: Luke 7:36-50 “Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman” To start the meeting: What is one special gift you’ve received from your children or parents? What is your favorite perfume or cologne? Who is the most affectionate person in your family? Share the scriptures: 1. Why do you think this woman came to the Pharisees’ house? 2. What risk was this “sinful woman” taking in coming to the house of Simon, the Pharisee? What does this tell you about her state of mind? 3. What does Jesus see in this woman that Simon does not? How does this affect Jesus’ actions toward her? In this passage, what seems to be Jesus’ main concern? Simon’s main concern? 4. How would you have felt watching the woman anoint Jesus? 5. What are the implications of Jesus’ words in the passage? 6. Who can you identify with most in the story right now? 7. How would you like this group to pray for you? Closing Questions: 1. What have you found to be the hardest thing about dealing with sin and failure? 2. What needs to happen for you to feel the kind of forgiveness this woman felt? 3. How difficult is it for you to express your love in a relationship with Jesus? Prayer: 1. Ask if there are any needs that haven’t been mentioned. 2. Ask certain members of the group to pray specifically for the needs that are mentioned. Glad Tidings Church - #5 March-April 2015 Small Group Discussion Guide GROWTH TRACK “The Rich Young Man” As the discussion leader, there are a few things to keep in mind for your small group: Pray for your group discussion time! Familiarize yourself with the discussion questions prior to your group meeting. Choose a few questions from the guide which you feel will generate the most discussion. Let the group to share 80% of the time, the leader 20% of the time. Encourage everyone share Text: Mark 10:17–31 “The Rich Young Man” To start the meeting: Did you choose the job you are in for money, fulfillment, or the chance to make a contribution? If your house were on fire, what three items would you try to save? Share the scriptures: 1. How do you feel about the rich young man? 2. What would you do if Jesus asked you to sell everything you had and give the proceeds to the poor? 3. Why did the rich young man ask the question in verse 17? What might have been missing in his life? 4. By choosing his wealth over a loving relationship with Christ, what was the young main gaining? What was he forfeiting? 5. Why is it so hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (vv. 23–25)? 6. What does the disciples’ shock reveal about them? On what basis is it possible for anyone to receive the kingdom? 7. How would you like this group to pray for you? Closing Questions: 1. How much has your commitment to Jesus Christ and his way of life influenced your values? 2. If Jesus were to evaluate your life, what would he say holds you back from being fully committed to God? 3. Name one thing you can do this week to let go of material things and embrace God’s kingdom more fully. Prayer: 1. Ask if there are any needs that haven’t been mentioned. 2. Ask certain members of the group to pray specifically for the needs that are mentioned.