Financial Analysis, Planning and Forecasting Theory and Application Chapter 18 Short-term Financial Analysis and Planning By Alice C. Lee San Francisco State University John C. Lee J.P. Morgan Chase Cheng F. Lee Rutgers University Outline 18.1 Introduction 18.2 The components of working capital 18.3The concept of cash flow 18.4 Cash flow vs. funds flow 18.5 Organizing for short-term financial planning principles 18.6 The cash flow cycle and its calculation 18.7 Cash flow forecasting, budgeting, and planning 18.8 The cash budget 18.9 Demand-driven, capital-driven, and cost-driven cash budgets 18.10 Users of cash forecasts and business plans 18.11 Planning horizons and time intervals of cash budgets 18.12 From forecasting to budgeting to planning 18.13 Summary Appendix 18A. Time-series components of sales 18.1 Introduction 18.2 The components of working capital 18.3 The concept of cash flow Exhibit 18-1 Flow of Funds Investment flow Marketable Securities Uses (Outflows) Excess cash Financial Flow Sources (Inflows) Productive Capital Inventory Building Equipment Labor Raw material Other Sources (Inflows) Accounts receivable Cash sales Collection of A/ R Cash Bank loans Trade credit Term loans Commercial paper Bonds Equity Uses (Outflows) Taxes Interest Dividends Principal payments 18.4Cash flow vs. funds flow 18.5 Organizing for short-term financial planning principles Exhibit 18-2 Cash Planning and Management Resources Size of Organization Officers in Charge Staff Size Small President / Treasurer Vice President / Controller 0-2 Medium Treasurer Assistant Treasurer 1-10 Large Assistant Treasurer Over 10 18.5 Organizing for short-term financial planning principles Figure 18-1 Matching Maturities of Financing Sources and Assets $ Short-term Financing Variable Short-term Assets Long-term Financing Permanent Long-term Assets Time 18.5 Organizing for short-term financial planning principles Exhibit 18-3 Problems Associated with Balancing Liquidity and Profitability Working Capital Component Forms Cash Dollars Demand Deposits Risk of running out of cash: illiquidity, insolvency Money market Investments (T-bills, CDs, commercial paper, etc.) Insufficient safety margin to meet excepted and unexpected cash requirements Marketable Securities Accounts Receivable Open-book accounts of customers Problem If Component Is Too Small Credit policy may be too strict and noncompetitive Demand for product or services is falling Problem If Component Is Too Large Loss of return from money market investments Misuse of scarce investor capital needed for real investment Credit policy may be over-generous Collection problems Costly use of resources 18.5 Organizing for short-term financial planning principles Exhibit 18-3 Problems Associated with Balancing Liquidity and Profitability (Cont.) Working Capital Component Inventory Short-Term Financing Forms Raw Materials Work in process Finished goods Bank loans Lines of credit Commercial paper Problem If Component Is Too Small Problem If Component Is Too Large Inability to meet demand Loss of sales Production interruptions Costs of carry: storage insurance and handling will be higher than necessary Risk of obsolescence Not able to carry sufficient short-term assets to meet demand or operating requirements Very costly; may be financing many idle assets that may not be productive 18.6 The cash flow cycle and its calculation Cash flow cycle average age of inventory average age of accounts receivable average age of accounts payable number of days in the planning period average inventory average accounts receivable ( cash operating expenditures sales average accounts payable ) cost of goods sold (18-1) where average inventory = (beginning inventory+ ending inventory)/ 2; average accounts receivable(AR) =(beginning AR+ending AR)/2; and average accounts payable(AP)=(beginning AP+ending AP) /2. 18.6 The cash flow cycle and its calculation managerial actions = inventory financing, collateral for loans, liquidation + factoring, pledging, altering credit terms, tightening collection, policies, speeding up billing procedures - change payment frequency, stretch out payables (forego discounts) (18-2) 18.6 The cash flow cycle and its calculation Exhibit 18-4 Speedy Maintenance, Inc., Financial Statement Balance Sheet 31 December 19XX 31 December 19X1 31 December 19XX 31 December 19X1 Cash Marketable securities $10,000 5,000 $15,000 5,000 Wages payable Accounts payable $15,000 45,000 $15,000 55,000 Accounts receivable Inventory 65,000 85,000 Mortgage payable Bank note payable 25,000 130,000 25,000 130,000 Cleaning supplies 18,000 21,000 Common stock 50,000 50,000 Cleaning equipment 50,000 54,000 Retained earnings 8,000 25,000 Trucks(net) 80,000 75,000 Building ( office and garage) 45,000 45,000 $273,000 $300,000 Total Liabilities Total Assets $273,000 $300,000 + Equity 18.6 The cash flow cycle and its calculation Exhibit 18-4 Speedy Maintenance, Inc., Financial Statement (Cont.) Income Statement (for year ending 31 December) 19XX 19X1 $379,000 $430,500 250,222 290,000 70,000 70,000 50,000 50,000 Taxable income 9,600 20,500 Income tax 1,600 3,500 Net income $8,000 $17,000 Sales Cost of services supplied Labor Supplies Operating expenses 18,000+21,000 65, 000 85, 000 45, 000 55, 000 2 2 2 cash flow cycle = 365 365 365 70,000 430,500 360, 000 = 102 days + 64 days 51 days = 115 days 18.6 The cash flow cycle and its calculation Exhibit 18-5 Financing Costs of Speedy’s Cash Flow Cycle Assets Average Amount Invested [(being+end)/2] Estimated Cost of Financing (average investment × days × interest rate ÷ 365) 10﹪ 15﹪ 20﹪ Average Investment period in Days Cleaning supplies $19,500 102 $ 545 $ 817 $1,090 Accounts receivable $75,000 64 1,315 1,973 2,630 Accounts payable $50,000 51 (699) (1,048) (1,397) 115 $1,161 $1,742 $2,323 Total cost to finance 18.6 The cash flow cycle and its calculation Exhibit 18-6 speedy Maintenance Contract XYZ Total contract =$120,000 for one year Payment terms =$10,000 on the last day of each month Cost of supplies per month =$2,000 Cost of labor per month =$7,500 (workers paid weekly) Cash flow cycle= average age of inventory + average age of AR - average age of AP 2,000+0 0 10, 000 2, 000 7, 500 / 4 2 2 2 = 30 30 30 2,000 10, 000 9,500 = 15 days + 15 days - 6 days = 24 days 18.6 The cash flow cycle and its calculation Exhibit 18-6 speedy Maintenance Contract XYZ (Cont.) Assets Average Amount Invested Average Investment period in Days Cleaning supplies $1,000 15 $6.16 Accounts receivable 5,000 15 30.82 Accounts payable 1,938 6 (4.78) Total cost to finance Estimated Cost of Financing at 15﹪ $32.20 ×12 Total cost per year $386.40 Yearly Cost - Suggested Modifications Effects Make payments weekly Reduce A/R Make payments biomonthly Increase A/R Pay workers biomonthly Increase A/P Pay workers monthly Increase A/P 18.7 Cash flow forecasting, budgeting, and planning 18.8 The cash budget 18.9 Demand-driven, capital-driven, and cost-driven cash budgets Table 18-1 Sales and Cash Flow Nov. $100,000 Dec. $100,000 Jan. $100,000 Feb. $50,000 Mar. $75,000 Apr. $100,000 May. $100,000 Cash sales( 20﹪of current months sales) $20,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $20,000 Collection of A/R (70﹪of previous months) 70,000 70,000 35,000 52,500 70,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 5,000 7,500 $100,000 $90,000 $60,000 $77,500 $97,500 Sales Collection of A/R (10﹪of months t-2) Cash from collection of Sales and A/R 18.10 Users of cash forecasts and business plans 18.11 Planning horizons and time intervals of cash budgets Exhibit 18-7 Cash Flow Budgets and Planning Intervals A. Monthly Planning Interval Beginning cash balance $30,000 Cash inflows A/R collections 55,000 Licensing fee collections 25,000 Sale of surplus assets 15,000 Total cash inflow $95,000 $125,000 Total cash available Cash outflows Salaries and wages Raw material purchases Supplies $24,000 19,500 5,000 Rent 14,000 Income tax payment 25,000 Payroll taxes Total cash outflows Cash at end of month 7,500 $95,000 $30,000 18.11 Planning horizons and time intervals of cash budgets Exhibit 18-7 Cash Flow Budgets and Planning Intervals (Cont.) B. Weekly Planning Interval Beginning cash balance Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 $30,000 ($2,250) ($9,500) ($2,250) $12,000 $15,000 $11,000 $17,000 Cash inflows A/R collections Licensing fee collections 25,000 Sale of surplus assets 10,000 5000 Total cash inflow $12,000 $15,000 $21,000 $47,000 Total cash available $42,000 $12,750 $11,500 $44,750 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 Raw material purchases 5,500 5,000 4,000 5,000 Supplies 1,250 1,250 1,250 1,250 Rent 6,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Cash outflows Salaries and wages Income tax payment 25,000 Payroll taxes Total cash outflows Cash at end of month 7,500 $44,250 $22,250 $13,750 $14,750 ($2,250) ($9,500) ($2,250) $30,000 18.12 From forecasting to budgeting to planning Exhibit 18-8 Assumptions for Cash Inflows and Outflows Worst Case Most Likely Best Case Revenues 5﹪ decline Same as last year 10﹪increase Credit sales 95﹪ of sales volume 90﹪ of sales volume 85﹪ of sales volume Collection experience 80﹪ in 30 days 85﹪ in 30 days 100﹪ in 30 days 10﹪ in 60 days 10﹪ in 60 days 10﹪ in bad debts 5﹪in bad debts Expenses 5﹪ increase Same as last year 3﹪ decline Capital expenditures $0 $100,000 in February $150,000 in February 18.12 From forecasting to budgeting to planning Exhibit 18-9 Six-Month Cash Flow Forecast January Beginning cash balance Cash sales and collection of A/R Insurance claims Dividends and interests Most Likely Case February March April May June $20,000 $16,000 ($63,000) ($3,000) ($5,000) $25,000 50,000 65,000 75,000 65,000 75,000 65,000 25,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 Total cash inflows $55,000 $67,000 $100,000 $70,000 $75,000 $67,000 Total cash available Cash Outflow Labor wages Salary Raw material payment Dividends Income taxes New equipment $75,000 $83,000 $37,000 $67,000 $70,000 $92,000 $23,000 5,000 $25,000 5,000 $25,000 5,000 $25,000 5,000 $25,000 5,000 $25,000 5,000 4,000 16,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 2,000 25,000 2,000 2,000 25,000 100,000 Total cash outflow $59,000 $146,000 $40,000 $72,000 $45,000 $40,000 Cash at end of month $16,000 ($63,000) ($3,000) ($5,000) $25,000 $52,000 18.12 From forecasting to budgeting to planning Exhibit 18-9 Six-Month Cash Flow Forecast (Cont.) January Beginning cash balance Cash sales and collection of A/R February Worst Case March May June $15,000 $12,500 $26,500 $82,500 $83,500 $109,500 47,500 62,000 70,000 62,000 70,000 62,000 Insurance claims Dividends and interests April 25,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 2,000 Total cash inflows $52,500 $64,000 $95,000 $67,000 $70,000 $64,000 Total cash available $67,500 $66,500 $121,500 $149,500 $153,500 $173,500 $25,000 $25,000 $26,000 $26,000 $26,000 $26,000 Salary 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Raw material payment 3,000 10,000 8,000 13,000 13,000 10,000 Cash Outflow Labor wages Dividends Income taxes New equipment 2,000 20,000 2,000 20,000 - Total cash outflow $55,000 $40,000 $39,000 $66,000 $44,000 $41,000 Cash at end of month $12,500 $26,500 $82,500 $83,500 $109,500 $132,500 18.12 From forecasting to budgeting to planning Exhibit 18-9 Six-Month Cash Flow Forecast (Cont.) Best Case Beginning cash balance Cash sales and collection of A/R Insurance claims Dividends and interests January February March April May June $25,000 $17,000 ($112,000) ($49,000) ($55,000) $29,000 55,000 70,000 85,000 73,000 78,000 73,000 25,000 6,000 3,000 6,000 3,000 Total cash inflows $61,000 $73,000 $110,000 $79,000 $78,000 $76,000 Total cash available $86,000 $90,000 ($ 2,000) $30,000 $23,000 $47,000 $25,000 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 $27,000 Salary 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Raw material payment 6,000 20,000 15,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 Cash Outflow Labor wages Dividends Income taxes 3,000 30,000 New equipment 3,000 30,000 150,000 Total cash outflow $69,000 $202,000 $47,000 $85,000 $52,000 $47,000 Cash at end of month $17,000 ($112,000) ($49,000) ($55,000) $29,000 $ 0 18.12 From forecasting to budgeting to planning Exhibit 18-10 Six-Month Most-Likely Cash Flow Plan* Beginning cash balance Cash inflows Collection of A/R Insurance claims Dividends and interests January $20,000 February $10,000 March $10,000 April $10,000 May $10,000 June $10,000 50,000 65,000 75,000 25,000 65,000 75,000 65,000 5,000 2,000 Maturing marketable securities* 5,000 10,100 43,531 2,000 498 30,803 Total cash inflows $55,000 $77,000 $143,531 $70,000 $75,498 $97,803 Total cash available $75,000 $87,100 $153,531 $80,000 $85,498 $107,803 $23,000 5,000 $25,000 5,000 4,000 $25,000 5,000 16,000 $25,000 5,000 10,000 2,000 25,000 2,506 $25,000 5,000 15,000 $25,000 5,000 15,000 Cash Outflow Labor wages Salary Raw material payment Dividends Income tax Payoff line of credit** 2,000 25,000 New equipment Total cash outflow Cash available Minimum cash balance Marketable securities at 12﹪/year Short-term borrowing at 18﹪/year 100,000 $55,000 $34,000 $146,000 $69,506 $45,000 $45,000 20,000 10,000 $10,000 53,100 10,000 $43,100 7,531 10,000 10,494 10,000 $494 40,498 10,000 $30,498 62,803 10,000 $52,803 $2,469 * It is assumed that the marketable securities are invested for one month at one percent interest (12﹪/12 months = 1﹪/ month) 10,000 × 1.01 = $10,100 for February ** It is assumed that the borrowing is done for one month at 1.5 percent interest (18﹪/12 months = 1.5﹪/ month) 2,469 × 1.015 = $2,506 for April 18.13 Summary In Chapter 18, we have identified and defined cash flow and related it to the accounting-based concept of funds flow. The short-term financial manager is much more concerned with the actual cash flowing through the firm on a day-to-day basis than the long-term funds flow perspective. A three-scenario approach to short-term financial planning (using worst, most-likely, and best-case scenarios) is recommended because future events cannot always be forecasted with accuracy. For this reason, the initial step of the planning process involves making educated guesses about future cash flows that cover a reasonable range of possible situations. In both budgeting and planning, the cash flow manager should ask the following questions: Dose this plan makes sense in light of my own experience? Does it coincide with what I expect to happen during the coming year? 18.13 Summary Throughout the planning process, there should be a feedback mechanism that enables the short-term financial planner to update the forecast in light of new information and/or a new understanding of the situation that may come about from actually preparing the budget and the plan. Cash flow managers must understand that the process itself is the most important aspect of shortterm financial management. The final plan is not definitive. It serves only to guide future courses of action and decisions and is subject to continual revision. The final part of the chapter demonstrated the interrelationship of forecasting, budgeting, and planning. Once the problems have been defined, a financial planner must generate alternatives that will lead to satisfactory solutions. The material in the next two chapters expands on the possible alternatives available to the financial planner. In most cases, there is more than one way to solve a problem. Sometimes, it is worth the extra effort to look for the optimal solution; sometimes it is not. With experience, the financial manager learns when to use a satisfactory solution that may not be the best one theoretically. It makes little sense to spend a lot of time and make many improvements on a plan that will only marginally improve performance. Appendix 18A. Time-series components of sales Figure 18A-1 Sales ($) Years 1 2 3 4 5 (A) Trend-Cycle (c) 6 Appendix 18A. Time-series components of sales Figure 18A-1 (Cont.) Sales ($) Quarters 1 2 3 4 (B) Seasonal (s) 5 6 Appendix 18A. Time-series components of sales Figure 18A-1 (Cont.) Sales ($) Years 1 2 3 4 (C) Irregular (I) 5 6 Appendix 18A. Time-series components of sales 2 2 2 2 O I C S t t t (18A-1) t Table 18A-1 Original Quarterly Sales Data for IBM, 1969 to 1982 ($millions) Original Series Year 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter Total 1969 1,685 1,832 1,778 1,903 7,198 1970 1,721 1,874 1,914 1,996 7,505 1971 1,870 1,942 2,082 2,380 8,274 1972 2,312 2,365 2,334 2,522 9,533 1973 2,451 2,547 2,756 3,240 10,994 1974 3,002 3,260 3,125 3,288 12,675 1975 3,272 3,496 3,600 4,068 14,436 1976 3,815 4,014 3,957 4,519 16,305 1977 4,090 4,419 4,586 5,038 18,133 1978 4,432 4,921 5,284 6,439 21,076 1979 5,295 5,355 5,384 6,829 22,863 1980 5,748 6,181 6,481 7,805 26,215 1981 6,461 6,895 6,721 8,993 29,070 1982 7,066 8,053 8,171 11,074 34,364 Appendix 18A. Time-series components of sales Table 18A-2 Mean of the Absolute Average Percent Changes in Sales Related to Trend-Cycle, Seasonal, and Irregular Components for One-, Two, Three, and Four-Quarter Time Span, 1969 to 1982 (in percent) Span in Quarters Original Trend Cycle Seasonal Irregular 1 9.25 3.19 7.29 1.9 2 9.54 6.31 6.26 1.44 3 12.73 9.47 7.59 1.57 4 12.89 12.78 0.44 1.45 Appendix 18A. Time-series components of sales O 2 .0190 .0319 .0729 .08076 2 2 I component C component S component 2 I2 O ' 2 C2 O ' 2 S2 O ' 2 2 .00035 5.38% .006523 .00068 15.19% .006523 .005180 79.42% .006523 100.00% Appendix 18A. Time-series components of sales Table 18A-3 Relative Contributions of Components to Changes in IBM Sales for One-, Two-, Three-, and Four-quarter Time Spans, 1969 to 1982 (in percent) Span in Quarters Trend-Cycle Seasonal Irregular Total 1 15.13 80.82 4.03 100 2 45.51 51.73 2.76 100 3 58.46 40.35 1.19 100 4 98.40 .14 1.46 100