Selection Tests & Interviews ADMINISTRATION OF SELECTION TESTS Evidence suggests that the use of tests is becoming more prevalent for assessing an applicant’s qualifications and potential for success. Tests are used more in the public sector than in the private sector and in medium-sized and large companies than in small companies. Large organizations are likely to have trained specialists to run their testing programs. From an assessment standpoint, a test is a standardized series of problems or questions that assess a person’s knowledge, skills, abilities, or other characteristics. When do employment tests make the most sense? Employees affect an organization’s performance and profitability. Hiring or promoting people who are unsuitable costs time, money, and potential new business. Carefully developed and administered employment tests can provide organizations with a way to decide systematically and accurately which people have the ability to perform well on the job, will not turnover, won’t engage in counterproductive behaviors, or will be able to learn from training programs. Tests can also benefit individuals who are better matched to positions for which they are suited and in which they will wish to remain. A. ADVANTAGES OF SELECTION TESTS—Selection testing can be a reliable and accurate means of selecting qualified candidates from a pool of applicants. As with all selection procedures, it is important to identify the essential functions of each job and determine the skills needed to perform them. Selection tests must be job related. Because tests are standardized, they provide information about job candidates that is comparable for all applicants. Thus tests are useful in selection, promotions, performance appraisal and potential appraisal. B. POTENTIAL PROBLEMS USING SELECTION TESTS—Selection tests may accurately predict an applicant’s ability to perform the job, but they are less successful in indicating the extent to which the individual will want to perform it. Another potential problem, related primarily to personality tests and interest inventories, has to do with applicants’ honesty. Also there is the problem of test anxiety. Applicants often become quite anxious when confronting yet another hurdle that might eliminate them from consideration. C. CHARACTERISTICS OF PROPERLY DESIGNED SELECTION TESTS— Properly designed selection tests are standardized, objective, based on sound norms, reliable and— of utmost importance—valid. 1. Standardization: Refers to the uniformity of the procedures and conditions related to administering tests. It is necessary for all to take the test under conditions that are as close to identical as possible. 2. Objectivity: Achieved when all individuals scoring a given test obtain the same results. Types of Test & Interview/BIM/BBA/BBS Notes/Naresh Page 1 03/12/16 3. Norms: Provide a frame of reference for comparing applicants’ performance with that of others. A norm reflects the distribution of scores obtained by many people similar to the applicant being tested. The prospective employee’s test score is compared to the norm and the significance of the test score is determined. 4. Reliability: The extent to which a selection test provides consistent results. If a test has low reliability, its validity as a predictor will also be low. To validate reliability, a test must be verified. 5. Validity: The extent to which a test measures what it purports to measure. If a test cannot indicate ability to perform the job, it has no value as a predictor. TYPES OF EMPLOYMENT TESTS Individuals differ in characteristics related to job performance. These differences, which are measurable, relate to cognitive abilities, psychomotor abilities, job knowledge, work samples, vocational interests, and personality. Various tests measure these differences. There are different kinds of tests. Tests vary according to their mode of administration (e.g., paper and pencil vs. Webbased), their content (e.g., interpersonal skills, mathematical ability), their level of standardization or structure, their costs, their administrative ease, and many other factors. A. COGNITIVE APTITUDE TESTS—Measure an individual’s ability to learn, as well as to perform a job. Job-related abilities may be classified as verbal, numerical, perceptual speed, spatial, and reasoning. B. PSYCHOMOTOR ABILITIES TESTS—Measure strength, coordination, and dexterity. It is feasible to measure many abilities that are involved in many routine production jobs and some office jobs. C. JOB KNOWLEDGE TESTS—designed to measure a candidate’s knowledge of the duties of the position for which he or she is applying. D. WORK-SAMPLE TESTS (SIMULATIONS)—identify a task or set of tasks that are representative of the job. The evidence concerning these tests, to date, is that they produce high predictive validity, reduce adverse impact, and are more acceptable to applicants. E. VOCATIONAL INTEREST TESTS—indicate the occupation in which a person is most interested and is most likely to receive satisfaction. F. PERSONALITY TESTS—as selection tools, personality tests have not been as useful as other types of tests. They are often characterized by low reliability and low validity. Because some personality tests emphasize subjective interpretation, the services of a qualified psychologist are required. G. DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING—few issues generate more controversy today than drug testing. Proponents of drug-testing programs contend that it is necessary to ensure workplace safety, security, and productivity. H. GENETIC TESTING—as genetic research progresses, confirmed links between specific gene mutations and diseases are emerging. Genetic testing can now determine whether a person carries the gene mutation for certain diseases, including heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer, and Huntington’s disease. Types of Test & Interview/BIM/BBA/BBS Notes/Naresh Page 2 03/12/16 I. J. INTERNET TESTING—The Internet is increasingly being used to test various skills required by applicants. WRITTEN TEST THE EMPLOYMENT INTERVIEW A goal-oriented conversation in which the interviewer and applicant exchange information. The employment interview is especially significant because the applicants who reach this stage are considered to be the most promising candidates. OBJECTIVES OF INTERVIEW 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The objectives of interview are: To secure information through Face to Face Contact The first objective of a selection interview is to collect accurate and essential information about the candidates through face to face contact. Since an interview is a conversation with a purpose, the interviewers can easily find out different information regarding a candidate such as: his or her feelings, interest, ambition, desire etc. To provide the candidates with the facts of the job and the organization Selection interview is a two way proposition. Not only is the employer choosing an employee, but also the job seeker choosing an employer. He or she may reject many as being unsuitable for his or her needs. Therefore, the interview has a second purpose the giving of sufficient information about the organization, the job, and the people such that the applicant is able to make an intelligent decision on acceptance or rejection of the job if it should be offered. To gather qualitative facts The third objective of selection interview is to gather qualitative facts of the candidates or to see the inner view and feelings of the candidates. To study oral and speech aspects of behavior One of the major objectives of an interview is to study the candidate’s oral and speech aspects of behaviour. The interviewer focuses on language, facial and speech expression of the candidate and makes decisions about him or her. To judge and evaluate the suitability of the candidate to the job, basing on job and organizational requirements Basing on above facts, the main objective of an interview is to decide about the suitability of a candidate with reference to the job and the organizational requirement. A. INTERVIEW PLANNING—Interview planning is essential to effective employment interviews. The physical location of the interview should be both pleasant and private, providing for a minimum of interruptions. The interviewer should possess a pleasant personality, empathy and the ability to listen and communicate effectively. He or she should become familiar with the applicant’s qualifications by reviewing the data collected from other selection tools. In preparing for the interview, a job profile should be developed based on the job description. B. CONTENT OF THE INTERVIEW—The specific content of employment interviews varies greatly by organization and the level of the job concerned. Types of Test & Interview/BIM/BBA/BBS Notes/Naresh Page 3 03/12/16 1. Occupational experience: Exploring an individual’s occupational experience requires determining the applicant’s skills, abilities, and willingness to handle responsibility. 2. Academic achievement: In the absence of significant work experience, a person’s academic background takes on greater importance. 3. Interpersonal skills: If an individual cannot work well with other employees, chances for success are slim. This is especially true in today’s world with increasing emphasis being placed on the use of teams. 4. Personal qualities: Personal qualities normally observed during the interview include physical appearance, speaking ability, vocabulary, poise, adaptability, and assertiveness. 5. Organizational fit: A hiring criterion that is not prominently mentioned in the literature is organizational fit. Organizational fit is ill-defined but refers to management’s perception of the degree to which the prospective employee will fit in with, for example, the firm’s culture or value system. TYPES OF INTERVIEWS Interviews may be classified by the degree to which they are structured. A. THE UNSTRUCTURED (NONDIRECTIVE) INTERVIEW—An interview where probing, open-ended questions are asked. This type of interview is comprehensive, and the interviewer encourages the applicant to do much of the talking. B. THE STRUCTURED (DIRECTIVE OR PATTERNED) INTERVIEW—An interview consisting of a series of job-related questions that are asked consistently of each applicant for a particular job. A structured interview typically contains four types of questions. 1. Situational questions: Pose a hypothetical job situation to determine what the applicant would do in that situation. 2. Job knowledge questions: Probe the applicant’s job-related knowledge. 3. Job-sample simulation questions: Involve situations in which an applicant may be actually required to perform a sample task from the job. 4. Worker requirements questions: Seek to determine the applicant’s willingness to conform to the requirements of the job. C. BEHAVIOR DESCRIPTION INTERVIEWING—A structured interview that uses questions designed to probe the candidate’s past behavior in specific situations. It avoids making judgments about applicants’ personalities and avoids hypothetical and self-evaluative questions. Benchmark answers derived from behaviors of successful employees are prepared for use in rating applicant responses. Questions asked in behavior description interviewing are legally safe because they are job related. METHODS OF INTERVIEWING Interviews may be conducted in several ways. Types of Test & Interview/BIM/BBA/BBS Notes/Naresh Page 4 03/12/16 A. ONE-ON-ONE INTERVIEW—In a typical employment interview, the applicant meets one-on-one with an interviewer. As the interview may be a highly emotional occasion for the applicant, meeting alone with the interviewer is often less threatening. B. GROUP INTERVIEW—Several applicants interact in the presence of one or more company representatives. C. BOARD INTERVIEW—One candidate is interviewed by several representatives of the firm. D. STRESS INTERVIEW—Intentionally creates anxiety to determine how an applicant will react to stress on the job. E. REALISTIC JOB PREVIEWS—Conveys job information to the applicant in an unbiased manner, including both positive and negative factors. Interviewer Biases 1. Stereotyping Forming generalized opinions about how people of a given sex, religion, or race appear, think, act, feel, or respond. 2. Inconsistency in questioning Asking different questions of candidates. 3. First impression error. Interviewer makes snap judgments and lets his/her first impression (positive or negative) cloud the entire interview. 4. Negative emphasis. Rejecting a candidate on the basis of a small amount of negative information. 5. Halo/horn effect The interviewer allows one strong point that he/she values highly to overshadow all other information. 6. Cultural Noise The failure to recognize responses of a candidate that are socially acceptable rather than factual. 7. Nonverbal bias Undue emphasis is placed on nonverbal clues that are unrelated to job performance. 8. Contrast effect Strong candidates interviewed after weak ones may appear more qualified than they actually are because of the contrast. 9. Similar-to-me error Picking candidates based on personal characteristics that they share with the interviewer rather than job-related criteria. Types of Test & Interview/BIM/BBA/BBS Notes/Naresh Page 5 03/12/16 Tests: The next stage in the selection process is conducting different tests. The objective of tests is to solicit further information to assess the employee suitability to the job. The important tests are: Aptitude Test: a) Intelligence test b) Mechanical Test c) Psychomotor Test d) Clerical Test Achievement Test: a) Job Knowledge Test; b) Work Sample Test. Situational Test: a) Group Discussion; b) In Basket. Interest Test: Personality Test: a) Objective Test; b) Projective Test. Aptitude Tests: These tests measure whether an individual has the capacity or latent ability to learn a given job if given adequate training. Aptitudes can be divided in to general and mental ability or intelligence or specific aptitudes such as mechanical, clerical, manipulative capacity etc. These are: 1.Intelligence Tests: These tests in general measure intelligence quotient of a candidate. In detail these tests measures capacity for comprehension, reasoning, word fluency, verbal comprehension, numbers, memory and space. 2.Mechanical Tests: These tests measure the capacities of spatial visualization, perceptual speed and knowledge of mechanical matter. 3.Psycho meter Tests: These tests measure abilities like manual dexterity, motor ability and eye hand coordination of candidates. 4.Clerical Aptitude: Measure specific capacities involved in office work, items of this test include spelling, computation, comprehension, copying, word measuring etc. Achievement Tests: These tests are conducted when applicants claim to know something as these tests are concerned with what one has accomplished. These tests are more useful to measure the value of specific achievement when an Organisation wishes to employ experienced candidates. These are: 1. Job Knowledge Test: Under this test a candidate is tested in the knowledge of a particular job. 2. Work Sample Test: Under this test a portion of the actual work is given to the candidate as a test and the candidate asked to do it. Types of Test & Interview/BIM/BBA/BBS Notes/Naresh Page 6 03/12/16 Situational Test: This test evaluates a candidate in a similar real life situation. In this test the candidate is asked either to cope with the situation or solve critical situation of the job. 1. Group Discussion: This test is administered through group discussion approach to solve a problem under which candidates are observed in the areas initiating, leading, proposing valuable ideas, conciliating skills, oral communicating skills, co-ordination and concluding skills. 2. In Basket Test: The candidate in this test is supplied with actual letters, telephone and telegraphic message, reports and requirements by various officers of the Organisation, adequate information about the job and Organisation. The candidate is asked to take decisions on various items based on the in basket information regarding requirements in the memoranda. Interest Tests: These tests are inventories of the likes and dislikes of candidates in relation to work, job, occupations, hobbies and recreational activities. Personality Tests: These tests prove deeply to discover clues to an individual’s value system, his emotional reactions, and maturity and characteristic mood. 1. Objective Test: most personality tests are objective tests as they are suitable for group testing and can be scored objectively. 2. Projective tests: Candidates are asked to project their own interpretation of certain standard situations basing on ambiguous pictures, figures etc., under these tests Types of Test & Interview/BIM/BBA/BBS Notes/Naresh Page 7 03/12/16 Final Interview: Final Interview is usually followed by testing. This is the most essential step in the process of selection. In this step the interviewer matches the information abstained about the candidate through various means to the job requirements and to the information obtained through his own observation during interview. Types Of Interview: Type Structured Unstructured Type of questions A predetermined checklist if questions, usually asked of all applicants. Few, if any, planned questions. Questions are made up during the interview. Mixed A combination of structured and unstructured questions, which resembles what, is usually done in practice. Behavioral Questions limited to hypothetical situations. Evaluation is based on the solution and approach of the applicant. A series of harsh, rapidfire questions intended to upset the applicant. Stress Types of Test & Interview/BIM/BBA/BBS Notes/Naresh Page 8 Usual applications Useful for valid results, especially when dealing with large number of applicants. Useful when the interviewer tries to probe personal details of the candidate to analyze why they are not right for the job. A realistic approach that yields comparable answers plus in depth insights. Useful to understand applicant’s reasoning and analytical abilities under modest stress. Useful for stressful jobs, such as handling complaints. 03/12/16