1/12/2014 External Examiner Reporting System Preparation for Full Roll-Out 2015 08.12.2014 1 1/12/2014 Steps No. Description Responsible 1 Confirm Key School Contacts 2 Schools to communicate the move to online reporting to External Examiners Brenda Kutereba/previously identified School Key Contacts School Key Contacts 3 Schools to identify the External Examiners who School Key Contacts are registered on the Visitor Registration System (VRS) and who are not registered – series of steps to be followed depending on VRS status 4 5 6 School to communicate with the External School Key Contact Examiner on accessing the External Examiner Reporting System using EASE authentication Identify Academic Response Coordinators who School Key Contacts will be responding to External Examiner Reports and communicate the names to academic.services@ed.ac.uk School to input External Examiner data into School Key Contact EUCLID once the External Examiner is recorded on EUCLID 2 Deadline for completion (note dates are latest completion dates – advise to complete steps asap) Before Christmas January 13 2015 January 23 2015 (identification) January 30 2015 (updating VRS record and communicating details to Student System Operations) February 16 2015 (adding External Examiner to VRS an communicating details to Student System Operations) January 30 2015 (where they are registered on VRS), February 27 2015 (where they are not registered on VRS) February 27 2015 March 31 2015 1/12/2014 7 Allocation of External Examiner Reports to Academic Response Coordinators and Readers School Key Contact April 24 2015 8 Communication to the External Examiner that there is an External Examiner Report ready to be accessed School Key Contact Should happen immediately after report is allocated to academic response coordinators and readers 3 1/12/2014 1. Confirm Key School Contacts Brenda Kutereba will confirm with currently recorded School Key Contacts, at UG and PG level, whether they continue to be School Key Contacts. Brenda Kutereba will notify Student Systems Operations (studentsystems@ed.ac.uk) of staff requiring access. Deadline for completion of activity: 19 December 2015. 2. Schools to communicate the move to online reporting to External Examiners School Key Contacts must inform External Examiners that we are moving to online submission of External Examiner reports (this applies from May/June Board of Examiners onwards). Deadline for completion of activity: January 13 2015. Draft Text (can be personalised) Subject: For the attention of University External Examiners Dear [insert External Examiner name] This year, the University of Edinburgh is moving to online submission of External Examiner reports. The University wanted to developed IT tools to support effective qualitative and quantitative analysis of external examiner reports so as to inform the University's strategic direction to quality assurance. In the next couple of months, we will be preparing for implementation and uploading details into the External Examiner System. Once your details are uploaded, [Insert name of staff member] will be in contact with you on next steps for registering yourself on EASE so that you will be able to access the External Examiner Reporting System. We appreciate your support as we change to this mode of report submission. Best wishes [Insert Name] 4 1/12/2014 3. Schools to identify the External Examiners who are registered on the Visitor Registration System (VRS) and who are not registered Registration on the VRS creates an association with the University for the External Examiner. The length of the visit recorded on the VRS will determine the length of access to the External Examiner Reporting System (EASE login required). Deadline for completing activity January 23 2015. (i) My External Examiner is registered on the VRS but their visit is in the past a) School Key Contacts must make sure that the External Examiners who are registered on the VRS corresponds to their term of appointment and extends to approximately 5 months after the completion of their term of appointment. This is to account for the fact that the External Examiner may submit their External Examiner Report after their term of appointment has finished. b) Where the External Examiner(s) are already registered on the VRS, the Schools must email their VRS ID and full name to Student System Operations (studentsystems@ed.ac.uk) for creating the External Examiner record on EUCLID. Deadline for completing activity January 30 2015. Student Systems Operations will confirm when the record has been created. c) School Key contacts must also identify whether their External Examiner has registered on EASE as this will determine their next communication to the Exterrnal Examiner. (ii) My External Examiner registered on the VRS but their visit does not match up with their appointment a) School Key Contacts must make sure that the External Examiners visit recorded on the VRS corresponds to their term of appointment and extends to approximately 5 months after the completion of their term of appointment. This is to account for the fact that the External Examiner may submit their External Examiner Report after their term of appointment has finished. b) Where the External Examiner(s) are already registered on the VRS, the Schools must email their VRS ID and full name to Student System Operations (studentsystems@ed.ac.uk) for creating the External Examiner record on EUCLID. Deadline for completing activity January 30 2015. Student Systems Operations will confirm when the record has been created. 5 1/12/2014 c) School Key contacts must also identify whether their External Examiner has registered on EASE as this will determine their next communication to the Exterrnal Examiner. (iii) My External Examiner is not registered on the VRS a) Schools must add External Examiners to the VRS. Further details on visitor registration can be found at: http://www.ed.ac.uk/schoolsdepartments/information-services/computing/application-development/vrs/vrsfaqs b) Schools must forward the VRS ID and full name of the external Examiner to Student System Operations (studentsystems@ed.ac.uk) who will add the External Examiner to EUCLID and confirm when this action is completed. Deadline for completing activity: February 16 2015. Student Systems Operations will confirm when the record has been created. 4. School to communicate with the External Examiner on accessing the External Examiner Reporting System (EERS) using EASE authentication Schools must communicate with External Examiners informing them of their need to use EASE authentication to access External Examiner Reports. Some External Examiners will already have EASE logins. The following scenarios should cover any eventualities. (i) My External Examiner is already registered on EASE Draft text to External Examiner on accessing EERS using EASE authentication Dear [Name of External Examiner] You may be aware that the University of Edinburgh is preparing to roll-out its new External Examiner Reporting System [EERS]. You will need to use your EASE login to access EERS. What if you have forgotten your EASE login. We will notify you once your External Examiner Reporting System [EERS] account is ready to use. Best wishes [School Key Contact] 6 1/12/2014 (ii) My External Examiner is not registered on EASE The External Examiner should first be informed that they will need to register on EASE in order to access the system. Once the External Examiner is registered on the VRS they should be informed they should be emailed with their See draft texts. Deadline for completion of action: February 27 2015. a) Draft Text to be sent in advance of sending request to register on EASE Draft Text Subject: For the attention of University of Edinburgh External Examiners Dear [Name of External Examiner] Please keep this for future reference. You may be aware that the University of Edinburgh is preparing to roll-out its new External Examiner Reporting System [EERS]. You will be required to register with EASE, the University's secure login system. Your Key Contact will write to you in the next few weeks to provide details of your University user name [UUN] and EASE registration password. The attached document describes the steps to register with EASE. Once you receive your UUN and registration password, please complete your EASE registration. You will then be able to log into your University MyEd account. We will notify you once your External Examiner Reporting System [EERS] account is ready to use. If you have difficulty registering with EASE or logging into MyEd please see the guidance on getting help at https://www.ease.ed.ac.uk/userdocs/help.html. We appreciate your support as we change to this mode of report submission. Kind regards [Name of Key School Contact] 7 1/12/2014 Attachment https://www.myed.ed.ac.uk/ [Click ‘New users register with EASE] - EASE Registration Initial identification: Step 1 of 3 Enter your University user name. - Do you know your password? Yes, my password is:. - and tick the box to accept the University's Computing regulations. - Click Continue - you will be asked to create a series of 'shared secrets' to help you with further login problems. Complete these and then click 'Continue to next step'. IMPORTANT - Follow the instructions to create a new password. Once you have done this you will be able to enter your MyEd portal. Please keep a note of the password so that you can log into MyEd to access your University services. 8 1/12/2014 b) Communication to External Examiners on their need to register on EASE Subject: Action Required for University of Edinburgh External Examiners: – Registration on EASE Draft Text Subject Line: Action Required – Registration on EASE Dear [insert External Examiner Name] You may be aware that the University of Edinburgh is moving to online submission of External Examiner Reports. We are preparing for implementation and require your cooperation to set up your EASE login for the External Examiner Reporting System. You must use the following credentials to set up your EASE login: University Username (UUN): xxxxxx Registration password: xxxxxxxx Please go to the following link https://www.ease.ed.ac.uk/register/ and follow the instructions on the attached document. We will notify you once your External Examiner Reporting System [EERS] account is ready to use. If you have difficulty registering with EASE or logging into MyEd please see the guidance on getting help at https://www.ease.ed.ac.uk/userdocs/help.html. We appreciate your support as we change to this mode of report submission. Kind Regards [Name of Key School Contact] 9 1/12/2014 Attachment https://www.myed.ed.ac.uk/ [Click ‘New users register with EASE] - EASE Registration Initial identification: Step 1 of 3 Enter your University user name. - Do you know your password? Yes, my password is:. - and tick the box to accept the University's Computing regulations. - Click Continue - you will be asked to create a series of 'shared secrets' to help you with further login problems. Complete these and then click 'Continue to next step'. IMPORTANT - Follow the instructions to create a new password. Once you have done this you will be able to enter your MyEd portal. Please keep a note of the password so that you can log into MyEd to access your University services. 10 1/12/2014 5. Identify Academic Response Coordinators who will be responding to External Examiner Reports and communicate the names to academic.services@ed.ac.uk School key contacts to let Academic Services know by email (academic.services@ed.ac.uk who will be performing the role of Academic Response Coordinator – see appendix for description of role. This information is needed in order to identify those who will need to attend sit-down training. Action to be completed by February 27 2015. 6. School to input External Examiner data into EUCLID once the External Examiner is recorded on EUCLID Once the Support Team has recorded the External Examiner on EUCLID, the School will input External Examiner data on screens within EUCLID which will feed to the External Examiner reporting System. See Separate guidance provided. Deadline: must be completed by 31 March 2015 7. Allocation of External Examiner Reports to Academic Response Coordinators and Readers In order for the report to be sent to the External Examiner, the School Key Contact must allocate the External Examiner Report to Academic Response Coordinators and Readers. See User Guides: http://www.studentsystems.ed.ac.uk/staff/User_Guides/External_Examiners/school_ key_contact.htm i) First need to build the School Distribution List for Readers How do I add Readers to the School distribution list? ii) Than need to build the School List of Academic Response Coordinators How do I add to the list of Academic Response Co-ordinators for my school? iii) Than need to allocate the Readers to the Report How do I add Readers to a report distribution list? 11 1/12/2014 iv) Finally allocate the Academic Response Coordinator to the Report How do I allocate an Academic Response Co-ordinator to a report? Deadline for completion of action: April 24 2015 8. Communication to the External Examiner that there is an External Examiner Report ready to be accessed Immediately after allocating the External Examiner report to Readers and the Academic Response Coordinator the School Key Contact must follow up with a communication to the External Examiner. Draft Text Subject: Access to the External Examiner Reporting System Dear [Name of External Examiner] I am pleased to confirm that your access to the External Examiner Reporting System (EERS) has been completed. You will be able to access the system at https://www.eers.is.ed.ac.uk. Please bookmark this location in your web browser. Please ensure you have completed your EASE registration and created your own password. You will be required to log into MyEd to access EERS. The attached document describes how to log into MyEd and add the EERS channel to your account. An introduction to the External Examiner Reporting System (EERS) is available at http://www.studentsystems.ed.ac.uk/staff/User_Guides/External_Examiners/External _Examiner.htm. If you require assistance using EERS please send an e-mail to the following address: studentsystems@ed.ac.uk We appreciate your support as we change to this mode of report submission. Kind regards [Name of School Key Contact] 12 1/12/2014 Attachment How to add the External Examiner Reporting System to your MyEd account Please ensure you have completed your EASE registration and created your own password. Log in with EASE at https://www.myed.ed.ac.uk/ You will be taken to the MyEd Student and Staff portal. 13 1/12/2014 To add the External Examiners Reporting System ‘channel’ click ‘Customise’. This will display the ‘Add Stuff’ menu: Type External in the Search box. The image for External Examiner Reporting System (EERS) will be displayed. Hover your cursor over the image and click ‘Add’. 14 1/12/2014 The External Examiner Reporting System (EERS) channel will be added to your MyEd. Click ‘Launch EERS’ to access the system. 15 1/12/2014 Frequently asked Questions Question: Our External Examiner will be returning a report after the January Board of Examiner meeting; we still upload their details? Answer: Follow all the steps 1 - 6, do not allocate the report, request College to record the EE reports as submitted offline. Question: My External Examiner is already uploaded onto EERS? Is there anything I should do? Answer 16 1/12/2014 Appendix Role Descriptions School Key Contact: The School Key Contact has an overview of the system and can monitor and track External Examiner reports (reports) against deadlines or amend deadlines if necessary. The main tasks of this role are to allocate an Academic Response Co-ordinator to a report and allocate Readers to a report. This task triggers the notification to the External Examiner that a draft report is ready for completion. This role will be the primary contact with the Project Team in preparation for full roll-out of the system. Payment Administrator: The Payment Administrator uses the system to monitor and track when an External Examiner report is submitted. In addition, they will record on the system that a payment to an External Examiner has been initiated. The payment process takes place outside the system. Academic Response Co-ordinator (an academic member of staff): The Academic Response Co-ordinator responds to the External Examiner report(s) (report) that they have been allocated to. Where the Academic Response Coordinator ascertains the report contains a data protection breach, they must flag the report as containing one. They monitor and track reports due to be submitted which will require a responses and where a data protection breach has been logged against a report. Readers: The Reader is notified once an External Examiner report (report) has been submitted, and may provide feedback to the Academic Response Co-ordinator, where required. This feedback is outside the system. Where the Reader ascertains the report contains a data protection breach, they must flag the report as containing one. College Key Contact: The College Key Contact monitors unallocated External Examiner reports (reports), breaches of External Examiner report submission deadlines and responses to reports. The role holder will be able to amend deadlines if necessary and record if a report has been submitted offline (only applicable for the pilot). General readers: The General Reader may view submitted External Examiner reports at any time by accessing the External Examiner Reporting System and performing a search task. 17