SOCIETY ACTIVITY REQUEST FORM STEP 1 NAME OF SOCIETY ACTIVITY DETAILS: All details of activity being carried out, Details of persons involved in activity, ie students/members of public, how many students taking part? LOCATION OF ACTIVITY: Specific details of location area of activity and floor plan detailing Location of area and furniture/ equipment. DURATION DETAILS: : Date of activity: Set up Time: Activity Time Period: Set down time: EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: Details of any equipment/furniture required from campus for activity. Society President Name: CONTACT DETAILS: E Mail Address: Contact No;. ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED THAT CAN SUPPORT Ie additional insurance etc : RISK ASSESSMENT: Telephone No: A fully completed risk assessment Is to be provided. Please see risk assessment form on website. (below activity request form) FIRST AID DETAILS: If your society has a qualified first aider please provide details. If not and you have a medical emergency on the day of your event please call 2222 from a phone located in Grab and Go or Starbucks in the Hub. Security at the front of Campus are first aid trained. STEP 2: SU appointed staff members to check all details and documentation to confirm that all is in order and they are satisfied all H&S considerations have been met by signing the documentation. In particular, check that the Risk Assessment highlights all relevant risks and identifies controls to be taken to reduce the level of risk. This responsibility sits with the SU appointed staff member for the student activity request form. IMPORTANT: Please note that the role of Facilities Management is not to advise on safety matters relative to such activities but to ensure that they do not impact on the operations of EHU. STEP 3: All relevant documentation and signature(s) by the SU staff members appointed to oversee these request forms are then to be issued to FM for assessment. STEP 4: FM will review all documentation and provide a final response. Please Note: In-complete documentation will automatically be returned to the SU staff member(s) for completion. FM has the right to request further information if required. FMs response is final. STEP 5: FM Response – Agreed – a FM Helpdesk job number will be produced, if any equipment/furniture is required. FM Response – Declined – FM will explain the reason(s) why and subject to time scale will allow for the group to re-evaluate the documentation and provide revised documentation for a further review after which FMs decision will be final. TIME SCALE 4 WEEKS PRIOR TO ACTIVITY DATE Society President to complete on line form request and send to Students’ Union to check completed form within 1 week of receiving. If fully completed Students’ Union to send to FM or if uncompleted return to President. 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO ACTIVITY DATE FM are to receive fully completed form , completed risk assessment and floor plan no later than 3 weeks prior to the first date of the activity which includes rehearsal time. All relevant documentation when fully completed will be sent to FM via Students’ Union. SU staff member(s) who have forwarded activity request will receive an FM Helpdesk e-mail to confirm receipt of application. 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO ACTIVITY DATE: FM will provide a response within 1 week from receipt of application. 3 WEEKS OR LESS PRIOR TO ACTIVITY DATE: FM are to be informed asap of any amendments/additions to the activity and subject to the level of amendments/additions may void the original application. Original applications can be resent highlighting amendments. – FM will provide a response within 1 week from receipt of revised application. Please Note: This may impact on whether the activity can still proceed or not. Should you not notify FM of any amendments/additions prior to the activity date, FM have the right to stop activity and instruct all parties to set down at that point in time. No further activity will take place. RISK ASSESSMENTS Risk assessments are to include details of any rehearsals leading up to the activity requested. Please ensure all activities are detailed on the risk assessment form.