United Nations & Global NRENs 23 April 2007 A UNique Opportunity for Collaboration with the Global Research and Education Network Community John Campbell Chief, Operations United Nations Michael Laing ITSD Director Office (I2 Coordinator) 1 Presentation Overview • • • • • • Who are we? What do we do? Why Global NRENs and the UN? Key Issues Progress to Date Next Steps 2 Who Are We? • Demographics UN System – Over 100 Organizations – 200,000 International Civil Servants • Staff (Administrative, Political, Researchers, Scientists, Educators, Lawyers, Engineers, etc.) • Volunteers • Soldiers, Nurses… • And more… – Presence in all 192 Member States – 22+ Peacekeeping / Political Missions 3 What Do We Do? • • • • • • • • • • Agriculture Atomic Energy Communication/Meetings Disarmament/De-mining Disaster Relief Education Health Law Meteorology Outer Space • • • • • • • • • Peacekeeping Peacemaking Research Sea Statistics Trade Training TV / Radio Production Sustainable Development 4 What Do We Do? (UN System) • Chief Executive Board for Coordination (CEB) – The Millennium Declaration and the UN system The organizations of the UN system stand together poised to adapt and intensify their efforts, with the support of Member States, and on behalf of them and their peoples, to bring the vision of the Millennium Declaration to life. – Link to CEB Website: http://www.unsystemceb.org/ 5 What Do We Do? (UN System) ABBREV ORGANIZATION NAME CITY COUNTRY CONT CEB United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination New York USA NA CTBTO Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization Vienna Austria Europe ECA Economic Commission for Africa Addis Ababa Ethiopia Africa ECE Economic Commission for Europe Geneva Switzerland Europe ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Santiago Chile SA ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Bangkok Thailand Asia ESCWA Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia Beirut Lebanon Asia FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Rome Italy Europe UNCTAD Global Programme on Globalization, Liberalization and Sustainable Human Development Geneva Switzerland Europe HLCM High Level Committee on Management Geneva Switzerland Europe IACSD Former Inter-Agency Committee on Sustainable Development New York USA NA IANWGE Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality New York USA NA IAPSO Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office Copenhagen Denmark Europe IAWG Inter-Agency Working Group on Evaluation New York USA NA IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna Austria Europe IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Washington DC USA NA IBE International Bureau of Education Geneva Switzerland Europe ICGEB International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Trieste Italy Europe ICS International Centre for Science and High Technology Trieste Italy Europe ICSID International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes Washington DC USA NA 6 What Do We Do? (UN System) ABBREV ORGANIZATION NAME CITY COUNTRY CONT ICTP Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics Trieste Italy Europe ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization Montreal Canada NA ICSC International Civil Service Commission New York USA NA ICC International Computing Centre Geneva Switzerland Europe ICJ International Court of Justice The Hague Netherland s Europe ICTY International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia The Hague Netherland s Europe ICTR International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda Arusha Tanzania Africa IDA International Development Association Washington DC USA NA IFC International Finance Corporation Washington DC USA NA IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development Rome Italy Europe IIEEP International Institute for Educational Planning Paris France Europe INIA International Institute on Aging Valetta Malta Europe ILO International Labour Organization Geneva Switzerland Europe IMO International Maritime Organization London UK Europe IMF International Monetary Fund Washington DC USA NA INSTRAW International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women Santo Domingo Dominican Republic SA ISA International Seabed Authority Kingston Jamaica SA ISDR International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Geneva Switzerland Europe ITU International Telecommunication Union Geneva Switzerland Europe ITC International Trade Centre Geneva Switzerland Europe 7 What Do We Do? (UN System) ABBREV ORGANIZATION NAME CITY COUNTRY CONT ITC/ILO International Training Centre of the ILO Turin Italy Europe IMPS International Media and Peace Institute (University for peace) Paris France Europe MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Washington DC USA NA NGLS United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service Geneva Switzerland Europe OCHA Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Geneva Switzerland Europe OOSA Office for Outer Space Affairs Vienna Austria Europe OPCW Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons The Hague Netherland s Europe SCN United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition Geneva Switzerland Europe UN United Nations (UN) New York USA NA UN-Oceans United Nations Atlas of the Oceans Washington DC USA NA UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund New York USA NA UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund New York USA NA UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Vienna Austria NA UNCSD United Nations Common Supplier Database Oslo Norway Europe UNIC United Nations Communications Group New York USA NA UNCC United Nations Compensation Commission Geneva Switzerland Europe UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Geneva Switzerland Europe UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification Bonn Germany Europe UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women New York USA NA UNDG United Nations Development Group New York USA NA 8 What Do We Do? (UN System) ABBREV ORGANIZATION NAME CITY COUNTRY CONT UNDP United Nations Development Programme New York USA NA UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Paris France Europe UNEP United Nations Environment Programme Nairobi Kenya Africa UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Bonn Germany Europe UNFIP United Nations Fund for International Partnerships New York USA NA UNGIWG United Nations Geographic Information Working Group New York USA NA UNOCHR United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Office of the (OHCHR) Geneva Switzerland Europe UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Geneva Switzerland Europe UN-HABITAT United Nations Human Settlements Programme Nairobi Kenya Africa UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization Vienna Austria Europe UNICTTF United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force New York USA NA UNIDIR United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Geneva Switzerland Europe UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research Geneva Switzerland Europe UNIS United Nations International School New York USA NA UNICRI United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute Rome Italy Europe UNJSPF United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund New York USA NA UNEMINE United Nations Mine Action Service New York USA NA UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Vienna Austria Europe UNOG United Nations Office at Geneva Geneva Switzerland Europe UNON United Nations Office at Nairobi Nairobi Kenya Africa 9 What Do We Do? (UN System) ABBREV ORGANIZATION NAME CITY COUNTRY CONT UNOV United Nations Office at Vienna Vienna Austria Europe UNOPS United Nations Office for Project Services New York USA NA UNFPA United Nations Population Fund New York USA NA UNPA United Nations Postal Administration Vienna Austria Europe UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Gaza Gaza Strip Asia UNRWA United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Amman Jordan Asia UNRISD United Nations Research Institute for Social Development Geneva Switzerland Europe UNRCNET United Nations Resident Coordinators Network New York USA NA UNSNRDFS UN System Network on Rural Development and Food Security Rome Italy Europe UNSSC United Nations System Staff College Turin Italy Europe UNU United Nations University (UNU) Tokyo Japan Asia UNV United Nations Volunteers Bonn Germany Europe UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization Madrid Spain Europe UPU Universal Postal Union Bern Switzerland Europe UPEACE University for Peace San Jose Costa Rica SA WomenWatch New York USA NA WB World Bank Group Washington DC USA NA WFP World Food Programme Rome Italy Europe WHO World Health Organization Geneva Switzerland Europe WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization Geneva Switzerland Europe 10 What Do We Do? (UN System) ABBREV ORGANIZATION NAME CITY COUNTRY CONT WMO World Meteorological Organization Geneva Switzerland Europe WTO World Trade Organization Geneva Switzerland Europe UNV World Volunteer Web Bonn Germany Europe 11 What Do We Do? (UNHQ-NY) ABBREV ORGANIZATION NAME CITY COUNTRY CONT GA UN General Assembly New York USA NA SEC UN Security Council New York USA NA UNMIS UN Mission in the Sudan Sudan Africa UNUB UN Operation in Burundi Burundi Africa UNOCI UN Operation in Côte d'Ivoire Côte d'Ivoire Africa UNMIL UN Mission in Liberia Liberia Africa MONUC UN Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo DR of the Congo Africa UNMEE UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea Ethiopia & Eritrea Africa MINURSO UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara Western Sahara Africa MINUSTAH UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti Haiti SA UNMIT UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste Timor-Leste Australia UNMOGIP UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan India & Pakistan Asia UNFICYP UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus Cyprus Europe UNOMIG UN Observer Mission in Georgia Georgia Europe UNMIK UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo Kosovo Europe UNDOF UN Disengagement Observer Force Golan Heights Asia UNFIL UN Interim Force in Lebanon Lebanon Asia 12 What Do We Do? (UNHQ-NY) ABBREV ORGANIZATION NAME UNTSO UN Truce Supervision Organization ECOSOC UN Economic and Social Council TC CITY COUNTRY CONT Middle East Asia New York USA NA UN Trusteeship Council New York USA NA ICJ International Court of Justice New York USA NA CEB UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination New York USA NA ST UN Secretariat New York USA NA UNHQ UN Headquarters New York USA NA UN/EOSG Executive Office of the Secretary General New York USA NA UN/OLA Office of Legal Affairs New York USA NA UN/OIOS Office of Internal Oversight Services New York USA NA UN/DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs New York USA NA UN/DGACM Department for General Assembly and Conference Management New York USA NA UN/DPA Department for Political Affairs New York USA NA UN/DDA Department for Disarmament Affairs New York USA NA UN/DPKO Department of Peacekeeping Operations New York USA NA UN/DPI Department of Public Information New York USA NA UN/DM Department of Management New York USA NA UN/DSS Department of Safety and Security New York USA NA 13 Where can we deploy ? UNLB 14 MDTS Test Deployment 15 MDTS Strategic Deployment 16 MDTS Deployment 17 Strategic connectivity D +5 SDS Satellite connectivity D + 5 128 128/ K 128 11 Meter Fixed Antenna 38 4/2 56 /12 8 K K UNSDS HQ 9.3 Meter Fixed Antenna 3.7 Meter Trailer mounted antenna 19 UNSDS IP ADDRESS E0 10.X.X.X/23 2/1 28 SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS AIRPORT 192/128 K V/D E1 MD110 BC-11 UNHQ SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS UNSDS-UNHQ INT S1.1 VOICE (DLCI 166) 20 DSO @ 128 Kbps ip address 10./30 AIRPORT INT S1/1.1 VOICE (DLCI 366) 10 DSO @ 62.4 Kbps INT S1/1.2 DATA (DLCI 466) 129.6Kbps/65.6Kbps (ASYMMETRICAL) ip address 10.X.X.X/30 2 X E1 AIRPORT 3.7 Meter Trailer mounted antenna UNSDS HUB SD Cisco 2500 CISCOSYSTEMS N INTERNET E1 UN INTRANET W E S UNSD-UNLB INT S0.1 VOICE (DLCI 166) 10 DSO @ 62.4 Kbps INT S0.2 DATA (DLCI 266) 321.6Kbps/193.6Kbps (ASYMMETRICAL) UNSDS INT S1/0.1 VOICE (DLCI 166) 10 DSO @ 62.4 Kbps INT S1/0.2 DATA (DLCI 266) 321.6Kbps/193.6Kbps (ASYMMETRICAL) ip address 10.X.X.X/30 E1 UNSDSUNHQ INT S1.1 VOICE (DLCI 166) 20 DSO @ 128 Kbps ip address 10./30 E1 K UNLB-3660 IP ADDRESS F/0/0 10.X.X.X UNSDS 384/256 K V/D SERIES AIRPORT-UNLB IP ADDRESS E0 10.X.X.X/24 INT S0.1 VOICE (DLCI 166) 10 DSO @ 62.4 Kbps INT S1/1.2 DATA (DLCI 466) 129.6Kbps/65.6Kbps (ASYMMETRICAL) ip address 10.X.X.X/30 UNLB 18 VSAT deployed in MONUC 19 Strategic connectivity D +30 SDS Satellite connectivity D + 30 128/128 1 28 K 28/1 384/25 11 Meter Fixed Antenna 9.3 Meter Fixed Antenna 19 2/1 K UNSDS HQ 6K 28 K E1 SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS K /128 192 SECTOR HQ 192/128 V/D SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS E1 SEAPORT INT S1/1.1 VOICE (DLCI 366) 10 DSO @ 62.4 Kbps INT S1/1.2 DATA (DLCI 466) 129.6Kbps/65.6Kbps ip address 10.X.X.X/30 2 X E1 LOGBASE INT S1/1.1 VOICE (DLCI 366) 10 DSO @ 62.4 Kbps INT S1/1.2 DATA (DLCI 466) 129.6Kbps/65.6Kbps ip address 10.X.X.X/30 UNSDS HUB UN INTRANET W K LOGBASE 192/128 K V/D INTERNET N 8 UNHQ 12 2/ UNSDSUNHQ INT S1.1 VOICE (DLCI 166) 20 DSO @ 128 Kbps ip address 10./30 SECTOR HQ K E1 28 AIRPORT 192/128 K V/D SEAPORT 192/128 K V/D E1 MD110 BC-11 2/1 SERIES 19 19 UNSDS 384/256 K V/D SD Cisco 2500 CISCOSYSTEMS PBX LOGBASE SEAPORT AIRPORT SECTOR HQ INT S1/1.1 VOICE (DLCI 366) 10 DSO @ 62.4 Kbps INT S1/1.2 DATA (DLCI 466) 129.6Kbps/65.6Kbps ip address 10.X.X.X/30 SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS E1 SD Cisco 2500 E SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS E1 SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS PBX E1 S UNLB PBX 20 VSAT deployed in MONUC 21 Strategic connectivity D +90 SDS Satellite connectivity D + 90 128/128 1 28/1 28 K 384/25 UNSDS HQ 6K K 11 Meter Fixed Antenna K 19 19 128 192/ 9.3 Meter Fixed Antenna 12 2/ 2/ 12 8 8 K K E1 SD Cisco 2500 SERIES SERIES E1 MD110 BC-11 UNSDS 384/ 256 K V/D AIRPORT 192/ 128 K V/D SEAPORT 192/128 K V/D LOGBASE 192/128 K HQ V/D SECTOR 192/128 V/D 192/128 K 192/128 SD Cisco 2500 CISCOSYSTEMS K 192/128 K CISCOSYSTEMS SECTOR HQ SECTOR HQ SECTOR HQ E1 UNSDSUNHQ INT S1.1 VOICE (DLCI 166) 20 DSO @ 128 Kbps ip address 10./30 2X E1 UNSDS HUB SD Cisco 2500 SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS INTERNET SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS E1 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS E1 E1 UN INTRANET N SD Cisco 2500 SD Cisco 2500 SERIES K E1 SD Cisco 2500 Cisco 2500 SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS SD Cisco 2500 E1 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS E1 E1 SD PBX SERIES E1 E1 PBX SD Cisco 2500 E1 PBX PBX E1 SD Cisco 2500 SD Cisco 2500 S E1 SERIES PBX PBX PBX PBX SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS E1 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS E1 SERIES PBX SD Cisco 2500 SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS SD Cisco 2500 CISCOSYSTEMS CISCOSYSTEMS LOGBASE SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS CISCOSYSTEMS SEAPORT SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS SD Cisco 2500 E SD Cisco 2500 SERIES E1 E1 E1 AIRPORT W SD Cisco 2500 CISCOSYSTEMS SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS CISCOSYSTEMS 192/128 UNLB PBX 192/128 K UNHQ PBX 192/128 K PBX SERIES CISCOSYSTEMS PBX E1 PBX PBX 22 UNLB WAN 23 Global NRENs and the UN “Center for Harmonizing the Actions of Nations” from…UN Charter The UN Does Not Make or Sell Anything… Communications and Delivery of Humanitarian Services are our key roles… 24 Global NRENs and the UN? • Sharing the UN’s Data Repository – Official Document System (6 Official Languages) – Verbatim recordings, including interpretation of UN meetings – UN K-20 Distance Education – Humanitarian Relief – Human Rights – Vulnerable Groups (homeless, aging, indigenous, etc) – Economic & Financial Data – Historical Archives (text, audio, video) 25 Global NRENs and the UN • Collaboration – Resolving International Issues using high speed Video Conferencing – Major meetings with simultaneous interpretation using high speed Video Conferencing – Facilitate UN-sponsored research collaboration with existing R & E I2 Institutions & their principal investigators – Broaden Training (extend reach) with high speed Video Conferencing 26 Global NRENs and the UN • Extend Global NRENs Reach into Africa – – – – Utilize Member State Missions to UNHQ Facilitate Coordination with Peacekeeping Operations Leverage existing Satellite Network Work Collectively with NREN and Member States on Infrastructure Development Projects – Coordinate UN System Organizations with African presence 27 Key Issues • Difficulty in Connecting – – – – Global NRENs Not Set Up to Address Global Orgs Each NREN has to be approached separately No standard way to “do business” with an NREN Responsiveness of NRENs varies • NRENs Operate Informally – It is who you know – Need to move from a user to customer focus • UN Focus – Do not want to research network-related issues – Share, Collaborate, & Extend NREN reach 28 Progress To Date • Applied as Affiliate Member - March 2006 • Approved by I2 - April 2006 • Educated UN Departments – DESA • Statistical database sharing – DGACM • GA & SC Video Conferencing • 100 international VC’s per day; many are public – DPA • Remote expert participation & collaboration 29 Next Steps • Connect UN Headquarters in NYC – NYSERNet – Dark Fibre loop • Market to UN System at Interagency Meetings… – ITAG (Interagency Telecommunications Agency Meeting) – IT Manager Meeting • Earmark Funding & Phased Rollout Plan 30 Q&A Questions and Answers 31