Filipino Values

Review of Lessons
 Republic Act (R.A.) 9163 – also known as National Service
Training Program (NSTP) Act of 2001
• What is the guiding principle in establishing the NSTP?
Section 2 of R.A. 9163 affirmed that it is the prime duty
of the government to serve and protect its citizens. In turn, it
shall be the responsibility of the citizens to defend the
security of the state and in fulfillment thereof, the
government may require each citizen to render personal,
military or civil service.
• What are the goals of the State from among the youth in
nation building?
In recognizing the vital role of the youth in nation
building, the state shall promote their civic-consciousness
and develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and
social well-being. It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism
and advance their involvement in public and civic affairs.
• What should the state do to pursue the
afore cited goals?
The youth shall be motivated, trained,
organized and mobilized in military training,
literacy, civic welfare and other similar
endeavors in the service of the nation.
• What is the National Service Training
Program (NSTP) all about?
It is a program aimed at enhancing civic
consciousness and defense preparedness
in the youth by developing the ethic of
service and patriotism while undergoing
training in any of its three (3) program
• What are the three (3) program components of NSTP?
• 1. Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) – is a
program institutionalized under section 38 and 39 of RA
7077 designed to provide military training to tertiary-level
students in order to motivate, train, organize and mobilize
them for defense preparedness.
• 2. Literacy Training Service (LTS) – is a program designed
to train students to become teachers of literacy and numeric
skills to school children, out-of school youth and other
segments of society in need of their services.
• 3. Civic Welfare Training Services (CWTS) – refer to the
programs or activities contributory to the general and
betterment of life for the members of the community or the
enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to
improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship,
safety, recreation and morals of the citizenry.
Module 1:
“Ganito kami noon; paano kayo ngayon?”
• Values
- A principle, standard, or quality that
has been freely chosen from
alternatives and acted upon which is
considered worthwhile or desirable
• Values Clarification is a process by which
a person can discover values or principles
through one’s behavior, feelings, ideas and
important choices one has made.
• It is during the early adult stage that an
individual can really clarify what decision in
his/her life had a major influence on one’s
personality. Thus, this process can help one
understand his/her character and the
choices that a person will make in the
• A person is continually developing his/her
values: values can never be static but must
be continually re-chosen as a person
Benildean Core Values
• Deeply Rooted in Faith – ever conscious of God’s
presence steeped in Christian values, ethics and morals;
• Appreciative of Individual Uniqueness – that of one’s
own and that of one’s neighbor;
• Socially Responsible – aware of one’s actions and
committed to the recognition and development of one’s
own and the other person’s responsibilities and duties;
• Professionally Competent - effective in thought and
expression, decisive and independent-minded;
• Filipino In Ideals – is able to exhibit a strong sense of
nationhood; pro-life, pro-people, pro-Philippines;
Nationalistic in ideas and perspective
• Creative-one who uses his/her knowledge and skills to
make a unique, resourceful or innovative way of solving a
problem by being responsible and does not violate any
Activity 1: Four Corners
Explain to the group that in this activity they will be asked to express their feelings about particular
values. Show the youth where you have posted the signs—AGREE, DISAGREE, and UNSURE.
Explain to the group that you are going to read several value statements. As you read each one, you
want them to think very carefully about how they feel about it. Each person will then move to the section
of the room where the sign agrees with how they feel about that value statement.
Say that you will ask for volunteers to describe how they feel about each statement, since one
characteristic of a value is that a person can tell others about it. Emphasize that there are no right or
wrong answers, only opinions. Everyone has a right to express an opinion, and no one will be put
down for having a different value than others have. Be sure to mention that participants have the right to
pass if they would rather not take a stand on a particular value statement. Also, point out that passing is
not the same as being unsure. Finally, let everyone know that they can change their stand on any
particular value at any time. For example, some participants might feel that they disagree with a
particular value but change their minds if someone else makes a good case for agreeing with that value.
Ask everyone to return to their original seats. Conclude with the Discussion Questions below.
Discussion Questions:
What did you learn about yourself? About others?
Was it hard to express disagreement with another person's values? Why or why not?
Were there times when you felt uncomfortable or unsafe? What helped you stand by your values at that
Were there any times when you felt unable to stand for your values? Why do you think that was so?
What would support people at times when they feel unable to stand up for a value they believe in?
The 1987 Constitution is a formal document embodying social values deemed
desirable for the nation. It has been claimed that the Philippine Constitution is
the only constitution in the world which mentions the two words `God' and
`love'. The Preamble states:
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring
the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a
just and humane society and establish a
Government that shall embody our ideals
and aspirations, promote the common good,
conserve and develop our patrimony, and
secure to ourselves and our posterity the
blessings of independence and democracy
under the rule of law and the regime of truth,
justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace,
The Fourfold Base of
Filipino Values
1.Universal to all human beings but with distinctive Filipino
2.It has similarities with other cultures but different in priority
in China, honesty and hard work may rank highest;
Chinese and Japanese cultures give great value to politeness and beauty;
American culture to promptness and efficiency;
and Filipino culture to trust in God and family centeredness.
3. It varies on how it is applied, through the norms and
4. Through historical accounts and influences, how it
changes throughout each generation
Ambivalence of the
Filipino Values
• Hiya (shame/sensitivity)
– Negative, because it arrests or inhibits one's
action. This trait reduces one to smallness or to
what Nietzsche calls the "morality of slaves",
thus congealing the soul of the Filipino and
emasculating him, making him timid, meek and
– Positive, because, a person considers other
peoples feelings and avoids arguments or
offense to others
• Ningas-cogon (procrastination)
– Negative, by all standards, because it begins ardently and dies down as
soon as it begins. This trait renders one inactive and unable to initiate
things or to persevere.
– Positive, in a way, because it makes a person non-chalant, detached,
indifferent, nonplussed should anything go wrong, and hence conducive to
peace and tranquillity.
• Mañana or "Bukas na" (procrastination)
– Negative, because one constantly postpones action and accomplishes
nothing. This aggravates a situation, a problem grows beyond correction, a
leak or a small break becomes a gaping hole. This arises from an indolent
mentality that a problem will go away by itself.
– Positive, because one is without stress and tension; one learns to take what
comes naturally. Like the Chinese wu-wei, this trait makes one live naturally
and without undue artificiality.
• Pakikisama (group loyalty)
– Negative, because one closes one's eyes to
evils like graft and corruption in order to
conserve peace and harmony in a group at the
expense of one's comfort.
– Positive, because one lives for others; peace or
lack of dissension is a constant goal.
Pakiusap (appear)
palakasan (show of power)
sipsip (bribery)
palusot (alibi)
lagay (bribe)
bata System (nepotism)
– Bahala na (resignation)
– Negative, because one leaves everything to chance under the
pretext of trusting in Divine providence. This trait is really laziness
disguised in religious garb.
– Positive, because one relies on a superior power rather than on
one's own. It is conducive to humility, modesty, and lack of
– Utang na loob (indebtedness)
– Negative, because one overlooks moral principles when one is
indebted to a person. One who is beholden to another person will
do anything to please him, thinking that by doing so he is able to
repay a debt. One condones what the other person does and will
never censure him for wrongdoing.
– Positive, because it is a recognition of one's indebtedness. This
trait portrays the spirit behind the Filipino saying, "He who does
not know how to look to the past will never reach his destination."
Bayanihan (cooperation)
“Being heroes to each other”
palabra de honor (word of honor)
delicadeza (finesse)
paggalang (honoring)
pagdadamayan (comforting)