Welcome to 1C! Parent Information Night Ms. Opre’s Class Room 103 About Ms. Opre I am from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada I am a certified teacher in Ontario Canada and have a Master of Arts in Child Study and Education from the University of Toronto This is my second year teaching Grade 1 at Delia School of Canada I enjoy hiking, theatre, art, reading and travelling First Grade Students are expected to be more independent Students are expected to sit in a desk No play-based learning and more independent work Students will have textbooks Students will have an international language class Students are expected to walk independently in the hallway What is Grade 1 all about? Grade 1 is a transition year Responsibility Homework folders Handing in assignments Doing their job – independent work completed within the allotted time frame Self-regulation Monitoring their own behavior Making smart choices Staying on task Organization Tidy desk Tidy cubby Prepared for class Collaboration Working with others Initiative Trying their best Asking for help when needed – knowing where to find resources Participating in class discussions Classroom Rules Classroom Rules Always listen when the teacher is talking Raise your hand when you wish to speak Speak English Be nice to your friends HOP – Hands off policy Follow directions quickly Always walk Have Fun! Lunch Time Rules Students are expected to sit at their desks and eat their lunch. Lunch is 30 minutes long and lunch recess is 20 minutes There are 3 teachers who rotate and supervise the Grade 1 students during this time Students need to be able to open their containers and are expected to eat their lunch on their own Duty teachers are not responsible for students not finishing their lunches Classroom Managment Philosophy My discipline plan is based on the three C’s Caring, Consistency and Community Behaviour Chart Students start every day with their name clip on the green: “Go! Ready to learn.” If they receive a warning they place their clip on the yellow: “Slow Down! Think About It!” This means caution – watch your behaviour. If they receive a second warning they move their clip to the red “Stop! Make Better Choices!” At this point they will be asked to complete a task fitting their inappropriate behaviour choice. If they receive a third warning students will fill in a reflection form about their inappropriate behaviour choice and bring it home in their homework folders. Chance Bin If students are “caught being good” they get to put their name on a ticket and put it in the Chance Can. At the end of the week I will draw at least 3 names from the can. Each student selected will receive a good behaviour certificate to take home with them as well as a token of appreciation for their good behaviour from the prize bin. Our Daily Classroom Routine Students unpack their school bags (hand in homework or forms, parent/teacher communication books and folder). Students read silently at their desks, listen to morning announcements and wait quietly for class to begin. We start the day by reviewing our schedule and subject matter is taught according to our class timetable. Each day we gather as a class to discuss the date (day, month, year), identify calendar and number patterns, read our monthly poem, and talk about the weather and any upcoming special events. At the end of the day students place homework, forms and their parent/teacher communication books into their folder then into their bags. Students who are picked up are released into the courtyard and bus students walk to the bus. Schedule A copy can be found on the class website Monday 8:20-8:40 20 8:40-9:15 35 9:15-9:50 35 9:50-10:05 10:05-10:40 35 10:40-11:15 35 11:15-11:45 11:45-12:05 12:05-12:45 40 12:45-1:25 40 1:25-1:40 1:40-2:20 40 2:20-3:00 40 3:00 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Homeroom, Attendance and Announcements English or ESL English or ESL Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics English or ESL English or ESL Science & Technology Science & Technology Visual Arts Music Guided Study International Language Recess English or ESL Drama or Dance Lunch Recess Science & Technology Physical Education Recess Social Studies Guided Study Health Guided Study International Language Visual Arts Student Dismissal Friday English or ESL English or ESL Social Studies International Language Mathematics International Language Science & Technology English or ESL Social Studies Mathematics Music Mathematics Drama or Dance Guided Study Physical Education Guided Study * Please remember to make sure students are in their red uniform on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday for Health and P. E. September Here is an overview of what we will be looking at in the month of September: English: Review letters, letter sounds, reading sight words, writing sentences, and choosing just right books Math: Sequencing, days of the week, seasons Science: Daily and Seasonal Changes Social Studies: Self and Family Awareness Visual Arts: Colours – Primary and Secondary Dance: Locomotor and Non-locomotor movement Textbooks A list of textbooks can be obtained from the office. All textbooks are kept at school and will be sent home before an assessment All school textbooks are labelled with a code in them. We do not write names on the inside of these books. “Math Makes Sense” and “Oxford’s First Dictionary” are the only consumable textbooks and do not need to be returned at the end of the year. Damaged or lost books will result is loss of your deposit. Textbooks are the student’s responsibility. English Program Resource: Scholastic Literacy Place A comprehensive, integrated, strategic and continuous program which promotes developmental flow from supported to independent learning. Focuses on Reading, Writing, Oral language and Working with Words. Each month focuses on a specific Reading Strategy and Writing Trait. For example: Reading - Predicting Text, Writing – Descriptive Writing English Program Sample Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Reading Lesson Centres Centres - Review previous weeks skills - Review previous weeks skills Writing Lesson Sight Word Check Centers include: Guided Reading, Independent Reading, Reading Comprehension, Working with Words, Writing Practice. Students in ESL There is a presentation in the auditorium at 7:00pm tonight to talk about the ESL program and expectations. International Language There are 3 languages to chose from French Japanese Puthongua If you have a question about your child’s class please contact the teachers directly. Assessment Curriculum based on Ontario expectations Marks based on performance tasks, tests, interviews and presentations Levels and rubrics for assessment Tests and assessments are to be signed and returned to school the next day Rubric Levels Level 4 I am an expert. I understand it well and have many details. I can teach what I am learning to others. Level 3 I can do this independently. I understand. Level 2 I can do this with some help. There are some parts I don’t understand. Level 1 I am just starting to learn this and need a lot of help. I don’t really understand it yet. Level R I do not understand. I did not try to answer the question. Homework The homework will be listed on the class website and sent home in your child’s homework folder. Please return the homework the next day in the homework folder that was provided. The homework should only take about 1-2 hours per week. Homework focuses on what we are learning in class and gives students extra practice Homework will begin in October. Homework schedule for grade 1: English: Sight Words - Monday-Thursday Math: Tuesdays and Thursdays, use of Mathletics Reading: RAZ Kids Homework Folders I have provided your child with a homework folder that all important documents are placed in (notes home, homework, and assessments.) Please check your child’s homework folder every night and return it the next day. If you are sending in money please clearly mark the envelope or note whose money it is and what it is for. Please make sure the “Parent/Teacher Communication” book is in your child's homework folder every day. It is helpful, if you write me a note, to please leave the parent/teacher communication book open to that page. Classroom Website What do we use our classroom website for? 1. Check homework 2. Find all important school related notices including calendars 3. Communicate with other classmates on school related material only 4. View school calendar and student timetable 1C Website http://dsce1c.weebly.com Students and parents are encouraged to look at the website together frequently. Reading at Home We will begin an at home reading program in October. It will be a computer based reading program called Raz-Kids Students will be required to read one story each night and complete a comprehension activity More information will be going home soon Mathletics Mathletics is a new learning platform we are using Each student will have a log-in With the log-in students can access activities, lessons and a global community of students in Grade 1 The online content relates to what we are learning in class Birthday Party Procedures Parents are more than welcome to bring a cake or treat in to help celebrate their child’s special day. However I have a few requests if you plan to have a party. Please let me know a week in advance if you plan to come in and host a party. This way I can make sure I have no previous engagements and we can agree on an appropriate time. Parents are required to come in and help supervise the party. If you are bringing a cake please remember to bring a cake cutter, paper plates, utensils and napkins. Make sure you have enough to supply 23 students. All treats must be commercially purchased and can not be homemade. For students who have a birthday in July or August please plan to have a party in June. Library Students have begun to visit the library They will begin to take out one book a week to read at home starting next week It is the student’s responsibility to return the borrowed book the following week Tuck Shop Students have the opportunity to use the tuck shop at recess and at lunch We talk about making healthy choices and no sharing snacks or money Items range from $8- $15 If your child brings money in, it is their responsibility to keep it safe and spend it wisely. I recommend an octopus card with their name written on it. Bus List If your child takes the bus you must email or phone the office when you will be coming to school to pick your child up. If there is no email the homeroom teacher will send the student on the bus. Co-curriculars Begin in October *Student pick-up area to be announced. Determined by which classroom activity is taking place not necessarily homeroom. Remember: There is no bus service after cocurriculars. Parents must arrange to pick up their children at 4:00 p.m. Students need to have plenty of water Students should have the proper shoes if they are playing a sport How can you help? • Read with your child every night. • Try and reinforce some basic rules and routines we have in class, for example; respect others and property, put things away that you use and make sure they do their work. • Make sure their homework folder comes to class everyday. • Check the classroom and ESL website regularly. • Understand that this is a transition year and that it will take them time to adjust. Do you have any questions or comments? Feel free to 1. Email k.opre@delia.edu.hk I will check my email before 8:00 and after 3:00 everyday. 2. Send a note – inside parent/teacher communication book 3. Call – between 3:20pm – 4:00pm 4. Stop by the classroom between 3:30pm – 4:00 Thank You for Coming! Let’s make this a great year! I am excited and look forward to a wonderful school year full of meaningful learning experiences. Ms. Opre Clipart Cupcake clipart from Free Gifs & Animations Everything else: Clip art licensed from the Clip Art Gallery on DiscoverySchool.com