
probability and
Independent Events
• In many real-world “experiments”, the outcomes are not
completely random since we have some prior knowledge.
• Knowing that it has rained the previous two days might influence
our assignment of the probability of sunshine for the following
• The probability that an individual chosen from some general
population weights more than 90 kg, knowing that his height
exceeds 6ft.
• We might inquire the probability of obtaining a 4, if it is known
that the outcome is an even number
Joint Events and Conditional
• The event of interest A = {4}, and the event describing our
prior knowledge is an even outcome or B = {2,4,6}
• Note, conditional probability does not address the reasons for the
prior information.
The odd outcomes are shown as
dashed lines and are to be ignored,
P[A] = 9/25
9 is the total number of 4’s
25 is the number of 2’s, 4’s and 6’s
Joint Events and Conditional
Determine the probability of A = {1,4}, knowing that outcome is even.
• We should use N AÇB / N B to
make sure we only count the
outcomes that can occur in
light of our knowledge of B.
• Let S = {1,2,3,4,5,6} be the
sample space, and NS its size,
the probability of A given B is
The conditional probability is denoted by P[A | B] and defined as
P[A Ç B]
1/ 6
A Ç B = {4} Ç {2, 4,6} = {4} = A, B = {2, 4,6} ® P[A | B] =
= 1/ 3
P[A | B] =
Height and weights of college
• A population of college students have heights H and weights
W which are grouped into ranges.
• Determine the probability of the event A that the student has
a weight in the range 130-160 lbs.
P[A] = å P[(H i ,W2 )] = 0.04 + 0.12 + 0.06 + 0.02 + 0 = 0.24
• Determine the probability of the event A, given that the
student has height less than 6’ (event B).
P[A Ç B] 0.04 + 0.12 + 0.06
P[A | B] =
= 0.33
0.14 + 0.26 + 0.26
Marginal probability
• The probabilities P[Hi] are called the marginal probabilities
since they are written in the margin of the table.
P[B] = å P[H i ]
P[H i ] = å P[(H i ,W j )]
• If we were to sum along the columns, then we would obtain
the marginal probabilities for the weights or P[Wj].
P[W j ] = å P[(H i ,W j )]
Conditional probability
• The probability of the event A that the student has a weight in
the range 130-160 lbs.
P[A] = å P[(H i ,W2 )] = 0.04 + 0.12 + 0.06 + 0.02 + 0 = 0.24
• Probability of even A, given that the students height is less
than 6’, the probability of the event has changed to
P[A Ç B] 0.04 + 0.12 + 0.06
P[A | B] =
= 0.33 > P[A]
0.14 + 0.26 + 0.26
• Probability of even A, given that the students height is greater
than 6’, the probability of the event has changed to
P[A | B] =
P[A Ç B]
0.02 + 0
= 0.058 < P[A]
0.22 + 0.12
Conditional probability
• In general
P[A | B] > P[A]
P[A | B] < P[A]
P[A | B] = P[A]
Statistically independent
A compound experiment
• Two urns contain different proportions of red and black balls.
• Urn 1 has a proportions p1 of red balls and 1-p1 of black balls.
• Urn 2 has proportions of p2 and 1-p2 red balls and black balls.
• An urn is chosen at random, followed by the selection of a ball.
• Find a probability that red ball is selected.
• Do B1 = {urn 1 chosen} and B2 = {urn 2 chosen} partition the sample
• We need to show B1 È B2 = S and B1 Ç B2 = 0.
Probability of error in a digital
communication system
• In digital com. System a “0” or “1” is transmitted to a receiver.
• Either bit is equally likely to occur so that prior probability of ½
is assumed.
• At the receiver a decoding error e can be made due to channel
noise, so that a 0 may be mistaken for a 1 and vice versa.
Similar to urn problem
Monty Hall problem
Behind one door there is a new car, while the others concealed goats.
The contestant would first have the opportunity to choose a door, but it would
not be opened.
Monty would then choose the door with a goat.
The contestant was given is given the option to either open the door that was
chosen or open the other door. Question is open of switch?
Monty Hall problem
• Assume the car is behind door 1.
• Define the events Ci = {contestant initially chooses door i} for
i = 1,2,3 and Mj = {Mounty opens door j} for j = 1,2,3.
• Determine the joint probabilities P[Ci, Mj] by using
P[Ci, Mj] = P[Mj | Ci]P[Ci]
• Since the winning door is never chosen by Monty, we have
P[M1|Ci] = 0. Also Monty never opens the door initially chosen by
the contestant so that P[Mi|Ci] = 0.Then
• P[M2 | C3] = P[M3 | C2] = 1
• P[M3 | C1] = P[M2 | C1] = ½
• P[Ci] = 1/3
(contestant chooses losing door)
(contestant chooses winning door)
Statistically Independent
• Two events A and B are said to be statistically independent if
P[A|B] = P[A]
• Thus
P[A | B] =
P[A Ç B]
= P[A]
P[A Ç B] = P[A]P[B]
• Knowing that B has occurred does in fact affect that possible
outcomes. However, it is the ratio of P[A Ç B] to P[B]that
remains the same.
Statistical independence does not mean
one event does not affect another event
• If a fair die is tossed, the probability of a 2 or a 3 is P[A={2,3}]
= 1/3. Now assume we know the outcome is an even number
or B = {2,4,6}. Recomputing the probability
P[A | B] =
P[A Ç B]
= = P[A]
P[{2, 4,6}] 3
• The event P[A Ç B] has half as many elements as A, but the
reduced sample space S’ = B also has half as many elements.
Statistically Independent
Events: Important points
• We need only know the marginal probabilities or P[A], P[B] to
determine the join probability P[A Ç B] = P[A]P[B].
• Hence, we need only know the marginal probabilities or P[A], P[B].
• Statistical independence has a symmetry property. If A is
independent of B, then B must be independent of A since
P[B | A] =
P[B Ç A] P[A Ç B] P[A]P[B]
= P[B]
commutative A is independent
of B
Statistical independent events are different
than mutually exclusive events
• If A and B are mutually exclusive and B occurs, then A cannot
P[A|B] = 0
• If A and B are statistically independent and B occurs, then
P[A|B] = P[A]. The probabilities are only the same if P[A] = 0.
• The conditions of mutually exclusivity and independence are
P[A È B] = P[A] + P[B]
P[A Ç B] = P[A]P[B]
Mutually exclusive events
Statistically independent
Statistically Independent three
or more Events
• Three events are defined to be independent if the knowledge
that any one or two of the events has occurred does not affect
the probability of the third event.
P[A | B Ç C] = P[A]
• Note that if B and C has occurred, then by definition B Ç C has
• The full set of conditions is
P[A | B] = P[A | C] = P[A | B,C] = P[A]
P[B | A] = P[B | C] = P[B | A,C] = P[B]
P[C | A] = P[C | B] = P[C | A, B] = P[C]
• These conditions are satisfied if and only if
P[AB] = P[A]P[B]
P[AC] = P[A]P[C]
P[BC] = P[B]P[C]
P[ABC] = P[A]P[B]P[C]
Pairwise independent
Statistically Independent three
or more Events
We need P[ABC] = P[A]P[B]P[C] because
P[A | B,C] =
= P[A]
P[BC] P[B]P[C]
• In general, events E1, E2, …, EN are defined to be statistically
independent if
P[Ei E j ] = P[Ei ]P[E j ]
P[Ei E j Ek ] = P[Ei ]P[E j ]P[Ek ]
i¹ j
i¹ j¹k
P[E1E2 ...EN ] = P[E1 ]P[E2 ]...P[EN ]
• Statistical independence allows us to compute joint
probabilities based on only the marginal probabilities.
Probability chain rule
• We can still determine joint probabilities for dependent events,
but it becomes more difficult. Consider three events
P[ABC] = P[A | B,C]P[BC]
= P[A | B,C]P[B | C]P[C]
chain rule
• It is not always an easy matter to find conditional probabilities.
• Example: Tossing a fair die
• If we toss a fair die, then the probability of the outcome being 4 is 1/6.
• Let us rederive this result by using chain rule. Letting
• A = {event number} = {2, 4, 6}
• B = {numbers > 2} = {3, 4, 5, 6}
• C = {numbers < 5} = {1, 2, 3, 4}
• We have that ABC = {4}. Applying chain rule and noting that BC = {3,4}
we have
1/ 6 2 / 6 4 1
P[ABC] = P[A | B,C]P[B | C]P[C] =
× =
2/6 4/6 6 6
Bayes’ Theorem
• Recall conditional probability
P[A | B] =
P[B | A] =
• Substituting P[AB] from P[A | B] to P[B | A] we obtain obtain
Bayes’ theorem.
P[A | B]P[B]
P[B | A] =
• By knowing the marginal probabilities P[A], P[B] and
conditional probability P[A | B] we can determine the other
conditional probability P[B | A].
• The theorem allows us to perform inference or to assess the
validity of an event when some other event has been
Bayes’ Theorem: Example
• If an urn containing an unknown composition of balls is
sampled with replacement and produces an outcome of 10
red balls, what are we to make of this?
• Are all balls red?
• Is the urn fair (half red and half black)?
• To test that the urn is a “fair” one, we determine the
probability of a fair urn given that 10 red balls have just
• Usually we compute the probability of choosing 10 red balls
given a fain urn, now are going “backwards”. Now we are
given the outcomes and wish to determine the probability of a
fair urn.
Bayes’ Theorem: Example
• We believe that the urn is fair with probability 0.9 (from our
past experience). B = {fair urn}, so
P[B] = 0.9.
• If A = {10 red balls drawn}, we wish to determine P[B|A].
• This probability is our reassessment of the fair urn in light of
the new evidence (10 red balls drawn).
• According to Byes theorem we need conditional probability
P[A|B]. P[A|B] is the probability of drawing 10 successive red
balls from an urn with p = ½.
P[A | B] = P[k = 10] = ç
M ö k
M -k
k ø
10 ö
10 ÷ø
• By now we know P[B], P[A|B]. We need to find P[A].
Bayes’ Theorem: Example
• P[A] can be found using the law of total probability as
P[A] = P[A | B]P[B]+ P[A | B]P[B]
= P[A | B]P[B]+ P[A | B](1- P[B])
• And thus only P[A | B] need to be determined. This is the
conditional probability of drawing 10 red balls from a unfair urn
(assume all balls in the urn are
red) and thus P[A | B] = 1.
æ 1ö
P[A] = ç ÷ (0.9) + (1)(0.1)
è 2ø
• The posterior probability (after 10 red balls have been drawn)
(1 / 2)10 (0.9)
P[B | A] =
= 0.0087
(1 / 2) (0.9) + (1)(0.1)
Reject fair urn
• The odds ratio is interpreted as the odds against the hypothesis
of a fair urn.
P[B | A] 1- 0.0087
odds =
P[B | A]
= 113
Binary communication system
Binary communication system
One more example
Multiple Experiments
• The experiment of the repeated tossing coin can be view as a
succession of subexperiments (single coin toss).
• Assume a coin is tossed twice and we wish to determine P[A],
where A ={(H,T)}. For a fair coin it is ¼ since we assume that all
4 possible outcomes are equally probable.
• If the coin had P[{H}]=0.99, the answer is not straight forward.
How to determine such probabilities?
Multiple Experiments
• Consider the experiment composed of two separate
subexperiments with each subexperiment having a sample
space S1 = {H, T}. The sample space of the overall experiment is
S = S1 ´ S1 = {(i, j) :i ÎS1, j ÎS1}
= {(H, H ),(H,T ),(T, H ),(T ,T )}
• P[complicated events] by determining P[events defined on S1].
• The statement is correct if we Assume that the subexperiments
are independent.
• So what is P[A] = P[(H,T)] is a coin with P[{H}] = p.
• This event is define on the sample space of 2-tuples, which is S.
{(H,T )} = {(H, H ),(H,T )} Ç {(H,T ),(T ,T )}
= {heads on toss 1} Ç {tails on toss 2} = H1 ÇT2
Multiple Experiments
• Subexperiments are independent, hence P[(H,T)] = P[H1][T2],
• We can determine P[H1] either as P[(H,H), (H,T)] or as P[H] due to
independence assumption.
• P[H] is a marginal probability and is equal to P[(H,H)] + P[(H,T)] .
P[H1] = p
P[T2] = 1 – p.
and finally P[(H,T)] = p(1-p).
Generally, if we have M independent subexperiments, with Ai an event
described for experiment i, then the joint event A = A1 Ç A2 Ç...Ç AM
has probability
P[A] = P[A1 ]P[A2 ]...P[AM ]
Equivalence to statistical independence of
events defined on the same sample space.
Bernoulli Sequence
• Any sequence of M independent subexperiments with each
subexperiment producing two possible outcomes is called a
Bernoulli sequence
• Typically, for a Bernoulli trial P[0] = 1 – p, P[1] = p.
Binomial Probability Law
• Assume that M independent Bernoulli are carried out.
• We wish to determine the probability of k’s (successes) and
M-k 0’s.
• Thus, each successful outcome has a probability of pk(1 - p)M-k.
• The total number of successful outcomes is the number of
ways k 1’s may be place in the M-tuple i.e. æ M ö .
çè k ÷ø
• Hence, we have
æ M ö k
M -k
P[k] = ç
è k ÷ø
M = 10,
p = 0.5
Binomial law
M = 10,
p = 0.7
Geometric Probability Law
• If we let k be the Bernoulli trial for which the first success is
observed, then the event of interest us the simple even (f,f,…,f,s),
where s, f denote success and failure.
• The probability of the first success at trial k is therefore
• The first success is always most likely to occur on the first trial(k = 1)
p = 0.25
p = 0.5
• The average number of trials required for success is 1/p.
Example: Telephone calling
• A fax machine dials a phone number that is typically busy
80% of the time. What is the probability that the fax
machine will have to dial the number 9 times?
• The number of times the line is busy can be considered the
number of failures with each failure having a probability of
1- p = 0.8.
• If the number is dialed 9 times, then the first success occurs
for k = 9 and
P[9] = (0.8)8(0.2) = 0.0336
Noindependent Subexperiments
• The assumption of independence can sometimes be unreasonable.
In the absence of independence, the probability would found by
using chain rule.
P[A] = P[AM|AM-1,…,A1]P[AM-1|AM-2,…,A1]…P[A2|A1]P[A1]
• Dependent Bernoulli trials
Assume we have two coins. One fair and the other is weighted (p≠1/2)
We randomly choose a coin and toss it.
If it comes up head, we choose the fair coin to use on the next trial.
If it comes up tails, we choose the weighted coin to use on the next trial.
M = 100,
p = 0.25
M = 100,
p = 0.5
Markov Sequence
• The dependency between trials is due only to the outcome of
the (i - 1) trial affecting the outcome of the ith trial.
• The previous outcome is called the state of the sequence.
State probability diagram
• The Bernoulli sequence, in which the probability of trials
i depend only on the outcome of the previous trial, is
state transition
called a Markov sequence.
P[Ai|Ai-1, Ai-2,…,A1] = P[Ai|Ai-1]
P[A] = P[AM|AM-1]P[AM-1|AM-2]…P[A2|A1]P[A1]
Markov Sequence: example
• We wish to determine the probability of N = 10 tails in
succession or the event A = {(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)}.
• If the coin is fair, then
P[A] = (1/2)10 = 0.000976,
• If the coin is weighted (P[1] = ¼ ), then
æ 10
P[A] = ç Õ P [ Ai | Ai-1 ]÷ P[A1 ]
è i=2
• but P[Ai|Ai-1] = P[0|0] = P[tail | weighted coin] = ¾ for i = 2,3,…,10.
• Initial choice of the coin is random, hence
P[A1 ] = P[0] = P[tail | weighted]P[weighted]+ P[tail | fair]P[ fair]
æ 3ö æ 1ö æ 1ö æ 1ö æ 5ö
= ç ÷ç ÷ +ç ÷ç ÷ = ç ÷
è 4ø è 2ø è 2ø è 2ø è 8ø
æ 10 3 ö æ 5 ö
P[A] = ç Õ ÷ ç ÷ = 0.0469
è i=2 4 ø è 8 ø
48 times
Trellis diagram
• The probability of any sequence is found by tracing the
sequence values through the trellis diagram and multiplying
the probabilities for each branch together.
• The sequence 1,0,0 has a probability of (3/8)(1/2)(3/4).
Real-world example: Cluster
• We wish to determine if a cluster of event has occurred.
• By cluster we mean that more occurrences of an event are
observed than would normally be expected.
Hit rate is
29/2500 = 1.16%
Real-world example: Cluster
• The shaded area exhibit more hits than the expected 145 x 0.0116
= 1.68 number. Is this cluster?
• Let’s apply Bayesian approach
and calculate odds ration to
answer the question.
odds =
P[no cluster | observed data]
P[cluster | observed data]
• B = {cluster} and
• A = {observed data}
odds =
P[B | A] P[A | B]P[B]
P[B | A] P[A | B]P[B]
• P[A] cancelles out
Real-world example: Cluster
• We need to determine
P[B], P[A | B], P[A | B]
• P[B] is prior probability, since we believe a cluster is quite
unlikely, we assign probability of 10-6.
• The probability of the observed data if there is no cluster
is calculated using Bernoulli sequence (array). If M cells
contained in the supposed cluster area (M = 145) then the
probability of k hits is
æ M ö k
M -k
P[k] = ç
è k ÷ø
• Setting pnc = 0.01, which is less then 0.0116 the hit
rate, and denotes the probability of no cluster.
• The probability that there is a cluster is set to pc = 0.1.
11/145 = 0.07
Real-world example: Cluster
æ M ö k
M -k
P[A | B] = P[observed data | no cluster] = ç
è k ÷ø
æ 145 ö
= P[k = 11| no cluster] = ç
è 11 ÷ø
æ M ö k
M -k
P[A | B] = P[observed data | cluster] = ç
è k ÷ø
æ 145 ö
= P[k = 11| cluster] = ç
è 11 ÷ø
• Which results in an odds ratio of
P[A | B]P[B] (0.01)11 (0.99)134 (1-10 -6 )
odds =
= 3.52
P[A | B]P[B]
(0.1)11 (0.9)134 (10 -6 )
Reject cluster hyp.
• Mainly the influence of the small prior probability of a cluster,
P[B]=10-6, that has resulted in the greater than unity odds ratio.
Practice problems
Practice problem
9. In a culture used for biological research the growth of
unavoidable bacteria occasionally spoils results of an
experiment that requires at least three out of five cultures to be
unspoiled to obtain a single datum point. Experience has shown
that about 5 of every 100 cultures are randomly spoiled by the
bacteria. If the experiment requires three simultaneously
derived , unspoiled data points for success, find the probability
of success for any given set of 15 cultures (three data pointes of
five cultures each).
Homework problems