SOIL 4213 BIOEN 4213 History of Using Indirect Measures for detecting Nutrient Status Oklahoma State University Field Element Size Area which provides the most precise measure of the available nutrient where the level of that nutrient changes with distance Chlorophyll Meters? What is the connection FES should theoretically identify 1. The smallest resolution where cause and effect relationships can be identified 2. The precise resolution where variances between paired samples of the same size (area) become unrelated and where heterogeneity can be recognized 3. The resolution where misapplication could pose a risk to the environment 4. The treated resolution where net economic return is achieved. 5. The resolution where differences in yield potential may exist Review Science: 283:310-316 • By 2020 global demand for rice, wheat, and maize will increase 40% • People have been predicting yield ceilings for millennia, and they’ve never been right “Matthew Reynolds” CIMMYT • Supercharging Photosynthesis: Reproduce the C4 cycle in rice • Role of Biotechnology in Precision Agriculture Absorption of Visible Light by Photopigments Absorption Sunlight reaching earth SPAD 501, 502 (430, 750) Phycoerythrin Chlorophyll b Phycocyanin B-Carotene Chlorophyll a 300 400 500 600 700 Wavelength, nm 800 Lehninger, Nelson and Cox Yellow-green Yellow Violet Blue Green-blue Blue-green 0.01 10 Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange VISIBLE Color Absorbed 380 450 495 570 590 620 wavelength, nm Electronic transitions Red Infrared Ultraviolet X-Rays Gamma Rays VISIBLE Color Transmitted 750 Radio, FM, TV Long wavelength Low frequency Low energy Microwaves and short radio Short wavelength High frequency High energy 1x106 1x101 Vibrational Rotational transitions transitions Short wavelength High energy Long wavelength Low energy Phycoerythrin Chlorophyll b Phycocyanin B-Carotene 0.01 10 Infrared Ultraviolet X-Rays Chlorophyll a 380 450 495 570 590 620 wavelength, nm 750 Near-Infrared Absorption Major Amino and Methyl Analytical Bands and Peak Positions CH3 CH3 RNH2 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 RNH2 RNH2 | | | | | | | | 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 | RNH2 | 1500 1600 Wavelength, nm | | | | | | 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 White Light Interference Filter Photodiode Phycocyanin Chlorophyll b B-Carotene Phycoerythrin Chlorophyll a 380 450 495 570 590 620 wavelength, nm 750 1993 Dr. Marvin Stone adjusts the fiber optics in a portable spectrometer used in early bermudagrass N rate studies with the Noble Foundation, 1994. Sensor readings at ongoing bermudagrass, N rate * N timing experiments with the Noble Foundation in Ardmore, OK. Initial results were promising enough to continue this work in wheat. 1995 Extensive field experiments looking at changes in sensor readings with changing, growth stage, variety, row spacing, and N rates were conducted. New ‘reflectance’ sensor developed. Collaborative Project with CIMMYT Variety Selection/Yield Potential Spring Wheat 1996 CIMMYT Date Location Personnel Objectives Feb, 1997 Ciudad Obregon TEAM-VRT Discuss potential Steve Phillips, Joanne LaRuffa, collaborative work IRSP 98, refine INSEY, 2- Wade Thomason, Sherry Britton, wheel tractor and wheat Joe Vadder, Gordon Johnson, bed planter design Jan, 1999 Obregon & Texcoco John Solie, Dick Whitney Sep, 1999 Aug, 2000 Jan-Mar 2001 Texcoco Texcoco Ciudad Obregon Erna Lukina IRSP 98, use of EY as a Marvin Stone, Kyle Freeman, selection tool IRSP 99, applications of Roger Teal, Robert Mullen, INSEY, sensor design Kathie Wynn, Carly Washmon, for plant breeding Dwayne Needham Kyle Freeman Joint collaboration on 200-03530 NRI Grant Wheat harvest Wheat harvest Apr 2001 July 2001 Ciudad Obregon El Batan Apr 2002 June 2002 Oct 2002 Ciudad Obregon El Batan El Batan Kyle Freeman Jagadeesh Mosali, Shambel Moges Micah Humphreys, Paul Hodgen, Carly Washmon Paul Hodgen NASA Grant Robert Mullen, Kyle Freeman Corn Sensing Keri Brixey, Jason Lawles, Kyle Freeman Corn Harvest TOTAL 8 33 OSU Reflectance Sensor (1996-2002) Sensor/Amplifier Integrated Circuit Photo-Detector Optical Filters Collimation Glass Cover Fiber Optic Light Guides Turf target Crop Target Light signal Light detection Light generation Valve settings Calculate NDVI Lookup valve setting Apply valve setting Send data to UI “Sensor” OSU Active Sensor (2001-present) Valves and Nozzles History of Using Indirect Measures for Detecting Nutrient Status NIRS analyzer which is connected to a computer focuses infrared rays on a prepared sample of dried pulverized plant material. The instrument measures protein, fiber and other plant components because each one reflects infrared rays differently. Samples and standards (previously characterized) and then mathematically compared History of Using Indirect Measures for Detecting Nutrient Status NIRS (near infrared reflectance spectroscopy) Measuring the vibrations caused by the stretching and bending of hydrogen bonds with carbon oxygen and nitrogen. Each of the major organic components of a forage or other feed has light absorption characteristics. These absorption characteristics cause the reflectance that enables us to identify plant composition Chlorophyll Meters Most WIDELY used “Indirect Measure” Minolta: SPAD (soil plant analysis development unit ) 501 & 502 light absorbance (light attenuation) at 430 (violet) and 750 nm (red/NIR transition) No tissue collection Leaf chlorophyll (SPAD) vs Leaf N concentration and NO3-N Chlorophyll Meters (cont.) Meters/ How SPAD meters work IRRI (READ) Go to Factors affecting SPAD values Go to CRITCAL SPAD VALUES for varietal work University of NEBRASKA, sufficiency approach High correlation between leaf chlorophyll and leaf N. Why? Sample area. Problems? 94.htm Short wavelength High energy Long wavelength Low energy Phycoerythrin Chlorophyll b Phycocyanin B-Carotene 0.01 10 Infrared Ultraviolet X-Rays Chlorophyll a 380 450 495 570 590 620 wavelength, nm 750 Response Index vs. Sufficiency Measurement/Action Non-N limiting Farmer Check NDVI 0.85 0.65 OSU-Precision Sensing Varvel, Schepers, and Francis (1997) NFOA Sufficiency Response Index = 0.85/0.65 = 0.65/0.85 * 100 = 1.31 = 76% Planting date 1.days where GDD >0 2.days from planting to sensing = 60 Predict Yield Potential = 0.65/ days where GDD>0 YP0 = 2334.9 exp(NDVI*2.6493) = 13071 kg/ha Grain N uptake YP 0 = 13071 * 1.25%N 163 Grain N uptake YP N = 13071 * 1.31 * 1.25%N 214 N Recommendation = (214-163)/0.70 73 + N if <95% Rate = 30 lb N/ac checked every 7 days applied N all the way to R3 At max uptake (5 lb N/ac/day) Sufficiency <90%, Max yields not achieved with in-season N, as yield potential had already been reduced. corn grain = 1.25%N On-the-go-chemical-analyses ‘SoilDoctor’ selective ion electrode mounted on the shank of an anhydrous ammonia applicator Electromagnetic induction (EMI) VERIS measurements (Missouri) predicting grain yield sand deposition depth to clay pan electrical conductivity Use of EM as a data layer to better predict yield potential On-the-go-chemical-analyses On-the-go sensors for organic matter and ground slope (Yang, Shropshire, Peterson and Whitcraft) Satellite images Aerial images (NIR sensitive film) Implications Reports of improved correlation between indirect measures and yield (EMI) versus soil test parameters Soil testing (process of elimination) no single parameter is expected to be correlated with yield K vs yield P vs yield N vs yield pH vs yield FES and SPAD Chlorophyll Meters and Field Element Size What is the connection? Indirect Measures? Is this a process of elimination like soil testing? FYI Spectral Radiance Radiance: the rate of flow of light energy reflected from a surface Measuring the radiance of light (at several wavelengths) that is reflected from the plant canopy Photodiodes detect light intensity (or radiance) of certain wavelengths (interference filters, e.g., red, green, NIR) that are reflected from plants and soil. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) = NIR ref – red ref / NIR ref + red ref Units: Early-season plant N uptake, kg ha -1 (up – down) excellent predictor of plant N uptake 200 S*N Perkins, 1998 160 S*N Tipton, 1998 140 transect Stillw ater, 1999 transect Perkins, 1999 120 transect Efaw , 2000, Jan 100 transect Perkins, 2000 Jan transect Efaw , 2000 Mar 80 transect Perkins, 2000 Mar 60 40 20 0 0 N uptake, kg y = 1019.5x 3 - 1507.5x 2 + 811.5x - 130.32 R2 = 0.78 N*P Perkins, 1998 180 ha-1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 NDVI, Feekes 4-6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 Sensor Design (1991-96) Micro-Processor, A/D Conversion, and Signal Processing Photo-Detector Optical Filters Ultra-Sonic Sensor Collimation Plant and Soil target March 1996