th 50 ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION “Our Members Are The Agricultural Chemical Professionals Who Serve Those Who Feed The World” MIDWEST AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS ASSOCIATION 1985 It is through the voice of individual members that MACA is able to “tell it like OUR MACA MEMBERS it is” and become leaders to improve the economic and environmental climate in the midwest. MACA BROCHURES Current Member Companies of 25 Years or More Aceto Ag Chemical Corporation Albaugh, Inc. BASF Big Rivers Agri-Supply Chemorse, Ltd. Dow AgroSciences DuPont FMC Corporation GROWMARK, Inc. Kova Monsanto Oil-Dri Corporation of America Rosen’s Inc. Universal Crop Protection Alliance Van Diest Supply Company New 2008 Member Companies ISK Biosciences Corporation Winfield Solutions MACA ORGANIZED 1958 - Midwest Agricultural Chemicals Association – MACA FOUNDERS OF MACA MACA was formed by seven dedicated professionals who clearly saw the need for the agricultural chemicals industry in America’s heartland to have a vigorous professional society. Herbert Woodbury Porter Williams Robert Yapp were joined by Harold Howard Doug Nelson Wally Smith and G.E. Zackert. PRESIDENTS Along with Harold Howard-1962-63 the four men pictured served as MACA Presidents from 1958-1964. Herbert Woodbury 1958-59 and 1960-61 Robert Yapp 1959-60 Douglas Nelson 1961-62 Ray Northrop 1963-64 Incorporated in 1967 to provide an opportunity for basic manufacturers, distributors/formulators and allied industry to meet to discuss crop life issues. OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Presidents Dick S. Lang-1965-66, William M. Banks-1966-67, and Hillis R. McLane-1969-70 George A. Lawrence 1967-68 Bert Brayton 1968-69 President Vern L. McCarthy 1970-71 McCarthy OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1971-72 President Dwight Habermehl and Keith Boyer who served as President from 1972-74. Habermehl Boyer Dean Roy served as President from 1976-78, seated on his left is two term President Ray Smedul – 1974-76. Roy Smedul EDUCATOR’S AWARD The award first presented in 1974 is designed to recognize demonstrated evidence of significant contributions to American agriculture, especially in the MACA region. Bob Roselle, University of Nebraska Extension Entomologist, was the first recipient. Dr. Ronald Doersch 1990 Dr. Bill Simmons 2003 Dr. David Walgenbach 1987 Dr. Gordon Roskamp 2002 Donald E. Kuhlman 1989 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Robert C. Moreau 1978-80 Bert Larry Bert served as President from 1980-82 1982-83 President V.R. “Swede” Roskam passing the gavel to 1983-84 President Bob Ramsdell. MAN OF THE YEAR AWARD-1978 Winton Warren Etchen served as Executive Secretary of MACA from 1969-1978. In 1981 Dr. E.E. ‘Ev’ Waller began his contribution to the WallerDirector was awarded the industry asDr. Executive of MACA and through his leadership kept the association steady growth Dean Roy Award on in a1985. He trend for many years. is the only “non-member” to Dr. Waller was presented Industry Vision Award have beenthe so1995 recognized. upon his retirement. His wife Virginia was presented the 1995 Partner Award for her volunteer contributions to the organization. Dr. Waller writes, “ I liked all of MACA’s officers, directors, and committee people over the years; and some lifelong friendships were established… MACA and its countless accomplishments mean a lot to us; and we would love to attend, it is not, however, feasible this year. We shall be there in thought and empathy.” 6/21/08 INDUSTRY VISION AWARD The award first presented in 1982 is designed to recognize the distinguished career of an individual devoted to promoting and protecting the interests of the crop protection industry supporting American and Midwestern agriculture. Past President Ray Smedul of Chevron was the first recipient. Mike McCarty 2005 Jack P. Dutra 2007 Ron Farrell 2006 John Juvenal 2004 INDUSTRY VISION AWARD Charles Fischer 2002 Robert Woods 2003 Paul E. Rhein 1999 Neil Strong 2001 Bob Van Diest 2000 INDUSTRY VISION AWARD Russel Weisensel 1991 William J. Fairborn 1992 Leavitt S. White 1986 Jay Vroom 1993 Keith G. Boyer 1994 RUTH WHITE MEDIA AWARD in 1982 theWhite, The awardStarted was named afteras Ruth Media Leavitt S.Special White’s wife theAward year of to her death in 1989. recognize media for their Charlotte Sine distinguished service to Leavitt served as the communications 2000 Eric Sfiligoj 2007 consultant to MACA from 1981-1992 agricultural chemicals andand his wife Ruth hadMACA assisted in the organization . Activities. Ned Van Buren 1985 Ken Root 1996 MACA Past Presidents pose during the celebration. 1984 CELEBRATION OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1984-85 President Carl Bartenhagen and officers. Bartenhagen President William Skrei holding the 1985-86 sign and seated to his left is Dave Murphy who served as MACA 1986-87 President. Murphy MACA-75 (1986) developed manufacturer specification and user guidelines for portable agri-chemical tanks for liquid pesticides and other agri-chemicals not subject to U.S. DOT specification packaging. OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Bollinger Dutra President Dennis Matthias 1989-90, officers and board of directors. President Jack Dutra 1987-88, to his right is Bruce Bollinger President 1988-89. Matthias OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Keith Keuchmann 1990-91, seated to his left is Richard Rost, President from 1991-92 Farrell Keuchmann Rost President Ron Farrell 1992-93, officers and board of directors. Water Guardian Award MACA began sponsoring the Water Guardian Award in 1991. MACA works with state associations to recognize agricultural businesses and individuals that project a positive image by promoting environmental stewardship of the crop protection industry, concern about the quality of the nation’s water supply and overall protection of the environment. MACA-75 Amended (1992) developed manufacturer specification and user guidelines for liquid pesticides and other agri-chemical not subject to U.S. DOT specification packaging. MACA -25 developed in 1993 manufacturer specification and user guidelines for refillable container liquid pesticides and other agri-chemicals. Approved in 1993 C.A.N. provides free speakers to First Ambassador Coordinator, Debbie classrooms and civic groups in the Rubin, begins work June, 1995. Midwest. Presentations and Lesson Units are tools available for use by speakers and teachers. AMBASSADOR AWARD Designed to recognize an ambassador for their efforts in promoting the crop protection industry through presentations to students or consumers. The award was first presented in 1993 Dan Stork, CIBA. 2007 1993 1995 2002 2006 1996 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1993-94 President Ron Naggatz passing the ceremonial gavel to 1994-95 President Charlotte Sine 1995-96 President Neil Strong 1996-97 President Pat Robinson stands next to Executive Director Bonnie McCarvel. Strong Robinson In 1994 a brochure was developed and distributed to assist the distributor and dealer in upgrading or building their package chemical warehouse to meet industry guidelines. MACA NAME CHANGES 1958 - Midwest Agricultural Chemicals Association – MACA 1995 - Mid America Crop Protection Association – MACPA Office Moved to St. Louis - 1996 Neil Strong and Pat Robinson inspect the new office. Bonnie McCarvel was hired as MACPA Executive Director. REGIONAL WATER SEMINAR - 1996 “What’s In The Works for Water.” Seventy-five people attended the two day seminar on regional water initiatives. OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Adkinson Forkrud Lane Kippley 1997-98 President Ken Adkinson 1998-99 President Bob Lane President 1999-2000 Terry Kippley 2000-2001 President Darrell Forkrud STATE ISSUES SUMMIT - 1998 MACPA developed a program for all 13 state associations to meet and discuss issues. A system to mark field boundaries, track field events and ensure correct applications of crop protection products was developed. This brochure was distributed in 1999. Completed in 1999 and updated on a regular basis. Update is in progress by the Distribution & Environment Committee. WeatherPLOT The WeatherPlot™ database is a result of the joint efforts of Meridian Environmental Technology, Inc. and MACA. Infrastructure development for this extensive weather information database began in 1999, with weather data first made available through the system during the 2000 growing season. Currently seven companies subscribe to this database. WeatherPlot™ is a site-specific historical weather database developed to provide nearly field-level assessments of hourly or daily weather conditions. Updated in 2000 from original in 1993 to provide the “fundamental principles” of packaged crop protection products storage and handling. OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS Utterback Mol Beutke Raines 2001-2002 President Bill Beutke 2002-2003 President Ron Utterback 2003-2004 President John Raines 2004-2005 President Duane Mol MACA NAME CHANGES 1958 - Midwest Agricultural Chemicals Association – MACA 1995 - Mid America Crop Protection Association – MACPA 2002 - Mid America CropLife Association – MACA Homeland Security Seminar STEWARDSHIP & INDUSTRY LEADERSHIP SEMINAR - 2004 MACA hosted for the 13 state associations in region and MACA state affairs and regulatory affairs members to be updated on biotech, product integrity, and other current issues. EXTRA S.T.E.P. AWARD The award was started in 2005 and is designed to recognize an entity that goes above and beyond the requirements of the respective 13 states. The nominee is already meeting the state and federal laws, but takes the extra step to ensure good stewardship in their community. OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2005-2006 President Craig Petermeier 2006-2007 President Jim Jenkins Petermeier Jenkins Strohmaier 2007-2008 President Al Strohmaier, Officers and Board of Directors Janet Braun – CAN Coordinator Janet Braun was named one of three Ag Ambassadors of the Year by CropLife America in 2007. Janet became MACA’s CropLife Ambassador Network Coordinator in 2003. Annual Meetings First Annual Meeting held in Kansas City, Missouri in 1960. Providing a forum for supplier/customer meetings, information and networking on current topics. “The New Decade - What’s Ahead” 1980 Annual Meeting 1981 - Our New Environment - Where do we go from here? 1984 - Changes - How Do We Prepare for Them? 1987 - The Challenge - To Change! 1989 - World Class Competition 1992 - Customers Speak! - but do you listen? 1993 - Your Paradigm for Success 2000 - Investing in Agriculture - A New Outlook 2004 - Navigating the Changes - Forward Focused 2008 – Celebrating the Past, Speeding into the Future Annual Meetings The meetings have addressed the changing business practices of the nation. Annual Meetings Annual Meetings GOLF GOLF GOLF TENNIS 1984 1977 1984 MEMBER SPOUSES PARTICIPATED IN ANNUAL MEETING EVENTS 1977 Develops a September meeting program that responds to the industry’s current concerns and principal interests. The Committee schedules outstanding speakers for specific topics and plans recreation and entertainment for members. Annual Meeting Committee DEAN ROY AWARD The award is named in honor of one of the organization’s members for “Exceptional Service to MACA and the CropLife Industry” for contributing the most by their selfless service. The award was first presented in 1982 to Past President Keith Boyer of Brayton Chemicals. David Flakne 2005 Al Strohmaier 2006 Dan Vest 2004 Don Bradley 2007 DEAN ROY AWARD William Randell 2003 Ron Utterback 2001 Darrell Forkrud 2000 Myron Carter 2002 Bob Ramsdell 1999 DEAN ROY AWARD Lloyd Burling 1998 Charlotte Sine 1996 Jack Dutra 1997 John Hester 1994 Terry Kippley 1995 DEAN ROY AWARD Neil Strong 1989 Dean Roy 1991 Carl Bartenhagen 1992 Bruce Bollinger 1993 Ron Naggatz 1990 DEAN ROY AWARD Swede Roskam 1986 Keith Kuechmann 1987 Ron Farrell 1988 Gordon Bethards 1983 Dr. Ev Waller 1985 Dennis Matthias 1984 D&E works to ensure that safe logistical practices and knowledge are available and/or implemented for crop protection products including technical ingredients. 2000 2007 Distribution & Environment Committee Crop Protection Products D&E Committee gathers information on the best storage and handling practices of packaged crop protection products. REI works to gather and communicate information that addresses environmental and regulatory issues of concern to protect the products and services of MACA members. REI supports legislative and regulatory issues for the 13 states and federal legislation by monitoring the issues and providing information. Regulatory & Environmental Issues Committee Water Quality MACA MACA provides educational information PUBLISHES on the Clean Water Act and all of its ramifications. MACA is a member of the Federal Water Quality Coalition (FWQC) who participates in federal and regional water quality rulemakings and initiatives; negotiated guidance development; written comments; and litigation. 1996 1989 WATER CONSULTANTS Mary Jane Stankiewicz became MACA’s water consultant in 2008. Jack Dutra was presented an Honorary Lifetime Membership in CropLife America. Jack served as water consultant for MACA from 1996 until his retirement in 2008. Works with national and regional associations to coordinate MACA efforts on programs and issues of common concern and act as a liaison group on specific areas of mutual interest. Business Issues Committee Coordinate communication efforts and assists with recruiting new members and retailing membership. Provides oversight for the CropLife Ambassador Network. Industry Communications Committee During the past five years we CAN Task Force have reached 25,000 future consumers! Oversees the public outreach program to promote the benefits of crop protection products and agriculture. Targets 4th through 6th grade educational outreach opportunities through the CropLife Ambassador Network, providing scientifically based and accurate information regarding the safety and value of American agricultural food production. Traceability Implementation Program Task Force The TIP test project, in its second and final year, partners MACA with four retailers to trace products, reduce shrinkage, and provide measurable returns on investments for participants. Networking Thank you for your involvement in MACA. Nearly $2.5 billion worth of ag chemical products – 38% of the nation’s consumption – are consumed by MACA member states, and MACA’s continued industry contributions protect its members interests while reducing risk in a volatile agricultural climate.