Resolution on Budget Committees October 18, 1995 ...................................................2 Resolution on Budget Committees November 15, 1995 ...............................................3 Resolution on Budget Committees December 6, 1995 .................................................4 Resolution on Budget Committees January 10, 1996 ...................................................5 Resolution Rejecting the Fiscal Proposals of the Administration and Requesting Plans and Policies which Will Grow Campus Enrollments ......................................................7 Resolution Concerning Advocacy for Cross-Campus Issues in the Next Biennium Budget ...................................................................................................................................8 Resolution on Advance Loans ......................................................................................9 Resolution in Support of Fiscal Responsibility (from the floor by Patsy Fujimoto) ....... 10 Resolution on the Restoration of Restricted Funds .................................................... 11 Presentation by Chancellor Peter Englert on Budget .................................................. 12 Resolution on Missions Clarification and Budget Process ........................................... 14 Resolution on Research Training and Revolving Funds (RTRF) .................................... 15 Resolution on Legislative Budget ............................................................................... 16 Resolution on Retrenchment..................................................................................... 17 Motion to Pursue a Budget Task Force and Report back to the Senate on November 18 ................................................................................................................................. 18 Resolution on UHM Financial Assistance ................................................................... 19 Resolution to Establish a Task Force on the Budget ................................................... 20 Resolution on the Budget-Prioritization Workgroup .................................................. 22 Resolution on Fiscal Responsibility, Best Practice, and Unilateral Impositions ............ 25 Approved Budget: 2011-2012 .................................................................................... 27 Resolution on Budget Committees October 18, 1995 Informational Item No Link or Resolution found at this time. Resolution on Budget Committees November 15, 1995 Deferred to SEC No Link or Resolution found at this time. Resolution on Budget Committees December 6, 1995 Deferred (report distributed) No Link or Resolution found at this time. Resolution on Budget Committees January 10, 1996 Passed unanimously “WHEREAS Governor Cayetano has imposed on the University of Hawaii a reduction in the systemwide budget of $43 million for fiscal years 1996/1997 WHEREAS President Mortimer has acknowledged problems at the school and college level with the implementation of the cuts mandated by the university administration WHEREAS the President recommends improved communication between his administration, the deans and directors, and the faculty concerning UHM's response to the cuts WHEREAS UHM faculty, through their senate representatives, have expressed their willingness and desire to provide increased collaboration on budgetary matters at the school and college level WHEREAS deans and directors have realized the need for timely discussion of budgetary policy and are encouraged to seek faculty input and participation in the decision-making process THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that each college, school, or organized research unit with a budget over $1 million be urged to ensure that there is an elected faculty committee with responsibilities to review and provide advice on budgetary policy and expenditures. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these committees' responsibilities include working together with the deans and directors to ensure the implementation of the Resolution on Academic & Budgetary Priorities as formulated by the Manoa Faculty Senate and passed on January 19, 1994. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that these committees provide the Manoa Faculty Senate with an annual summary. Passed on January 10, 1996 at the Manoa Faculty Senate meeting unanimously with 2 abstentions. Linda Cox, Secretary E. Alison Kay, Co-chair Kiyo Ikeda, Co-chair” Resolution on UH Capital Improvement Budget for Fiscal Biennium 1997-1999 November 20, 1996 Vote Unknown “Whereas the University of Hawaii Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Biennium 1997-1999 places "Hamilton Library Phase III" as the priority construction project in the CIP budget; Whereas construction of Hamilton Library Phase III is essential to continued highquality scholarship and teaching at all University of Hawaii campuses; Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate endorses placing "Hamilton Library Phase III" as the priority construction project in the University of Hawaii Capital Improvements Program for Fiscal Biennium 1997-1999.” Resolution Rejecting the Fiscal Proposals of the Administration and Requesting Plans and Policies which Will Grow Campus Enrollments March 21, 1999 Deferred indefinitely “WHEREAS, the UH-Manoa strategic plan adopted by the Board of Regents calls for the UH Manoa campus to attain an enrollment level of 18,000 to 20,000 students; WHEREAS, if the UH-Manoa campus were to grow to reach the level of20,000 students, additional revenues would be generated which would enable the campus to support current academic programs and to undertake needed repairs and upgrading of facilities, especially if significant recruitment of out-of-state students were to occur; WHEREAS, current and proposed actions by the Administration (e.g. the proposed 4+4+4 cuts, threats to transfer 101 funds to other campuses, and only token efforts to recruit students) are not moving us in the direction of the strategic plan goal, but in fact will have the opposite effect; WHEREAS, cuts to UH-Manoa have been disproportional among the campuses in the UH system, and consequent reductions in budgets and personnel have already created great damage to our academic programs, and WHEREAS, a "scarcity mentality" at the university is driving away many of our best faculty and will be a significant barrier to attracting the best qualified persons in future faculty recruitment; THEREFORE, the faculty reject proposals for further cuts to the academic units of UH-Manoa. We call upon the Administration to undertake an aggressive effort to plan for the growth of student enrollments, including a comprehensive, multifaceted plan which identifies potential student markets for the programs at UHManoa and outreach and marketing efforts to effectively recruit from these markets, including from the U.S. Mainland.” Resolution Concerning Advocacy for Cross-Campus Issues in the Next Biennium Budget March 8, 2000 Passed: 35 in favor No Link or Resolution found at this time. Resolution on Advance Loans Mary 9, 2001 Passed: unanimous “Whereas the State decided not to pay faculty at the middle of April for the duties performed on the first 4 days of April; Whereas this added an additional burden on many and particularly young faculty; Whereas the University administration decided to make partial paychecks available to faculty who were on strike; Therefore, be it resolved that we, the Senate, wish to express our gratitude to those in the University administration who made it possible for checks to be prepared expending University funds to pay striking faculty for those days worked in early April.” Resolution in Support of Fiscal Responsibility (from the floor by Patsy Fujimoto) October 15, 2003 Passed: 40 in favor “Whereas, there is a critical fiscal and morale crisis at the University of Hawaii, and Whereas, the Board of Regents is charged with the ultimate responsibility for supervising and nurturing the University, its administrators, faculty, staff, and students, and Whereas, the Manoa Faculty Senate is the representative body of the University of Hawaii Manoa campus, therefore be it, Resolved, the Manoa Faculty Senate strongly supports the fostering of verifiable fiscal responsibility at the administrative level and investigating the use of University of Hawaii funds.” Resolution on the Restoration of Restricted Funds November 19, 2003 Passed: 37 in favor “WHEREAS decisions regarding budgetary allocations among units--between the System and campuses, among campuses, and within each campus--require an orderly process of consultative deliberation, under conditions of maximum transparency, and WHEREAS there often are externally imposed restrictions on budgets, such as those imposed by the Governor, and WHEREAS any restoration of such externally imposed restrictions should not be treated as an occasion to subvert the orderly consultative processes required by policy in budgetary matters, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that if the University's budget is subject to externally imposed restrictions, and these restrictions are passed on to units, and if restrictions are removed, then the funds released must be restored to units as they were before the restriction. All proposals for reallocations of funds, based on changing budgetary circumstances, must be made publicly, with ample opportunity for discussion, including discussion with the appropriate campus faculty organizations of the affected campuses, at UH Manoa with the Manoa Faculty Senate.” Presentation by Chancellor Peter Englert on Budget February 18, 2004 No Vote “ FY 2004 Estimated Revenues Balances Brought Forward Tuition and fees special funds Research and training revolving funds Subtotal carryover balances Current Revenues FY03 GF appropriation FY03 CB allotment Transfers Tuition revenues [1] RTRF revenues [2] Executive/President restriction Subtotal current revenues Total Available Revenues Estimated expenditures and assessments Current program expenditures [3] Expenditure/commitment of carryover/ balances System assessments [4] Other allocations Unbudgeted commitments [5] Total estimated expenditures and assessments Estimated balance at end of the year * excludes tuition and fees for summer session and continuing education FY 2 9,266,252 14,670,666 23,936,918 186,088,473 0 (133,220) 53,500,000 22,412,894 (1,000,000) 260,868,147 284,805,065 186 251,983,613 23,936,918 4,800,000 0 5,900,000 286,620,531 (1,815,466) 263 FY205: 1. Tuition revenue projections: 3% increase in tuition rates and 2% increase in enrollments 2. RTRF allocation assumes 10% growth over FY 2004 3. Current program expenditures include: ◦ last year's unbudgeted commitments ◦ Hawaiian initiatives ◦ APT professional improvement ◦ Worker's compensation shortfall ◦ RTRF expenditures 56 24 (1, 265 265 5 269 (3, 4. Includes: ◦ UH Foundation costs except school and college costs ... $900,000 ◦ Risk management costs...$1,400,000 ◦ Banner year two ... $3,430,319 5. Includes: ◦ Energy coordinator... $84,742 ◦ Executive searches... $88,000 ◦ New faculty, engineering... $130,000 ◦ Law faculty... $120,000 ◦ Nursing Accelerated BS new cohort... $139,358 Kathy Cutshaw asked what risk assessment funds were for. Rodney Sakaguchi replied it is for use, minus a deductible, and suggested they come to visit MLT to review the specifics of how the fund can be accessed. Alan Yang asked if Banner expenses were initial costs of Banner central. Rodney Sakaguchi replied it's for the initial expenditure. Chuck Hayes asked what the best guess is on whether reserves will be spent by the units, or if those expenses will be available to cover the deficit. Rodney Sakaguchi replied it depends on units; they report they'll be spend. Andy Hashimoto asked if the current budget outlook includes supplemental budget allocations. Peter Englert cataloged what our request is, and indicated that it is not included at this time in the budget -- because supplemental budget amounts are not allocated at this time. Andy Hashimoto also asked if it includes monies for medical school library. Rodney Sakaguchi replied it is included as an expense. Judy Hughes reported that next year we will be cutting many classes, so we need to look at instructional expenses.” Resolution on Missions Clarification and Budget Process May 5, 2004 Vote: Unknown “Whereas System budget processes and allocation methods are currently in need of clarification; and Whereas the approach to presenting funding requests to the Legislature also interacts with budgeting among the campuses; and Whereas System-level allocation methodologies further interact with campus-level budgeting; and Whereas the System administration and the Council of Chancellors is currently engaged in a process of stock-taking, one of the aims of which is to inform methodologies for allocations and for budget requests; and Whereas any decision regarding budget depends crucially on clarification of the respective missions of the individual campuses, particularly regarding the way in which the mission of the University of Hawaii is distributed among the community colleges, the four-year campuses and Manoa; and Whereas Manoa's mission includes the functions of high-level research, graduate education, community service, and advanced professional training--the costs of which bear complex relationships to student numbers; and Whereas the Council of Chancellors has established a working group on mission clarification; Therefore be it resolved: That it is in the best interests of the University of Hawai'i system, and of the University of Hawai'i at Manoa in particular, to first clarify the functional definition of each campus within the UH System, and then to develop a budget process and priorities that explicitly recognize the different missions.” Resolution on Research Training and Revolving Funds (RTRF) April 20, 2005 Passed: 36 in favor “WHEREAS the UH Manoa faculty are not informed as to how RTRF (Research Training and Revolving Funds) are spent and there currently exists no accountability to the faculty for the spending of RTRF funds and WHEREAS the major source of RTRF funds is the reimbursement of indirect costs of federal research grants, and these indirect costs are provided by the federal government to support research infrastructure and WHEREAS the faculty at UH Manoa are dependent on the research infrastructure and WHEREAS each individual unit determines and develops programs in part based on the distribution of RTRF funds BE IT RESOLVED that the Manoa Faculty Senate requests a yearly report in September from the Offices of the Vice President for Research and the Vice Chancellor for Research at Manoa, as to how RTRF funds were used in the previous year and BE IT RESOLVED that the Vice President for Research and the Vice Chancellor for Research will also present their plans for the distribution of RTRF funds the current year and BE IT RESOLVED that the Manoa Faculty Senate requests that plans for RTRF distribution from the Offices of the Vice President for Research and the Vice Chancellor for Research be made in consultation with the Manoa Faculty Senate.” Resolution on Legislative Budget December 7, 2005 Passed, Vote: Unanimous “Whereas, The State of Hawai`i is currently projecting a surplus of $632.6 million for 2006-7; and Whereas, The Governor and Legislature agree that surplus funds should be designated for higher and lower education; and Whereas, The University of Hawai`i at Mânoa is facing a severe funding crisis owing to the need to maintain, repair and renew its aging physical plant and owing to projected steep rises in the costs of utilities, especially electricity, water and sewer; and Whereas, well-maintained physical plant and adequate resources for utilities are vital to the mission of the University; be it Resolved, That the Mânoa Faculty Senate respectfully urges that an adequate portion of the projected State of Hawai`i budget surplus be used to address repair and maintenance issues on UH campuses with a view to improving the resource efficiency of the physical plant of the University and enable it to reduce its consumption of vital water and energy resources” Resolution on Retrenchment October 21, 2009 Passed, Vote: Unanimous “WHEREAS retrenchment at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) should not be imposed until financial exigency has been declared according to the procedures specified by the American Association for University Professors (AAUP) in their document Recommended Institutional Regulations on Academic Freedom & Tenure; and WHEREAS, the 2003-2009 and currently enforced and continuing University of Hawaii Professional Assembly’s Faculty Contract states that retrenchment can only occur in case of a lack of work or other legitimate reason, such as fiscal exigency; and WHEREAS the UH Board of Regents (BOR) has not declared financial exigency; and WHEREAS the AAUP requires that a duly authorized faculty body participate in the decision that a condition of financial exigency exists or is imminent, and this has not occurred; and WHEREAS there are several new projects such as the expansion of University of Hawaii-West Oahu and Maui Community College campuses that would indicate that financial exigency is not imminent; and WHEREAS AAUP standards are designed to protect the integrity of the institution in part by means of a system of tenure, which is jeopardized by retrenchment; Therefore, be it resolved, that the University of Hawaii Manoa Faculty Senate 6. (1) insists that any retrenchment be held off for lack of well-documented fiscal exigency established by an appropriately constituted committee consistent with AAUP standards; and 7. (2) asserts that any precipitate attempt to seek approval from the BOR for retrenchment will place this institution at risk for formal censure by AAUP; and 8. (3) asserts that retrenchment in any form will lower our national prestige, as well as our ability to attract top-quality students, research funding from Federal sources, and also State funding; and (4) requests that copies of this resolution be sent to the Board of Regents, the University of Hawaii President, the University of Hawaii Chancellors, Senator Norman Sakamoto, Representative Jerry Chang, and Governor Linda Lingle.” Motion to Pursue a Budget Task Force and Report back to the Senate on November 18 October 21, 2009 Passed, Vote: Unanimous No Link or Resolution found at this time. Resolution on UHM Financial Assistance November 18, 2009 Passed, Vote: unanimous “Whereas, the University of Hawai`i at Manoa wants to provide the most financial assistance to students, Whereas, the University wants to attract Hawai`i’s best high school and community college students to Manoa, Whereas, we want to provide incentives for students to come to the University of Hawai`i at Manoa, Whereas, we want to diversify our student population, Whereas, we want to attract and retain the best undergraduate and graduate students, Whereas, the administration already has initiated efforts to get deans to award financial assistance to admitted students before they commit to attending Manoa, Whereas, almost $6 million in scholarships went unclaimed during the last academic year, Be it resolved that the Manoa Faculty Senate urges the entire campus and all those who have anything to do with financial assistance to award assistance in a timely fashion that is of benefit to admitted students.” Resolution to Establish a Task Force on the Budget November 18, 2009 Passed, Vote: 1 opposed “Whereas UH-Manoa appears to be in a budget crisis; and Whereas the UHM faculty Senate has been a consistent and vocal supporter of fiscal responsibility and the appropriate use of funds; and Whereas the AAUP has recently advised faculty to guard against potential misuses of such budget crises: Many academic managers suggest that their institutions are facing a financial crisis like that of bankrupt companies or states. Far more make the analogy than is justified by institutions’ actual financial health. An emerging managerial approach is to call for salary freezes, pay reductions, and/or furloughs for faculty to address immediate budgetary challenges. A common managerial discourse is to not waste a crisis to further increase managerial “flexibility.†We urge faculty to address such proposals in the context of long-term trends that compromise higher education. (, August 18 2009); and Whereas the various groups on campus currently looking at the state of our budget labor under constraints that might limit the scope of their analysis and recommendations; and Whereas the entire University community will need to agree on what our situation is, and what the options are, if we are to have any success in moving forward; therefore Be It Resolved that I. The UH-Manoa Faculty Senate establish a Special Task Force on the Budget. II. The charge to this Task Force includes: 9. Confirmation of the extent of the fiscal crisis, especially at the Manoa 10. Determination of whether there are sources of funds which have not been considered by administration committees or offices working on the problem; 11. Evaluation of potential solutions, such as enrollment increases and retirement scenarios; 12. Any other matters which they determine are relevant to the above. It is understood that there are other campus entities, such as the office of the VCAFO, the Chancellor's Budget/Prioritization Workgroup, and Senate's Committee on Administration and Budget, which are working on these issues; the Task Force should interface with these entities to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and to share information. III. The Task Force will report to the Senate regularly through the CAB, and will transmit a final report containing their findings and any recommendations to the whole Senate. IV. While the Task Force will remain officially empaneled for the duration of the 2009-2010 Academic Year, it is expected that they will give a preliminary report at the December meeting of the UH-Manoa faculty Senate, and their final report by the February meeting of the Senate (if not before). The names of people who have been asked and agreed to serve will be presented in conjunction with this resolution.” Resolution on the Budget-Prioritization Workgroup January 20, 2010 Passed, vote: unanimous “WHEREAS the faculty of the University of Hawaii at MÄ noa (MÄ noa) have long had a primary role in many campus decisions, including curricular and program decisions; and WHEREAS the Board of Regents (BOR) Reference Guide (August 2009) Sec II (C) (1) Shared Governance cites as authoritative the joint AAUP, ACE and AGB 1966 Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities and further states that faculty "have primary responsibility for the curriculum, methods of instruction, research, and faculty status”; and WHEREAS BOR Chpt 1-10 provides that “duly authorized organization or organizations specified by each charter shall have the responsibility to speak for the faculty on academic policy matters such as: a. policy determining the initiation, review, and evaluation of proposed or authorized research, instructional, and academic programs; b. budget planning and implementation policy; c. student-faculty relations policy; d. policy for the evaluation of faculty and campus academic administrators; e. the improvement and establishment of a canon of professional ethics and an effective means of professional maintenance of those ethics, including faculty selfdiscipline; and f. other subjects affecting academic policy subjects referred to it or them by the Provost and/or Chancellor, or by request of the appropriate faculty organization”; and WHEREAS BOR Chpt 1-10 provides that “the role of a university faculty governance organization is to advise the administration (primarily at the campus and unit level) on matters impacting and/or relating to the development and maintenance of academic policy and standards to the end that quality education is provided, preserved, and improved” and that the pattern of faculty participation in exercising its role in campus and University matters "will be realized in accordance with the charters" (italics added); and WHEREAS the MÄ noa Faculty Senate (Senate) Charter Sec. 5, Faculty Representation on Committees, states “In forming standing committees, ad hoc committees, task forces, working groups, and other advisory or decisionmaking groups, the Administration will seek faculty representation. The Administration and the Senate will act cooperatively to select faculty for these groups. The Administration and the Faculty Senate will jointly make appointments from nominations provided by the Senate”, and WHEREAS the recognized faculty governance body at MÄ noa is the Senate; and WHEREAS the Senate has established policies and structure for faculty participation in shared governance and review of programs that have worked effectively and efficiently for decades; and WHEREAS AAUP Recommended Institutional Regulations on Academic Freedom and Tenure on elimination of programs and/or termination of tenured, probationary, and/or special appointment faculty due to “extraordinary circumstances because of a demonstrable bona fide financial exigency, i.e., an imminent financial crisis that threatens the survival of the institution as a whole and cannot be alleviated by less drastic means” state that: “As a first step, there should be a faculty body that participates in the decision that a condition of financial exigency exists or is imminent, and that all feasible alternatives to termination of appointments have been pursued. Judgments determining where within the overall academic program termination of appointments may occur involve considerations of educational policy, including affirmative action, as of faculty status, and should therefore be the primary responsibility of the faculty or of an appropriate faculty body. The faculty or an appropriate faculty body should also exercise primary responsibility in determining the criteria for identifying the individuals whose appointments are to be terminated. These criteria may appropriately include considerations of length of service. The responsibility for identifying individuals whose appointments are to be terminated should be committed to a person or group designated or approved by the faculty”; and WHEREAS the Budget Prioritization Workgroup (BPW) is composed of thirtyeight (38) members of whom only nine (9) are MÄ noa faculty; and The Budget Prioritization Workgoup is the combined Budget Workgroup and the Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Prioritization. The BPW is charged with developing medium and long-term recommendations for the Chancellor's consideration and meeting budget requirements for fiscal year 2011 and beyond based upon UH MÄ noa's priorities. ( WHEREAS of the nine (9) faculty on the BPW only five (5) are Senate appointees, all of whom had been nominated by the Senate to serve on other committees; and WHEREAS even though the faculty on the BPW are valued colleagues, they do not represent the faculty in accordance with the Senate Charter or distributionally as a proper cross section of the faculty on campus; and WHEREAS the Senate has requested that the Chancellor reconstitute the BPW with an adequate representational number of faculty nominated by the Senate in accordance with the Senate Charter, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Senate objects to the current membership of the BPW as it fails to satisfy University policy or AAUP Guideline requirements pertaining to faculty representation; and The Senate reiterates its request that the BPW be reconstituted such that a majority of its membership consists of Senate nominated faculty members who represent a proper cross section of the campus; and Unless and until the BPW is reconstituted in a manner consistent with the Senate Charter and AAUP Guidelines any advice, recommendations, or decisions produced by the BPW must not be represented or construed as reflecting formal or representative consultation with, or involvement by, faculty, or as having received the approval of the faculty.” Resolution on Fiscal Responsibility, Best Practice, and Unilateral Impositions January 20, 2010 Withdrawn “WHEREAS The Faculty has consistently advocated for fiscal responsibility at UH; and WHEREAS One aspect of being fiscally responsible is financial decision-making based on evidence and transparency; and WHEREAS Claims have been made that the UH System is fiscally insolvent, and that the only solution is to cut faculty salaries; and WHEREAS Little evidence has been offered to support these claims; and WHEREAS Faculty members are professionally habituated to reject proposals based on spurious data and/or unsupported assertions; and WHEREAS Unilateral imposition by a University administration of decisions affecting the academic mission of the University, without meaningful faculty consultation, violates acceptable practice as spelled out in the Statement on Government of Colleges and Universities issued jointly by the American Association of University Professors, the American Council on Education, and the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges in 1966; and WHEREAS The Faculty has been prepared to engage in legitimate sharedgovernance decision-making to address the financial situation and has sought evidence necessary for such decision-making to occur; therefore BE IT RESOLVED that The Faculty requests that the University System Administration provide documented evidence to back any assertions of fiscal insolvency; and The Faculty requests evidence showing that cuts to faculty salaries, elimination of programs, firing of faculty or any other decisions affecting the academic mission of the University are necessary; and The Faculty requests evidence that all feasible remedieswith less impact on the academic mission of the University have been implemented; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that The University Administration provide evidence that best practice, including meaningful faculty involvement, has been followed in the determination, evaluation, and proposed use of the evidence referenced above.” Approved Budget: 2011-2012 October 6, 2011 No Vote “Regular Personnel Expenses $43, 923 Other Operating Expense $17,000 Relief Allocated to Units $36,432 Total Budget $97,355”