SSC committee 10/11 Minutes The Henley College Corporation MINUTES of the Meeting of the Strategy, Students and Curriculum Committee held on 25th November 2010 at 5:30pm Members present: Louise Adams (Member) Catharine Darnton (Member/Partner School Head) Tom Espley (Principal/Member) David Golby (Staff Member) Jasminder Love (Provisional Parent Governor) Steve Matthews (Member/Chair for this meeting) Helen Nacai (Student representative in lieu of Charlotte Brooker) Jasmine Peris (Student Member) Tony Sanderson (Member) In attendance: Peter Allen (Assistant Principal/Student Services) Simon Cuthbert (Assistant Principal/Curriculum & Quality) Margaret McGrory (Corporation Secretary) Agenda item 1.1 10/11 Minute Action by: Opening of meeting The meeting opened at 5:37pm. Owing to the recent resignation of James Porter from the Corporation, the Chair for this committee was vacant. Following an appeal by the Corporation Secretary for volunteers for future chair, S Matthews had offered to chair this meeting and had persuaded Susan Norton to take the Chair for this Committee for the rest of the academic year. S Norton was unable to attend this meeting as she is unavailable on Thursday evenings. There was unanimous approval for S Matthews to chair this meeting and for S Norton to become chair from the next meeting onwards. The Chair introduced Mrs Jasminder Love to the Committee as the College’s new Parent Governor. The Chair also welcomed Jasmine Peris to the Committee. J Peris is one of the Student Members of the Corporation by virtue of her position as Vice President (and now acting President) of the Student’s Union. Due to Charlotte Brooker’s resignation as Student Union President, due to ill health, the meeting was also attended by the Student Union’s Charities Office, Helen Nacai. 1.2 10/11 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from S Norton, S Wiborg and J SSC committee Minutes of 25 November 2010 Page 1 of 7 Approved by Chair SSC committee 10/11 Minutes Wehmeier, Quality Manager. All other committee members were present. 1.3 10/11 Declaration of interests No interests were declared. 1.4 10/11 Minutes of the meeting of 24 May 2010 The committee agreed that the minutes were an accurate record of the meeting of 24 May 2010 and the minutes were signed by the Chair. 1.5 10/11 Matters arising See page 5, item 3.6, 2.9 – The Corporation had approved the SAR at the meeting on 29 March. It had been noted that the Assistant Principal /Curriculum & Quality would meet with the new SU Executive to discuss the SAR after the May half term. This item was carried forward. Assistant Principal/ C&Q Student Members See page 8, item 3.8 – When considering item 1.3 of the operational plan, it was commented that student experiences of the tutorial programme are mixed. Some tutors simply read out letters or College information, whilst others work with the students well and give good feedback. It was proposed by the Principal, and agreed, that a Lead Principal/ Tutor should be invited to the next meeting of this committee to report on Corporation Secretary the inconsistency experienced by students. This item was carried forward to the March meeting. See page 9, item 3.9 – It was suggested, and generally agreed that the next meeting of this committee should consider further the points made in the discussion about the role of the Curriculum Board. This item was carried forward to the March Meeting. Principal/ Corporation Secretary/ Committee Chair See page 11, item 3.12 – it was noted that C Darnton had advised the Committee of the existence of Oxfordshire County Council guidance on staff conduct in relation to social networking sites and she had subsequently forwarded a copy to the College. The Principal stated at Corporation this meeting (25 Nov) that he would like a copy forwarded to the next Secretary/ Principal meeting and a discussion held about “cyberbullying”. See page 12, item 3.14 – The committee approved the terms of reference as drafted and approved the draft standing agenda with one change (the word “recommend” is to be substituted for “determine” in the last item of the “Each Meeting” section). The committee agreed to recommend to the Corporation that the terms of reference and standing agenda should be approved. These two items are to be followed up by the Corporation Secretary. 1.6 10/11 Corporation Secretary Corporation Secretary Feedback from Recent Ofsted Inspection The Chair expressed his thanks to all concerned for their hard work in preparing for, and contributing to the recent Ofsted inspection. The Principal thanked the Assistant Principal/Curriculum & Quality (C&Q) for his role as College nominee and his contribution in obtaining a good report. He advised the Committee that there were some very important actions to enact. The College’s overall rating was “Good” but greater consistency needed to be achieved and specific points needed improvement. He thanked the Students Union for their help during the SSC committee Minutes of 25 November 2010 Page 2 of 7 Approved by Chair SSC committee 10/11 Minutes inspection. The Assistant Principal/C&Q reported that superficially there was no change in the overall rating as the College had received a “Good” report last time. However, consistency was key. The outcomes were good but the value added could be improved and some subject areas were not as good as others. The Chair asked for clarification on what was meant by “value added”. The Assistant Principal/C&Q explained that students get an average score from their GCSE results at school. On the basis of this they are given a projection of their likely results at A and AS level and for National Diploma courses. The actual results are then compared with this forecast. If students did well at school, it is difficult to get a value added score for them. C Darnton pointed out that different Ofsted inspectors seem to take different views on this. One local school recently received an “Outstanding” score without having a clear value added score. In her opinion, the difference between subjects was more important. The Assistant Principal/C&Q went on to point out that a particular Ofsted concern was whether all students benefitted to the same extent from their lecturers and tutors. The College was asked to list its 15 best lecturers during the inspection. All received a “Good” or “Outstanding” rating which confirms that the College SLT know who their strong staff are. Governors came out well during the inspection and the College was considered to have good governance, leadership and management. Quality was weaker with some individual teachers not being aware of their weaknesses as identified by their lead tutors. On being asked about their own experiences of their tutors, J Peris reported that her tutor was excellent, always covered matters arising and arranged good talks from outside the College. H Nacai reported that she received good tutorials covering newsletters and UCAS applications. Another area for significant improvement is Equality & Diversity (E&D). C Darnton asked if the College management knew E&D would be a major part of the inspection. The Assistant Principal/C&Q said he knew it would be a limiting grade but it was clear that they were looking for something unusually special rather than just good examples. D Golby reported that since Ofsted didn’t see E&D embedded in lesson plans etc., they didn’t accept that it was embedded. L Adams asked how E&D should be embedded in the plan for a science lesson, for example. The Assistant Principal/C&Q gave an example of a Physics lesson where although the majority of students were boys, they should be reminded that Physics is for everyone by reinforcing images of girls studying Physics. C Darnton feels that we need to give an experience of E&D that is not readily available to students in the local community. The Principal reported that this was the toughest part of the inspection although the outcomes show that we are doing well. J Love offered to help promote E&D within the College. She pointed out that there are many more subtle areas to be looked at than just the basic ethnic groups e.g. making sure that Eastern European students aren’t feeling isolated. D Golby feels that the College looks for problems with minority groups rather than celebrating its successes. J Love suggested promoting E&D SSC committee Minutes of 25 November 2010 Page 3 of 7 Approved by Chair SSC committee 10/11 Minutes successes on the College website. The Principal concluded the discussion by stating his intention to produce an action plan from the Ofsted report. The College will then be on track to becoming “Outstanding”. He hoped to use the Staff meeting at the end of December, the Staff INSET day in January and governor’s training on 7th February to formulate this. Other areas of the inspection apart from E&D were as expected. 1.7 10/11 Student Applications, Enrolments and Funding Against Plan The Principal presented his report (see Appendix 1.7). He reported that it had been a challenge to achieve our funding target for this year and numbers would be difficult to maintain. Although the College had steadily grown in recent years, national demographics showed a 7% reduction in 16-19 year olds. We had 100 more applications this year compared with last year but the conversion rate was lower, resulting in slightly fewer 1619 students but the College gained some NEETS (Not in Education, Employment or Training). A level numbers continue to grow, IB numbers remained the same and National Diploma numbers were down. We received more students this year from Icknield and Langtree partner schools but less from Gillotts. C Darnton informed the Committee that Gillotts don’t always know where their students have gone but Connexions should. Students will pick particular courses based on sibling feedback. C Darnton C Darnton will forward information from Connexions when received. L Adams gave her opinion that many are choosing to stay in a school environment as it is felt they will perform better. The Assistant Principal/C&Q reported that Highdown have become an academy and so are attracting students away from Chiltern Edge and Langtree. The Principal reported that Reading College has re-invented itself and BCA are looking for more students. However, despite the pressures, the Henley College has grown by approx. 500 more students over the last few years. The Chair asked the Principal to include this report in his report to the Principal Corporation in December. 1.8 10/11 Annual Report on Student Achievement and Value Added The Assistant Principal/C&Q presented his report on the LAT (Learner Achiever Tracker) (see Appendix 1.8a.) There are different ways of measuring Value Added. The LAT involves state schools only and comes straight out of the exam board results so it is not open to doctoring by schools. It shows students achieve in accordance with expectations for A Level and BND but more of them achieve in line with expectations compared with the national average. Although the results for the IB are negative overall there is doubt as to whether they can be successfully measured using the LAT so we can’t depend on this report as a measure for the IB. Results for English Language don’t look good but there were issues with the marking of coursework which have now been put right. Some BND results are very high despite taking in students with C/D/E SSC committee Minutes of 25 November 2010 Page 4 of 7 Approved by Chair SSC committee 10/11 Minutes results at GCSE and some have since gone on to university. The Assistant Principal/C&Q then turned to the draft Self Assessment Report (SAR) for 2009/10 (see Appendix 1.8b). He drew the Committee’s attention to section 2.5 on page 29 showing the latest LSC Learner Responsive data where it is reported “the 09/10 overall success rate of 83.2% is above the latest available 75th percentile (81.8%), putting the Henley College in the top quartile of all college for success rates.” Currently the College is performing as well as other sixth form colleges but we want to be better. The Dept of Ed. Performance date on page 31 shows a year on year improvement. The Assistant Principal/C&Q would like to see the score go from 210 this year to 220 before he feels we can say we are doing really well. The Henley Training Company had an Ofsted grade of “2” despite the fact that we are nearly 20% above the timely national benchmarks. Train to Gain (adults doing NVQs in the workplace) are, again, higher than the national average. C Darnton asked why the Henley Training Company (HTC) operate under a different name from the rest of The Henley College. The Assistant Principal/Student Services replied that it was a different marketing brand. L Adams asked whether the NEETs would get better support within The Henley College rather than within the HTC. The Principal replied that there was good support within the HTC and that students there had opted out of mainstream college courses so we needed to have a different approach to supporting these students and liaising with employers. The Assistant Principal/C&Q went on to talk about the 3 year trends in A2s. Getting success rates at A2 was becoming more difficult, hovering at the early 90s%. The results on page 35, however, show our A2 results very favourably against other institutions. The results for AS levels were less high. This may be due to the fact that most students drop 1 subject at the end of their 1st year so they mentally give up on these subjects before they take their exams. C Darnton warned that students need to ensure that they choose to study the right combination of subjects before enrolling. She felt that more liaison between the College and Gillotts School would be useful to achieve this. C Darnton left the meeting at 6:55pm. The Assistant Principal/C&Q went on to report a massive improvement in IB success rates. These were slightly down on ideal grades but the average point score was 32. The biggest room for improvement is in the GCSE results. There is a smaller gap between the genders than in the national average. Where students get learning support, they do better than those without support. Pathways were recently rated as “Outstanding”. On page 47 of the report, the results for “Ethnicity” were based on very small groups and so the statistics are not representative. SSC committee Minutes of 25 November 2010 Page 5 of 7 Approved by Chair SSC committee 10/11 1.9 10/11 Minutes Review of Operational Plan 2009/10 The Assistant Principal/C&Q presented the College’s Strategic Plan for 2009/10/11 (see Appendix 1.9). He reported that Ofsted were pleased within this report as a good source of information on how progress is measured and monitored and it shows a high proportion of objectives being completed or nearing completion. He pointed out that noncurriculum items such as buildings were not always under our control. S Matthews queried item 3.1a on page 15. Although the report stated that the item was complete, Ofsted were not happy about the outcome. He asked whether we should be more critical of ourselves. The Assistant Principal/C&Q replied that this was subject to further review. 1.10 10/11 Report on Safeguarding The Assistant Principal/Student Services (SS) presented his report on Safeguarding (see Appendix 1.10). This area came out well during Ofsted. Coach parking continues to be an issue but the College feel that the area parked in by the coaches is the safest for the students. Many sensitive student problems this year have taken up a lot of lead tutor time. 1.11 10/11 Report on Equality & Diversity The Assistant Principal/SS went on to present the report Equality & Diversity (E&D) (see Appendix 1.11) including an Action Plan for Sept 2010 to July 2011. The Principal advised the Committee that this document should be treated as a pro-tem starting point with a view to subsequently developing the document as discussed under item 1.6 above. S Norton has reviewed the document as Equality & Diversity governor. A more detailed document will be reviewed at the next meeting of this SLT/ J Love Committee and J Love offered to work with the Senior Leadership Team to put the document together. In the meantime, this version of the document would be forwarded to the next Corporation Meeting for approval. Corporation Secretary J Love asked the Assistant Principal/SS how and where the College promoted itself within ethnic minority groups. She suggested that the College liaise with the local temples, imams and other community groups and leaders as a quicker way of getting opinions and stronger relationships than with schools. Often it is the local religious groups who advice on choice of next educational provider, not the schools. 1.12 10/11 Annual Report on Marketing Strategy The Assistant Principal/SS presented his Marketing Strategy Report. He drew the Committee’s attention to the need to investigate the dip in entrants from Langtree and the need to maximise opportunities for parents to talk to Lead Tutors. 1.13 10/11 Student Satisfaction Survey/Learner Voice The Assistant Principal/Student Services presented the results of the Learner Voice surveys for the last academic year. There are three surveys, the first performed internally for students after their first few weeks at college, the second carried out as a national survey by the SSC committee Minutes of 25 November 2010 Page 6 of 7 Approved by Chair SSC committee 10/11 Minutes Skills Funding Agency as part of their Framework for Excellence review, and the third as an internal end of year questionnaire. In the national survey, the lowest scores were achieved for The advice given about what to do after college Acting on the views of learners The Principal reported that the College hopes to run a careers fair in future in response to the first point. Time available from Connexions staff will probably be subject to spending cuts. Jasmine Peris felt that some students may feel left out in tutor time where time is spent going through UCAS applications. The Principal also reported that there is room for improvement in the variety of teaching and learning methods and that this was a recurring theme. 1.14 10/11 Overview of Educational and Strategic Issues Relevant to the College The Principal presented his report giving an Overview of Educational and Strategic Issues relevant to the College (see Appendix 1.14). His report summarised what was known so far with respect to budgetary cuts from the Department for Education and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the scrapping of the Educational Maintenance Allowance (EMA) thought to affect 25% of students at the College, and the raising of the cap in tuition fees for higher education. 1.15 10/11 Any Other Business There was no other business to discuss. 1.16 10/11 Items to be Taken Forward to Next Corporation Meeting Report on Equality & Diversity (Students). 1.17 10/11 1.18 10/11 Corporation Secretary The Principal’s report to the Corporation meeting will summarise the rest. Date and Time of Next Meeting The next scheduled meeting is on Monday 28th February 2011 at 5:30pm. Meeting Closure The meeting closed at 7:34pm. MINUTES of the meeting held on 25 November 2010 were agreed and accepted as a true and accurate record and signed by the Chair ………………………………....…………….. on …………………………………………. SSC committee Minutes of 25 November 2010 Page 7 of 7 Approved by Chair