PY460: Physiological Psychology

PY460: Biological Bases of Behavior
Chapter 8: Movement
Module 8.1:
Module 8.2:
Module 8.3:
The Control of Movement
Brain Mechanisms in Movement
Disorders of Movement
Slide 2: The Control of Movement
Introduction: Clip #10: Sensory Motor Integration
movement-- an extremely complex process
 complex “motor control” often w/o thought
Muscles-- “The Final Path”- multiple fibers
Smooth Muscle
movement of internal organs
 stomach, arterial lining
Cardiac muscles (myocardium) interconnected bands of muscle
Skeletal Muscles- striated
long cylindrical fibers- “striped appearance”
Slide 3: Muscle Movement: Axons and Acetylcholine
Axon to fiber ratio- greater the ratio the more precise
the movements [class; “typing with & w/o mittens]
 e.g., eye= 1:3 arm (bicep)
Neuromuscular junction- where the “motor neuron”
meets a muscle fiber
NTR of movement- acetylcholine
effect: “contraction”, no Ach = relaxation
Myasthenia Gravis- An “autoimmune disease”- body attacks
acetylcholine receptors
 2-3 per 100,000 over 75 years of age
 Symptoms-progressive weakening and rapid fatigue of striated
muscles as receptors are gradually destroyed.
 Treatment-Immune suppressants & drugs inhibiting
Slide 4: Muscles Types and Functions
Antagonistic Muscles- opposing sets of muscles
 Flexors- flexes or raises muscles
 Extensors- extends or straightens
Fish Muscles- (movements & duration)
 red (slow & long), pink (slow & not as long), white (fast & short)
Chicken Muscles (“white and dark meat”)
 breast- fast acceleration, short duration
 leg- long duration, not as fast (walking).
Human Muscles
 Fast Twitch (anaerobic)
– sprints/fast acceleration
 Slow Twitch (aerobic)
– duration/slow acceleration, speed
Slide 5: Proprioceptors-Feedback on Position & Movement
Proprioceptor: a receptor on the muscle sensitive to changes in
muscle position and movement (“stretch”) of muscle. Respond
with muscle contraction
Stretch Reflex- mediated at the spinal cord level
Muscle Spindle- stretch receptor attached parallel to
muscle fibers sensitive to elongation of fibers
knee-jerk response
Golgi Tendon Organ- responds to increases in muscle
 Prevents excessive vigorous contraction (which would
occur without it)
Life with reduced proprioception (babies, case in text)
Slide 6: Voluntary/Involutary Movements & Feedback
Types of Movements
Ballistic- large reflexive (all or none type) movements
Few ballistic movements-- most subject to feedback
Limits on Voluntary and Involuntary movement
few strictly involuntary, few strictly voluntary
limits of each (try swallowing 10 times)
Parkinson patients walking characteristics
INFANT REFLEXES: grasp reflex, Babinski reflex,
rooting reflex, allied reflex
presence in adults signal damage to Cerebral Cortex
Slide 7: Coordinated Movement
Central Pattern Generator- proposed mechanism in
spinal cord or brain that generates rhythmic patterns of
“coordinated motor activity” that is extreme regular
within species
stimulation of this mechanism affect action, but not
frequency (apparently)
– dog shaking off water, scratching reflex
Sequence of movements (e.g., walking) called a “Motor
 can be learned and built in. Think of a few!
 Can be part of evolutionary inheritance
– Yawning
Slide 8: The Spinal Cord-- Motor Program Keeper
How is it that a chicken can run without its head?
In humans
chewing, swallowing, breathing are controlled below
the brain at the level of spinal cord/medulla.
Some motor programs (scratch reflex) are independent
of brain feedback altogether
isolating of “scratch reflex” neurons from brain axons
does not affect intrinsic firing rate and subsequent
Rhythm of firing even unaffected by muscular
paralysis (the neurons are autorhythmic)
Slide 9: Brain and Movement (Begin Module 2)
Areas to be discussed
Cortical Areas in Movement
 Primary Motor Cortex- messages (axons) to the medulla
and spinal cord (just anterior to the precentral gyrus of the
cerebral cortex)
– control of “complex movement plans”
– not reflexive (sneezing, cough, gag, cry etc.)
 Areas near Primary Motor Cortex
Medulla and Spinal Cord- receive messages from PMC,
control muscle movements (reflexive, bilateral, peripheral)
– not much in chap 8, but see table 8.1
Basal Ganglia & Cerebellum moderate movements but do
not directly cause. (“selection, order, smoothing & future
Slide 10: The Cerebral Cortex
Primary Motor Cortex
Fritsch & Hitzig- ESB of PMC= coordinated movement
No direct connections to muscles, rather controls
“complex movement plans” involving several
muscles, not individual muscles.
 i.e., activates central pattern generators
 see fig 8.9- “motor homunculus”
See Figure 8.10- distribution of cells activated
during hand movements
Slide 11: Working with the Primary Motor CortexAdjacent Areas
Posterior Parietal Cortex- control actions related to visual or
somatosensory stimuli.
“cannot walk toward something they see”
Prefrontal Cortex- active in planning a potential movementresponds to sensory stimuli (future movement planning)
Premotor Cortex- active in preparation for movement, not
during movement though.
Supplementary Motor Cortex- active during planning stage
for rapid series of movements that require starting one movement
before finishing another
e.g., Typing
Preparation for Movement coordinated waves of activity among these structure sending
complex signals to PMC then down to the medulla and spinal cord.
Slide 12: Brain to Spinal Cord: 2 Tracks of Action
Dorsolateral Tract- axons projecting from PMC and Red
Nucleus of Midbrain
axons cross over to opposite side of body controlling
peripheral unlearned fine movements.
 hands, fingers, toes
sometimes called the pyramidal tract
Ventromedial Tract- axons from PMC and SMC
axons branch to both sides- damage affects coordinate
“side to side movements” like walking, standing, sitting,
“twisting”, that is “bilateral movements”.
 Neck, shoulders, trunk
2 tracks act together to produce complete set of function
muscle movements
Slide 13: The Cerebellum- “Follow My Finger”
Cerebellum- important in learned motor responses
programs allowing rapid sequential movement
damage-- trouble with rapid motor sequences requiring
accuracy and timing
 tapping to a rhythm
 speaking
 “adapting to prisms that distort vision”
“Saccades”- ballistic eye movements from one fixation point to
damage or drunkenness (cerebellum 1st place affected by
drink)- many small movements to fixate
Finger-to-Nose- inaccurate first movement, finger wavers
during “hold”
Slide 14: Cellular Organization of Cerebellum
& Duration of Movement
Perpendicular Organization of Cerebellar Cortex
precisely organized cellular structure
 Parallel Fibers
 Purkinge Cells (transmit to interior)
– fire separately
– inhibitory
Duration of movement
affected by number of Purkinge cells affected by
parallel fiber excitation
Slide 15: Basal Ganglia: Organizing Planned Movements
Basal Ganglia has many roles- damage often results in
much more than movement problems (e.g., memory,
problem solving).
but some insight on its contributions to movement
 seems to help in organizing new and habitual movements
and inhibit unwanted movements (caudate nucleus)
– e.g., signing your name
 study of clumsy children
Slide 16: Parkinson’s Disease
Symptoms- gradually increasing muscles tremors, slowed
movement, inaccurate aim, difficult initiating physical, mental
Muhammad Ali
Prevalence: 1 per 100 over age 50
Physiology- cell degradation in the substantia nigra & amygdala
decreased dopamine at D1 and D2 receptors resulting in net inhibitory
response, thus “downstream” decreased excitation by cerebral cortex
and thalamus
Natural degradation with age, some start with less cells, or lose at
faster rate than others.
[Early and Late-Onset Parkinson’s (p.243)]
Slide 17: Etiology and Treatment of Parkinson’s
Suggested Causes
 Inheritance
Interrupted blood flow to areas of the brain
Previous encephalitis or viral infection
Prolonged exposure to drugs/toxins
 unlikely however that cause of most cases are due to drug abuse or
exposure to toxin (Paraquat) (MPP+ MPTP).
– Likely these factors contribute to process of degradation already active
Treatment: L-Dopa- cross BBB converted to dopamine.
Stereotyped movements, Delusions, Hallucinations
A “window” where helpful, soon disease too severe
Nicotine-- Smoking??
Other Therapies [p.245]
Slide 18: Huntingdon’s Disease
A severe neurological disorder marked by gradually
worsening tremors/twitches to severe writhing affecting
daily movements like talking, walking, eating etc.
Prevalence: 1 per 10,000
Widespread brain damage, particular area releasing
GABA an inhibitory neurotransmitter
especially in basal ganglia (caudate nucleus etc.)
Genetic Conditions/Considerations
A dominant mutant gene.. Thus parent has 50% chance of
passing disorder on.
Can test for the gene to determine not only who will get, but
approximately when.
In vitro testing, other ethical issues
Slide 20: Spinal Cord Disorders
ParalysisParaplegiaQuadriplegiaPoliomyelitisLou Gehrig’s DiseaseOthers
Flaccid Paralysis
Spastic Paralysis
Tabes Dorsalis