2015 Final Exam Review Sheet - White Plains Public Schools

Format of Exam:
 35multiple-choice questions [70points]
 5 D.B.Q. scaffolding questions [10 points]
 1 Thematic Essay [20 points]
Location of Exam:
 A118
Time of Exam:
 Friday, June 12th – Period 2 (7:40 – 9:10) & Period 5 (9:20 – 10:50)
 Monday, June 15th – Period 3 (7:40 – 9:10)
Materials to Bring:
 Sharpened #2 Pencils for multiple choice
 Pens for DBQs and Essay
Study Resources:
 Review class notes and handouts
 Class website: http://www.whiteplainspublicschools.org/41121253249457/site/default.asp
NOTE: The exam counts for 16% of your final grade for the year
Basic Vocabulary and Miscellaneous Info for Exam:
Key Terms:
 Cultural diffusion
 ethnocentrism
 Golden age
Fact vs. opinion
world geography/map skills
Human Beginnings:
Key Terms:
 Archaeology
 Neolithic Revolution
 Civilization
Other Info:
-Know where human beings first developed
-Know the characteristics of civilizations (How do you get from farming to civilization?)
-Explain how social classes emerged
Ancient Civilizations (River Valley Civilizations):
Key Terms:
 Fertile Crescent/ Tigris and Euphrates Rivers
 Indus River
 Nile River
 Huang He (Yellow River)/Yangtze River
Other Info:
-Explain how geography impacted the development of each of these regions
-Know the achievements of these early river civilizations
Classical Civilizations of the West (Ancient Greece, Macedonia, and Rome):
Key Terms:
 Polis = Athens/Sparta
 Twelve Tables of Rome
 democracy
 Pax Romana
 slavery
Other Info:
-Understand the contributions of the Roman Empire and Golden Age of Greece
Classical Civilizations of the East (India and China):
Key Terms:
 Mandate of Heaven
 Civil Service Exams
 Gupta
 Silk Road
 Qin Dynasty
 Asoka and his Edicts
 Han Dynasty
Other Info:
-Understand the characteristics and achievements of the Gupta Dynasty in India
-Understand the importance of the Silk Road
World Religions and Philosophies (Refer to my Global History Review Packet)
 Judaism
 Islam
 Christianity
Byzantine Empire:
Key Terms:
 Eastern Orthodox Christianity
 Constantinople
 Preserved Greco-Roman texts
Other Information:
-Understand the impact of the Byzantine Empire on Russia and geographic reasons for this influence
-Understand how did the fall of the Byzantine Empire to the Ottomans change world history
Golden Age of Islam:
Key Terms:
 Five Pillars
 Muhammad
 Shiite
 Sunni
 Qur’an
 Umayyads/Abbasids
Other Information:
-Understand the achievements of the Muslim world
-Understand the location and full extent (size) of the Muslim Empire
-Understand treatment of conquered peoples within Muslim Empire
-Understand why there was a split within Islam
Middle Ages:
Key Terms:
 Feudalism
 Manorialism
 Church: It’s power and lay investiture
Black Death
Other Information:
-Know the causes of feudalism and manorialism (why they developed) and their main characteristics
-Understand the causes and effects of the Crusades/Why were the Crusades a successful failure?
- Understand reasons for the spread of the Black Death
Golden Age of China:
Key Terms:
 Tang Dynasty
 Song Dynasty
 Civil Service Exam
Other Information:
-Understand the cultural & technological achievements during the Tang and Song Dynasties
Golden Age of Japan:
Key Terms:
 Archipelago
 Tokugawa
Other Information:
-Understand the geography of Japan
-Understand the basic features of Japanese feudalism (and similarities between knights and samurai)
African Civilizations:
Key Terms:
 Sahara Desert
 Bantu Migration
 Ghana – Mali – Songhai
 Trans-Saharan Gold-Salt Trade
 Mansa Musa
Ibn Battuta
Stateless Society
Other Information:
-Understand the topography of Africa and its impact
-Understand the geography and economic features (trade) of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai
Key Terms:
 Genghis Khan
Kublai Khan
Marco Polo
Other information:
-Understand the full extent (size) of the Mongol Empire
-Understand the effects of Mongol rule on Russia and China
Renaissance Period:
Key Terms:
 Humanism
 Niccolò Machiavelli
 Guttenberg Press
 Erasmus
Other Information:
-Understand the political and economic changes in Western Europe during the late Middle Ages and early
Renaissance period
-Understand the achievements of the Renaissance in Western Europe
-Understand the differences between the Italian and Northern Renaissance
Protestant Reformation:
Key Terms:
 Martin Luther/Ninety-Five Theses
 Indulgences
Other Information:
-Understand the causes of the Protestant Reformation
-Understand the ideas/teachings of Martin Luther
Henry VIII
Pre-Columbian Civilizations:
Key Terms:
 Mayans
 Slash-and-burn
terrace farming
Other Information:
-Understand reasons (and theories) regarding the decline of the Maya, Aztec, and Inca
-Understand the basic achievements of the Pre-Columbian American civilizations
-Explain how each civilization adapted to their geography
Age of Exploration:
Key Terms:
 Hernan Cortes
 Francisco Pizarro
 Encomienda System
 Mercantilism
 Middle Passage
 Columbian Exchange
 Commercial Revolution
Other Information:
-Understand the causes of the Age of Exploration
-Understand the impact of Europeans on Native American populations
-Understand the causes of the African slave trade (Why did Europeans turn to African slavery?)
Key Terms: None
Other Information:
-Know the characteristics of an absolute monarch
-How does the European Divine Right compare to China’s Mandate of Heaven
-Know examples of intolerance from the likes of Philip II, Louis XIV, et al.
You will write an essay on one of the following topics: Cultural Interactions 1000 C.E. -1550 C.E. and an
evaluation of their consequences, Belief Systems and the impact they have on their followers, or
Geography and evaluate how certain features impacted humans in the region. Each class will receive a
different essay. Be prepared for all three. For each essay, you must discuss three examples of the
aforementioned topics. Be sure to write neatly. Illegible essays may result in a lower grade.
Good luck on the exam and good luck in World History AP next year. Be good!
p.s. If you have questions while studying, e-mail me at markspiconardi@wpcsd.k12.ny.us